Category:Incomplete explanations

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The earlier diagnosis of diabetes is made, the earlierNucentix GS-85 the medical practitioner can star treatment. The way to prevent diabetes complications from occurring and becoming problems to your life is to keep blood glucose levels as far as possible within the normal range. Prevention is certainly better than having to undergo treatment. In fact, diabetes is incurable. Fortunately, it can be managed with sufficient exercise and the right diet; and in some cases perhaps, necessary medication.

9 million people in Canada have diabetes and roughly 90% of those have type 2 diabetes-the preventable form. Type 2 diabetes lowers life expectancy by 5-10 years and most diabetics die from heart disease or stroke, due to its complications and related conditions. Other conditions that occur with diabetes include renal disease, cataracts, and foot ulcers.

Although there is a genetic component to diabetes development, type 2 is highly amenable to diet and lifestyle changes. The increase in prevalence is undeniable, suggesting that we must look at the foods we consume and how they affect our insulin-glucose balance. One clear and astonishing connection occurs between the increased consumption of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) and the prevalence and risk of developing diabetes.