9: Serenity is coming out tomorrow

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Serenity is coming out tomorrow
Original title: Firefly
Mal, Simon, Wash, Zoe, River, Kaylee, Jayne, Inara, Book.Original caption: Drawn in honor of the upcoming Serenity! If you work very hard you can figure out who is who.
Title text: Mal, Simon, Wash, Zoe, River, Kaylee, Jayne, Inara, Book.

Original caption: Drawn in honor of the upcoming Serenity! If you work very hard you can figure out who is who.


This was the tenth comic originally posted to LiveJournal. The previous one was 6: Irony, and the next was 10: Pi Equals. It was among the first thirteen comics posted to LiveJournal within 12 minutes on September 30, 2005, on the first day of the xkcd LiveJournal account.

This comic is about the release of the movie Serenity, which was the follow-up to Joss Whedon's TV show, Firefly, which was cancelled by Fox after only one season. Plus, three episodes were not shown on Fox but debuted on Sci Fi Channel in the UK. The show was followed by a devoted number of fans who were outraged by the cancellation of the show. High DVD sales and strong fan support allowed the follow-up film Serenity to be created, which tied up many of the loose ends that Firefly left open, such as the cause of River's abilities and the origins of the Reavers. Nathan Fillion, Summer Glau, and Jewel Staite, the actors who play Mal, River, and Kaylee respectively, also show up later in Randall's series The Race. Randall is presumably excited about the upcoming film, and so has drawn the cast.

The image shows the main characters of Firefly. From left to right:


[Several stick figures stand side by side in a lineup. A forlorn male in a coat, a male with combed hair, a male with spiky hair and arms outstretched enthusiastically, a female with long hair and cornrows, a shorter female with stringy hair falling over her face, an enthusiastic female with arms raised in celebration with shorter hair, a male with short hair and a goatee and hands on hips, a female with curly hair wearing a dress, and a stern-looking man with flyaway hair.]


This is the first xkcd comic featuring adorned stick figures (including features like hair and coats) representing distinct characters, a motif that would later become a regular feature throughout the webcomic. This is also the first xkcd comic featuring Nathan Fillion, Summer Glau, and Jewel Staite.

Despite the title stating that the film is coming out tomorrow, the comic was originally released on September 30, 2005, which is also the date of original theatrical release of Serenity.

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Serenity / Firefly / River Tam /Summer Glau have been referenced in many other xkcd comics: ‎ (talk) 08:51 13 August 2012 (UTC) (please sign your comments with ~~~~)