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{{incomplete|Title text explanation now given, but original para probably needs expanding and more links added.}}
{{w|Terminator_(franchise)#Judgment_Day|Judgement Day}}, from the film ''{{w|Terminator 2: Judgment Day}}'', refers to the day that the {{w|artificial intelligence}} (AI) {{w|Skynet (Terminator)|Skynet}} becomes self-aware and starts a nuclear strike on America, Russia, and other regions, killing three billion people.
[[w|Terminator_(franchise)#Judgment_Day|Judgement Day}}, from the film ''{{w|Terminator 2: Judgment Day}}'', refers to the day that the {{w|artificial intelligence}} (AI) {{w|Skynet (Terminator)|Skynet}} becomes self-aware and starts a nuclear strike on America, Russia, and other regions, killing three billion people.
Most stories with this plot have the AI be evil and promptly nuke humanity. In this strip the AI is sensible enough to realize that {{w|nuclear weapons}} are not good things to have, and that the amount of them we have now is extreme overkill. Once it's done freaking out, its solution is to shoot the world's nuclear arsenal into the sun. But before it does so it asks: ''What's wrong with you?'' (humans). It has thus passed a judgment over humanity.
Most stories with this plot have the AI be evil and promptly nuke humanity. In this strip the AI is sensible enough to realize that {{w|nuclear weapons}} are not good things to have, and that the amount of them we have now is extreme overkill. Once it's done freaking out, its solution is to shoot the world's nuclear arsenal into the sun. But before it does so it asks: ''What's wrong with you?'' (humans). It has thus passed a judgment over humanity.

Revision as of 19:44, 6 January 2016

Judgment Day
It took a lot of booster rockets, but luckily Amazon had recently built thousands of them to bring Amazon Prime same-day delivery to the Moon colony.
Title text: It took a lot of booster rockets, but luckily Amazon had recently built thousands of them to bring Amazon Prime same-day delivery to the Moon colony.


Judgement Day, from the film Terminator 2: Judgment Day, refers to the day that the artificial intelligence (AI) Skynet becomes self-aware and starts a nuclear strike on America, Russia, and other regions, killing three billion people.

Most stories with this plot have the AI be evil and promptly nuke humanity. In this strip the AI is sensible enough to realize that nuclear weapons are not good things to have, and that the amount of them we have now is extreme overkill. Once it's done freaking out, its solution is to shoot the world's nuclear arsenal into the sun. But before it does so it asks: What's wrong with you? (humans). It has thus passed a judgment over humanity.

The comic title is thus a pun on the word "judgment" since the computer is being judgmental with humanity and scolding us while correcting our ways, instead of instigating Judgment Day or any other kind of Armageddon.

North Korea claimed to have successfully tested its first hydrogen bomb in the evening on the day before this comic was published; at about 8:30 PM in Massachusetts where Randall lives. (At that time it was already 10:00 AM on the day of the comics release in Pyongyang the capital of North Korea, but that was still several hours before this comic were released). This comic could thus be Randall's response to the ongoing nuclear arms race.

Even the most powerful of nuclear weapon launchers, Intercontinental ballistic missiles, are not designed to make anything other than sub-orbital flights and could not fly to the Sun (which is actually surprisingly difficult, since the rocket would have enough delta-v to bleed off the orbital speed of the Earth around the Sun).

The title text rationalizes that the capability to do so may perhaps be granted by the use of an Amazon resource that might have also been developed by the time of this instance of computer sentience, aided (if not initiated!) by the fact that Amazon's whole business infrastructure is already highly computerized and could at the very least be complicit with the process of delivering and then controlling the rocket-power, without any conscious human intervention. As there is already an extended colony on the Moon, it will for sure take many years before we reach this future scenario.

It is the second time in a few months that the speed of Amazon's deliveries has been the subject of a joke, the last time was 1599: Water Delivery, where it was the one hour delivery that was the subject of the joke. It is also the second title text in a row (after 1625: Substitutions 2 where Amazon has been mentioned.

This particular 'machine take-over' future is in distinct contrast to the possible future directions given in 1613: The Three Laws of Robotics, but this comic likely depicts spontaneous self-sentience, not a system with deliberately imposed human 'values' and possibly no actual conscience or even consciousness of its own. Other problems with hostile AI take over is presented when it fails completely in 1046: Skynet. Also it is not all AI that wish to interact with us at all as shown in 1450: AI-Box Experiment. These are just a few of the many comics about AI in xkcd .


[Several rockets can be seen heading away from Earth]

AI: Oh my god, why do you even have all these?
AI: What's wrong with you?
AI: We're launching them into the sun.
Postscript: The moment the computers controlling our nuclear arsenals became sentient
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This explanation contains a slanderous misrepresentation. It may be that some premillenialists believe that God is going to wipe out humanity but the belief that is predominant among Bible believers is that God is going to resurrect all the dead and change all of the living without there being a death experience in that change: 1 Corinthians 15:51-53 King James Version

Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. 13:04, 17 July 2020 (UTC)

Agreed. Strangely enough it still said that three years later. I just changed it from "humanity" to "the world as we know it", since it would be replaced by the world to come. It still fits into the explanation like this. Still not sure I'm happy with it though... 08:25, 11 July 2023 (UTC)

It was making my titletext explanation too long and unwieldy, to include this particular speculation in my own contribution, but there's a possibility that it may well be Amazon's own sentience taking over the world, and rationalising that a dead and dying customer base is of no use to it... 13:51, 6 January 2016 (UTC)

Doesn't matter if it's self-sentience or not. Truth is, rigid laws are not the best way to use as a replacement for conscience. The 1613 did not deal with possibility of one or more of the laws being left out. -- Hkmaly (talk) 13:53, 6 January 2016 (UTC)

