
Explain xkcd: It's 'cause you're dumb.
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Another fan of XKCD :) Discovered it through the "new" What if section - and has then proceeded to the beginning of the XKCD comic. And found that I needed this page to fully understand and appreciate many of the comics.


I have so far (May 2014) only progressed through the first 400 comics (+ references) but have read all the new since October 2013. So there may be many favorites waiting for me. (Reached no. 400 on May 28th 2014, then 480 September 15th 2014 - slow progress at the moment. 500 in November. 530 reached in January 2015. 540 march 2015. 550 June 2015. 560 mid June 2015. 570 end of July 2015. 582 September 1st 2015. 585 October 20th. 591 February 14th 2016).

This is just a list of some comics I really appreciate:


Defining tile Second tile Images Description
(945, 1074) (946, 1074) Overview Elon Musk's Volcanic Lair
(944, 1079) (945, 1079) Overview "What news of the world above? Please tell me - what's hot and viral? What's trending on Twitter?"
(995, 1083) (994, 1074) Overview Washington Monument
(1012, 1078) (1013, 1078) Overview Captain's log and T-shirt gun
(1078, 1095) (1077, 1094) Overview A man addressing a giant, pregnant, ant. Cueball: "What's up?" Ant: "The usual. Pooping out ants." Cueball: "Eww."

This is probably a reference to a part of Orson Scott Card's "Xenocide" in his Ender series. In it, the main character, Ender, visits a hive queen "bugger" he saved on his travels and became friends with, at a time after the queen has settled in on a new planet. At one point, Ender brings other humans to meet the queen at a time when she was giving birth to some of her drones. This is most likely meant to represent a parody of that conversation or else represent a comedic idea of his first conversation with her when she had been birthing, where Ender is alone and is speaking to the Hive Queen. In this version, when he finds out that she is in the process of birthing more ants, rather than being compassionate and understanding with the Queen (as he is in the book), Ender is weirded out like the other humans he brings along with him later.