
Explain xkcd: It's 'cause you're dumb.
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  • A series similar to Randall's My Hobby series, but not as common.
    • It gives a 'advice', called a protip, which is very logical, but mostly only (if ever) useful in absurd situations.
  • Randall often delivers other such types of protips in his comics, without calling them that. See the tips category for these other types of tips.
  • Below is the list of comics where Randall has supplied the readers with these "useful" protips:
    • Click to expand for a more detailed explanation:

Protip comes from Gamepro. Gamepro was an American multiplatform video game magazine media company that published online and print content covering the video game industry, video game hardware and video game software. They became most widely famous for its ProTips, small pieces of gameplay tips and advice depicted with game screenshot captions. (The ironic usage is connected to a ProTip provided for the original DOOM: "To defeat the Cyberdemon, shoot at it until it dies"--which is the same method used for every other monster in DOOM.)

Despite the demise of the term in Gamepro itself, the term "ProTip" has been revived as a pop culture meme used to expressing some ironical advice with extreme sarcasm, such as in, "ProTip: Don't call the cops to report your stolen weed."

Randall at least once gave a real protip to his readers in the xkcd Header text when the comic 1663: Garden came out due to it's complexity, see more here and here.