353: Python

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I wrote 20 short programs in Python yesterday. It was wonderful. Perl, I'm leaving you.
Title text: I wrote 20 short programs in Python yesterday. It was wonderful. Perl, I'm leaving you.


Python is a high-level programming language with a heavily simplified syntax.

Dynamic typing means that you do not have to declare a type for any numbers you enter (for example, "short," "float"); the Python program would automatically know how much space to assign and what type has to be used, like in Visual Basic or JavaScript.

Whitespaces are invisible text characters, like a space or a tab. In Python you delimit blocks simply by indenting the code, while many other programming languages require brackets or statements like BEGIN...END.

Methods, functions and constants in Python are packed in modules. To use a module, you just have to put this code on top of your source file: "import module". There are lots of ready-to-use modules available, packed into more than 25,000 "packages".

Cueball can fly because he imported the antigravity module, or maybe it was all the medicine he drank. Python still works for Cueball in 482: Height.

Perl is another programming language, but Randall doesn't like it any more because its syntax is very complicated.


[A Friend is talking to Cueball, who is floating in the sky.]
Friend: You're flying! How?
Cueball: Python!
Cueball: I learned it last night! Everything is so simple!
Cueball: Hello world is just 'print "Hello, World!"'
Friend: I dunno... Dynamic typing? Whitespace?
Cueball: Come join us! Programming is fun again! It's a whole new world up here!
Friend: But how are you flying?
Cueball: I just typed 'import antigravity'
Friend: That's it?
Cueball: ...I also sampled everything in the medicine cabinet for comparison.
Cueball: But I think this is the python.


  • In response to this comic, the Python developers implemented the module antigravity in version 2.7+. When you import it, the default web browser will open this comic. Also, in version 3+, the module contains a geohashing function.
  • As Perl could also be the name of a girl the title text of leaving Perl has double meaning. Also, being with the other program was wonderful. He has not only been unfaithful he is actually leaving!

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It is necessary for both Cueballs to sample the medicine cabinet in order for this to be a hallucination. It was probably python. (talk) (please sign your comments with ~~~~)

Or maybe there is just one Cueball - the one on the ground who is hallucinating - because he tried everything...? ;-) Kynde (talk) 20:45, 3 May 2014 (UTC)

'I also sampled everything in the medicine cabinet for comparison' is a possible reference to George's Marvellous Medicine, the children's book written by Roald Dahl, wherein a combination of medicines and household materials produces fantastical effects. Quetzalcoatl (talk) 14:31, 10 February 2014 (UTC)

I think it's related to the invention of photographs, but I'm not sure 06:19, 3 January 2015 (UTC)

Woah guys, antigravity is a real module in Python! I was looking around the lib folder, trying to figure out how to put a module into it, and there it was - antigravity.py . It just sends your browser to the comic. -- 22:07, 13 December 2014 (UTC)

Yeah, that's already covered in the Trivia section ;-) --SlashMe (talk) 23:22, 14 December 2014 (UTC)

The implication is that in Python many otherwise amazing things become easily possible after a simple import statement and/or that there is a module for almost anything you'd want to do no matter how difficult. 16:30, 29 April 2015 (UTC)

The explanation was wrong about many things. Python doesn't have a heavily-simplified syntax--it's about as simple as Perl (and a lot less simple than Lisp); the difference is that it's designed first and foremost to be consistent, easy to read, and easy to remember, even at the cost of occasionally being more verbose or rigid. Its syntax doesn't generally reduce complicated things to a single word; it does allow many complicated things that might take 20 statements in C to be reduced to a single statement, but that's because it's high-level (again, like Perl), not because of its syntax. Dynamic typing has nothing to do with declaring the types of values, much less specifically numeric values, and it has nothing to do with Python automatically knowing how much space to reserve for a value--in fact, it's the opposite; C knows to reserve 4 bytes for an int variable at compile time, whereas Python has no idea what kind of value you're going to put into the variable until runtime. And "like in Visual Basic or JavaScript" is very confused--Visual Basic is statically typed, while JavaScript is dynamically typed, just like Python.

Also, the explanation didn't explain why Cueball's friend was reticent to use dynamic typing or significant whitespace, or what the point of importing modules is.

So I rewrote most of it. 20:55, 15 September 2015 (UTC)

I remember this Roald Dahl story where some guy takes everything in the medicine cabinet of their grandparent and can fly. That's what i instanly thought when i saw that phrase. I'm not sure which story, but it was a good one and i think it's worth mentioning. 17:37, 21 April 2023 (UTC)

Oh wait, i'm dumb it's //George's Marvellous Medicine// 17:43, 21 April 2023 (UTC)
Not really, because that was mostly about size-changing abilities of an entire houshold (and more?) of constituent ingredients. But getting (or hallucinating) the ability to fly after consuming random pharmaceuticals is a fairly typical trope that stands well on its own general merit.
I reverted your change, though no doubt you could write a better hedging statement that compares the one situation with the other. 19:22, 21 April 2023 (UTC)

on a similar thing to antigravity.py, the emacs devs added "m-x butterfly" as an easter egg in reference to 378: real programmers An user who has no account yet (talk) 15:28, 5 September 2023 (UTC)

I think a better joke for one-liner antigravity would be from __future__ import antigravity, as antigravity had not been invented IRL by 2008[citation needed] but may perhaps be implemented in the future. While the __future__ keyword had been introduced before the comic's release, it only became common after Python 3's release the next year. ChaoticNeutralCzech (talk) 09:18, 21 November 2023 (UTC)