2765: Escape Speed/Tables

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  • Here the long tables needed for the explanation of the interactive comic 2765: Escape Speed could be moved.

Table of planets

Ambox notice.png This explanation may be incomplete or incorrect:

This is a different attempt to list and explain all the planets and other objects that have gravity and can be landed upon and explored.

The description and explanations may be incomplete or incorrect. Please help improve them. Try to keep separate the description (i.e. how the planet looks and what general features it has) and explanation (i.e. what the name and look represent, what they refer to both in the real and fictional worlds and what XKCD comics may have been a source or an inspiration. Please describe the planets only, not the objects that can be found on them.
If you can address this issue, please edit the page! Thanks.

Planets and Planet-like Objects
Tiles (X, Y) Directions Description Explanation
Starting Planet
(6024, -8976) To get here, click the "Home" button in the lower right corner of the comic.

The planet is tiny, grassy, has a few trees and bushes and features several people. Initially the navigation is difficult because of low initial engine thrust and strong gravity of the Origin planet nearby affecting movement.

This is where the game starts. Pressing the "Home" button to go back to the starting planet shows the message, "Welcome back, pilot", which may be a reference to the greeting that plays when re-entering a Titan in the Titanfall video games.

(3096, -5904) To get here, launch from Beret Guy saying "Wow!" on the Starting Planet.

The planet is fairly big, has vegetation, and features many people, landscape objects, items and upgrades. It has a shaft through the center. The planet is hard to leave without any upgrades unless one uses the shaft to gain more momentum by thrusting while moving through the middle of it. Many of the landmarks of the surface mark the directions to different planets.

The planet has a sign saying 'Welcome to Origin! You can never leave™'. The name may also refer to the fact that the planet lies almost at the center of the game world, or that it is the starting point for exploration as it provides many navigational hints.

Hollow Planet
(-13952, 1848) To get here, launch from the St. Louis Arch on Origin.

The planet is just a shell with some gaps. On the outside, there are a few signs that mark the directions to different planets.

Round Planet
(-19154, -7288) To get here, launch from the tower with an orb on it on Origin or the sign on the Hollow Planet.

The planet is moderately small with no vegetation and some architecture such as Stonehenge and the Great Wall of China. It also features a few people and items.

(-3904, -26904) To get here, launch from Origin's spiral landmark, the sign on the Hollow Planet, or below the plane-towed banner on the Round Planet. The planet is a large spiral overgrown with grass and some other vegetation. It has very weak gravity. The shape of the planet is inspired by the manga Uzumaki by Junji Ito.
Guitar Ship
(-12000, -30000) To get there, launch from Uzumaki, a little to the left of the caffeine molecule item. The planet is shaped like a guitar seen in perspective looking from the bottom of the body, with a dome on the back side. Within the dome there's the Boston skyline. This is a reference to the cover art of the album Boston by the like-named American rock band. It's one of many references to Boston in the game.
Spacetime Soccer Field
(6048, 4048) To get here, launch from Origin, from the pyramid with a soccer ball on top of it.

This is a tiny planet with a smooth surface and a distorted soccer field marked around it. The goals and goal area lines are on the opposite sides of the planet (let's say, to the east and west), distorted into curved trapezoids. The touch lines (side lines) are sections of hyperbolas with the vertices closest to the planet at the north and south poles, extending symmetrically to some distance from the planet. There is no goal line; in this geometry it should be the extended axis. What seems to be penalty lines, but drawn incorrectly to join the side lines instead of going back to the goal line, are sections of an ellipse. The halfway line appears twice, joining the four ends of hyperbolic side lines. The center circle appears as two separate halves stemming from the two copies of the halfway line.

The space soccer field utilizes the concept from 2705: Spacetime Soccer, but inversed: in the original comic the center point of the field was located in a gravity well, causing the ball to be pulled away from the goals; here the goals are located close to the center of the planet, so the ball naturally tries to fall towards them, probably making the game more interesting.

