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The immune can be of two types: Innate and Acquired.Medipure Hemp CBD All livings beings are created with an auto-immune system or innate immune system. However, while some people are born with a strong immunity, others have to develop it. This is acquired or adaptive immunity. If you need to acquire better immunity, the following practices can strengthen and reinforce it.

All things related to the body start with healthy nutrition consisting of a well-balanced diet. Your immune system is also directly affected by the food you eat. Making some foods part of your staple diet can work wonders for your immune system. Citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, tangerines, grapefruits); berries, particularly strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries; papaya and kiwi are very potent immunity boosters.

Certain vegetables have ingredients, which can considerably enhance the potency of your resistant system. These are carrots, spinach, broccoli, sweet potatoes, red bell peppers, and onions. Even ordinary spices like turmeric, garlic, and ginger have medicinal properties that can toughen weak immune systems. Yogurt, almonds, flaxseeds, and mushrooms are some other foodstuffs, which can boost your immunity considerably.