
Explain xkcd: It's 'cause you're dumb.
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// This script implements a very crude one-click undo. If you go onto a diff page with an undo link, this will change it to work in one single click rather than two.
// It also adds a "revert" link to edits on contribution pages, that works the same way (one click).
// Known glitch: Does not work as intended if a user has edited the same page multiple times (to avoid this, I recommend ticking the "Only show edits that are latest revisions" box.

function rvt(undop, undoafterp, c, tl) { // Implements one-click undo
        url: '',
        data: {
            format: 'json',
            action: 'edit',
            title: atob(tl),
            undo: undop,
            undoafter: undoafterp,
            summary: "Reverted vandalism with [[User:CRLF/OneClickUndo.js]]",
            token: mw.user.tokens.get('csrfToken')
        dataType: 'json',
        type: 'POST',
        success: function () { if (c) { $('.mw-diff-undo > a').text("success"); $('.mw-diff-undo > a').removeAttr("onclick"); } else { $('#link' + undop).text("success"); $('.mw-diff-undo > a').removeAttr("onclick"); } }
try {
    var href = $('.mw-diff-undo > a').attr('href').split("=");
    var undop = href[4];
    var undoafterp = href[3].substr(0, href[3].length - 5);
    $('.mw-diff-undo > a').removeAttr('href');
    $('.mw-diff-undo > a').attr('onclick', 'rvt(' + undop + ',' + undoafterp + ',1,"'+btoa($("#firstHeading").text().substr(33, $("#firstHeading").text().length - 34))+'")');
catch (e) { console.log(e); console.log("assumed not undoable"); }

function makeLinks(str, titles) { // Implements undo links on contribs page
        url: '',
        type: 'GET',
        dataType: 'json',
        data: { format: 'json', action: 'query', prop: 'revisions', titles: str, rvprop: 'ids', formatversion: 2 },
        success: function (data) {
            for (var i = 0; i < data["query"]["pages"].length; i++) {
                ob = data["query"]["pages"][i]
                pg = ob["title"];
                if (titles[pg] == "done") continue;
                el = titles[pg];
                $('<span id="span' + ob["revisions"][0]["revid"] + '"></span>').insertAfter(el);
                $("#span" + ob["revisions"][0]["revid"]).html(' <strong>[<a id="link' + ob["revisions"][0]["revid"] + '" onclick=\'rvt(' + ob["revisions"][0]["revid"] + ',' + ob["revisions"][0]["parentid"] + ',0,"'+btoa(pg)+'")\'>revert</a>]</strong>');
                titles[pg] = "done";

cs = $('.mw-contributions-title');
titles = {};
str = "";
for (var i = 0; i < cs.length; i++) {
    titles[cs[i].getAttribute("title")] = cs[i];
    str += cs[i].getAttribute("title") + '|'
    makeLinks(str.slice(0, -1), titles);