
Explain xkcd: It's 'cause you're dumb.
Revision as of 23:03, 10 January 2022 by Kynde (talk | contribs)
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  • Protip came first, but since then there have been all kind of protip that have not been named protip directly.
    • Click to expand for a more detailed explanation:

  • This category is reminiscent of the Category:Facts. It was created after the Category:Fun fact but, in similar way to the Category:Protip, it is much older than this. These two are, however, now sub categories.
  • One other type of tip has been used more than once and has now also gotten it's own category:
  • So far there have been the following other one time only tips:
  1. Industry tip
  2. Home Organization Tip
  3. Insight tip
  4. Kitchen tips
  5. AI tip
  6. Household tips
  7. Tornado safety tips
  8. Security tips
  9. Geology tip
  10. Engineering tip
  11. Interaction tip
  12. Texting tip
  13. Statistics tip
  14. Coding interview tip
  15. Tech Tip
  16. Cooking Tip
  17. Math Tip

The comic 1215: Insight doesn't mention the word tip, but it is clearly a tip.

See also the comic 2199: Cryptic Wifi Networks which has a Tech Trivia as the caption, which could as well have been named Tech Tip. But since it is not necessarily seen as as Tip, it will not be listed in this category.