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The title text explains that Randall's systems administrator is upset with him because he tested the systems administrators laptop by throwing it down several flights of steps. The systems admin is implied to have taken revenge childishly, by replacing part of the text with "DISREGARD THAT I SUCK COCKS"
The title text explains that Randall's systems administrator is upset with him because he tested the systems administrators laptop by throwing it down several flights of steps. The systems admin is implied to have taken revenge childishly, by replacing part of the text with "DISREGARD THAT I SUCK COCKS"
The title text is a reference to [http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/disregard-that-i-suck-cocks a post] in bash.org which went on to attain moderate fame.
The "suck cocks" part is a reference to [http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/disregard-that-i-suck-cocks a post] in bash.org which went on to attain moderate fame.

Revision as of 01:09, 2 August 2014

Laptop Hell
The xkcd.com sysadmin has a Q2010, and I can attest that it can handle a fall down several flights of concrete steps. Relatedly, he's upset with me - I hope he doesn't take revenge by messing with my site's contenDISREGARD THAT I SUCK COCKS
Title text: The xkcd.com sysadmin has a Q2010, and I can attest that it can handle a fall down several flights of concrete steps. Relatedly, he's upset with me - I hope he doesn't take revenge by messing with my site's contenDISREGARD THAT I SUCK COCKS


Ambox notice.png This explanation may be incomplete or incorrect: Does not explain Devil or laptop; too short
If you can address this issue, please edit the page! Thanks.

While greeting the new entrants to Hell the Devil recognizes the Fujitsu executive who caused the Devil's favorite laptop, the Fujitsu Q2010, to be taken out of production. The Devil is displeased because he thought it was a good laptop, just poorly marketed. The executive is confused and asks the Devil why it is upset, as acts of evil are generally encouraged by the Devil. The Devil explains that Hell uses laptops as well and the need for laptops is greater than the need to encourage evil works. Though, it later confesses, Hell has an exclusive deal with Fujitsu competitor, Sony.

This comic is likely a wish fulfillment fantasy by Randall for the canceling of his favorite laptop, the Fujitsu Q2010. Likely Sony was chosen as the electronic distributor to hell because of the Sony rootkit scandal. This scandal inspired many to call Sony as an evil company.

Title Text

The title text explains that Randall's systems administrator is upset with him because he tested the systems administrators laptop by throwing it down several flights of steps. The systems admin is implied to have taken revenge childishly, by replacing part of the text with "DISREGARD THAT I SUCK COCKS"

The "suck cocks" part is a reference to a post in bash.org which went on to attain moderate fame.


Devil: Welcome to Hell. Here's— Wait. I know you.
Devil: You're the Fujitsu exec who killed the Q-series.
Fujitsu Exec: ...Yes?
Devil: The Q2010 was the perfect laptop!
Devil: Powerful, durable, had every feature, and made the Air look bulky. And that was back in 2006!
Fujitsu Exec: But no one bought it!
Devil: Then you marketed it wrong!
Fujitsu Exec: Wait. Don't you encourage evil acts down here?
Devil: In theory, yes, but we need laptops too! Although it's moot, since we have an exclusive deal with Sony.
Fujitsu Exec: I knew it!

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The alt text is a reference to a hilarious post in bash.org, which is at this moment the #12 in the top 100 list:


http://bash.org/?top ‎ (talk) (please sign your comments with ~~~~)

Only the devil is traditionally shown with a pitchfork. 15:05, 1 August 2014 (UTC)

Do you mean a trident? --Kynde (talk) 22:57, 22 July 2016 (UTC)

What's with the incomplete tag? This article has links to the wikipedia page for both devil and laptop. 05:38, 2 August 2014 (UTC)

"the smarter devil is a sony sales rep" What does this mean? 16:05, 2 August 2014 (UTC)

That Sony execs can ruin you computer and not have to reacall all their CDs so that you can buy the evil ones at car boot sales decades later. I used Google News BEFORE it was clickbait (talk) 19:06, 30 January 2015 (UTC)

Related: https://blog.xkcd.com/2009/02/11/a-math-problem/ -- jonas 14:33, 25 November 2020 (UTC)