854: Learning to Cook

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Learning to Cook
And yet I never stop thinking, 'sure, these ingredients cost more than a restaurant meal, but think how many meals I'll get out of them! Especially since each one will have leftovers!'
Title text: And yet I never stop thinking, 'sure, these ingredients cost more than a restaurant meal, but think how many meals I'll get out of them! Especially since each one will have leftovers!'


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This comic shows the plight of a person who cannot cook and can't quite find the time to learn, but still wants to learn.


[A flowchart.]
I should cook more! -> Buy ingredients -> Put some in a pan -> Cook -> Does it taste good? -> (arrows marked "Kinda" and "No" both lead to) Put leftovers in fridge -> (hours pass) -> Order pizza -> (days pass) -> Throw away leftovers -> (weeks pass) -> Throw away remaining ingredients as they go bad -> (months pass) -> (arrow leads back to beginning)

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It only looks like I got takeout at Pizza Hut. I made this pizza! Legit! I made the box too! Davidy²²[talk] 07:09, 17 April 2013 (UTC)

The current explanation is "a person who cannot cook and can't quite find the time to learn", but I interpreted this as someone who thinks they want to cook more, but ends up buying pre-made food often enough to cause the ingredients to go bad. Such as buying a loaf of bread, deli meat and toppings, making a sandwich (or sudoing someone else), but then eating at restaurants until discovering the bread has gone bad... I may be biased, though, since this is what usually happens to me. Tryc (talk) 17:49, 22 July 2013 (UTC)

I did this same thing. I bought pots and pans and everything I could use. Tried making noodles and cheese and it did NOT work! ~JFreund

In most case cooking definitely need some level of passion, as there are some learning - involving trial and error - required to be able to cook good tasting food. Almost all cooking recipes have some ambiguity or omitted details about the cooking process which need to be found to produce good result. Arifsaha (talk) 20:05, 8 October 2014 (UTC)

In most case cooking definitely need some level of passion, as...

...in getting married to someone that can cook. Kissing don't last, cookery do. https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/g/george_meredith.html

I used Google News BEFORE it was clickbait (talk) 17:53, 24 January 2015 (UTC)

The text also refers to the use of leftovers to create another meal which itself will create leftovers. This is similar to the Hobo's Cigarette Butt Puzzle. http://goodriddlesnow.com/riddles/view/673/index.htm

Brenda (talk) 14:00, 9 July 2018 (UTC)