146: Join Myspace

Revision as of 11:54, 17 April 2013 by Markhurd (talk | contribs) (clean up, typos fixed: tv → TV)
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Join Myspace
I really shouldn't abuse that power so heavily.
Title text: I really shouldn't abuse that power so heavily.


This comic references to the 1980s TV-comicseries (and Greeting Card subjects) “Care Bears” in which various cuddly bears in rainbow colors go on missions to save the world. The characters' ultimate weapon is the "Care Bear Stare," in which the Bears stand together and radiate light from their respective tummy symbols. These combine to form a ray of love and good cheer which could bring care and joy into the target's heart.

“Myspace” references to the social networking site myspace.com. Cueball is convincing Black Hat to create an account at this networking site, but Black Hat doesn't feel like it. Then, when Black Hat gets annoyed by Cueball's persuasions, he activates his “carebearstare”, thus overthrowing Cueball's request to be friends only.


[Cueball is talking to Black Hat]
Cueball: Dude, you should get on MySpace.
Black Hat: Eh, I don't think so.
Cueball: C'mon. There's no real reason not to except snobbiness. It's the new social scene.
Black Hat: I know. I'm just not interested.
Cueball: Please? I'll friend you.
Black Hat: Carebearstare.
Cueball: What?
[Black Hat shoots a rainbow colored ray from his chest - the Care Bear Stare. It throws Cueball to the edge of the panel, pinned to the wall.]

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Rikthoff (talk) The issue date is definitely off. Can anyone fix?
Yep, I've fixed the date. lcarsos (talk) 20:59, 28 August 2012 (UTC)

carebearstare :D 625571b7-aa66-4f98-ac5c-92464cfb4ed8 (talk) 01:21, 3 May 2017 (UTC) black hat said "care bear stare" quickly to become "carebearstare." (this is supported by cueball's "What?") that should probably be mentioned instead of just switching to carebearstare. 14:00, 6 September 2021 (UTC)Bumpf
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