1767: US State Names

Revision as of 13:09, 2 December 2016 by (talk) (Table of States)
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US State Names
Technically DC isn't a state, but no one is too pedantic about it because they don't want to disturb the snakes.
Title text: Technically DC isn't a state, but no one is too pedantic about it because they don't want to disturb the snakes.


This is just a silly map.

Randall has taken a map of the United States of America labeled "Geography Challenge: Name all 50 States" and filled in the states with words that sound similar to the states' names. The joke is that Randall is apparently terrible at remembering states by heart, or else that he interpreted "name" as "give a name to" and is giving each state a name similar to but different from its previous name. Additionally, song such as the 50 Nifty United States that make these issues seem rarer, thus making it funnier. Below is the table.

Table of States

Ambox notice.png This explanation may be incomplete or incorrect: Some states unfinished. Make wikipedia links. Please explain Verizona again, or the meaning of "Rizon".
If you can address this issue, please edit the page! Thanks.
Fictional State Actual State Explanation
Wilwheaton Washington Wil Wheaton is an actor and writer
Organs Oregon Probably a reference to the game "Organ Trail" which is a parody of the game "The Oregon Trail"
Cafeteria California A cafeteria is a kind of restaurant
Fallout New Vegas Nevada Fallout New Vegas is set in Nevada
Idolatry Idaho Idolatry the worship of a physical object as a god, forbidden in many religions
mount -a Montana A command to mount all disk volumes.
Wysiwyg Wyoming Acronym What You See Is What You Get.
Uhaul Utah U-Haul is a company where you can rent vans.
Verizona Arizona Verizon has a shared "Rizon" with Arizona. Randall presumably enjoys this.
Namaste New Mexico Namaste is a Hindu greeting.
Hexxus Texas The antagonist of Ferngully. FernGully is said to be the model for the later film "Avatar". This is the second time Hexxus was mentioned in xkcd, the first occurence being in Life Goals
Okay Oklahoma OK is the state's abbreviation.
Candice Kansas Candice is a girl's name of Latin origin, meaning "clarity, whiteness" ("canditia").
Colocated Colorado Refers to computer servers located in a Colocation Center
Nebrunswick Nebraska New Brunswick, a Canadian province. People sometimes write "NB" as the postal abbreviation for Nebraska; in reality, Nebraska is "NE", and while there is no "NB" in the U.S. postal system, New Brunswick is "NB" in the Canadian postal system.
Dakota South Dakota Randall seems to have forgotten his directions, so he drops the normal "South" and "North". He may also be teasing that this doesn't matter.
More Dakota North Dakota See South Dakota
Minestrone Minnesota Minestrone is a thick vegetable soup, originating in Italy.
Wainscot Wisconsin A type of wood panelling covering only the lower half of a wall
Iota Iowa Iota is the ninth letter of the Greek alphabet. It was derived from the Phoenician letter Yodh. Also colloquially used to mean a very small quantity.
Sk8rbois Illinois "Skater Boys." Sk8er Boi is a song by Avril Lavigne.
Mossouri Missouri The single different letter represents probably a typo (O is adjacent to I in a keyboard). This typo is 22,000 times in Google.
Arkanoids Arkansas An arcade game.
Louisa Louisiana Louisa, feminine of Louis, is an Old German name meaning "famous warrior". Louisiana was of named after King Louis XIV when it was founded as a French colony.
Misstate Mississippi "Mis-" is a prefix meaning “wrong,” “incorrect,” or simply negating. "Misstate" could be a non-state. Miss State is a university in Mississippi.
Bandana Alabama A large handkerchief cloth, worn either around the head or neck. Often used in Westerns.
Thennessy Tennessee Hennessy is a brand of cognac.
Kennedy Kentucky The Kennedy family is an American family that has been prominent in American politics, public service, and business during the 20th century.
That Other One Indiana 'That Other One' is something someone might say if they were trying to name all the states from memory, and knew where a state was but not what it was called.
Mishy Michigan According to the Urban Dictionary, "mishy" means "mushy and horny at the same time".
Oh Hi Ohio OH-HI-OH is a popular cheer by fans of Ohio State University
Pencilmania Pennsylvania Pencil Mania is a 1932 Tom and Jerry cartoon in which they pull out a pencil and proceed to draw figures in the air
Newark New York Newark element14 or simply Newark, is the official distributor of Raspberry Pi. Possible reference to William Gibson's works. Also, many people that live in Newark commute 14 miles to work in New York. A mispronunciation of New York.
Vermouth Vermont Vermouth is an Italian alcoholic beverage.
New Hamper New Hampshire A hamper is a large basket, often with lid, used for laundry. Also another name for a picnic basket.
Spanish Maine Maine The Spanish Main was the mainland Spanish colonial possessions around the Gulf of Mexico.
Masseuses Massachusetts Women who give massages professionally.
Roald Dahl Rhode Island A British writer, famous for child novels such as Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
Connectfour Connecticut Connect Four is a two-player game, in which the objective is to connect four of your checkers in a row while preventing your opponent from doing the same.
Nude Juggalos New Jersey Juggalo is a name given to fans of the group Insane Clown Posse or any other Psychopathic Records hip hop group.
Delorean Delaware DeLorean_DMC-12|car}} famous as the DeLorean_time_machine time machine car in Back to the Future movies
Maybelline Maryland Maybelline is a make-up brand.
District of Colubrids District of Columbia TheColubridae are the biggest family of snakes, accounting for about two thirds of the world's species. As the title text mentions, theDistrict of Columbia, although not part of any state, is technically not a state itself, but is usually labeled on the maps like the 50 others for practical reasons. Here, Randall humorously explains the reason as people not wanting to upset the aforementioned snakes by dismissing their district for this pedantic reason.
Wyvern West Virginia A Wyvern is a mythical creature.
Virjayjay Virginia Virginia is similar to vagina. Vajayjay is slang for vagina.
Sweet Caroline North Carolina A song by Neil Diamond.
South Caroline South Carolina A further reference to song 'Sweet Caroline' by Neil Diamond, similar to 'Dakota' and 'More Dakota.' Plays on similarity between the names 'Caroline' and 'Carolina'.
George Georgia Georgia was named for George II of Great Britain
Fyoridor Florida Possibly derived from the Russian name Fyodor, as in Fyodor Dostoyevsky.
Alberta Alaska A Canadian province.
Kawaii Hawaii A Japanese term for cute commonly romanized similar to Hawaii. Possible reference to the 1957 war movie The Bridge on the River Kwai. Not to be confused with Kauai, a Hawaiian island.


