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Software Testing Day
The company tried to document how often employees were celebrating Software Testing Day, but their recordkeeping system kept mysteriously crashing.
Title text: The company tried to document how often employees were celebrating Software Testing Day, but their recordkeeping system kept mysteriously crashing.


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Quality Assurance (QA) engineers are responsible for ensuring the quality of some software product through the use of testing. This process often involves entering bizarre and/or nonsense inputs in an attempt to break the software. Cueball, a QA engineer in this case, expresses concern that the scheduling system doesn't crash. This could either be because as a QA engineer he is concerned about crashes in general, or that as a system used by QA engineers it likely has a lot of weird/invalid values that could cause a crash.

For example, here it seems that Software Testing Day, a day likely celebrated by QA engineers, takes place every -1 years on January 0th at 25:71 PM. All values except for "January" and "PM" are invalid and make no sense, suggesting that a QA engineer picked this date to test the scheduling system. Apparently, though this date is nonsensical, the QA engineers have decided to make this date a celebration day.

The title text suggests that the recordkeeping system used to see how often employees celebrated Software Testing Day kept crashing, possibly due to the employees celebrating on January 0th or any nonsensical values.


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[Megan and Cueball stand facing each other.]
Megan: So, do you and the other QA engineers have any fun plans for the holiday?
Cueball: Yeah, assuming the scheduling system doesn't crash.
[Caption below the panel:]
Software Testing Day is a holiday celebrated every -1 years on January 0th at 25:71 PM.

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