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(Explanation: The title /says/ there's an inside meet, but of course this frame of time might be before/after/instead.)
(Explanation: ...proof? (If it's the same instance of Cueball, and timeline.))
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{{incomplete|Created by a RESPIRATORY DROPLET. Please mention here why this explanation isn't complete. Do NOT delete this tag too soon.}}
{{incomplete|Created by a RESPIRATORY DROPLET. Please mention here why this explanation isn't complete. Do NOT delete this tag too soon.}}
[[Cueball]] is meeting [[White Hat]], who is probably not in the same household — hence the (awkward) attempt at a typical smalltalk greeting. He could be indoors, which normally carries a higher risk of respiratory disease transmission than outdoors. The lack of any other drawn elements could also mean that it's a "safe" meeting outside — either in anticipation of the imminent internal meet-up of the title, or a sincere check upon wellbeing after having fled such an encounter — and White Hat may be within the same trusted bubble but personally not so overcome with anxiety.
[[Cueball]] is meeting [[White Hat]], who is probably not in the same household — hence the (awkward) attempt at a typical smalltalk greeting. He could be indoors, which normally carries a higher risk of respiratory disease transmission than outdoors. The lack of any other drawn elements could also mean that it's a "safe" meeting outside — either in anticipation of the imminent internal meet-up of the title, or a sincere check upon wellbeing after having fled such an encounter — and White Hat may be within [[2468: Inheritance|the same household bubble]] but personally not so overcome with anxiety.
Like many of us, he has become primed to worry about spreading or receiving COVID-19 from the other person. Cueball may have [[2459: March 2020|already been vaccinated]], but that is still not considered perfect guarantee against Covid, newly emerging Covid variants or non-Covid illnesses in general.
Like many of us, he has become primed to worry about spreading or receiving COVID-19 from the other person. Cueball may have [[2459: March 2020|already been vaccinated]], but that is still not considered perfect guarantee against Covid, newly emerging Covid variants or non-Covid illnesses in general.

Revision as of 11:34, 29 June 2021

Indoor Socializing
The problem with learning about biology is that everyone you meet is it.
Title text: The problem with learning about biology is that everyone you meet is it.


Ambox notice.png This explanation is incomplete:
Created by a RESPIRATORY DROPLET. Please mention here why this explanation isn't complete. Do NOT delete this tag too soon. If you can fix this issue, edit the page!
Cueball is meeting White Hat, who is probably not in the same household — hence the (awkward) attempt at a typical smalltalk greeting. He could be indoors, which normally carries a higher risk of respiratory disease transmission than outdoors. The lack of any other drawn elements could also mean that it's a "safe" meeting outside — either in anticipation of the imminent internal meet-up of the title, or a sincere check upon wellbeing after having fled such an encounter — and White Hat may be within the same household bubble but personally not so overcome with anxiety.

Like many of us, he has become primed to worry about spreading or receiving COVID-19 from the other person. Cueball may have already been vaccinated, but that is still not considered perfect guarantee against Covid, newly emerging Covid variants or non-Covid illnesses in general.

People like him may be now oversensitive about taking insufficient precautions related to the various amorphous risks, possibly because it is impossible to find a precaution level that feels just right.

The title text shows how although Biology may be interesting, it can be disgusting. Unfortunately, everyone IS biology.


[White Hat and Cueball are having a conversation.]
White Hat: How are you?
Cueball: Excruciatingly aware of how much of each other's gross lung air we're breathing.
Cueball: I mean, fine! How are you?

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I think he's not afraid of getting COVID, he's just now aware he's inhaling the respiratory particles that everyone else is exhaling, which pre-COVID he never thought about. 05:38, 29 June 2021 (UTC)
Mitigated that in my own edit. (And wait 'til he learns how many water molecules may have been through dinosaur guts, etc!) 06:23, 29 June 2021 (UTC)
Just for context for others, this comment I think is based on this what if. --Lupo (talk) 12:37, 29 June 2021 (UTC) 20:20, 29 June 2021 (UTC) exec Check this http://www.vendian.org/envelope/dir2/breath.html

