2601: Instructions

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Happy little turtles
Title text: Happy little turtles

Go to the original comic for the interactivity.


Ambox notice.png This explanation may be incomplete or incorrect: Created by a HAPPY LITTLE TURTLE - more explanation needs to be added and transcript needs to be cleaned up and clarified. Do NOT delete this tag too soon.
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This is the 12th April fools' comic released. It is an audio file with a mix of quotes about turtles and coding instructions in LOGO. When executed, the instructions draw an xkcd comic.

The "turtle" is a key concept in Logo, a programming language especially designed to teach programming to children in an easy way. The turtle in Logo is the cursor. Programming commands move the turtle, drawing a line as it goes. Of course, listening to hours of instructions, including speech-synthesized reading of source code, is not an easy way to code or draw a picture.[citation needed]

In addition, at the end of the audio, at 9:06:56, the voice says:

"I even talk to turtles at times, but you need to understand LOGO to appreciate the great, great things that have been created. We spend so much of our life typing, looking, but never ever seeing."

The alt-text alludes to Bob Ross's catchphrase "happy little trees" in The Joy of Painting.

Transcribing the audio into text is an ongoing project. Current progress shows Bob Ross, saying "A happy little tree - holding up a happy little world." In front of him is a tree, holding a foreground scene, background planet, and star. Various things visible include a Mars rover, a turtle and squirrel, a rocket, various constellations, and a few happy little trees. As of right now, the best view of the image is at this github page.


  • Forest And Stream, January 2016, p. 764: "Interesting Facts About Turtles"—"A Little Nature Study by a Scientist that will Interest Old and Young Naturalists Alike"—"By Randle C. Rosenberger M.D., Professor of Hygiene and Bacteriology, Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, Pa." https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/281932#page/8/mode/1up
  •  "Odd facts about turtles", Christian observer, May 11th 1919


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[The screen displays a radio button that when pressed plays a 9-hour long audio file of coding instructions. Behind it is an image of a turtle. The use of a radio button to trigger the audio may invoke the idea that you could be listening to a radio broadcast.]
[The audio transcript:]
And here we want to show you that you can program a picture right along with us. We’ll use a single color, some unorthodox functions, and each line we’ll put a bit of nature’s masterpieces right here on our canvas. Today we’ll have them run all the functions across the stream, right now, that you need to program along with us. Starting with a simple one:
TO DIST :X0 :Y0 :X1 :Y1
[Audio transcript of commentary only, no code:]
And here we want to show you that you can program a picture right along with us. We’ll use a single color, some unorthodox functions, and each line we’ll put a bit of nature’s masterpieces right here on our canvas. Today we’ll have them run all the functions across the stream, right now, that you need to program along with us. Starting with a simple one:
There we go! Just like that.
One more done. No pressure.
Really makes our programming life easier.
There we go! Just like that.
I think there's a programmer hidden at the bottom of every single one of us.
Let me show you what is going on up here.I've just covered the entire canvas with just a bit of white pinned down. We start with a vision in our hearts and we put it on canvas.
Merriam Webster defines a turtle as a noun:
Any of an order (Testudines synonym Chelonia) of terrestrial, freshwater, and marine reptiles that have a toothless horny beak and a shell of bony dermal plates usually covered with horny shields enclosing the trunk and into which the head, limbs, and tail usually may be withdrawn.
Here are some interesting notes from "Interesting facts about turtles. A little nature study by a scientist", Forest and Stream, January 1916:
Over a great many years I have taken a great interest in the land turtle. I have at the present time a number, some of which I have had for at least 17 years to most people. They were ugly and repulsive as the head when fully protruded and extended, looks like a snake. And furthermore their clumsy method of progression. Does not add anything attractive. One of the interesting points about turtles is their great variety of foods. They are, as a rule, good scavengers eating all kinds of decomposing and putrefying materials, beef or in fact any meat in Eden. I have seen them eat the flesh of birds and of moles, and while earthworms are relished by them, any worm or grub is taken. Worms from shell barks and ordinary maggots are gotten rid of in a hurry. Blackberries, may-apples, cherries and mulberries, tomatoes, cucumbers–and one vegetable eagerly eaten by my stock is green sugar corn, either raw or cooked in the spring when they first come out of the soil, and food is not plentiful in their pen. I have bought canned corn and they certainly have made it disappear very quickly, beetles and tumble bugs, potato bugs, either in larval or mature forms, are destroyed. Toad stools, especially the large flat pink ones, white and yellow ones are eaten, while I have seen them pass a black toadstool by several days unnoticed.
Here we have a happy little "pen down" statement. That's it. And then…
Occasionally when a female drops an egg on the ground, it is quickly eaten by the others. Ordinary hen's eggs are eaten and a great relish enjoyed hugely by them, as is thick sour milk. I have placed a quantity of this milk in two or three places in the pen and in five minutes it is surrounded by the turtles, just like flies on a lump of sugar. The scrapings of Limburger cheese have also been eaten. A piece of butter which had been upon a platter in the icebox for months was placed before them and this was eaten in due time. Crab apples and cantaloupe are enjoyed by them, but watermelon is not so eagerly gobbled up like the cantaloupe. I was surprised one morning when I found one of the large turtles had caught and disembowelled the very large toad which I had in the yard. I have seen turtles eating at 11:00 at night when one would think they would be resting.
Here you have the power to do anything you want.
They prefer the shade and at certain times during the day if the sun is very hot, they retreat under the logs which I have for a shelter during rain, they are very active and move about with heads and necks outstretched, enjoying the shower bath hugely and evidently on the outlook for worms. Just as some birds after or during a shower, the youngest of turtles I have ever had seems to take to the same food as the adults. As a rule, they emerge in April, sometimes the middle of the month, but as early as April sixth they make their appearance. If the weather does not stay warm, they again go back to their retreats. Mating commences almost within a day or 2 after their emergence. The males are quite persistent in their lovemaking, biting at the female etc. And on two occasions I have seen the scale removed from the shell of the female and blood ooze from these surfaces.
I made friends with a turtle yesterday, and he gave me his phone number. I asked, is that a landline? He said, no, it's my shell phone.
It is interesting to see the males fight among themselves. They raise themselves as high as possible and lunge and bite and snap at each other In getting away from his opponent. The beaten one will beat a hasty retreat and retract his front feet or back feet as occasion demands and glide. Not run away. Running away is slow as compared to this turtle propulsion. It is not a slide, it is really a darting forward glide. Just recently I saw one male maltreating another in which the second fellow had all parts retracted and was being snapped at, pushed, and actually rolled over on his back by his opponent. Occasionally one can see a turtle dragging another one along the first one having the second fellows hind leg between his shell. This has probably been the result of a scuffle. I have never known a land turtle to bite, but have often seen them open their mouths wide and hiss or draw in their breath with a hissing or sighing sound. Some people have turtles in their cellars believing that they catch rats and mice. I tried keeping some of mine in the cellar for 2 seasons in the wintertime. They kept up a constant walk exactly like a caged beast. I gave them meat, vegetables and water, but on no occasion did they take the proffered food. In the spring, I found several of them dead. I believe that these turtles died because they were exhausted from wandering around and around during their time of hibernation. I also believe that this unnatural hibernation led them to refuse all food. Regarding the catching of rats and mice in cellars. I believe that rats and mice might be kept away by the noise made by the turtle making its endless march around the cellar. But I doubt whether a turtle could catch a rat or a mouse. In my yard, I had a galvanized iron pin three feet in length by 2 feet in width by 3 inches in depth for water. In this the turtles would enjoy themselves drinking from the edge with heads submerged or with the entire body submerged for sometimes as long as several hours. And even for a whole day, even in the country where I now have the herd, I have a small dish in which they can just get in and they certainly appreciate a bath.
How about some interesting things in "10 facts about marine turtles" from the WWF UK?
There are seven species of marine turtle. Marine turtles were around more than 100 million years ago and lived alongside dinosaurs. These days, scientists recognize seven species of marine turtle, the hawksbill, the loggerhead, the leatherback, the Olive Ridley, the green, the flat back and the Kemps Ridley. Turtle shells are made of over 50 bones fused together. So they are literally wearing their bones on the outside. They also have light spongy bones that help them float. Their young lives are a mystery. The first few years of a marine turtles' life are known as the lost years. That's because the time between when the hatchlings emerge until they return to coastal shallow waters to forage is incredibly difficult to study the lost years they spend at sea, which can be up to 20 years largely remain a mystery to us. They can be ginormous. Marine turtle species vary greatly in size. The smallest Kemps Ridleys measure around 70 cm long and weigh up to 40 kg whilst the leatherback can reach up to 180 cm long and weigh 500 kg. That is over ten times heavier. Amazingly, whales hold the world record for the largest marine turtle ever found in 1988. A leatherback was found ashore measuring 2.5 m long, 2.5 m from flipper to flipper and weighing over 900 kg. It's survival of the fittest. It is estimated that only around one in 1000 marine turtle hatchlings make it to adulthood. This is down to the long time it takes for them to reach maturity and the many dangers faced by hatchlings and juveniles. From predators to marine plastics. They make some interesting noises. Female leatherbacks make some strange noises when they are nesting, some of which sound similar to a human belch. Just let it happen. They have color preferences, turtles seem to prefer red, orange and yellow food. They appear to investigate these colors more than others when looking for a meal. You know, I'm beginning to suspect it's turtles all the way down. They always return home. Females return to the same beach, they hatched on to lay their own eggs and bury them in sand nests. Marine turtles' amazing ability to navigate comes from their sensitivity to the earth's magnetic fields.
Here are some more interesting bits from "Interesting facts about turtles, a little nature study by a scientist", Forest and Stream, January 1916.
The laying of eggs, this is one of the most instructive things that I have ever watched. Invariably they chose in my yard a situation with a southern exposure when desiring to lay. In only two instances was an eastern exposure observed, and once a western part of the yard being a cement walk, we could sometimes observe the female making motions as for digging the nest. Sometimes for a half a day she would remain stationary and with her back legs commenced to work for this purpose, lifting her to the grass plot. In a short time she would commence to dig first with the left hind foot. She would remove a little dirt and pile it up on her left side, then with the right hind foot and pile the removed dirt upon the right side. This would be repeated again and again probably for hours until the proper size hole and depth was obtained. Egg laying does not always occur during the daytime, as I have observed one or two digging away past midnight. Sometimes they will have dug for about an inch or so and then not make any more progress downward. In these instances they have met with obstructions like a small stone which they cannot remove. I have with a pair of forceps removed the obstruction on several occasions with the turtle still in it and after a minute or two she resumes her work.
