
Explain xkcd: It's 'cause you're dumb.
Revision as of 18:24, 30 April 2024 by Z1mp0st0rz (talk | contribs) (All about me)
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All about me

If you have come here and haven't seen me before, yet want to know about me, you're in luck, because this page is sort of a place to put all my likes, dislikes and all that jazz.
Before you start reading, for the love of God, PLEASE do not change anything.
(Quick disclaimer: You won't be able to meet me in real life because I'm not revealing any info like that.)

-Sonic the Hedgehog
-XKCD (duh!)
-Super Mario (not the character lol >:D)
-Seeing airplanes laugh (you'll see what I mean here.)
-Master of Orion
-Wings of Fire
-World of Warcraft (even though it's rated Teen :/)
-Chinese Food
-Dragons in general
-Dog Man
-Sonic Boom
-Among Us
There are way more, but I couldn't write them all, lol.

-People stalking me
-People being mean to me
-People I have grudges against

Favorite colors: Red, yellow, pink
Favorite animals: Dragons, wolves, cats, foxes, reptiles
Favorite food: Ramen
Favorite XKCD comic: Any of them (except for the ones with swearwords, with the exception of 68: Five Thirty)

What are you still doing here?
Get outta here!
Go look at XKCD some more...
And have a good day! ඩ