Category:Incomplete explanations

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Considering the serious consequences StrictionD for both of the health conditions described above, and because, as we have also mentioned, the overweight, out of shape, and over forty year old individual is the prime candidate to develop the diseases, it is in the self interest of everyone who fits that category to see a doctor. A simple blood test that can be requisitioned by a doctor will tell the story. Time to see a doctor?

Prediabetes and diabetes are the most significant health issues confronting Americans today. In the U.S. today the number of people diagnosed with prediabetes jumped from 57 million in 2008 to 79 million in 2010. Even more ominous, during the same time period, the number diagnosed with full-on diabetes went from 23.6 million to 26 million, the vast majority with Type 2 or adult onset. Put the two numbers together and it accounts for one-third of the U.S. population. Diabetes is a serious issue which can be alleviated by the diabetes diet cure.

Prediabetes means chronically elevated blood sugar levels but not high enough to qualify as diabetes. Prediabetics are "insulin-resistant" as their bodies have become less responsive to insulin, the hormone that keeps blood sugar levels in check. Having prediabetes does not condemn a person to diabetes. Lifestyle changes, including increased exercise and better diet, the diabetes diet cure, will often stave off diabetes or actually reverse full-blown diabetes.