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Ravioli-Shaped Objects
It's a real accomplishment to mess up a ravioli recipe badly enough that the resulting incident touches all four quadrants of the NFPA hazard diamond.
Title text: It's a real accomplishment to mess up a ravioli recipe badly enough that the resulting incident touches all four quadrants of the NFPA hazard diamond.


Ambox notice.png This explanation may be incomplete or incorrect: Created by a BULGING LITHIUM BATTERY THROW PILLOW BEING EATEN WITH A FORK- Ideally the article would contain grounded explanations of both of the views that bulging lithium batteries are either dangerous or safe. How would an explosion happen, or why would it not? Please change this comment when editing this page. Do NOT delete this tag too soon.

Ravioli are a kind of stuffed pasta comprising a filling enveloped in thin pasta dough, commonly square shaped, and serving as the object of this comic's confusion matrix. This comic compares 4 'ravioli-shaped' objects (square shaped objects with bulging cross-sections due to their filling) with common actions associated with them.

Ravioli-Shaped Objects Eat with a fork Rest your head on Puncture and slurp Install in your phone
Ravioli Ravioli pasta would indeed be suitable to be eaten with a fork, as shown. Ravioli pasta is not structurally strong enough to support the weight of a human head while reclining and would break and spill its filling over your head and the object one is resting on. If the ravioli filling is liquid enough, one could slurp it out with a straw. Phones are not meant to run on ravioli.[citation needed] Stuffing a phone with a raviolo would cause it to break as shown, spilling the filling through the phone, which is a terrible idea.
Throw pillow Throw pillows are made of cloth and are inedible, whether one uses a fork or not. A throw pillow is meant to be used as head support while reclining on furniture. Throw pillows do not have liquids inside them. Hence, Cueball finds, to his dismay, that they're empty. Throw pillows are significantly bigger than phones and as such can't fit inside them, nor power them. As depicted, the attempt to force a pillow inside the phone has split the latter in half; the top half of the phone is visible on top of the pillow, and a bit of the bottom half can be seen beneath it.
Capri Sun Eating a Capri Sun, a pouch of sweetened juice, with a fork would most likely simply pierce the pouch and spill the liquid all over Cueball. A Capri Sun would serve as a waterbed of sorts, and wouldn't be unduly uncomfortable in a pinch. However, it's still possible that the pouch could rupture and leave you with a sticky head and no support. Capri Suns are meant to be drunk like this, and are enjoyed by many. The phone shown is surrounded by spilled Capri Sun, implying that the attempt to force the two together punctured the pouch. The resulting spillage would most likely just result in the surface of the phone becoming annoyingly sticky, but if the liquid managed to get inside the phone (especially if the cover had been removed to try to put it 'in' the compartment that usually holds the battery) it could cause a more significant and difficult to clean mess. Once actual power is provided (either an actual battery being subsequently used or the device offered external power by cable or inductance charger), the remaining residue could cause any number of further faults, and perhaps even critical component damage.
Bulging Lithium Battery Bulging lithium batteries are explosive hazards and should not be punctured lest they explode. Additionally the contents of the battery are toxic if one were to somehow manage to eat the burning bits of the battery. A lithium battery is a small, hard object, and a bulging one is no exception. Since the bulging comes from a buildup of heat and gas, (the primary gasses being hydrogen and carbon dioxide), it would also be a constant fire hazard, which would not be conducive to relaxation.[citation needed] Lithium battery themed throw pillows, which bulge similarly to such batteries, do exist as a novelty item. Notably, these types of batteries are often referred to as "spicy pillows". Similarly to the 'eat with a fork' example, puncturing a bulging lithium battery is a bad idea. A bulging lithium battery could be installed in a phone, if one is willing to break the phone a bit (like the screen in the comic) to accommodate the bulging of the battery. Also a terrible idea, as operating the lithium battery in this condition may result in the battery catching fire or worse. More commonly, bulging batteries form inside the phone itself, causing it to bulge outwards.

Surprisingly, this square is marked in green rather than red or yellow, as the first thing one should do on noticing bulging of the battery is to uninstall it from any device that it is in. It is at least no longer good at holding/delivering its charge, and may even become at least as hazardous as when used in all the other scenarios. Perhaps this is an xkcd phone, and these are considered features, such as 'integrated hand warmer' and 'dynamic expansion'.

The title text refers to the NFPA 704 diagram for hazardous materials, a diamond figure put out by the National Fire Protection Association showing four kinds of fire hazards. A ravioli that touched all four quadrants would be a health hazard, fire hazard, and demonstrate instability, and have some other miscellaneous hazard(s). The NFPA diamond was prevoiously mentioned in 2638: Extended NFPA Hazard Diamond.


Ambox notice.png This transcript is incomplete. Please help editing it! Thanks.
[A 4x4 grid of squares. The columns are labeled: Eat with a fork, rest your head on, puncture and slurp, install in your phone. The rows are: Ravioli, throw pillow, Capri Sun, bulging lithium battery. Each row has an image of each respective item above the title, with the words “Home Sweet Home” on the throw pillow, and “Fruit” on the Capri Sun.]
Ravioli, eat with a fork: [green]
[Cueball sits on a chair in front of a table with a jar of sauce on it. He is eating from a plate from ravioli.]
Cueball: Nom Nom Nom
Ravioli, Rest your head on: [red]
[Cueball is lying down on a couch with ravioli smooshed on his head and the couch. Ravioli bits can be seen on the ground]
Cueball: Eww.
Ravioli, puncture and slurp: [yellow]
[Cueball is slurping from a ravioli through a straw. In front of him is table with two plates, presumably with ravioli on them.]
Ravioli, Install in your phone: [red]
[A phone is shown with bits of ravioli sticking out and tomato sauce is dripping out.]
Throw pillow, eat with a fork: [red]
[Cueball sits on a chair in front of a table with a jar of sauce on it. He is poking with a fork at a throw pillow covered in tomato sauce.]
Poke poke
Throw pillow, rest your head on: [green]
[Cueball is looking at his phone and is lying on a couch. His head is resting on a throw pillow.]
Throw pillow, puncture and slurp: [red]
[Cueball is sucking on a straw that is inserted in a pillow.]
Cueball: Aw man, this one is empty.
Throw pillow, install in your phone: [red]
[A phone is shown on a throw pillow that has the words “Home Sweet Home” partially obscured.]
Capri Sun, eat with a fork: [red]
[Cueball sits on a chair in front of a table with a jar of sauce on it. He has stabbed a Capri Sun on a plate and is now splattered with juice.]
Capri Sun, rest your head on: [yellow]
[Cueball is looking at his phone and is lying on a couch. His head is resting on a Capri Sun.]
Cueball: Honestly kind of comfortable.
Capri Sun, puncture and slurp: [green]
[Cueball is drinking from a Capri Sun through a straw.]
Capri Sun, Install in your phone: [red]
[A phone is shown to be squishing a Capri Sun. Juice is trickling out.]
Bulging lithium battery, eat with a fork: [red]
[An explosion bordered by 4 skull and crossbones.]
Bulging lithium battery, rest your head on: [red]
[Cueball is looking at his phone and lying on his couch. His head is resting on a smoldering battery.]
Cueball: This fire hazard is uncomfortable.
Bulging lithium battery, puncture and slurp: [red]
[An explosion bordered by 4 skull and crossbones.]
Bulging lithium battery, install in your phone: [green]
[A phone with a bulging back, presumably from the bulging lithium battery. The phone’s screen is cracked in the center.]

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