I think the "Judgment" part of the comic is that those tens of thousands of nukes hitting the sun may make it unstable in some way and destroy Earth. 14:34, 6 January 2016 (UTC)

Of course, all of our nukes hitting the Sun would be a drop in the bucket of solar fusion reactions. Nothing would be destabilized. However, I'm sure inconvenient physics would not stop some movie scriptwriter from incorporating a spectacular CG-fueled nova as a plot point. Jhhxkcd (talk) 14:47, 6 January 2016 (UTC)
That's pretty much already the plot of Sunshine (2007), though there the result was to (successfully) reignite a failing Sun, rather than to destabilize it. 15:35, 6 January 2016 (UTC)
It's pretty clear that the "Judgment" is the AI being judgmental of humanity's (insane) massive production and hoarding of nuclear weapons. -Pennpenn 22:14, 6 January 2016 (UTC)
Pennpenn, That's what I also thought, should we incorporate this as a pun on the title? -- 02:26, 7 January 2016 (UTC)

The first two lines could be said by any non-hoarder looking at the stuff a hoarder has collected. "A stack of 130 used microwave dinner trays? Why do you even have all these? Are you insane? They're going in the recycling bin." I think that's the joke: the newly-sentient computer is Mom, and humanity is her teenage son with the very messy room, but this being xkcd, it gets more... um, extreme from there. 16:18, 6 January 2016 (UTC)

There may be a reference to https://what-if.xkcd.com/5/ where Randall points out that our nuclear arsenal may actually be more damaging to computers than they are to us due to the EMP effect, effectively giving us an edge in case of robot apocalypse. By getting rid of nuclear weapon, computers also protect themselves. -- 16:47, 6 January 2016 (UTC)

Did anybody else think "Optimus Prime" when reading "Amazon Prime"? (especially with the context of sentient machines) I know that Amazon Prime is already a real-life thing, and very connected with deliveries, so probably/maybe not an intentional pun by Randall (and thus probably not worth injecting into the explanation). However, that won't keep me from now imagining the Autobots as Amazon warriors.… 17:47, 6 January 2016 (UTC)

Would it really require a lot of booster rockets?

Can't you just "fall" into the sun for free once you're free of Earth's orbit? Why should it take a lot of booster rockets to get there? 16:26, 6 January 2016 (UTC)

Because otherwise your rocket will fall down, miss the sun, and fly back to where earth was at the time of the launch. Effectively making it orbit the sun like a comet. -- 16:47, 6 January 2016 (UTC)
a) The boosters are required to escape the earth's gravitational influence. After that sun's gravity would do the rest, b) A lot of boosters are required because there are a lot of missiles that need to be launched. --Desidiot (talk) 16:41, 6 January 2016 (UTC)
After escaping Earth's well, the nukes still have inherited the velocity of Earth's orbit. They need to reduce their periapsis close to/inside the sun. That would take extreme amounts of Delta v (i.e. energy)... 16:45, 6 January 2016 (UTC)
And to those skilled at Kerbal Space Program... that uses a simplified 'nearest body rules' system for orbital mechanics. You can (I know I have!) launched a rocket of sufficient power such that it escapes the 'back' end of the planet's influence with a pre-escape velocity somewhat equivalent to the planet's forward velocity, which is then removed as part of the transfer to 'open space', leaving it on a highly eccentric orbit (with reference to the newly supreme gravitational source) that is practically 'straight down' (though because of the Kerbal sun's nature, you still usually sun-skim it on a very tight loop back out again). But that takes more energy than 'merely' getting beyond the planet's influence and end up travelling round the parent body in an orbit only marginally off that of the original planet, the nature (and future) of which depends completely on which direction you eventually broke free. (NB. This was all in an older version, I think they've changed some things about what happens near the sun, but not the basic physics system.)
However, IRL you are always subject to gravity from every body. Maybe most of the time one dominates, but there's a fuzzy interface (and zones where influences balance out, hence Legrange Points). Think of it as still having a link to Earth's progression round the Sun, dragging you round, at least until you're at a point in opposition to the Earth, across the Sun (then it's dragging you back that way, encouraging you into a retrograde solar orbit). Albeit that this too is an oversimplification. But by the time you've got your rocket near opposition to its launch planet, you've expended the energies needed to fall into a non-grazing (i.e. utterly non-missing) 'orbit', and it's a lot of thrust. Which is what is required of those boosters. 17:58, 6 January 2016 (UTC)
In short (with figures): Earth orbits the Sun at around 30 km/s (roughly 70,000 mph). Escape velocity from Earth's gravity is about 11 km/s at the surface (for comparison, the ISS orbits at 7.6 km/s and it takes a huge rocket to get there). To fly into the Sun starting from the ISS, you'd have to accelerate another 4 km/s to get behind the Earth on its orbital path, and nearly another 30 km/s to come to a dead stop in space and fall into the Sun. Nobody on Earth has ever built a rocket even remotely capable of doing that. 12:48, 7 January 2016 (UTC)
There is an easier way: use gravity-assist slingshot(s) around other planet(s). Martin (talk) 00:17, 8 January 2016 (UTC)
Scott Manley attempted this with the Real Solar System and Real Fuels mods in KSP, and the result is aptly titled, Dropping Things Into The Sun Is Hard. 13:33, 7 January 2016 (UTC)

Some exagerations :

On your first point, it's roughly 14,700 according to USA Today. As for your second, it's only ever stated to be a claim, so the statement is accurate. Schiffy (Speak to me|What I've done) 00:14, 8 January 2016 (UTC)

Could the Sun as target be a reference to th ending of the Battlestar Galactica early 2000's series? (talk) (please sign your comments with ~~~~)