User talk:Davidy22

Explain xkcd: It's 'cause you're dumb.
Revision as of 08:21, 11 November 2012 by Davidy22 (talk | contribs) (Just asking)
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Hi Davidy22,

Just a quick thanks for helping roll back so much of the vandalism. Per your recent log comment, yes, there has been a recent spate of vandalism; before yesterday, it was the odd spammer that I've had to remove. But with the advent of Click and Drag, there's also been an insurgence of ip-based vandalism. I'm hoping this is just a spike owing to the popularity of the comic, but I'm with you; if it doesn't die down, something more drastic is going to have to be done.

But again, thanks for helping...

-- IronyChef (talk) 14:17, 21 September 2012 (UTC)

Please don't

Please don't create the redirects to explanations that haven't been created yet. It breaks the next and previous buttons, and gives people that are browsing through the explanations the false impression that the site is more complete than it is. lcarsos (talk) 06:41, 25 September 2012 (UTC)

Ah, I'll stop then. Didn't know that. Davidy22 (talk) 07:17, 25 September 2012 (UTC)

Davidy22, the spam connoisseur

Congratulations on transcending from being annoyed at all spam to recognizing the truly beautiful works of spammage from the rest of the cruddy heap. We should throw a party, lol. lcarsos (talk) 16:33, 1 November 2012 (UTC)

Hey, it *was* a well written bit of spam. It was one of those copy/paste types of spam, except it was nicely formatted and coherent all the way through. It was informative too. A great change from the mindless template drivel or gibberish that we usually get. Davidy22(talk) 23:11, 1 November 2012 (UTC)

Just asking

Was there a reason you deleted most of the List of all comics? lcarsos (talk) 05:21, 11 November 2012 (UTC)

What on- shi-
I was adding comic number 1132, and the preview was really slow, so I copied everything in the edit box and refreshed the page. I think half of the page hadn't finished loading in the edit box, and I only copied the first half. Derp Davidy22(talk) 08:21, 11 November 2012 (UTC)