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Vaccine Tracker
*refresh* Aww, still in Kalamazoo. *refresh* Aww, still in Kalamazoo.
Title text: *refresh* Aww, still in Kalamazoo. *refresh* Aww, still in Kalamazoo.


This comic is another in a series of comics related to the COVID-19 pandemic, specifically regarding the COVID-19 vaccine.

Similar to 281: Online Package Tracking, Cueball is trying to "track" the status of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, which was approved in the USA the week prior to the publishing of this comic, and began to be administered the day of publication. Cueball is impatient for the vaccine to be released to the public, wanting the pandemic to end as soon as possible. Because of that, he is treating the state vaccine website like a package tracker, even though it will probably be several months before he is vaccinated.

Of course, the state vaccine website does not act like a package tracker, and updates will be few and far between. The comedy in this comes from Cueball expecting it to update regularly, even though the vaccine is not going to come anytime soon for most people, especially for those in Cueball's presumed priority level. Checking once a day for general 'movement' probably would more than suffice to get a head's up on when a possible invitation or opportunity to book would present itself.

The title text refers to Pfizer's vaccine plant in the city of Kalamazoo, Michigan, and is also a reference to 281: Online Package Tracking.


[Megan walks towards Cueball. Cueball sits in front of his laptop.]
Megan: What are you up to?
Cueball: You know how when I have a package coming, I sit here refreshing the package tracker?
Megan: Is that the state vaccine website?
[Cueball refreshes the page]
Megan: You know it will be a while before you can-
[Cueball refreshes the page, cutting her off.]
Megan: They haven't even announced when-
[Cueball refreshes the page again, cutting her off.]
Megan: Are you going to sit there clicking refresh for several months?
Cueball: I am ready for the pandemic to be done.

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🎵 A B C D E F G H I've got a cure! 🎶 02:53, 15 December 2020 (UTC)

...In Kalamazoo-zoo-zoo-zoo-zoo! 23:45, 16 December 2020 (UTC)

Maybe he needs a vaccine tracker tracker 03:24, 15 December 2020 (UTC)

And if that goes missing, a vaccine tracker tracker finder? Then a—shut up.
Or a vaccine tracker tracker, but then if he loses it AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA and that transmission, at 05:52, 15 December 2020 (UTC) was the last we ever heard from Sonata. bubblegum-talk|contribs

And this on a day when I was mindlessly updating the pointless Electoral College votes just to double check that there were no faithless voters throwing the thing into more confusion. And I am not even American. Iam in priority group eight. My wife is in group nine - but might be in group eight before they get to her. The only things I know about kalamazoo are payroll and guitars - but I believe one is long superceded and the other left. Arachrah (talk) 12:29, 15 December 2020 (UTC)

Just learnt that Kalamazoo Payroll is owned by Dominion, the plot deepens. They were not corrupting the election, they were messing with the vaccine trackers. Arachrah (talk) 12:31, 15 December 2020 (UTC)

What, they are owned by Dominion? Does Tal Shiar already know that? -- Hkmaly (talk) 00:11, 16 December 2020 (UTC)

"*refresh* Aww, still in Kalamazoo, *refresh* Yay, 'A connection could no..' .. oh." ocæon (talk) 13:25, 15 December 2020 (UTC)

I knew my choice to live in Kalamazoo would be validated eventually. 14:49, 15 December 2020 (UTC)

I nearly put that Cueball should just get on with his attenuated life while he waits for the attenuated vaccine, but that only describes some of the possible candidates he could (eventually) be given, so isn't a brilliant pun... Also, I did computer training (Novell server administration, to be precise) at Kalamazoo, but I have no idea why they called the company that (no geographic connection, and the song lyrics I know from the Goon Show half-time version seem hardly linkable at all) and I think they went bust/changed name again not long after I 'graduated'. 21:22, 15 December 2020 (UTC)