There is an artist in the bottom of everybody.
The nest or repository is about 3 inches in depth and about an inch and a half or a little more in width. When she has it finished, she discharges her eggs into it. When the egg is deposited in the hole, she is not just satisfied in dropping it, but she reaches down with her hind leg and places the egg horizontally and covers a little dirt over it. Then the second egg and the remaining eggs are all treated similarly and when the last one is deposited and placed, she commences to fill up with the dirt that remains. She puts into the hole with an alternate right and left leg until all is filled in. She pats it with both her hind feet together and then with her body raised and lowered pets and smooths over the place where the eggs are buried. Then she leaves it and never looks after it as the sun now plays its part in hatching the eggs. The eggs are whitish in color with a semi-elastic shell about the size of a pigeon egg. The number laid by a turtle varies. I have seen three and on one occasion I have seen eight late at one sitting. I have also observed one turtle laying its eggs, covering them over, and a little later–a day or two–another female dug in the same place, removed the eggs and laid her own in this doubly-dug repository. Once, a female dug six hours and laid four eggs. Another dug several hours. The whole measured 2 inches across and three and a half inches in depth. And she laid eight eggs within a half hour. Not all eggs hatch out. But in the instance where eight were laid, I had the pleasure of seeing six little baby turtles come out. Other eggs which were laid in a hole dug with a western or eastern exposure never came to anything. I have dug carefully into these nests, but I have always come upon decomposing eggs. The most interesting egg laying I ever witnessed: The turtle commenced to dig at six p.m, and was still busy at work the next morning at eight o'clock. Five days later a second turtle dug these eggs out, deposited four of her own, and covered the nest up personally. I do not believe that the turtle digging out the previous batch of eggs was vindictive or mischievous but that the ground seemed soft and easily worked. Therefore it took advantage of the spot.
Average person paints three turtles a year factoid. Actually just statistical error, the average person paints 0 turtles per year. Georg who lives in cave and eats over 10,000 each day is an outlier and should not have been counted.
The young turtles, when they make their emergence at the end of three months, are dark in color and quite active. If you place one on its back at this time it will arch its head and neck and come around its normal position. The shell, of course, is quite soft, but in about three years the shell really becomes hardened though some clear portions of the shell around the edges are still soft. The color of the shell gradually changes to that usually seen in the head, and soft parts are modeled speckled or of a solid color. I have two in my collection where the head and neck are solid yellow.
Do you know what a sea turtle's favorite sandwich is? Peanut butter and jellyfish. That sounds weird, but it's actually true. Just ask the next sea turtle you meet. But I think we shouldn't mention it to the jellyfish.
Here are some interesting observations from "Odd facts about turtles", Christian observer, May 11th 1919.
It has been said that the turtle, like the whale, has no other enemy than man, and as much as both the little creature and the big pursued their various ways in practical immunity from harm and the fear of sudden death. In many ways, the turtle is one or the strangest of living things. Whales must come to the surface frequently to breathe, and it is pretty well known what they feed upon. The seal cannot remain beneath the sea nearly so long as the whale, and his food is very well known. But the turtle in all his varieties, in all his ways, is a most mysterious animal. It does not indeed seem to matter to him whether he stays beneath the surface for an hour or for a week. Nor does it trouble him to spend an equal time on land if the need arises. Your turtle is neither fish, flesh nor fowl. Yet his flesh partakes of the characteristics of all three. Eating seems a mere superfluidity with him since for weeks at a time he may be headed up in a barrel with a bung out and emerged after his long fast apparently none the worse for his enforced abstinence from food, from light, and almost from air. In the whole category of animal organisms, there is none so tenacious in life as the turtle. Injuries that would instantly be fatal even to fish leave the turtle apparently undisturbed and his power of staving off death is nothing short of marvelous. Just as soon as a baby turtle emerges from the egg off he scuttles down to the sea. He has no one to teach him, no one to guide him in his curious little brain. There has implanted a streak of caution based upon the fact that until a certain period in his life his armor is soft and no defense against hungry fish, and he at once seeks shelter in the tropical profusion of the gulf weed, which holds within its branching fronds an astonishing abundance of marine life here. The young turtle feeds unmolested while his armor undergoes the hardening process. Whatever the young sea turtle eats and wherever he eats it is not generally ascertained, one thing is certain it agrees with him immensely. He leads a pleasant sort of life basking in the tropical sun and cruising leisurely in the cool depths. Once he has attained the weight of 25 pounds which usually occurs within the first year, the turtle is free from all danger after that no fish or mammal, however ravenous, however well armed with teeth, interferes with the turtle. Once he has withdrawn his head from its position of outlook into the folds of his neck, between the 2 shells, intending devourers may struggle in vain to make an impression upon him.
How about some neat facts courtesy of "10 cool facts about turtles" from Deutsche Welle?
They have been around for a really, really long time. There is a reason why turtles look a little prehistoric. The first ever specimens evolved around 260 million years ago in the late Triassic period. Shortly after their arrival, the earth experienced a mass extinction event that wiped out about 90% of all life on land. Luckily for the turtles, their burrowing and water dwelling habits set them up for long term survival in this strange new world. They have one of the longest lifespans in the animal kingdom. While a turtle's lifespan largely depends on the species, almost all of them have the potential to live to a ripe old age. A typical pet turtle can make it to anywhere between 10 and 80 years, while larger species often keep going for more than 100 years because it's so difficult to accurately measure age over a century. Researchers think some turtles could even be hundreds of years old. They come in all shapes and sizes. There are currently 356 known species of turtles. As a rule, they are all reptiles with a hard cartilage shell, but that is about where the similarities end. There are sea turtles, leatherback turtles, snapping turtles, pond turtles, soft shelled turtles, and of course tortoises.
It is your creation. You can do anything you want to do.
Not all turtles or tortoises but all tortoises or turtles. Yes, technically all tortoises are in fact turtles. They belong to the Testudines family, which includes reptiles whose bodies are protected by a bony outer shell. But the main difference between turtles and tortoises is that tortoises live exclusively on land while most turtles live in or near water. Some turtles are vegetarians while others are carnivorous. Most turtles are actually omnivores but a few species are more picky when it comes to their diet. Most tortoises are happy to munch on leafy greens or fruit. Not the fearsome looking alligator turtle, which is almost entirely carnivorous and feeds on anything from fish to small mammals that venture too close to the water's edge. All species lay their eggs on land when they are ready to lay their eggs. Even water dwelling turtles will dig their nests in the sand or the earth near their habitat, but they are not the nurturing type. No species of turtle sticks around to raise their young. When the babies hatch they are on their own. A turtle's gender is determined by temperature, like crocodiles and alligators. A turtle's gender is determined after fertilization. If the turtles' eggs incubate below 27.7 degrees Celsius, the hatchlings will be male. But if the eggs incubate above 31 degrees they will be female. If the temperature is somewhere in between or fluctuates, a mix of male and female babies will hatch as oceans. Warm turtles tend to give birth to more females. They have an amazing sense of direction. Sea turtles are known for their amazing ability to return to the exact beach where they were born years later. Like many animals, turtles can navigate their way at sea by sensing the individual lines of the magnetic field, but they can also remember the magnetic signature of coastlines and send tiny variations in magnetic fields allowing them to guide themselves home. Excellent vision, too–turtles have strong underwater eyesight. Researchers have discovered that they can see a range of different colors and even prefer some colors to others. Although sea turtles are famous for their internal gps there is evidence to suggest they do not see very well on land. Many species are endangered, having survived for millions of years. Six out of seven turtle species are classified as threatened or endangered as a result of human activity. Every year thousands become trapped in commercial trawl nets while in some parts of the world they are killed for their eggs, meat and shells.
How about some interesting facts from turtle facts by Alina Bradford, writing for livescience.com?
Turtles are reptiles with hard shells that protect them from predators. They are among the oldest and most primitive groups of reptiles, having evolved millions of years ago. Turtles live all over the world in almost every type of climate set. And then according to the integrated taxonomic information system, the turtle order Testudines or Chelonia splits into 2 sub orders, Cryptodera and Floridera, and then further splits into 13 families, 75 genera and more than 300 species. They say everything looks better with odd values for things but sometimes I put even values just to upset the interpreter. Turtle, tortoise and terrapins are often used interchangeably as synonyms, but there are distinct differences between the types of catalonians. According to the San Diego Zoo turtles spend most of their lives in water. They are adapted for aquatic life with webbed feet or flippers in a streamlined body. Sea turtles rarely leave the ocean except to lay eggs in the sand. Freshwater turtles live in ponds and lakes and they climb out of the water onto logs or rocks to bask in the warm sun. Tortoises are land animals, their feet are around and stumpy adapted for walking on land. They also dig burrows with their strong four limbs and slip underground when the sun gets too hot. Terrapins live on land and in water, usually in swamps, ponds, lakes and rivers. With so many different types of turtle. There is no average size. The largest sea turtle species is the leatherback turtle. It weighs 600 to 1500 pounds and is about 4.5 to 5 and a quarter feet long. According to the World Wildlife Federation, the Galapagos tortoise grows up to six feet long and 573 pounds. According to the San Diego Zoo, the largest freshwater turtle in North America is the alligator snapping turtle. It can grow to 2.5 ft long and weigh as much as 200 pounds. The Yangtze giant softshell turtle is the largest softshell turtle. It measures up to 3.6 ft across and weighs up to 309 pounds. A turtle's shell is a modified rib cage and part of its vertebral column, according to the animal diversity web at the University of Michigan. The top part of the shell is called the carapace, and the bottom is called the plastering, according to the San Diego Zoo. The shell is made up of about 60 bones that are covered by plates called scoots. Scoots are made of keratin, The same material that makes up human fingernails. Ralph Waldo Emerson once wrote that all the thoughts of a turtle are turtles and of a rabbit rabbits. So let's try to think like a turtle. Many turtles are able to retract their heads and feet into their shells, turtles are placed in the 2 suborders based on the method of retraction. According to the animal diversity web at the University of Michigan, Dyer's draw their heads straight back into the shell. Sea turtles have lost the ability to retract their heads. Bennett turtles are very adaptive and can be found on every continent except Antarctica. Most turtle species are found in southeastern North America and South Asia. Only five species live in Europe. According to doctors Foster and Smith, a veterinarian business based in Wisconsin, sea turtles can be found in the coral triangle–An area that includes the waters of Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Papua New Guinea, coastal East Africa, the Meso-American reef in the Caribbean, the Galapagos islands, and the gulf of California. Hey, what do you get if you cross a turtle with a giraffe? A turtleneck!The African helmeted turtle is the most common turtle in Africa, according to Animal Planet. It is a hunter scavenger that eats young birds and small mammals. It steals bait from fishermen's hooks. It also releases a foul smelling liquid from glands in its legs. Turtles are not social creatures. While they typically don't mind if there are other turtles around them, they don't interact or socialize. According to Encyclopædia Britannica, most turtles are active during the day, spending their time foraging for food. Turtles are not silent creatures. Some sound like electric motors, some sound like belching humans and some bark like dogs. The red-footed tortoise From South America clucks like a chicken. Most turtles are omnivores. They eat a variety of different things depending on their species. Musk turtles eat molluscs, plants, small fish and insects. The cooter turtle is mostly vegetarian and the green sea turtle only eats grasses and algae.