Ambox notice.png This transcript is incomplete. Please help editing it! Thanks.

[A map of the United States, with incorrect state names. A title:]

Geography challenge:

Name all 50 States

| Alabama => Bandana |

| Alaska => Alberta |

| Arizona => Verizona |

| Arkansas => Arkanoids |

| California => Cafeteria |

| Colorado => Colocated |

| Connecticut => Connect Four |

| Delaware => Delorean |

| District of Columbia => District of Colubrids |

| Florida => Fyoridor |

| Georgia => George |

| Hawaii => Kawaii |

| Idaho => Idolatry |

| Illinois => SK8RBOIS |

| Indiana => That Other One |

| Iowa => Iota |

| Kansas => Candice |

| Kentucky => Kennedy |

| Louisiana => Loisa |

| Maine => Spanish Maine |

| Maryland => Maybelline |

| Massachusetts => Masseuses |

| Michigan => Mishy |

| Minnesota => Minestrone |

| Mississippi => Misstate |

| Missouri => Mossouri |

| Montana => mount -a |

| Nebraska => Nebrunswick |

| Nevada => Fallout New Vegas |

| New Hampshire => New Hamper |

| New Jersey => Nude Juggalos |

| New Mexico => Namaste |

| New York => Newark |

| North Carolina => Sweet Caroline |

| South Carolina => South Caroline |

| Ohio => Oh Hi |

| Oklahoma => Okay |

| Oregon => Organs |

| Pennsylvania => Pencilmania |

| Rhode Island => Roald Dahl |

| South Dakota => Dakota |

| /North Dakota => More Dakota |

| Tennessee => Thennessy |

| Texas => Hexxus |

| Utah => Uhaul |

| Vermont => Vermouth |

| Virginia => Virjayjay |

| Washington => Willwheaton |

| West Virginia => Wyvern |

| Wisconsin => Wainscot |

| Wyoming => WYSIWYG |

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I'm wondering whether this could be a joke about autocorrect/suggested completion as found in smartphone texting apps. Dromaeosaur (talk) 08:06, 2 December 2016 (UTC)

But would autocorrect replace Texas with Hexxus?--Blaisorblade (talk) 09:02, 2 December 2016 (UTC)

According to Wikipedia Will Wheaton is not from Washington 08:56, 2 December 2016 (UTC)

He is most famously (that is, to pen-and-paper rpg gamers as well as those young enough not to have watched TNG and old enough to have watched The Big Bang Theory) a player, fan, and long-time celebrity face of D&D, a tabletop roleplaying game presently made by Wizards of the Coast, who ARE based in Washington; the Seattle coast is "The Coast" the name refers to. That's the immediate reference I got, but I'm nervous enough about adding this note that I'm not sure I should go editing the article itself.

I think the starting point is the ambiguity of the standard "Name all 50 states" challenge. I'm no native speaker but "Name" means both "invent a new name" and "give the correct name for", and Randall is misunderstanding this on purpose. Maybe that's obvious to some, but it seems the sort of thing worth explaining here?--Blaisorblade (talk) 09:02, 2 December 2016 (UTC)

Clever! That's certainly true, it could be a pun on the word "name". Although Randall has done similar things in the past (putting objects in states, reordering states, drawing physically cumbersome bicycles) that suggest he likes playing with the idea that people who sort of know how things work but ultimately end up mixing things up and creating something that's not all that accurate (but nonetheless very interesting and creative). 18:31, 3 December 2016 (UTC)

"Colocated" is technically misspelled (it's either "co-located" or "collocated"), though that could be for the sake of matching it to "Colorado." However, the word is used in many situations other than "co-location center" (e.g. workers being collocated in the same office), so unless Colorado is particularly notable for its co-location centers, I don't think it makes sense to claim that that's what it's specifically referring to. –PhantomLimbic (talk) 09:36, 2 December 2016 (UTC)

