Category:Incomplete explanations

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A sure sign of diabetes in children is Blood Sugar Formula frequent urination. This can be explained due to the fact that when the brain detects that there is too much glucose in the bloodstream, it will alert the kidneys of the body to excrete it in the urine thus there is excessive urination. It can also be evident that when the urine is tested, there is the presence of glucose in large amounts which is not normal. Aside from that since the child will urinate at frequent times, he will replenish it by drinking a lot of water. Cell thirst also occurs when someone has diabetes.

Moreover, when a child has diabetes there is evident weight loss. This is due to the fact that despite eating more due to the condition, the body will not be able to break it down due to the absence of insulin. That is why, the cells will just get its food from the stored fats and protein which can cause muscle wasting and thus decrease the weight of the child. Due to the lack of food in the cells, the child will be noticed to be weak and not active when it comes to doing different activities or playing around just like what a normal child does.

If you are a person with either type one or type two diabetes then you will have to keep up to a strict diet in order to control your blood sugar level. And as no one likes the idea of a diet this sis a fact that the diabetic patients have to face everyday as they cannot avoid it. As a diabetic you can always find something to cook and there are new recipes for diabetic patients coming out every day.