(2600, 14000) To get here, launch from the pyramid with Saturn on it on Origin. If you see the Spacetime Soccer Field, you're too far left. The planet resembles Saturn with its rings, however it is translucent: a soccer ball can bee seen inside. One of the ball's white hexagons is surfacing in the north pole area. It is a reference to 2513: Saturn Hexagon
(12048, 14048) To get there launch from a monument on Origin, featuring a round shape with a small "T" on top. This is a small partly rocky and partly grassy planet with a strange T-shaped tower. A reference to Animorphs book series featuring fictional sapient species of Andalites. Two such (or similar) creatures can be found on the planet. In the original books, the planet the Andalites come from is unnamed.
Projection of Earth
(-15808, 22192) To get there by follow the sign on the hollow planet or launch from the Earth map monument on Origin. The planet is shaped like a huge distorted map of all land masses of Earth. The player's spaceship can fly where water would be, but it can't go over land. Some straights between islands are to narrow for the ship to pass, especially in the Southeast Asia area. Some mediterranean seas are also inaccessible. Probably a reference to 977: Map Projections or, more generally, to the Randall's obsession about maps.
Voyager 1
(1606, -14282) To get here, launch from the "Receiving transmission" communication device near the spiral landmark on Origin. This is a recreation of the Voyager 1 space probe.
Voyager 2
(10682, -5172) To get here, launch from the "Receiving transmission" communication device near the spider landmark on Origin. This is a recreation of the Voyager 2 space probe.
(17024, 1024) To get here, launch from the cell tower on Origin. A cube satellite with an absurd set of assorted objects on board. This is a reference to 1992: SafetySat.
Shuttle Skeleton
(-30200, 14576) To get here, launch from the Shuttle Skeleton landmark on Origin or in the northwestern direction from Alaska on the Projection of Earth. The planet looks like an outline of the space shuttle with a strange skeleton inside. This is a reference to 2630: Shuttle Skeleton.
Giant Spider
(26982, -8714) To get here, launch from the spider landmark on Origin. The object is a giant spider floating in space with eight people standing on top of his legs. Spiders is a recurring theme on xkcd.
Diffraction Spikes Star
(-19944, 11240) To get here, launch from the back of the left "hand" of the Shuttle Skeleton or the north of Alaska. The object is a star with very long spikes. This is a reference to 2762: Diffraction Spikes.
Roche Lobe Earth
earth-roche and normal-moon
(-9952, -3952) To get there, launch from the like-shaped statue on Origin. This is a small, distorted, drop-shaped Earth with oceans and continents of the northern hemisphere. There's the Moon close by. The distortion looks like if the Moon's tidal forces are pulling northern Atlantic Ocean really hard.
Dark Matter Planet
(-2892, 2640) To get here, launch from the goal on the half of the field with just one person on it on Spacetime Soccer Field. This is a small, irregular planet with a black center (normal planets have white centers) and an inscription "DARK MATTER" inside, repeated three times.

Dark matter is a hypothetical form of matter sought by astrophycists as a possible cause of behavior of galaxies, which cannot be explained by the current theory of gravity and observations. The anomalies would be explained if there was extra mass in the galaxies, which is not observed, but is theorized as dark matter presence. The dark matter is named this way not because it has some dark color, but because it supposedly does not interact (or interacts very weakly) with electromagnetic field, therefore does not emit light and can't be seen.

This is also a reference to 2186: Dark Matter

Jurassic Park Planet
(20000, 11000) To get here, launch from the dinosaur on Origin or from the Andalites on Andal. It's a big planet with weak gravity, a lot of grass, and many dinosaur figures, some repeating a few times.

This is a reference to the 1993 Jurassic Park film and the related media franchise. It contains images of dinosaurs taken from the Dinosaurs web comic, which, similarly to xkcd, uses a random string of letters for its domain name: quantz.com. It also reflects Randal's avid interest in dinosaurs. This is an exact copy of the Dinosaur Planet from 2712: Gravity.

Comet 67P
(18048, -11152) To get here, launch from the duck next to the 'Caution: long vertical drop' sign on Origin. This is a small, potato-shaped body, modelled after the 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko comet.

This is a reference to the 2004–2016 Rosetta spacecraft mission, which was the first to place a lander (Philae) on a comet core. The mission was also commemorated in 1446: Landing and the spacecraft are mentioned in 1402: Harpoons and 1740: Rosetta.

What If? Planet
(22000, 34000) To get here, launch from the two people explaining where Boston is on Origin, the left of Stonehenge on the Round Planet, or the left rim of the Guitar Ship. This is a huge, round planet with many bodies of water. The planet contains several scenes from what if? and 2712: Gravity. Megan and Cueball are floating inside a small space in the center of the planet. This is an almost exact copy of the Earth planet from 2712: Gravity, however a few scenes and all text were removed.
Subway Planet
subway-planet and black-hole-3
(-46000, -24000) To can get there take off from the "secret glade" item next to the the bush where someone says "Shhh" on Origin.