I read in the L.A. Times this morning that 42,000 Mazda cars were recalled because of a spider problem. Really makes you think, doesn't it?
The alligator snapping turtle lures in fish with its tongue which looks like a worm. It wiggles its tongue to attract a hungry fish and then snaps down on it with its strong jaw. It also eats aquatic plants, snakes, frogs, fish, worms, clams, crayfish and other turtles. All turtles lay eggs. They find a place on land to lay their eggs, dig a nest into the sand or dirt and then walk away. No species of turtle nurtures their young. Turtles reach the age to mate at different times. Some come of age as young as a few years old, while others don't reach sexual maturity until around 50 years has passed. Some species fight for the right to mate with a female while others seduce her with a mating ritual to mate. Male and female turtles intertwine their tails so that their shell openings line up perfectly. Sea turtles travel from the ocean to lay eggs on beaches. Usually, sea turtles lay around 110 eggs in a nest, though the flat back turtle only lays 50 at a time. The temperature of the sand affects the sex of the turtle. The perfect beach temperature produces an equal number of male and female offspring. Due to rising temperatures, too many sea turtle females are being born contributing to the decline in species numbers, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature. Many turtle species are listed as threatened, endangered or critically endangered. For example, the plowshare tortoise and radiated tortoise are estimated to be extinct in the next 45 years. A pair of Russian tortoises went into space In 1968. The Soviet Union launched Zone Five, a space probe that was the first spacecraft to orbit the moon. It returned safely and the tortoises survived. They had lost about 10% of their body weight but they remained active and showed no loss of appetite according to NASA. I even talked to turtles at times, but you need to understand LOGO to appreciate the great, great things that have been created. We spend so much of our life typing, looking, but never, ever seeing.

[Expand]Computer-generated transcript
And here we want to show you that you can program a picture right along with us. We'll use a single color. Some unorthodox functions. And each line we'll put a bit of nature's masterpieces right here on our canvas. Today. We'll have them run all the functions across the stream right now that you need to program along with us, starting with a simple one to disk colon X zero colon Y zero colon X one colon Y one Local. Make quote Rx difference colon X one colon X zero Local. Make quote ry difference colon Y one colon Y zero output S. Q. R. T. Some product colon Rx colon Rx product colon ry colon ry. And there we go. Just like that to lurk colon A colon B colon output some colon a product colon T difference colon B. Colon A. And one More. Done. No pressure to mix colon a colon B output, lurked colon A colon B 0.5. And really makes our programming life easier. Two cubic colon X one colon Y one colon X two colon Y two colon E. X. Colon. Ey local. Make quote. X zero X. C. O. R. Local. Make quote Y. Zero Y. C. O. R. Local. Make quote E. R. R. X. One loop colon X zero colon X 0.25 local. Make quote E. R R. Y. One loop colon Y zero colon ey 0.25 Local. Make quote E. R. R. X. To lurk colon X zero colon E X 0.75 Local. Make quote e. R. R. Y. To lurk colon Y zero colon ey 0.75 F. L. So R L. E S. S. P. Colon picks error. Dist colon er Rx one colon E R. R. Y. One colon X one colon Y one L E S. S. P. Colon picks error. Dist colon er Rx two colon E. R. R. Y. Two colon X. Two colon Y. Two. Opening square bracket. Local. Make quote Qx zero mix colon X zero colon X. One Local. Make quote qy zero mixed colon Y zero colon Y. One local. Make quote Qx one mix colon X. One colon X. Two. Local. Make quote qy one Mix colon Y. One colon Y. Two. Local. Make quote Qx two mics colon X. Two colon E. X. Local. Make quote qy to mix colon Y. Two colon ey local. Make quote Lx zero mix colon Qx zero colon Q. X. One Local. Make quote L. Y. Zero mixed colon Qy zero colon Q. Y. One local. Make quote Lx one Mix colon Q. X. One colon Q. X. Two. Local. Make quote L. Y. One Mix colon qy one colon Q. Local. Make quote P. M. X. Mix colon Lx zero colon Lx one Local. Make quote P. M. Y. Mix colon L. Y. Zero colon L. Y. One cubic colon Q. X zero colon qy zero colon Lx zero colon L. Y. Zero colon P. M. X. Colon P. M Y cubic colon Lx one colon L. Y. One colon Q. X. two colon qy two colon E. X. Colon. Ey. Closing square bracket, opening square bracket set X. Y. Colon E. X. Colon. Ey. Closing square bracket. And I think there's a programmer hidden at the bottom of every single one of us. May quote picks, error. 0.5. Let me show you what is going on up here. Clear screen window pen up Set X. Y -473. I've just covered the entire canvas with just a bit of white pen down. We start with a vision in our hearts and we put it on canvas cubic -469. 424 -458. 416 -456. 389 pen it Set X. Y -471. pen down Set, heading 87 forward. 14 pen up Set X. Y -443. up pen down Square -443. 405 -443. 397 -444. 390 pen up Set X. Y -442. pen down Set, heading 84 forward, 10 pen up Set XY -431. 409 up pen down Square -432. 403 -430- 397 -431. 390 pen up Set X. Y -427. pen down cubic -420: 419 -415. 416 -412. 391 planet Set XY -426. 400, pen down cubic -420 to 400 -418 401 -414. 401 pen up Set X. Y -409. pen down, cubic -408. 404 -408. 398 -408. 391 pen up Set XY -409. 409 pen down cubic -395. 421 -390. 396 -408. 403 Set X. Y -393. pen down cubic -392. 405 -392. 399 -392. 393 pen up Set XY -393. 411 up pen down Square -380. 419 -377. 400 -392. 400 to Bennett Set X. Y -372. up pen down cubic -371. 400- -374. 400 -377. 408 pen up Set X. Y -372. pen down Set heading 37 forward 13 pen up Set X. Y -471. up pen down cubic -471 366 -480. 357 -460 361 pen up Set X. Y -457. pen down cubic -457. 372 -457. 366 -457. 360 pen up Set X. Y -448. up pen down Set, heading. 179 forward 19 pen up. Miriam Webster defines a turtle as a noun. Any of an order to student he's synonym Catalonia of terrestrial, freshwater and marine reptiles that have a toothless, horny beak in a shell of bony dermal plates usually covered with horny shields in closing the trunk and into which the head, limbs and tail usually may be withdrawn. Set XY -454, 378 pen down cubic -449. 379 -444, 380 -440 380 pen up Set X. Y -434. pen down. Set, heading. 179 forward. 16 tenant Set X. Y -439. pen down, cubic -434. 379 -430. 380 -425. 380 pen up Set XY -425. 377 up pen down cubic -424. 367 -431. 356 -415. 360 pen up Set XY -400, 380 pen down cubic -404 379 -413. 382 -412. 376 cubic -410, 360 -416, 356 -400, 360 pen up Set XY -412. 368. Up pen down cubic -409, 369 -406. 370 -403. 370 pen up Set XY -376. 380 up pen down, Set, heading 178 forward 21 pen up Set XY -383. 378 pen down cubic -379. 379 -374. 380 -369. 381 pen up Set XY -366. 379 pen down cubic -365. 372 -366. 366 -366. 360 pen up Set XY -366. 379 pen down cubic -353, 384-. 349. 375 -363, 371 cubic -358, 372 -356. 365-, 353, 361 pen up Set X. Y -338, pen down cubic -341, 378 -351, 381 -350, 376 cubic -348, 359 -355, 358 -336. 361 pen up Set XY -350, 370 pen down, cubic -347. 370 -344, 370 -341, 370 pen up Set XY -320. 379 pen down cubic -338, 381 -331, 375 -333. 362 cubic -330: 358 -323. 362 -320, 361 pen up Set XY -330- 370 pen down Set, heading 89 forward seven Set heading -79. Forward one pen it Set X. Y -474. pen down cubic -473. 329 -473. 322 -474. 316 pen up Set X. Y -473. Up pen down Set, heading 85 forward 11 pen up Set X. Y -461. Up pen down cubic -461. 331 -461. 323 -460 316 pen up. Here are some interesting notes from interesting facts about turtles. A little nature study by a scientist, forest and stream, January 1916. Over a great many years I have taken a great interest in the land turtle. I have at the present time. A number, some of which I have had for at least 17 years to most people. They were ugly and repulsive as the head when fully protruded and extended, looks like a snake. And furthermore, they're clumsy method of progression. Does not add anything attractive. Set XY -453. 