Category:Incomplete explanations

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If your home meets the space requirements,Ground Power Generator your next consideration is how big of a turbine you need to power your home. You need to determine how much power your home uses per year. For example, if your home uses about 9,400 kilowatt-hours of electricity per year you'll need a wind turbine that creates 5 to 15 kilowatts of power. This will help you make sure that your turbine is contributing to your power.

Your cost of investment can also be a factor in whether or not a wind turbine is right for you. A small turbine can be between $6,000 to $22,000, depending on the size of the turbine and the manufacturer's costs. It is estimated that it will take six to fifteen years for a homeowner to recoup the costs of the installation. Since a wind turbine can help keep energy costs low, the installation of one can actually add to the value of your home.

Alternatively, you can build your own home wind turbine for under $500 and recoup the investment very quickly. By getting plans for a turbine and using PVC pipe and plywood you can install your own wind turbine. In addition to the supplies, you'll need some familiarity with basic power tools. Within a day or two, you can have your own turbine to supply your home with power and lower your energy costs.