Revision as of 01:31, 4 December 2024 by Megan (talk | contribs) (To Do List for Jeff: minor spelling fix; idk if it's okay for me to edit here so revert me if i'm wrong)
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Ambox notice.png I have reached out to Jeff-the owner of this wiki and the only (sort of) active ‘crat-via Gmail. Hopefully he responds soon! You can see my To-Do List for him at the bottom of my user page. If there is anything else you think is important, please add to it. I am also considering asking him for adminship, for I am pretty active and available, as well as very dedicated towards this project. What do you think?

TL;DR-emailed Jeff, asked him to do some very important things, I want to become an admin, please give me your thoughts.

Hi! If you see this, you have reached my user page! I’m 14, live in California, love reading, and started reading Randall’s works (What If?, Thing Explainer, XKCD) in 2018. I started editing on Feb. 1, 2024. I've done 2,586 changes across 1,433 pages, bringing to a total of 1,501 point contribution score. See my userboxes!

My Loves

•Hatsune Miku 🥰
•Classical music-Beethoven
•Reading (seriously. I will read any book you give me. I will read the ingredients off the back of a mustard bottle for fun. I read an entire scientific encyclopaedia during the lockdown.)
•Pokémon cards (I have a pretty solid portfolio/collection)
•Bluey (yes, I enjoy watching a preschool show. sue me.)
•Harry Potter (the book series)

To Do List

•learn to use the goddamned preview button


•get a life

X impossible

•create a bot that fixes grammatical mistakes through the Pywiki library

•{{citation needed}}, extra periods/commas/spaces/whitespace

•clean out the maintenance report pages
•Use the summary box more often
•finish up 2288: Collector's Edition


•yayyyyy only 3 months on the wiki and already 43rd place in overall editing for the entire history of this wiki! also, first admin beat in edit count! more edits to come! (5/14/2024)
•42nd place-the answer to life, the universe and everything else (5/16/2024)
•what on earth did I do that made my contribution score jump 70 points (9/24/2024)
must…figure…out…how…to…set…up…a…custom…sig (collapses after fighting with wikitext) (9/26/2024)
•300 edits in a month! (10/1/2024, 2:13 PM PST)
•broke my right wrist and yet I’m still editing this wiki at the hospital-what the hell am I doing with my life. (10/1/2024, 5:24 PM PST)
1000. EFFING. EDITS. YESSSSSSSSS. (I’m doing this edit with a damn cast 😭-I really need to take a break.) (10/1/2024, 6:20 PM PST)
•wow, i did a 10 mile hike. i’m proud of myself. (10/13/2024)
•organized user page, made a separate userbox page. (10/15/2024)
•new sig, can’t use it due to “HTML tag errors”. gave out 2 barnstars, got both user/discussion pages protected. vandal count: 31! (10/25/2024)
•just realized that it’s because my sig is way too damn long (10/30/2024)
•I have fixed my sig! 255 characters-exactly at the max. to me! (11/04/2024)
•Pulled an all-nighter to finish a Geo project-would’ve been absolute hell if I was editing in between. Hiatus is still on, just wanted to add this It’s 5:29 AM right now. (11/21/2024)
In New York,
Concrete jungle where dreams are made of,
Theres nothing you can’t do,
Now you’re in New York,
these streets will make you feel brand new,
the lights will inspire you,
lets hear it for New York, New York, New York
(I’m on vacation in New York! The skyline’s very pretty :3) (11/28/2024)

Vandal Counter

45 times! (I’m going to take it as a sign that my impact on this wiki is positive enough to be recognized and singled out by vandals)

To Do List for Jeff

•Update the MySQL and MediaWiki software
•Promote another ‘crat
•Promote some more active admins (Dtgriscom is a candidate, FaviFake, maybe me?)
•Find out the root cause behind all of these errors (still happening as of November)
•Give TheusafBOT bot status
•De-sysop Markhurd, Lcarsos, Mynotoar, Dgbrt, maybe Philosopher and other inactive admins (this list is only admins who haven’t edited in over 2 years)
•Fix email confirmation