Talk:331: Photoshops

Explain xkcd: It's 'cause you're dumb.
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While many alarming or suspiciously interesting pictures (and videos) have later proven to be 'shopped', I believe that Randall is commenting on the abysmal existence of a certain kind of person who cries foul on *any* picture that isn't straightforward.

They usually profess to be Photoshop experts and point out various 'defects' in the photo that 'prove' it has been manipulated.

This is just a (hopefully unconscious) attempt to appear more cynical, more intelligent and harder to fool than everybody else who has ignored the glaring evidence.

What makes it simultaneously amusing and annoying is that usually the commenter is patently, completely and obviously wrong - the image has in fact captured a real occurrence.

The original examples that come to mind are the Apollo 11 photographs from the surface of the moon, but the internet abounds with such.

StephenP 18:28, 17 December 2013 (UTC)

To be entirely fair, with the advent of 3D printers, it will become possible to "shop" real-life objects. 00:03, 10 February 2014 (UTC)