
Explain xkcd: It's 'cause you're dumb.
Revision as of 19:28, 19 April 2015 by Nk22 (talk | contribs)
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Cueball.png Don't ask what the heck 'nk22' means and certainly not about that octopus!

Hello there humans, animals, robots, undefined creatures, aliens, bacteria, goo, somethings and plants!

I'm Nathan, the person who suddenly added an horrible amount of tables to the 'Money' page and expanded the what if? page. Hope you liked it.

I also seem to have been at the number 3 2 spot for most edits. Wow.

I made 116 edits. Which is compared to the 3,145 articles around here, nothing.

I make up 1 / 132,242 of all users on this wiki, which is something like 0.0007561894%. Or 1 / 119, which is the number of active users, so that's around 0.8403361345%

The users who edited most today mostly include me. See for yourself if that's true
Today's rankings

Last day (Top 10)

Questions you might ask

  • Why do you do this‽

No idea

  • What year is it‽

It's exactly the year 2024, the month is June, the week is 24, the day is 13, which is a Thursday and the time is 18:14. Are you happy now?

  • Where the heck am I‽

On explain xkcd, on the page from Nathan

  • What's the deal with the interrobang‽


  • What is that octopus at the bottom doing there‽


Pages and comics and wiki's and edits
