
Explain xkcd: It's 'cause you're dumb.
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I am an addicted reader of this wiki and an occasional editor. Drop me a note on the talk page page if you have any comments on my edits, suggestions and corrections are appreciated.


Planets and Planet-like Objects
Name Tiles (X, Y) Directions Description Explanation
Starting Planet


(6024, -8976)

To get here, click the "Home" button in the lower right corner of the comic.

The planet is tiny, grassy, has a few trees and bushes and features a few people. Initially the navigation is difficult because of low initial engine thrust and strong gravity of the Origin planet nearby affecting movement

This is where the game starts. Pressing the "Home" button to go back to the starting planet shows the message, "Welcome back, pilot", which may be a reference to the greeting that plays when re-entering a Titan in the Titanfall video games.



(3096, -5904)

To get here, launch from Beret Guy saying "Wow!" on the Starting Planet.

The planet is fairly big, has vegetation, and features many people, landscape objects, items and upgrades. It has a shaft through the center. The planet is hard to leave without any upgrades unless one uses the shaft to gain more momentum by thrusting while moving through the middle of it. Many of the landmarks of the surface mark the directions to different planets.

The planet has a sign saying 'Welcome to Origin! You can never leave™'. The name may also refer to the fact that the planet lies almost at the center of the game world, or that it is the starting point for exploration as it provides many navigational hints.

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Features and Items
Planet Type Location Description Explanation
Starting Planet Message Above starting position Wheeee! Probably reflects the excitation of a new visitor to this XKCD comic, seeing a promising game.
Item Above ground left of the starting position a rock with neat stripes
Item In the grass right of the starting position a cool bug
Item Up a tree a pretty leaf
People On the opposite of the starting position Beret Guy pointing his arm up and exclaiming WOW! This is a reference to the title text of 1117: My Sky, and it could also be a reference to 502: Dark Flow.
Origin Landscape Close to the Starting Planet A sign saying: Welcome to Origin! You can never leave™ The sign names the planet, and also indicates that it is not possible to leave it by just launching off the surface during early gameplay, when the player has not collected any upgrades. May be a reference to the song by The Eagles: "Hotel California".
Message Right of the welcome sign, above the rollercoaster Be careful; this roller coaster can be disorienting! A hint for the hidden shaft going through the planet, which starts right below here.
Landscape On the right side of the rollercoaster A sign saying: Caution: Long vertical drop Another hint for the hidden shaft.
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People Next to the pyramid with Saturn on top

Cueball and White Hat talking

Cueball: I can't believe the Air and Space Museum's new exhibit has a real black hole!
White Hat: Is that... safe?
Cueball: It's OK, they've got a protective case around it.

Hint regarding the Subway Planet and the black hole present in its tunnels. It's a reference to the real-world Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum.

Normally it would not be possible to have a real black hole as a museum exhibition.[citation needed] Also, there's a misunderstanding between White Hat and Cueball. White Hat asks if it is safe for the public to keep a black hole in a museum. Cueball thinks White Hat is concerned about safety of the black hole itself, and responds that it is protected from unscrupulous visitors by putting it in a special case.

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Upgrade High above the St. Louis Arch Nice flying! Your tanks recharge faster now. Congratulations for getting your orbital mechanics right and skillfully executing gravity assist.
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