335. Up pen down sq -460, 330, 1 -456, 312 -447, 319 cubic -442, 324 -444, 339 -453. 335 pen up Set XY -439. 335 pen down cubic -439, 329 -441, 322 -439, 316 cubic -437, 315 -433. 316 -430, 316 pen up Set XY -426. 315 pen down cubic -412. 316 -408, 339 -427. 336 cubic -426, 329 -426. 322 -427, 315 pen up Set XY -409, 336. Up pen down cubic -409. 330 -409. 323 -409. 316 pen up Set XY -405. 316 pen down Set, heading -1 forward, 19 cubic -400, 329 -397. 322 -394. 316 set, heading for forward 20 pen up Set XY -381. 325 pen down cubic -379. 325 -377, 325 -375. 325 cubic -373. 322 -375. 319 -377. 318 cubic -393, 311 -390, 343 -375. 334 pen up Set XY -359, 335 pen down cubic -366. 307 -340, 310 -348. 336 pen up Set XY -342. 315 pen down cubic -341. 321 -343. 329 -342, 335 cubic -326 342 -320 to 324 -342 325 pen up Set X. Y -319, pen down cubic -315. 344 -305. 337 -303. 313. pen up Set X. Y -317. pen down Set, heading 87 forward. 12 pen up Set XY -473. 303 pen down cubic -473. 296 -473. 289 -473. 282 pen up Set X. Y -473. pen down cubic -469. 292 -465. 293 -461. 293 pen up Set XY -460 303 pen down cubic -461, 297 -462, 290 -461, 284. Then it Set X. Y -456, pen down cubic -453. 312 -445. 306 -441 284. Set X. Y -455, up pen down cubic -451, 293 -447, 294 -443. 293 Set, heading -7 forward one pen up Set XY -438. 300 to up pen down Set, heading. 179 forward 17 pen up Set XY -439. 301 pen down cubic -425. 311 -420- 288 -438, 293 pen up. One of the interesting points about turtles is their great variety of foods. They are. As a rule, good scavengers eating all kinds of decomposing and putrefying materials, beef or in fact any meat is Eden. I have seen them eat the flesh of birds and of moles, and while earthworms are relished by them, any worm or grub is taken worms from shell barks, and ordinary maggots are gotten rid of in a hurry. Blackberries, may, apples, cherries and mulberries, tomatoes, cucumbers, and one vegetable eagerly eaten by my stock is green sugar corn, either raw or cooked in the spring when they first come out of the soil, and food is not plentiful in their pen. I have bought canned corn and they certainly have made it disappear very quickly, beetles and tumble bugs, potato bugs, either in larval or mature forms, are destroyed. Toad stools, especially the large flat pink ones, white and yellow ones are eaten while I have seen them pass a black toadstool by several days unnoticed. Set XY -423, 303 pen down cubic -424, 296 -424, 289 -424. 282 pen up Set XY -423. 294 pen down cubic -409. 292 -406. 308 -423, 303 pen up Set XY -409 300 to pen down cubic -404. 296 -400- 292 -403. 284 pen up Set X. Y -403. pen down Square -400 298 -397. 301 -393. 305 pen up Set X. Y -381. Here we have a happy little pen down statement. That's it. And then Set heading -177 forward 19 Set heading 87 forward, 10 pen up Set X. Y -367. pen down cubic -367. 297 -368. 291 -368. 285 pen up Set X. Y -363. pen down cubic -359. 304 -355. 305 -351. 305 pen up Set XY -357. 304 pen down cubic -358. 299 -358, 291 -358. 286 pen up Set X. Y -351. up pen down cubic -346. 303 -341. 304 -336. 305. Pen it Set X. Y -344. Up pen down cubic -345. 297 -345. 291 -346. 284 pending Set X. Y -333. up pen down cubic -334. 293 -343. 281 -324. 286 pen up Set X. Y -308. pen down cubic -312. 305 -317. 304 -321 304 cubic -321. 298 -320 291 -321 285 cubic -316. 285 -312. 285 -307. 285 pen up Set X. Y -321, Up pen down cubic -318, 295 -315, 295 -312, 295 pen it Set X. Y -473, pen down cubic -470 to 267 -472 141 -464 260 cubic -463, 257 -462, 254 -461, 252 cubic -457, 258 -455, 265 -454, 272 pen up Set X, Y -448, 270 pen down cubic -450, 265 -451, 260 -449, 256 cubic -442, 246 -435, 261 -439, 267 cubic -442 172 -446 275 minus. 448 270 Set X. Y -433, up pen down cubic -430 to 259 -430 to 266 -430 to 273 cubic -420, 276 -416, 262 -431, 264 cubic -425, 263 -421, 258 -420 253 pen up Set X, Y -413, 273 pen down cubic -413. 252 -421, 252 -403. 253 pen up Set XY -399, 253 pen down cubic -381, 256 -376, 275-, 399, 273 cubic -399. 267 -399. 259 -399, 253 pen it occasionally when a female drops an egg on the ground, it is quickly eaten by the others. Ordinary hen's eggs are eaten and a great relish enjoyed hugely by them as thick sour milk. I have placed a quantity of this milk in two or three places in the pen and in five minutes it is surrounded by the turtles, just like flies on a lump of sugar. The scrapings of Limburger cheese have also been eaten Set XY -423, 354 pen down Set, -174. Forward 10 pen up Set X, Y -430 242 up pen down Square -430: 211 -427. 177 -407. 151 pen up Set Xy -237 -103 pen down cubic -222 -67 -195 -8 -221, 27 cubic -220-37 -221, 35 -228, 42 cubic -230, 45 -228, 49 -230, 52 cubic -230 to 54 -235 55 -235 58 cubic -235, 66 -234, 75 -244, 74 cubic -250-90 -255, 76 -266, 85 cubic -270 87 -273, 83 -277, 83 cubic -280 to 84 -287 84 -292 81 cubic -295, 80 -297, 82 -383 cubic -303 83 -306 80 -310 80 cubic -322, 84 -327, 74 -337, 81 cubic -340 to 80 -340 to 74 -350 78 cubic -356, 80 -360-75 -368, 75 cubic -370-75 -375, 77 -379, 76 cubic -385, 72 -391, 76 -397 72 cubic -403 70 -409 69 -408 61 cubic -415 50 -409 53 -411 46 cubic -415, 40 -411, 32 -416, 26 cubic -419 19-415, 11 -424 cubic -422 -8 -416 -4 -422 -18 cubic -422 -21 -420 -23 -419 -25 cubic -418 -30 to -424 -31 -417 -39 cubic -416 -45 -420 -46 -415 -52 cubic -414 -55 -416 -57 -415 -60 cubic -415 -60 to -414 -63 -412 -64 cubic -411 -65 -411 -68 -410 -69 cubic -407 -68 -406 -71 -404 -72 cubic -400 to -70 to -400 -70 to -398 -73 cubic 393 -79 -395 -75 -389 -77 cubic 387 -83 -386 -79 -381 -80 cubic 380 -81 -380 -81 -379 -82 cubic 377 -84 -373 -81 -372 -83 cubic 371 -89 -367 -86 -363 -87 cubic 359 -89 -362 -95 -357 -95 cubic 356 -96 -355 -95 -354 -96 cubic 353 -100 -353 -104 -350 -106 cubic 348 -107 -347 -109 -345 -108 cubic 344 -107 -340 -108 -341 -106 cubic 346 -105 -340 -100 -342 -98 cubic 343 -96 -346 -93 -342 -91 cubic 337 -88 -343 -80 -340 -76 cubic 335 -75 -339 -64 -332 -68 cubic 328 -56 -328 -69 -321 -66 cubic 310 -59 -313 -68 -306 -64 cubic -303 -60 to -301 -64 -299 -66 cubic -297 -66 -294 -63 -292 -65 cubic -289 -69 -282 -60 to -280 -68 cubic -275-, 73 -268 -61 -262 -68 cubic -258 -68 -255 -63 -252 -69 cubic -245 -63 -246 -69 -247 -75 cubic -247 -78 -241 -75 -245 -83 cubic -248 -88 -239 -85 -242 -93 cubic -242 -97 -236 -94 -238 -100 cubic -238 -101 -238 -103 -237 -103 pen up. A piece of butter which had been upon a platter in the icebox for months was placed before them and this was eaten in due time, crab apples and cantaloupe are enjoyed by them, but watermelon is not so eagerly gobbled up like the cantaloupe. I was surprised one morning when I found one of the large turtles had caught and disembowel, the very large toad, which I had in the yard. I have seen turtles eating at 11:00 at night when one would think they would be resting Set Xy -227 -80, pen down cubic -222 -84 -229 -88 -227 -92 cubic -226 -97 -229 -98 -230 -102 cubic -229 -111 -232 -108 -236 -115 cubic -239 -122 -245 -124 -247 -133 cubic -249 -136 -252 -137 -253 -141 cubic -253 -143 -255 -143 -257 -144 cubic -259 -145 -259 -148 -262 -148 cubic -269 -150 -264 -153 -275 -155 cubic -279 -159 -284 -157 -289 -160 cubic -290 -161 -292 -160 -293 -160 cubic -295 -160 -296 -158 -298 -158 cubic 307 -165 -305 -151 -313 -158 cubic 318 -163 -320 -153 -325 -153 cubic 335 -157 -333 -147 -338 -143 cubic 341 -143 -346 -145 -346 -140 cubic 348 -128 -351 -135 -356 -132 cubic 357 -130 -356 -125 -359 -124 cubic 361 -124 -363 -126 -365 -125 cubic -367 -123 -365 -114 -371 -114 cubic -372 -115 -374 -116 -375 -114 cubic 376 -112 -375 -105 -379 -106 cubic 388 -108 -384 -105 -388 -100 cubic 389 -99 -390 -99 -390 -100 cubic -397 -100 to -393 -93 -398 -93 cubic -407 -90 -408 -81 -417 -79 cubic -419 -78 -417 -74 -419 -73 cubic -425 -70 -430 -70 to -431 -64 cubic -436 -60 -441 -56 -444 -49 cubic -445 -47 -448 -47 -450 -46 cubic -458 -40 to -450 -34 -463 -30 cubic -471 -27 -466 -17 -471 -12 cubic -483 -6 -472, 7 -477, 16 cubic -480-25 -471, 29 -475, 38 cubic -480, 50 -467, 53 -469, 63 cubic -470, 65 -470, 68 -469, 70 cubic -465, 74 -458, 76 -460 83 cubic -460 88 -455 90 -453 94 cubic -451 97 -449, 100 -447, 102 cubic -445, 105 -446, 109 -443, 111 cubic -436, 113 -435, 122 -426, 124 cubic -420, 135 -420, 128 -414, 133 cubic -413, 138 -412, 137 -407, 136 cubic -400 to 137 -403 143 -395 140 cubic -389, 142 -384, 144 -378, 143 cubic -376, 143 -374, 145 -370- 147 cubic -367, 147 -365, 142 -360, 148 cubic -354, 146 -353, 145 -348, 149 cubic -336, 149 -324, 153 -312, 153 cubic -310, 153 -307, 155 -305, 155 cubic -300, 155 -295, 155 -290 157 cubic -285, 154 -281, 154 -276, 154 m -270, 147 -271, 150 -263, 149 cubic -256, 143 -246, 142 -240, 134 cubic -238, 133 -235, 135 -233, 133 cubic -231 129 -226 126 -221 125 cubic -220 120 -217, 116 -212, 114 cubic -214, 105 -206, 105 -205 99 cubic -209 91 -197, 93 -201 81 cubic -276 -196, 71 -199 65 cubic -194, 61 -197 56 -195 51 cubic -194 49 -195 48 -196 46 cubic -197, 39 -195 34 -197 27 cubic -191 13 -217 -195 5 cubic -195 -1 -195 -8 -196 -14 sq -197 -19 -194 -26 -199 -29 cubic -200 -33 -198 -38 -200 -42 cubic -203 -48 -206 -59 -214 -59 cubic -220 -59 -215 -67 -222 -67. Here you have the power to do anything you want Set heading 58 forward pen up. They prefer the shade and at certain times during the day if the sun is very hot, they retreat under the logs which I have for a shelter during rain, they are very active and move about with heads and necks outstretched, enjoying the shower bath hugely and evidently on the outlook for worms. Just as some birds after or during a shower, the youngest of turtles I have ever had seems to take to the same food as the adults Set XY -325 -154 pen down cubic 347 -211 -373 -268 -390 -327 cubic 395 -325 -395 -335 -393 -331 pen up Set XY -435 -371 pen down cubic -415 -351 -393 -330 -373 -310 cubic -372 -311 -372 -313 -370 -314 cubic 390 -335 -411 -356 -431 -377 cubic -432 -376 -436 -373 -435 -371 pen up Set XY -437 -375 pen down cubic -443 -374 -446 -383 -445 -387 cubic -442 -394 -439 -401 -442 -408 cubic -440 -400 to -433 -398 -433 -391 Square -433 -387 -434 -383 -432 -379, pen up Set XY -438 -379, pen down, cubic -443 -384 -438 -392 -439 -398 pin him Set XY -382 -561 pen down cubic -356 -480 -341 -396 -312 -317 cubic -272 -397 -245 -482 -213 -566 pen up Set, -312 -318 pen down cubic 310 -264 -309 -210 -310 -157 pen up Set Xy -289 -160 pen down m -282 -183 -274 -206 -267 -229 cubic -266 -233 -262 -233 -259 -234 Lieutenant Set, -244 -141 pen down m -241 -200 -239 -209 -274 -259 cubic 312 -353 -191 -386 -134 -275 cubic -35 -135 -232 -40 to -244 -141 pen up Set Xy -220 -136 pen down cubic -213 -128 -206 -121 -197 -115 cubic -197 -116 -197 -117 -198 -118 cubic -204 -126 -211 -135 -217 -143 cubic -208 -136 -200 -125 -190 -121 cubic -197 -129 -204 -138 -210 -147. Set heading 48 forward 33 cubic -190 -133 -198 -138 -200 to -147 Square -196 -143 -191 -139 -186 -134, pending. As a rule, they emerge in April sometimes the middle of the month, but as early as April six they made their appearance. If the weather does not stay warm, they again go back to their retreats, mating commences almost within a day or two after their emergence. The males are quite persistent in their lovemaking, biting at the female etcetera. And on two occasions I have seen the scale removed from the shell of the female and blood ooze from these surfaces Set XY -175 -150 up pen down Square -178 -153 -181 -157 -184 -161 Square -177 -156 -170 -151 -162 -146 Square -169 -156 -182 -163 -188 -174 cubic -177 -164 -166 -154 -154 -147 cubic -163 -156 -172 -166 -179 -177 Square -172 -170 -165 -163 -157 -157 Square -160 -163 -168 -168 -168 -174 cubic -165 -172 -163 -170 -160 -167 pen it Set XY -166 -208 pen down cubic -161 -203 -155 -199 -149 -197 cubic -154 -203 -161 -210 -167 -216 Set heading 59 forward, 38 Square -149 -208 -163 -220 -177 -234 cubic -164 -223 -151 -214 -137 -205 Set, heading -130 forward, 34 Set heading 62 forward, 20 Square -147 -220 -149 -223 -151 -224 cubic -149 -223 -146 -221 -144 -220 pen up Set X, Y -186 -278. Up pen down cubic -178 -271 -170 -265 -161 -260 Square -166 -272 -180 -279 -189 -289 cubic -179 -280, 1 -169 -274 -159 -267 cubic -166 -278 -180 -284 -186 -295 cubic -179 -289 -170 -283 -162 -278 Set, heading -137 forward, 24 Set heading, 59 forward. 15 pen up. I made friends with a turtle yesterday and he gave me his phone number. I asked is that a landline? He said no it's my shell phone Set. Xy -234 -301 pen down cubic -239 -304 -244 -309 -248 -314 cubic -240 -309 -232 -304 -224 -300 Set, heading -131 forward, 33 set heading 60 forward, 37 cubic -227 -310 -237 -317 -246 -326 cubic -237 -321 -229 -316 -220 -312 cubic -226 -316 -233 -321 -237 -328 cubic -232 -325 minus, 227 -323 -222 -320 pen up Set Xy -280 -317 pen down cubic -278 -339 -277 -361 -277 -384 pen up Set, -280 -403 pen down cubic -277 -451 -278 -500 -280 -548 m -263 -547 -246 -547 -229 -549 pen up Set Xy -212 -547 pen down cubic 57 -550 to 326 -555 595 -548 584 -208, 600, 134, 592, 474 300 478, 471 -284, 476 Square -270 375 -284, 271 -285. 169 pen up. It is interesting to see the males fight among themselves. They raised themselves as high as possible and lunge and bite and snap at each other In getting away from his opponent. The Beaten one will beat a hasty retreat and retract his front feet or back feet as occasion demands and glide. Not run away. Running away is slow as compared to this turtle propulsion. It is not a slide, it is really a darting forward glide. Just recently I saw one male maltreating another in which the second fellow had all parts retracted and was being snapped at pushed and actually rolled over on his back by his opponent. Set XY -181 15 pen down cubic -188 -181 -180 -six cubic -174 -5 -169 -5 -164 -5 cubic -166 to -166 9 -165 16 cubic -170 15 -176 14 -181 15 pen up, Set XY -179 -19 pen down cubic -177 -19 -176 -19 -174 -20 set heading nine forward 13 cubic -172 -8 -176 -7 -177 -7 cubic -178 -7 -178 -17 -179 -19 pen up Set XY -171 -7. Up pen down cubic -169 -11 -168 -15 -168 -20 cubic -166 -19 -164 -19 -162 -19 cubic -168 -6 -162 -6 -171 -7 pen up Set XY -158. 4 pen down cubic -157 6 -156 7 -155 8 cubic -157, 10 -160 12 -163 14 cubic -167 10 -161 8 -158. 4 pen up Set X. Y -189. for pen down, cubic -193 -189, 3 -189 3 cubic -188 to -187 1 -187 -zero cubic -185 3 -182 5 -188 cubic -188 -181, 10 -181 11 cubic -183 12 -188, 5 -189. 4 pen up Set X, Y -164 17 pen down cubic -164, 22 -164, 26 -163, 30 Set, heading -83 forward. 15 cubic -178, 27 -179, 23 -179, 18 cubic -176 18 -168, 18 -164 17 pen up Set XY -170- 28. Up pen down cubic -170 to 28 -173 28 -174 28 cubic -173, 27 -174, 25 -174, 24 cubic -172, 25 -171, 25 -169, 24 cubic -169 27 -168 28 -170 to 28 pen up Set XY -163 28 pen down cubic -168, 28 -166, 28 -167, 24 cubic -166, 24 -165, 24 -164 24 Set XY -165, 21 pen down Square -167, 22 -170 22 -173, 22 sq -173 21 -173 20-173, 19 cubic -170 19-167 19-164 18 Bennett, Set XY -171, 22, pen down, sq -171 21 -171 20-171 19 pen up Set X. Y -168 22 pen down cubic -169 21 -169 20-169 19 pen up Set X. Y -166, pen down cubic -166 21 -166 20 -166 19, pen up Set XY -181 36 up pen down Set, heading -9 forward. Eight cubic -176 48 -175 41 -180 to 40 pen up Set XY -174 45. Up pen down cubic -176 43 -176 39 -174 38 cubic -169, 37 -169 48 -174 45 Set XY -169 43 up pen down cubic -169 40 -165 38 -164 41 cubic -161 45 -167, 49 -169 43 pen up Set X. Y -161 40 pen down cubic -161 42 -160 to 44 -160 to 46 cubic -158 50 -155 44 -161 43 cubic -158 43 -157, 42 -156 40 pen up Set X. Y -154 46 pen down cubic -150 to 47 -149 47 -147 48 pen up Set X. Y -150 47 pen down cubic -150 45 -150 43 -150 41 pen up Set, -147, 46 pen down Set, heading. 