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i love you kynde
| number    = 1403
| date      = August 4, 2014
| title    = Thesis Defense
| image    = thesis_defense.png
In the comic, [[Megan]] is presenting evidence on her {{w|thesis}}, a theory on the evolution of threat displays in mammals, in front of a panel of some people. To conclude her exposition she charges at the audience, shouting a {{w|battle cry}}, and brandishing a sword. The audience flinches. As the audience is composed of mammals and is responding to a displayed threat<ref>Milosevic and McCabe, ''Phobias: The psychology of irrational fear''</ref>, we should assume that this response provides some key evidence about the threat displays in mammals.
This comic is a play on a thesis defense and the {{w|adage}} "{{w|The best defense is a good offense}}". The adage means that a strong offensive action will preoccupy the opposition and ultimately hinder its ability to mount an opposing counterattack, leading to a strategic advantage. A thesis defense generally involves an oral exam on the topic the candidate has chosen, and should involve no physical violence.{{cn}}
For added humorous effect, in the title text Megan extrapolates how she improved the state of the art, i.e. what she has added to her field of study, while screaming the word art.
:[Megan runs towards a desk with two microphones on it, waving a longsword high in the air. Cueball and one other sitting behind the desk are taken aback, while Ponytail standing off to the side holds an arm in front of her face protectively. A slide is projected on a screen behind Megan, reading "The evolution of threat displays in mammals".]
:Megan: In conclusion, AAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!
:[Caption below the panel:]
:The best thesis defense is a good thesis offense.
{{comic discussion}}
[[Category:Comics featuring Cueball]]
[[Category:Comics featuring Megan]]
[[Category:Comics featuring Ponytail]]
[[Category:Multiple Cueballs]]

Revision as of 17:08, 9 October 2024

i love you kynde