Hmm, it looks like "colocated" is a spelling used specifically within the industry, so perhaps the claim is warranted after all. –PhantomLimbic (talk) 09:50, 2 December 2016 (UTC)
Collocate is not a synonym for co-locate; collocate (pronounced like "kallocate") has the sense of juxtaposing things with each other, especially placing them side by side. This is subtly different from co-locate (housing them in the same location). "Colocate" is an industry shortening of "co-locate", not a misspelling of "collocate". 01:01, 5 December 2016 (UTC)

Isn't it a challenge to correctly name all the states with clues given as to the proper name? 10:27, 2 December 2016 (UTC)

I think the challenge is supposed to be a blank map that someone has filled out in red pen. The joke is that whoever filled it out does pretty much know all of the states but isn't really clear on their actual names. 10:34, 2 December 2016 (UTC) Right, I get you. Something a bored Geography teacher may or may not find amusing when it comes to giving out detentions for the week :) 10:40, 2 December 2016 (UTC)

Is Georgia / George a reference to the kings of georgia (of which 9 were named george)? (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Georgian_monarchs) 10:49, 2 December 2016 (UTC)

I would have thought of the king of England when the colonies decided to declare independence -- or, for that matter, his grandfather King George II, after whom the state was named -- before thinking of kings from the other side of the Northern Hemisphere. But who knows. George is a common enough name that without word from Randall, it could equally be said he was making a reference to George Lucas, or to the name the Abominable Snowman wanted to give his "own little bunny rabbit." Nyperold (talk) 18:00, 7 December 2016 (UTC)

About "OH HI", I've understood it as a reference to the cult movie "The Room" (2003) (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0368226), where the main character Johnny greets the other ones with a "Oh hi!". But that's maybe only my view. 12:12, 2 December 2016 (UTC)

I think it's within plausibility for OH HI to be a reference to the logic game 0h h1 [1]. Toss that possibility around? -- 23:30, 3 December 2016 (UTC)

As a Hoosier, I think that the name given to Indiana is on point. 14:06, 2 December 2016 (UTC)

Shouldn't the table be alphabetical and the transcript be in geographical order (rather than the other way around as it is now)? 15:12, 2 December 2016 (UTC)

I'm fairly confident that "Mossouri" is not a typo, but rather a reference to Katie Mossouris, the Microsoft security researcher who created the bug bounty program. see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katie_Moussouris. 18:06, 2 December 2016 (UTC)

Dear, it's old to complain of xkcd's various quality drops, but I think this is my turn. A good number of recent comics have just been variously exaggerated text lists of stuff. Randall might just as well switch to a written format; pictorial context is becoming less and less necessary for his comics by the week. ~~~~ (talk) (please sign your comments with ~~~~)

Never read Cerebus the Aardvark, did you? -- 14:04, 3 December 2016 (UTC)

I'm thinking that at least in part, it's a commentary on what the average American middle-schooler knows about their country's geography. 10:56, 2 December 2016 (UTC)

I'm pretty sure there is no 'ee' sound in Michigan, also of note the Carolina's are named for one the British King Charles's although I'm not sure which, and Wysiwyg has been used in xkcd before... Somewhere108.162.237.88 21:14, 2 December 2016 (UTC)

Agreed re Michigan and removed. Miamiclay (talk) 23:11, 3 December 2016 (UTC)

Newark? He named New York after Newark, New Jersey? Yea, I got your Newark right here, buddy! -- 14:04, 3 December 2016 (UTC)

For me, Randall's comic is a gentle-but-hilarious depiction of the general imprecision of human cognition --- pretty much every story that we tell, and every fact we remember, arrives in our awareness in the foggy forms that this comic makes fun of. John Sidles (talk) 02:12, 4 December 2016 (UTC)

"Spanish Maine" is ironic given the sinking of the naval ship of the same name and the inspired rally, "Remember the Maine, to Hell with Spain!" 18:31, 3 December 2016 (UTC)

Should there be a link to the Exoplanets comic? Also related to the chaos that arises when people are allowed to 'name' things (https://xkcd.com/1253/) - 23:08, 5 December 2016 (UTC)

The explanation for "More Dakota" says that "More Dakka" (which I believe to be referenced here) is possibly too obscure to be a shoutout here, as XKCD does not usually mention Warhammer 40,000. However, there is a TV Trope named "More Dakka", and it is well-established that Randall is an avid reader of TV Tropes. (This is also the only way I know about "More Dakka".) Mathmannix (talk) 14:04, 7 December 2016 (UTC)

I've taken the liberty to make a description list out of the table (and sort it alphabetically), so it is easier to read on small screens. The original order is still in the wikitext as a comment, in case this is preferred by the original authors. (also, if this is 'too much', feel free to revert) //gir.st/ (talk) 11:10, 28 August 2018 (UTC)

Could 'Fyoridor' be derived from 'corridor'? --Ата (talk) 11:38, 7 October 2018 (UTC)