This is a huge planet with a subway system connecting places named after U.S. cities, similar to the one from 1196: Subways. In the area where Boston should be according to that system, there is a giant round hole with rugged sides consisting of a lot of broken planks. There's a black hole inside, off the center, in the Washington, D.C. area. There are many people and features both on the surface and within subway tunnels.

This is a key planet to solve the puzzle in the game, and contains several out of many in-game references to Boston (in many meanings of the name) and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, which currently is located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, but was founded in 1861 in Boston.

Obviously, it's also a reference to 1196: Subways

Boston Planet
(-42000, 8000) To get here, launch from the back of the Shuttle Skeleton.

This is a big, perfectly round planet with a subway system. It is invisible until the player finds uncloaking device switch. Initially, all underground tunnels are blocked by huge round rocks with the letter "T" at the entrances and smaller round rocks down the tunnels. To unblock the tunnels, player needs to find subway tokens scattered in the universe; they appear only after the Boston planet is uncloaked. Subway stations on the surface and inside are marked with Boston district names.

This is the other key planet to the game puzzle. It is apparently the round part ripped off the Subway Planet, but drawn not to scale. The tunnels inside the planet roughly correspond to the Boston part of the scheme in 1196: Subways, but with few additions (e.g. Union Sq, Mattapan). The codename comes from the abbreviation of Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority.

Crystal Sphere
from ring-1 to ring-36
To get here, launch from anywhere and keep avoiding planets until you hit it.

Most planets and celestial objects are inside of a thick enormous ring called Crystal Sphere. Both the interior and exterior edges of the Sphere are almost smooth, but have a few dents. There's a wide navigable crack leading out of the Sphere, which sides are rugged and riddled with broken planks, similarily to the Boston hole in the Subwau Planet. The gravity increases significantly as the spaceship goes through the crack, it gradually feels the pull from the parts of the sphere it has left. It is not possible to leave the Sphere without the hyperdrive, however having collected all the engine upgrades inside the Sphere one can barely reach the outer surface, but moving along is very difficult. Above the crack, there is an arch made up of the repeating words "The End", which is reminiscent of the "Don't leave the play area" message in 1608: Hoverboard that appeared when the player tried to get out of it.

The Crystal Sphere may be a reference to The Crystal Spheres, a short story by science fiction author David Brin, which suggests that each star with habitable planets in the universe is surrounded by a crystal sphere that can be broken only from the inside and is otherwise completely impenetrable.

It may also be a reference to celestial spheres, an early concept trying to explain apparent movement of planets and stars.

Star Destroyer
from star-destroyer-a to star-destroyer-i
(18192, -130000) To get here, launch from the crack in the Crystal Sphere.

This is a gigantic starship; it could have barely fit within the Crystal Sphere. It is located out of the Sphere, right up from the crack, but it can't be reached without the Hyperdrive. It has many corridors and chambers inside, and a lot of people, objects and other features both inside and outside of it. The gravity of the Sphere is still strong around here, but the starship has its own center of gravity; the "down" direction generally points towards the ventral part of the starship, but not quite, making orientation somewhat difficult as the surfaces supposed to be level seem to tilt to the left near the stern and to the right near the bow of the starship. Below it, down a stream of torpedoes fired from a turred, there's a much smaller starhip.

This is a reference to Star Destroyers and the CR90 Corellian corvette, spaceships from the fictional Star Wars universe.

The whole scene is copied from 1608: Hoverboard, with the only difference being that Darth Vader's dialogue was changed from referencing Steven Universe to The Murderbot Diaries.

Click and Drag Planet
clickdrag-nw, clickdrag-ne, clickdrag-sw, and clickdrag-se
(-31808, 111808) To get here, launch from the bow or stern of the Star Destroyer tangentially to the Crystal Sphere to orbit it and keep the stars in the background moving horizontally on the screen until you see a dot around the spaceship guiding you.

The planet is huge, larger than any other in the game world, but smaller than the Star Destroyer. It is located outside the Crystal Sphere roughly opposite the Star Destroyer. It is mostly round, with many landscape features and scenes partly copied from 1110: Click and Drag, but arrayed in a circular, instead of linear shape. What's missing in comparison to the Click and Drag comic, is a few of the scenes, some textual content like dialogues (leaving persons intact), the underground parts, upper parts of the very high objects, and objects high above the surface.

Table of Items

etc... Work in progress