Earlier on, the explanation suggested that this might not be at an Indoor Sociali[s|z]ing moment, which I found quite convincing, but has been edited out. White Hat (already a known close contact who has been shown as a being in the presence of Cueball in an obvious inside situation) could be trying to psyche up Cueball to go indoors to meet people. Or the question isn't a bland social-nicety (over-reacted to) but an actual question of concern when Cueball has had to flee/avoid an indoors situation. If the latter, Cueball is actually giving a correctly contextual response to the far-from-rhetoric question, but then consciously toning it down to the non-commital response that over-sensitive people might retreat to if they're in denial about their internal strifes. - Randall should have helped by adding a little extra detail, like internal furniture, the porch/doorway to a house (either side) trees and plants to establish this as a public green-space setting. Without that, I'm unable to tell which interpretation to actually apply to the words in use - which words to stress in the question ("How are you?", "How are you?", maybe "How are you?") included... But maybe that's just me? 21:37, 29 June 2021 (UTC)

You know, whether you write 'socializing' or 'socialising' is up to personal preference (or rather, which country you grew up/are growing up in). You don't need to do both. Beanie talk 10:19, 30 June 2021 (UTC)
sounds like some people argue about it. I sometimes write it both ways by accident, but it looks like it was intentional here. I think Randall was more interested in the specific joke environment here, and was leaving it up to the reader to interpret the context as they chose, but only Randall knows. In my opinion "how are you" is pretty much always a social nicety when no context is provided, for now. I really like how you're able to describe sharing one's feelings as normal. It's really easy to fall into copying what one thinks everyone else is doing. 10:40, 30 June 2021 (UTC)
I don't like writing the Americanized version of such words (sorry, Randall and the other colonials out there, though obviously if I'm quoting I'd try to quote correctly if my fingers don't go auto-pilot) but I also feel self-conscious about the alternate Anglicised spelling that I was taught as correct (if I notice I've done it) where the Leftpondian preference is presumed. See also "colour", etc. I would normally try to reword to avoid this ("I can't remember when it was I last had an Indoor Social round at Dave's, but I think the curtains had a red hue"..!) and avoid comment but it seems someone has gone worst of both worlds by making their ambivalence obvious.
As the author of the "Mitigated" comment above, from (whatever IP Cloudfare, or maybe my ISP, funnels me through this time) I note that the "[s|z]" author was also, so while I know for certain that this faux pas was not tapped in on this device, it's likely (not going to do the reverse lookup to be sure) that they're a fellow Brit, and have a similarly torn self-awareness about the whole Johnson vs Webster root of being 'separated by a common language'.
Also, they're verbose, as this chatter proves I can also be. I think therefore I may rightfully feel sympathy to their plight.
(Also, I stand by my original "White Hat might not be a non-householder being met indoors" tone of edit, which I also noted had been redacted. I'm more sanguine about that erasure, though, as it was the most verbose bit at the time... if no longer. But that's Wikiing for ya! Everyone's a critic...)
None of this adds to this comic page, but (rewrites aside) I'm not sure there's much more directly relevent info to add (ready to be proven wrong!) so I doubt it'll get in the way. 12:01, 30 June 2021 (UTC)

OMG, Another COVID comic. Who else is disappointed?

OMG, Another unsigned contribution. Who else is disappointed?
(Srsly, if he has something to say then he'll say it. I don't think it's all he's thinking about, and we've seen non-Covid subjects, but you can't blame him for harvesting a current and rich vein of dark-absurdity if that's what he feels needs saying. Especially if putting them into a potential 'save for later, pull up other stuff for now' pile risks no longer being understandably topical and loses the intended impact. Feel frustrated, if you want, but it'll not change anything to moan here about it.) 00:34, 1 July 2021 (UTC)
ever since he stopped updating his blog and what-if ... 00:40, 1 July 2021 (UTC)

I got the sense that the title text was referring to the game of tag, where one person "is it" and must then run around trying to tag someone else in the game. I think the title text is suggesting that everyone "is it" and trying to tag you with their biological elements. Anyone else think the same thing? Ianrbibtitlht (talk) 12:43, 8 July 2021 (UTC)
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