108: M.C. Hammer Slide

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M.C. Hammer Slide
Once, long ago, I saw this girl go by. I didn't stop and talk to her, and I've regretted it ever since.
Title text: Once, long ago, I saw this girl go by. I didn't stop and talk to her, and I've regretted it ever since.


The base part of the comic is self-explanatory: Girl attracts Boy, Boy notices Girl, Boy approaches Girl, Girl reacts positively, Boy falls in love, Girl decides to answer lovecall, happily ever after etc. The quirk in this comic is the way Girl catches attention of Boy in the comic: through the signature move of 1980's rapper MC Hammer (the slide). To watch MC Hammer doin' the slide, click here.

The title text indicates that Randall once saw a girl go by and regrets that he did not speak with her as Boy does in this comic. The title text is unclear whether Randall is stressing the word "this". It is possible that the girl Randall is referring to was actually doing the slide.


[Two guys stand next to each other talking.]
Hairy: I just feel like somewhere out there is the girl for me.
Cueball: Yeah.
Hairy: Someone loving and caring.
Cueball: I know what you mean.
Hairy: A girl whose only mode of transportation is the M.C. Hammer Slide.
Cueball: Yeah.
Cueball: ...Wait, what?
[Megan hammer slides past.]
[Hairy sees Megan hammer slide and it's love at first sight.]
[Megan hammer slides over into Hairy's waiting arms.]

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Rikthoff (talk) The issue date is off, because the image doesn't have a create date. Can anyone fix the date?

I love the idea behind this comic, but I think it would be awkward when you are on a date and, for example, you walk into a restaurant together. People might look at you weird. 20:38, 24 January 2014 (UTC)

Why would you care how strangers look at you? That would be a miserable, stressful existence. If someone doesn't like a consensual thing you're doing, the problem is them, not you. -Kazvorpal (talk) 22:22, 19 September 2019 (UTC)

I want to live in the universe where Randall Munroe was serious about having seen this girl IRL. And that's despite having despised the Hammer Slide since its inception. — Kazvorpal (talk) 13:39, 13 March 2024 (UTC)