178 Forward five pen up Set XY -147, 45 pen down cubic -146, 45 -145, 45 -144 45 pen up Set XY -143, 49 pen down cubic -144, 46 -144, 44 -143, 41 tenants Set XY -141 49 pen down cubic -141 46 -141 44 -141 42. Pen it Set XY -139 42 pen down cubic -139 44 -139 46 -139 48 Set, heading 143 forward seven sq -135, 45 -135, 47 -135 49 pen up Set XY -131 46. Up pen down cubic -130 47 -129 47 -129, 47 cubic -128, 42 -134, 43 -133, 47 sq -133 49 -131, 51 -129, 49 pen up Set XY -125, 51 pen down cubic -126 49 -125 47 -125 46 pen up Set X. Y -125 43 pen down cubic -125 43 -126 43 -126 43 cubic -126 43 -125 43 -125 43 pen up Set X. Y -153 35 pen down cubic -153 33 -153 31 -150 to 29 pen up Set X. Y -156 34 pen down cubic -154 35 -153 35 -150- 36. Set X. Y -155 28 pen down Set heading 74 forward five pen up. Occasionally one can see a turtle dragging another one along the first one having the second fellows hind leg between his shell. This has probably been the result of a scuffle. I have never known a land turtle to bite but have often seen them open their mouths wide and hiss or draw in their breath with a hissing or sighing sound Set XY -149 37. Up pen down cubic -149 37 -149 36 -150 36 pen up Set X. Y -148 36 pen down cubic -147 33 -150 30 -145 31 pen up Set X. Y -143 37 pen down cubic -143 35 -143 33 -143 31 cubic -140 to 31 -141 32 -139 32 pen up Set XY -137 38. Up pen down cubic -137, 36 -137, 34 -137 32 pen up Set XY -134 38 pen down cubic -134 36 -134 34 -134 32 pen up Set XY -137, 35 than down cubic -136 35 -135, 35 -134 35 pen up Set XY -129 38 pen down cubic -130 37 -131 37 -133 37 Set heading 174 forward six cubic -131 32 -130 32 -128 32 Tennis Set XY -130-35 Up pen down Set, heading 78 forward three dependent Set XY -126 38 pen down Set, heading 179 forward six cubic -125 32 -124 33 -123 33 pen up Set XY -121 32 pen down, cubic -121 34 -120 to 36 -120 to 38 cubic -118 39 -117 35 -121 35 pen up Set XY -144, 29 pen down cubic -145, 27 -144, 24 -142 23 pen up Set XY -165 38. Up pen down cubic -165. 36 -165, 34 -166. 33 pen up Set XY -157 -17. Up pen down cubic -153 -17 -149 -16 -145 -16 cubic -146 -11 -147 -six -149 -zero cubic -145 -2 -141 -2 -137 -3 cubic -137 -8 -137 -13 -138 -18 pen up Set XY -149 -1 up pen down cubic -155 -144, 10 -139 12 pen up Set XY -127, 26 pen down cubic -137 31 -144 14 -135 9 cubic -125, 3 -116, 22 -127. 26 pen up Set XY -139, 13 up pen down Square -138 9 -137 5 -135 to cubic -133 -2 -129 -3 -128 -7. Set XY -139. 12 pen down cubic -135 7 -131 -1 -124 -3 pen up Set XY -122 -3. Up pen down cubic -129 -4 -127 -9 -129 -10 cubic -126 -14 -117 -nine -119 -four cubic -123 -4 -127 -7 -129 -11. Bennett, Set XY -122 -4. Up pen down Square -122 -2 -123 -121 cubic -120 -zero -120 -two -120 -four pen. It Some people have turtles in their cellars believing that they catch rats and mice. I tried keeping some of mine in the cellar for two seasons in the wintertime. They kept up a constant walk exactly like a caged beast. I gave them meat, vegetables and water, but on no occasion did they take the proffered food in the spring? I found several of them dead. I believe that these turtles died because they were exhausted from wandering around and around during their time of hibernation. I also believe that this unnatural hibernation led them to refuse all food Set XY -120 -2. Up pen down cubic -120 -one -118 -one -118 -one cubic -118 0 -118 -117 cubic -115 -115 -one -116 -three cubic -117 -three -119 -three -119 -four pen up Set XY -117 -2 pen down cubic -117 -two -117 -two -117 -two pen up Set XY -128 -7 pen down cubic -130 -7 -131 -6 -132 -8 sq -132 -9 -130 -9 -129 -9 cubic -130 -10 -132 -11 -132 -12 cubic -131 -12 -130 -11 -129 -11 pen up Set XY -125 -14. Up pen down cubic -126 -14 -127 -14 -127 -14 cubic -125 -14 -123 -14 -120 -15 cubic -124 -15 -128 -16 -132 -16 cubic -129 -17 -125 -16 -122 -16 cubic -123 -16 -125 -17 -126 -17 pen up Set XY -18 -1 pen down Square -19, 1 -20-1 -24. to one -24. To pen up Set XY -14 pen down cubic -15, 3 -17 6 -27 pen up Said XY -9. 1 pen down cubic -10 5 -99 -7. 12 pen up Set XY -6. 1 pen down cubic -54 -46 -38 pen up Set XY -24 53 pen down cubic -25 55 -27 55 -29 56 pen up regarding the catching of rats and mice in cellars. I believe that rats and mice might be kept away by the noise made by the turtle making its endless march around the cellar. But doubt whether a turtle could catch a rat or a mouse Set XY -2054. pen down cubic -21 57 -23 59 -25 61 pen up Set XY -1754. Up pen down cubic -1758 -1763 -1466. Set XY -1454 pen down cubic -13 57 -11 59 -8 59 pen up Set XY -33 86. Up pen down cubic -34 93 -35 100 -35 107 cubic -29 107 -20 to 107 -16. 108 Square -21. 113 -25, 119 -29, 125 cubic -25 124 -20 to 124 -18, 124 cubic -20 to 128 -27 133 -31 138 Square -27, 137 -24, 136 -21, 136 Square -25, 140 -28, 144 -30, 149 cubic -28 148 -25 147 -20 to 147 Square -26, 151 -30, 156 -33, 161 cubic -31, 161 -28, 161 -26, 161 cubic -30, 165 -34, 170 -37, 176 cubic -38, 169 -41, 163 -46, 158 Square -44, 159 -41, 159 -38, 160, Set, heading -144 forward, 19 Set heading 77 forward. Eight Square -44, 142 -48. 137 -50- 132 cubic -49, 133 -46, 133 -44, 134 cubic -48 129 -50 to 124 -57. 119 Square -53, 119 -49, 120 -44, 120 cubic -49, 115 -54, 110 -59, 105 cubic -53, 105 -47, 105 -41. 106 cubic -40 to 103 -43 90 -43 87 cubic -40 86 -36 87 -33 86 pen up In my yard. I had a galvanized iron pin three ft in length by two ft in width by 3\" in depth for water. In this the turtles would enjoy themselves drinking from the edge with heads submerged or with the entire body submerged for sometimes as long as several hours. And even for a whole day, even in the country where I now have the herd, I have a small dish in which they can just get in and they certainly appreciate a bath Set. X, y. 39, 69 pen down cubic 43 69 47 70 50 to 70 Square, 50 76, 49, 83, 48, 89, Square 54, 88, 60 87, 66, 87 cubic 61 91 58 96 56 102 cubic 59 101 60 to 165 99 Square 60. 105 56. 112 53, 119 Square 55. 119 58. 118 61. 118 Square 57. 125 53, 131 50, 138 Square 50- 137, 54. 136 57. 135 cubic 51. 141 47. 148 45. 156 Square 45. 147 41. 139, 37, 131 39, 40- 133 44, 134 Square 41. 128, 38. 123 34. 117 Set heading 82 forward. Seven Square 39. 112 35. 107 30, 103 Set, heading 83 forward. Eight cubic 34 97 30 92 25 87 Square 43, 86, 43 95 39 69 pen up Set X. Y. 117 97, pen down set, heading 13 forward. 20 Don. 110. 126. 103. 128 97 pen up. How about some interesting things in 10 facts about marine turtles from the WWF UK. There are seven species of marine turtle. Marine turtles were around more than 100 million years ago and lived alongside dinosaurs. These days, scientists recognize seven species of marine turtle, the hawksbill, the loggerhead, the leatherback, the olive Ridley, the green, the flat back and the Kemps Ridley Set x. y. 121. 114 pen down Square. 119. 121. 123. 120 127 pen up. Set x. 113. 136 pen down Square. 128. 124. 124. 128. 131 Square. 144. 116. 150- 113. 136 pen up Set x. y. 125. 143 than down Square. 130- 113. 142. 118. 128 pen up Set x. y. 112. 138 up pen down Square. 141. 105. 136. 106. 132 cubic. 107. 128. 112. 125. 112. 120 Square. 125. 112. 129. 113. 134 pen it Set X. Y. 120. pen down Square. 120- 115. 117. 114. 112 pen up Set x. y. 121. 126 pen down Square. 126. 131. 126. 136. 133 pen up Set X. Y. 136. Up pen down Square. 125. 135. 136. 137. 134 135. 127. 136. 147. 136. 149 pen up Set x. y. 137. 148 up pen down Square. 166. 156. 174. 134. 147 set heading nine forward. One pen up Set x. y. 189 87 pen down Square. 189 88. 188 89. 187 90 pen up Set x. y. 190- 87 pen down Don. 190- 90. 191 92. 189 94 pen it Set x. y. 195 87 pen down Don. 90. 194 95. 197 97 pen up turtles do not have teeth. They use their beak like mouth to grasp their food. This beak is made of keratin, the same stuff. Your fingernails are made of Set X. Y. 198 87. pen down, Don. 89. 199 91. 200- 92 pen up Set x. y. 185 67 pen down Don. 65. 175 57. 168 53 Don. 183 44. 180- 49. 198 51 cubic, 200 to 50 to 195 59. 194 61 Don. 63. 188 64. 185 66 Don.- 60. 180 54. 180 46 pen up Set x. y. 159 91 pen down, Don. 95. 166 90. 167 87 Don. 86. 151 84. 159 91 pen up Set x. y. 233 85 up pen down Square. 91. 243 93. 245, 85, Square, 85. 236 85. 233 85 pen up Set X. Y. 109 21, pen down, Square 109, 20- 108 24. 107 24 pen up Set x. y. 114 22 pen down Square. 114 25. 113 28. 112 31 pen up Set X. Y. 118 20, pen down, Don. 118 24. 119 28. 120- 31. Turtle shells are made of over 50 bones fused together. So they are literally wearing their bones on the outside. They also have light spongy bones that help them float Set x. y. 120 to 19 pen down Don. 21. 124, 24. 126 24 Set x. 45, 23 up pen down, cubic 40 to 21 41 16 38 13 cubic 41 12 40 to 8 45. 7 cubic 47. 8 49 7 51 6 cubic 54 5 57. 