Talk:2814: Perseids Pronunciation

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Revision as of 11:09, 18 August 2023 by (talk) (Added comment)
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I'm afraid to google the Kentucky Meat Shower. 14:43, 11 August 2023 (UTC)

I can give you a very quick summary: when startled, vultures will sometimes regurgitate their last meal, both to lighten themselves for a quick escape, and make a potential predator lose its appetite. Apparently, something startled a bunch of vultures at the same time, and nobody knows exactly what. 14:55, 11 August 2023 (UTC) Shamino (talk) 14:59, 11 August 2023 (UTC)

"can" is repeated in the title text. 14:53, 11 August 2023 (UTC)

On August 11, 2023, XKCD was not the only web comic to reference the "Kentucky Meat Shower". It is the full subject of the day's Dinosaur Comics, at And August 11 is not even an anniversary of the event (March 3, 1876). Coincidence? Time travel? You be the judge. JohnB (talk) 15:32, 11 August 2023 (UTC)

This tells me neither how acceptable things like my default lazy pronunciation, nor the original ancient greek pronunciation of its namesake, are considered. How am I supposed to guess where combinations of variations like PEER-, -seh-, and -ides would affect placement in the list? 19:12, 11 August 2023 (UTC)

It's not wrong, per-se. (ed.) ProphetZarquon (talk) 21:40, 11 August 2023 (UTC)

That's exactly how I pronounce it. (per se) + ids. per-say-ids. 10:04, 12 August 2023 (UTC)
ed ≠ id, though.
ProphetZarquon (talk) 17:07, 13 August 2023 (UTC)
  • PER-see-ids: standard(ish, YMMV) 3-syllable verson of the word.
  • PURSE-yids: standardish 2-(/2.5-)syllable version.
  • Per-SEE-ids: yeah, I'd accept that emphisis, in a pinch.
  • Per-SAY-ids: ok, so you like that version of the 'ei' digraph; might even be 'classical'.
  • Per-SIDES: Germanic digraph and irregular (in this case) phomeme boundries, but each to their own.
  • Per-ZAY-uds: I can see most of this, accent permitting; the '<schwa>ds' is a surprising twist.
  • PER-suds: you dont care about the digraph at all, do you?
  • Perky-ids: Back-formed through "C/S equivalence", I'm guessing, but from the wrong s(e)ide?
  • Pewpewpews: Onomatopœia!!!
  • Per-say-say: Bowdlerised, as if the original is a 'naughty' word.
  • Percies: Shortened through familiarity.
  • Purps: Shortened/perhaps linked to "perp(etrator)s".
  • Pepsids: Sponsorship! (Did we also get the "Dracokids", 6-10 Oct?)
  • Peeps: Anthopomorphised, the lot of 'em! first thoughts, but I'm sure there are competing claims so I'll leave this down here for the time being. 23:28, 11 August 2023 (UTC)

Per-ZAY-uds seems like it could be acceptable in New Zealand. 08:40, 16 August 2023 (UTC)

The list in the Explanation's table was missing most of them, and the Transcript separated the two-word entries into separate entries! Fixed all that. Filled in my analyses of the missing pronunciations, I'm sure others can flesh them out better, add relevant links as I couldn't be bothered to both think of th8ngs to link and figure out the best way to link them (and make the multi-entry rows look proper). Also, someone severely misunderstood what "Peeps" would mean, it seems clearly to be the slang for "people". The goofy entries seemed to require separate descriptions, so I left them as separate rows as the cleanest/clearest layout I can think of for that, with the rudimentary understanding of Wiki tables I could glean from what was already there. :) NiceGuy1 (talk) 06:46, 12 August 2023 (UTC)

I'm convinced it's "Percies" and "Purps" and "Pepsids" and "Peeps", at the end, not "Percies Purps" and "Pepsids Peeps". Just arrayed in two columns as they're shortened enough to make it an unasethetic layout to extend by two rows and add so much gap at the end of four lines. "Pewpewpews" aside, none of the others more than double the "p"s from the original single one. It can be forgiven to bookend a short phoneme (Purps, Peeps), but sounds off to revisit the pattern (twice!) in this manner, with no clear connection between paired elements. Just my own observation, though. 20:22, 12 August 2023 (UTC)
I know! Look at the size of the spacing between the left and right elements - those aren't two-word terms, no way.
I can see how an at-a-glance read might come up with "Pepsids Peeps" and "Percies Perps"...but at-a-glance reading seems a little out of place on an analytical forum!
Those are four seperate names.Yorkshire Pudding (talk) 07:35, 13 August 2023 (UTC)

I think the "Pepsids Peeps" is a reference to the Pepsi x Peeps soda that got released a few months ago—the first word could be a cross between PEPSI and perseiDS. Presumably, they are very sugary meteors. 12:00, 12 August 2023 (UTC)

Is someone familiar with the phonetic notation system used in the comic able to convert it to something more generally acceptable like IPA? Tharkon (talk) 17:14, 12 August 2023 (UTC)

It's "informal", and seems to be similar to the wikipedia one. 01:50, 13 August 2023 (UTC)

No "per-seed"? I once heard a newscaster say it that way. SDSpivey (talk) 18:38, 12 August 2023 (UTC)

I heard a BBC newsreader say "PER-sid" yesterday. As though it were a compound of "perse" and "id".Yorkshire Pudding (talk) 07:41, 13 August 2023 (UTC)

Why not "per-sayds"? 01:50, 13 August 2023 (UTC)

I always rhymed it with “Mercedes” for some reason. 11:09, 18 August 2023 (UTC)

It seems likely to me this is going to be regional. I was always taught "Per-SAY-ids" to be correct (EN-GB). I've never heard anyone say "PER-see-ids" or "PURSE-yids". 09:58, 13 August 2023 (UTC)

I've been saying pur-see-IDES (where instead of ids, i say ides, like the Ides of March) 19:03, 14 August 2023 (UTC)

Pepsident Media Shower 08:43, 16 August 2023 (UTC)