1399: Chaos

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Revision as of 05:48, 25 July 2014 by (talk) (Explanation)
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Although the oral exam for the doctorate was just 'can you do that weird laugh?'
Title text: Although the oral exam for the doctorate was just 'can you do that weird laugh?'


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The daily-life meaning of chaos is disorder and out-of-control-ness in a situation, contrasting with the mathematical description, which relates to the behavior of dynamical systems that are highly sensitive to initial conditions (quoted from Wikipedia). The joke is that this person is studying chaos theory, a branch of mathematics, but expects to see dinosaurs escaping, an event which would cause real-life chaos.

This comic pokes fun at the 1993 film Jurassic Park, which featured Jeff Goldblum as a chaos theorist who foreshadowed dinosaurs escaping from their enclosures. The comic may be timely, as a third sequel to the film is scheduled for release next year.


[Cueball is staring at a whiteboard covered with equations and graphs. The dragon curve and a schematic of the bifurcation diagram of the logistic map (both famous figures from chaos theory) are visible.]
Cueball: For two decades, I've studied phase space, nonlinear equations, and strange attractors.
Cueball: And there is nothing in here about dinosaurs escaping.

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Dr. Ian Malcolm: Dr. Sattler, Dr. Grant, you've heard of chaos theory? No? Non-linear equations? Strange attractions? Dr. Sattler, I refuse to believe that you aren't familiar with the concept of attraction.[1] 05:09, 25 July 2014 (UTC)

Dr. Ian Malcolm: See, here I'm now sitting by myself, uh, er, talking to myself. That's, that's chaos theory. [2] 05:12, 25 July 2014 (UTC)
Thanks for the quotes -- they really helped with writing the explanation! 06:07, 25 July 2014 (UTC)

Why write 'third sequel' instead of 'fourth film'? It's quite confusing as I initially misread it to be the third instalment instead of sequel. 06:43, 25 July 2014 (UTC)

No particular reason. I've changed it. 06:51, 25 July 2014 (UTC)

Reference URL for the remix cited in title text... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zXr9GLa0Jo108.162.216.84 06:44, 25 July 2014 (UTC)

Top-left in the in-comic diagram(s) appears to be a 'fern', another fractal construct which may also be an incidental reference to the native flora of the Jurassic (and non-Jurassic) eras of the dinosaurs. 08:49, 25 July 2014 (UTC)

"phase space, nonlinear equations, and strange attractors" is not a quote from the movie. The script contains:

Dr. Grant, Dr. Sattler -- you've heard of Chaos Theory?
(shaking her head)
No? Non-linear equations? Strange attractions?
(again, she shrugs)
Dr. Sattler, I refuse to believe that you are not familiar with the concept of attraction!

The book mentions all three terms, but not in order. Condor70 (talk)

It is from the book. The chapters are labeled iteration 1, 2, 3 etc... (talk) (please sign your comments with ~~~~)

Can the most recent editor finish their sentence? 20:22, 7 February 2019 (UTC)