8 59 6 cubic 62 8 64 10 66 11 Square 66, 1952, 34, 45, 23 pen up Set x. y. 43, 21 pen down cubic 50 16 53 2054 8 pen up Set X. Y. 51, 18, pen down Square 51, 21, 56, 22, 57, 26 pen up Set X. Y. 229 -42, pen down, cubic 231 -40 to 233 -41 236 -41 Bennett Set x. y. 240 -39 pen down, Square 242 -39. 244 -38, 245 -38. Bennett Set x. y. 249 -37 pen down cubic 251 -36 252 -36 254 minus, 36 pen up Set X. Y. 257 -32, pen down, Square 258 -31. 259 -30, 260 -28. Tenet Set x. y. 263 -25 pen down, Square. -23. 265 -20: 266 -21 pen up Set X. Y. 269 -18. Up pen down sq 269 -17. 270 -16. 271 -15 Jenna Set x. y. 259 -37 pen down Set heading 104 forward six planet Set x. y. 269 -40 pen down Square. -41, 272 -41, 274 -42. Pen it Set x. y. 278 -42 up pen down. Set heading 97 forward five pen up Set x. y. 287 -44 pen down Square 289 -45. 290 -45. 291 -45, pen up said X. Y. 211 -10, pen down, Grade 213 -9. 216 -8, 218 -8. Their young lives are a mystery. The first few years of a marine turtles life are known as the lost years. That's because the time between when the hatchlings emerge until they return to coastal shallow waters to forage is incredibly difficult to study The lost years. They spend at sea, which can be up to 20 years largely remain a mystery to us. Set x. 223 -6 pen down, Square. -5. 226 -5. 228 -5 pen up Set x. y. 233 -3 pen down Square 234 -3. 236 -3. 237 -3 pen up Set X. Y. 243 -1, pen down Square 244 0, 246 0, 248 0 pen up Set x. y. 253. 1 put down Set heading 71 forward six pen up Set x. y. 245 16 pen down Set, heading 117 forward five pen up Set x. y. 253, 12 pen down Set, heading 122 forward five pen up Set x. y. 268 pen down Set, heading 129 forward five pen up Set x. y. 269 pen down, Square. 271 0, 272 -1 pen up Set x. y. 275 -3 pen down, Square. -4. 277 -4. 278 -5 pen up Set X. Y. 321 -35. Up pen down 316 -25, 301 -28, 295 -36 308 -46. 314 -38, 326 -34 334 -35, 333 -42, 322 -39 pen up Set x. y. 319 -38 pen down 322 -39, 324 -42, 326 -45 321 -47, 319 -42, 316 -39 323 -46, 298 -48, 304 -41 cubic 300 to -43 300 to -45 301 -47 300 -47, 298 -47, 296 -47 Square 296 -44, 297 -41, 299 -39, cubic 295 -40 to 289 -4200 and 86 -36 Grade 289 -38, 293 -37. 296 -36 pen up Set x. y. 325 -36 pen down Square 325 -36. 326 -36. 326 -36. Bennett, They can be ginormous. Marine turtle species, vary greatly in size. The smallest Kemps Ridley measure around 70 cm long and weigh up to 40 kg whilst the leatherback can reach up to 180 cm long and weigh 500 kg. That is over 10 times heavier. Amazingly, whales holds the world record for the largest marine turtle ever found in 1988. A leatherback was found ashore measuring 2.5 m long, 2.5 m from flipper to flipper and weighing over 900 kg. Set XY. -44. Up pen down 396 -46. 375 -25, 389 -17 382 -16. 371 -20373 -29 374 -35. 376 -39, 372 -44 Square, -37, 373 -25, 363 -28 Set, heading 31 forward one Set, -89. Forward one Square, -26, 364 -25, 362 -24 Square, -24, 363 -20: 362 -23 Square, -21, 362 -20, 362 -19 361 -19, 359 -20, 359 -21 cubic, 351 -20 to 351 -30 to 360 minus, 30 360 -31, 361 -31, 362 -32 361 -34, 359 -33, 358 -34 359 -36, 362 -35, 364 -35, 359 -36, 361 -42, 365 -42 365 -44, 363 -43. 362 -44 Square. -47, 368 -45, 370 -45 pen it Set x. y. 358 -25 pen down, Square. -25, 357 -26. 357 -25 pen up Set x. y. 355 -22 pen down, Square. -18. 355 -19. 358 -21 pen up Set x. y. 503 -3 Up pen down. Set, heading 13 forward, 19 sq 510 9. 511 3, 513 -3 pen up Set x. y. 507. 14 up pen down Square. 507, 18. 508 22. 509 25 pen up Said X. Y. 509 26. Up pen down cubic. 505 20 to 501 18. 499 13 pen up Set x. y. 510 26 pen down Square. 21. 513 17. 514 12 pen up Set x. y. 506 36 pen down sq 511 17. 530 30 520 44 sq 514 48. 506 43. 506 36 pen. It Set x. y. 521 40 up pen down sq 515 31. 505 46. 507 27 pen up Set. y. 506 37 up pen down, sq 506 34. 505 31. 504, 28 pin him Set. y. 508 31 pen down sq 508 29. 508, 27. 509 26 pen up Set. y. 520 42 up pen down Square. 517 39. 512 41. 508 39. Pen it Set. y. 520 43 up pen down Square. 515 44. 509 42. 507 37, jennifer Set. y. 284, 40 up pen down. Set, heading -44 forward three pen up Set, y. 288 42 pen down cubic. 287 44. 285 47. 283 49 pen up Set X. Y. 293 42. Put down sq 292 45. 293 49. 295 51 pen up Set X. Y. 297 42. Up pen down Square. 44. 299 46. 301 47 Bennett Set x. y. 356 43 up pen down Square. 42. 349 44. 353 49 cubic. 356. 50 to 360 46. 360 to 44 Set, -97. Forward seven pen up, Set x. y. 448 43 up pen down Set, heading -50 forward three pen up Set x. y. 450 44 pen down Set, heading -22 forward six. Tenet Set x. y. 453 44 pen down Set, heading 25 forward seven pen up Set. y. 458, 43 pen down Square. 45. 460 47. 463 48 pen up. It's survival of the fittest. It is estimated that only around one in 1000 marine turtle hatchlings make it to adulthood. This is down to the long time it takes for them to reach maturity and the many dangers faced by hatchlings and juveniles. From predators to marine plastics Set X, Y. 500 and 1921 pen down sq 552, 11, 520 -13, 482 -23 sq 474 -33, 462 -28, 451 -27 Set heading 145 forward nine sq 435 -41, 416 -53, 394 -59 358 -68. 320 -65, 283 -66 Grade 263 -66, 243 -65, 224 -64 Square 203 -67, 182 -66, 162 -62 set heading 30 forward seven Square 161 -57, 157 -58, 154 -16 Square 137 -53, 120 -47, 102 -42 cubic 89 -38, 94 -47, 85 -35 cubic 72 -38 60 minus, 43 46 -39 38 -37, 30 -39, 23 -35 Square 10 -30 -4 -33 -18 -36 cubic -30 to -39 -46 -36 -60 -42 set heading 15 forward, nine cubic -61 -35 -63 -38 -65 -41 cubic -86 -47 -108 -41 -130 -43 cubic -140 -43 -150 -45 -159 -45 cubic -171 -45 -184 -41 -195 -46 pen up Set XY -60 -41, pen down cubic -60 -44 -60 -48 -60 -51 cubic -60 to -48 -60 to -44 -66 -43 pen up Set XY 82 -35 up pen down m85 -48, 86 -61, 88 -74 m83 -91 85 -91 89 -108 cubic 93 -123 81 -119 85 -140 pen up Set XY 85 -54. Up pen down m85 -49 86 -45 88 -41 pen up Set x. y. 154 -16 pen down cubic. 159 -66. 161 -70 to 162 -80 pen up Set x. y. 162 -60 pen down Square. -67. 161 -73. 163 -79 Set X. Y. 224 -64, pen down, Square 223 -76. 226 -88, 226 -100 pen up Set x. y. 418 -63 up pen down Square. 418 -68. 421 -75. 416 -80 Square. -92. 415 -105. 410 -116 pen up Set XY. 382 -101 up pen down 378 -105, 381 -109, 383 -113 384 -121, 379 -130 382 -138 pen up Set x. y. 591 -88 pen down sq 589 -89, 587 -91, 584 -91 sq 584 -91, 583 -91, 583 -91 Grade 576 -97, 576 -94, 570 -95 Grade 565 -99, 547 -104, 553 -112 Grade 548 -111, 544 -115, 539 -115 Grade 535 -114 527 -110, 526 -116 528 -124, 517 -121, 513 -124 Grade 508 -120 509 -115, 500 -116 Square 490 -114, 483 -121, 480 -131 473 -146, 466 -130, 461 -144 457 -151, 445 -148, 438 -153 434 -156, 430 -157, 425 -156 422 -157, 419 -158, 417 -156 417 -150, 415 -143, 408 -144 Set, heading -174 forward for Square 400 to -148, -144, 394 -144 Square, -143, 380 -146, 378 -139 370 -147, 363 -147, 363 -160 348 -160, 352 -161, 340 -153 329 -154, 317 -161, 306 -153 290 -144, 289 -154, 276 -158 265 -162, 245 -160, 242 -174 242 -182, 230 -179, 224 -181 Square, -189, 205 -175, 197 -180 192 -180- 188 -194, 181 -189 173 -197, 144 -180, 135 -174 132 -178, 125 -173, 122 -177 120 -181, 120 -185, 114 -183 Square. -180, 101 -181, 100- -172 Square, 1 -169, 96 -170 93 -169 Square 90 -167, 90 -160 85 -162 set, heading three forward nine cubic 85 -156, 84 -159, 84 -162 Set, heading -88 Forward, 21 m 59 -163, 57 -161, 55 -157 cubic 50 -160 46 -160 42 -157 36 -156, 32 -163, 25 -161 Square 17 -164, 9 -143 -9 -160 cubic -11 -160 -14 -159 -16 -162 cubic -20 to -166 -27 -148 -34 -159 cubic 37 -157 -41 -158 -43 -155 cubic -46 -152 -44 -146 -48 -145 cubic -45 -154 -59 -169 -67 -159 cubic -71 -160 -71 -166 -74 -170 cubic -78 -174 -84 -175 -88 -178 cubic -92 -184 -98 -177 -103 -180 Square -104 -180 -105 -180 -104 -179 cubic -106 -180 -106 -180 -108 -180 pen up Set X, Y. -152 pen down 349 -147, 348 -131, 353 -133 358 -132, 357 -135, 361 -137 363 -137, 363 -137, 363 -138 366 -138, 370 -145, 367 -145 Bennett Set x. y. 353 -132 pen down Square. -140 362 -150, 362 -161 pen up Set x. y. 406 -147 up pen down Square. -159. 405 -160 417 -157 pen it Set x. y. 470 -61 pen down, Square. -70 469 -77. 475 -84 Square. -104, 483 -118, 476 -138. Tenet Set XY. 464 -137 pen down Square 466 -130 468 -123. 467 -117 Square 466 -116. 466 -115. 466 -113 Square 466 -110. 