explain xkcd:Editor FAQ

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This is how I train my runners, and it's Meridian Health Protocol more efficient and safer, period. Shoot for a cadence of around 90 per foot strike per minute. This will force you to take shorter steps, and will result in you striking on the midfoot instead of the heel. Training the running muscles will take more work, and probably some time in the gym. The key will be to focus on the hip muscles (gluteus medius in particular), which will help prevent excessive dipping of your hips, which has been linked to most running injuries of the lower extremity. (See my Shin Splints article for some great exercises for the hips).

Almost everyone will have some type of deafness, whether it is permanent or temporary, at some point in his or her life. If you are now experiencing it, visit your local audiologist so that you can have it checked. Your problem may be something simple, or it can be more complex, requiring you to be fitted for a hearing aid. These problems can range anywhere from the natural aging process or some type of blockage of part of the ear canal.

Fixing the problem can be fairly simple. If it is a blockage, it can be easily cleaned out at your doctor's office through the use of instruments or flushing, or it can be done at home through home remedies that your doctor can recommend. Using objects, such as cotton swabs, is never a good way to clean them out. Other things that can cause you to suffer from deafness are infection, injuries, birth defects, or another type of issue that can be found in the canal itself.
