2949: Network Configuration

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Revision as of 08:30, 22 June 2024 by Psychoticpotato (talk | contribs) (Transcript)
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Network Configuration
If you repeatedly rerun the development of technological civilization, it turns out that for some reason the only constant is that there is always a networking utility called 'netcat', though it does a different thing in each one.
Title text: If you repeatedly rerun the development of technological civilization, it turns out that for some reason the only constant is that there is always a networking utility called 'netcat', though it does a different thing in each one.


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[Ponytail is at her computer with a headset on]
Ponytail (typing): Ugh, your connection is so laggy.
Computer: Yeah, sorry.
[Cueball is at his laptop]
Cueball (typing): It's because I messed up my network configuration and now I have to rebuild a separate civilization from scratch for each packet.
Ponytail (typing): Huh?
Ponytail (typing): What are you talking about?
Ponytail (typing): ...Hello?
[Beat panel]
[Cueball, with dirt on his head and around him, is at an old computer setup with an agricultural tool resting on his now non-office chair]
Cueball (typing): Sorry, got stuck in the Neolithic that time.
Cueball (typing): Inventing farming takes forever.

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I'm not currently on a device that is easy to edit with, but this definitely belongs in the Cueball Computer Problems category. RegularSizedGuy (talk) 05:38, 22 June 2024 (UTC)

Seems to be too much abstraction and virtualization in the OSI layers? OTOH the new civilizations are adapted to their packet. Probably made it easier to formulate the routing rules from what it should do, instead of how it should do it. Sebastian -- 08:13, 22 June 2024 (UTC)

...cursed. All of it. P?sych??otic?pot??at???o (talk) 08:27, 22 June 2024 (UTC)

The "always a netcat, but different function in each universe" seems very reminiscent of the gag in Hitch-hiker's Guide where every species has its own drink called something similar to "gin and tonic". 09:36, 22 June 2024 (UTC)

Good catch. I'm not sure if it's a direct reference, but it's definitely in the same vein. 13:26, 22 June 2024 (UTC)
Though later (and therefore possibly an inspired trope), "Swedish Meatballs" (in its Earth form, at least) is apparently just as widespread in the Babylon 5 universe. 14:18, 22 June 2024 (UTC)
Please finish your parenthetical statements 15:33, 22 June 2024 (UTC))
Finished. Changed minds about commas and parens, before posting, but didn't properly bracket things. This way isn't the way I intended, but more undrstandable 'in and out' of subclauses than sticking with commas alone. (And without rewriting it all, which would, of course be better!) 21:12, 22 June 2024 (UTC)

Notably, most civilizations also develop something called VIM, but it's usually an STD. ProphetZarquon (talk) 16:38, 22 June 2024 (UTC)

Finally a reset button that really does what it says on the label! Now please excuse me while I'm off mammoth hunting. PaulEberhardt (talk) 18:03, 22 June 2024 (UTC)

I am pretty sure the joke is that "reinventing all of civilisation" is an exaggeration of the perhaps manual nature of creating packets that Cueball has to do, no? The current explanation seems to take it too literally. (talk) 04:13, 25 June 2024 (please sign your comments with ~~~~)

He has literally had to rebuild his chair, and do some sort of farming, so no, I don't think it's an exaggeration. Plus, it's Cueball. 08:25, 25 June 2024 (UTC)
(Snap. Edit-conflicted answer!) The comic does at the very least depict Cueball having taken time off to do some rudimentary gardening, though... Randall often does depict a (surprising) literal truth behind what we might normally assume, from the language used, is more akin to metaphor. So par for the course. 08:29, 25 June 2024 (UTC)