User talk:Elektrizikekswerk
I managed to remove your edit in Exoplanet Names 2 during an edit conflict. Sorry about that :( I went to paste your text back in, but somebody else has editted that entry since. Your edit text is below, if you wish to integrate it into the explanation. --Pudder (talk) 10:17, 24 July 2015 (UTC)
- As the title text a reference to What if?'s 53, 54 and comic 1551: Pluto. Due to a drain in the Earth's ocean the Netherlands have not to worry about getting flooded, anymore and take the opportunity to conquer the world (including Antarctica becoming South Netherlands) in What if 53, Mars (New Netherlands) in What if 54, and a section of Pluto (again: New Netherlands) in comic 1551. This may also be a possible reference to 1519: Venus, but there seems to be no relation to the other conquests of the Netherlands.
Before I throw away the workings out I did, I changed the little calculator I did (for various hours-and-days-in-a-week combinations, in case it gave me anything surprising to report that I'd missed) to do hours-and-days-in-a-year. And did it with Julian years (365.25×24) because it was more accurate than using non-leaping years, but more useful than the hour-fractional Gregorian type. Anyway, I thought you might be interested....
- Factoring the whole hours gives 2*3²*487 (unpromising numbers, I know!), which gives twelve possible 'X hours in Y days' to make up a 'regular' J-Year. 487 18-hour days is by far the closest 'normal' cycle (the next longest day is 487 hours, and of course just 18 of them!). Of course, the daylights drift from solar-time even just looking at year-end (barring the additional Gregorian drift, it does of course repeat 'nicely' every four years).
- Giving it seconds of resolution gives us 180 options to evenly split a Julian Year into integer-seconds per day. 400 'days' of 78894 seconds (487 must feature somewhere in any factorisation!) or 360 days of 87660 on the other side of the 365.25×86400 (and not purely integered) 'normal'.
- And 365.2524 days (of 86400 seconds) isn't even an integer, so you'd need centisecond resolution (2⁷*3⁵*71*1429, giving 192 options and 324 or 384 as 'nearest to 'normal' numbers of days, and a headache when deciding how to allocate centiseconds within each day). Not so useful!
Assuming I copied the right details across (if I fell down, I'm going to assume its on the prime factors, perhaps missing one, or a bad copypasta at some point), but I'm deleting it all now anyway. Just FYI. For critique, if nothing else... :p 16:38, 27 June 2024 (UTC)
- Thanks for sharing :) Elektrizikekswerk (talk) 06:51, 28 June 2024 (UTC)