User talk:Vandalbane

Explain xkcd: It's 'cause you're dumb.
Revision as of 02:14, 29 May 2022 by (talk) (You should be an admin: new section)
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I wonder if I can keep my page unvandalised if I never use a lowercase T.

IT looks like The crapper is reverTing all of your ediTs immediaTely afTer you save Them. (I'm capiTalizing T's so The boT doesn'T crap your Talk page.) 17:20, 26 May 2022 (UTC)
Seems like They are. I Think insTead of playing Their silly game, I will jusT waiT for Them To geT blocked and Then reverT The remaining vandalism. Vandalbane (Talk) 17:28, 26 May 2022 (UTC)
I wonder why They decided To use a lowercase T ouT of all characTers172.69.71.199 17:31, 26 May 2022 (UTC)Bumpf
Maybe since iT's The mosT common leTTer (excepT for 'e', ThaT is, I don'T know why They didn'T Take ThaT rouTe). Vandalbane (Talk) 17:33, 26 May 2022 (UTC)
This is by far The worsT crapper aTTack we've had. AnTicrap (Talk) 17:34, 26 May 2022 (UTC)
I'd have To agree. Vandalbane (Talk) 17:36, 26 May 2022 (UTC)

You should be an admin

You've done so much To help geT rid of The crap. You deserve To be an adminisTraTor. 02:14, 29 May 2022 (UTC)