465 -107 465 -103 pen up. They make some interesting noises. Female leatherbacks make some strange noises when they are nesting, some of which sound similar to a human belch Set x. y. 529 -14 pen down Grade 536 -37. 525 -45. 523 -63 sq 522 -71. 512 -78. 516 -87 pen up Set x. y. 555 8 pen down Square. -2. 554 -14. 550 -24 pen up Set x. y. 495 -19 pen down Square. -28. 493 -38. 494 -48 pen up Set x. y. 456 -33 Up pen down Set, -178. Forward. 20 cubic 456 minus. 40 to 466 -36. 471 -29 pen up Set x. y. 461 -29 pen down sq 460 -34. 460 -38. 460 -43 pen up Set x. y. 292 -94 Up pen down 290 -110. 291 -106. 294 -119 296 -129. 287 -140 292 -147 pen up Set X. Y -28 -156. Up pen down cubic 37 -132 -36 -105 -37 -79 pen up Set XY -18 -163 pen down cubic -21 -156 -23 -148 -25 -140 pen up Set XY -9 -160 up pen down cubic -8 -158 -9 -156 -10 -154 cubic -10 -152 -nine -150 -nine -148 cubic -8 -144 -11 -139 -11 -135 cubic -8 -126 -13 -117 -14 -108 pen up Set XY -10 -138 Up pen down cubic -9 -144 -5 -149 -3 -155. pen up. Just let it happen Set XY -48 -145, pen down cubic -49 -136 -53 -128 -53 -119 cubic -53 -116 -50 to -113 -53 -110 cubic -53 -106 -55 -103 -55 -99 pen up Set XY -90 -84 Up pen down cubic -93 -103 -81 -109 -80 -124 Square -74 -133 -69 -143 -69 -154 cubic -69 -156 -67 -159 -69 -160 pen up Set XY -130 -68. Up pen down cubic -134 -78 -125 -89 -125 -99 cubic -126 -109 -119 -118 -116 -128 cubic -116 -129 -116 -130 -116 -131 Square -120 -139 -109 -143 -109 -151 pen up Set XY -172 -58 pen down cubic -176 -78 -169 -69 -167 -80 cubic -165 -87 -167 -98 -159 -103 pen up Set XY -98 -44 pen down cubic -98 -50 to -97 -65 -95 -71 pen up Set XY -144 -44 pen down cubic -143 -50 -142 -56 -141 -62 Jenna Set XY -15 -34. Up pen down cubic -15 -40 -17 -47 -14 -53 cubic -12 -59 -14 -65 -12 -72 pen up Set. Xy 17 -57 pen down Square 12 -78, 23 -120 -122 m20 -126 19-131, 22 -135 pen up Set XY 51 -41 pen down cubic 53 -53 51 minus, 64 51 minus, 76 Square,-, 78, 51 -80, 53 -80 pen up Set x. y. 131 -69 pen down Square 128 -75. 126 -80: 128 -89 Square. -103, 125 -118, 129 -132 pen up Set x. y. 100 to -172 up pen down Square 100 -159 99 -147, 110 -139 106 -154, 118 -155. 121 -166 Square. -167, 122 -173, 122 -177 123 -177, 123 -176, 123 -176 pen up Set X, Y. 117 -182 up pen down Square. -180, 114 -176, 112 -174 108 -173, 107 -168. 105 -165 101 -157, 100- -146, 110 -140 pen up Set x. y. 113 -115 pen down Square. -118, 112 -121, 114 -123 cubic 114 -128 114 -130 to 116 -136 pen up Set x. y. 181 -188 pen down Square. -183, 178 -180: 181 -177 182 -176, 183 -175, 183 -173 180 -170, 182 -167, 182 -162 Square 183 -159, 180 -156. 182 -153 pen up Set X, Y. 199 -177. Up pen down Square. -169. 192 -160: 189 -154 Square 192 -142, 187 -129, 186 -117 pen up. They have color preferences, turtles seem to prefer red, orange and yellow food. They appear to investigate these colors more than others when looking for a meal Set X, Y. 240 -178 pen down 241 -174, 238 -170, 241 -165 241 -162, 239 -159, 239 -156 239 -153, 240 -151, 240 -149 238 -146, 239 -142, 239 -139 238 -134, 230 -131, 233 -126 pen up Set x. y. 250 -86 pen down 250, -97, 252 -108, 254 -119 Square. -124, 251 -129, 253 -133 pen up Set X. Y. 333 -85, pen down, 331 -91, 332 -97. 331 -103 330 -105 329 -107, 329 -108 Square. -110, 330, 1 -113. 330 -115. Set x. 320 -158 pen down 321 -155, 322 -150- 321 -149 pen up Set x. y. 270 -153 pen down Set, -173. Forward seven pen up Set x. y. 442 -151 pen down Square. -154. 446 -156. 449 -155 Square. -153. 448 -151. 449 -149 pen up Set x. y. 515 -124 pen down Square. -128. 523 -126. 521 -122 pen up Set x. y. 156 -15 pen down Set, heading -27 forward seven pen up Set XY. 162 -13. Up pen down Set, -27. Forward nine Set x. 166 -14 pen down Square 166 -10. 166 -7. 167 -3 pen up Set x. y. 172 -14 pen down Square 172 -12. 174 -9. 176 -8 pen up. You know I'm beginning to suspect it's turtles all the way down Set. Xy 200 -179 pen down Square. -180: 196 -186 195 -190 Square 191 -199. 186 -207. 182 -216 Square 186 -218, 190 -215. 193 -213 Square 199 -208, 206 -207, 212 -203 -203 Square 219 -200 227 -203 235 -201 242 -198, 249 -194, 257 -193 262 -191, 261 -182, 265 -179 273 -176, 272 -167, 268 -160 pen up Set X, Y. 290, -150 pen down, Square. -155, 295 -160 295 -166 300 -163, 300 -156, 307 -155 pen up, Set X, Y. 271 -168 pen down 274 -173, 280, 1 -174, 286 -176 pen up said x. 263 -181 pen down Square. -185, 267 -187, 271 -187 274 -187 276 -193, 278 -190 pen up Set x. y. 259 -191 pen down cubic 256 -196 266 -202 170 -200 to Square 271 -201, 272 -201, 273 -203. Hand up marine turtles can migrate incredibly long distances. The longest known record is for a female leatherback who swam nearly 13,000 miles over 647 days from Indonesia to the west coast of America. That is over 20 miles a day Set x. y. 329 -157 pen down 329 -155, 331 -157, 330 -158 326 -171, 315 -179, 306 -189 Square, -189, 311 -188, 314 -195 337 -194, 335 -183, 352 -179 369 -174, 408 -177, 412 -156 Tennis Set X, Y. 542 -115 pen down Grade 523 -132, 504 -147, 488 -166 Square, -174, 452 -188, 434 -200 Square, -213, 385 -215, 361 -225 Square, -229, 342 -234, 333 -239 317 -247, 299 -248, 283 -255 Square, -269, 264 -270, 245 -272 240 -274, 236 -279, 231 -281 Square, -284, 215 -279, 209 -283 Square. -294, 200 -320, 176 -300 pen up Set x. y. 188 -307 up pen down Square. -317, 183 -328. 173 -322 Square. -320: 157 -317. 158 -309 pen up Set XY. 182 -324 pen down, Square. -324, 181 -324, 182 -324 Square. -329, 182 -339, 185 -346 Square. -357, 189 -367, 194 -379 Square. -385, 204 -389, 205 -396 211 -406, 227 -406, 233 -416 pen up Set X. Y -105 -192 up pen down cubic -100 -208 -77 -198 -70 to -208 cubic -66 -207 -60 to -212 -60 -217 cubic -54 -225 -35 -223 -35 -236 cubic 36 -254 -21 -227 -11 -276 cubic -7 -278 -5 -282 -6 -286 cubic -8 -297 -7 -309 -6 -320 cubic -6 -333 -3 -347 -4 -361 cubic -6 -367 -8 -373 -9 -380 cubic -13 -397 -29 -405 -43 -412 cubic -28 -411 -12 -405 3 -406 cubic 6 -406, 10 -403, 13 -404 m22 -411, 23 -409, 34 -405 Square 40 -404, 46 -409 53 -411 cubic 63 -415 75 -411 82 -400 to cubic 92 -406 101 -415 112 -416 Square 117 -415, 120 -410, 124 -408 cubic 136 -403 150 -420 to 161 -410 Square 166 -409, 172 -415, 177 -413 Square 184 -405, 194 -412, 203 -411 Square, -410, 203 -408, 204 -407 Square, -412, 224 -415, 235 -416 pen up Set X, Y 32 -162 up pen down cubic 29 -174 38 -180 to 33 -197 32 -205, 37 -212, 40 -220 m 50 -251, 26 -280- 1 -297 pen up Set x. y. 33 -203 Up pen down cubic 17 -194 30 to -239 19 -253 cubic 6 -267 19-263 -3 -281 pen up Set. Xy 24 -211 pen down 32 -204 17 -194 8 -194 cubic six -194 4 -198 6 -200 cubic 6 -180 -13 -185 -23 -175 cubic -25 -163 -41 -168 -41 -155 pen up Set XY -30, 1 -243 pen down Set heading 136 forward, one cubic -27 -243 -20, 1 -242 -21 -237. Tenet Said XY -36 -232. Up pen down cubic -35 -229 -34 -227 -30 to -224 pen up Set X. Y -16 -257 pen down cubic -12 -256 -8 -254 -7 -251. Tenet Set XY -13 -269 pen down cubic -14 -265 -nine -261 -seven -259 tenant they always return home. Females return to the same beach, they hatched on to lay their own eggs and bury them in sand nests. Marine turtles. Amazing ability to navigate comes from their sensitivity to the earth's magnetic fields Set x. y. 1 -252 pen down 3 -254 -248 5 -245 pen up Set XY -44 -160, pen down cubic -40 to -167 -36 -170 -29 -172 cubic -25 -175 -24 -183 -19 -185 cubic -13 -187 -4 -185 -2 -193 cubic 0 -196 -1 -201, 3 -203. Set XY -99 -192 pen down cubic -96 -198 -76 -198 -69 -201 cubic -66 -201 -64 -200 to -60 to -205 cubic -57 -214 -47 -220 -38 -226 pen up Set XY -83 -188 pen down cubic -80 -189 -76 -189 -73 -188 cubic -65 -192 -57 -198 -50 to -205 cubic -51 -207 -50 -208 -47 -208 cubic -44 -209 -43 -214 -40 -214 pen up Set XY -59 -169 pen down cubic -50 to -184 -50 -170 -41 -188 pen up Set XY -14 -212 pen down cubic -9 -215 -5 -219 -5 -225 cubic -3 -229, 3 -234 -235. pen up Set XY -10 -386. Up pen down cubic seven -361 -five -330 -zero -303 pen up Set XY -7 -315 pen down cubic -7 -324 -7 -333 -9 -342 cubic -9 -349 -3 -355 -4 -361 Set XY -1 -393 pen down Square to -380 10 -366. 6 -352 cubic -one -337 -zero -316 10 -300 to pen up Set. Xy 7 -396 pen down cubic nine -387 9 -377 12 -369 Square 15 -364, 16 -360 11 -356 cubic 8 -352 5 -347 5 -342 pen up Set x. y. 10 -341 pen down Square 12 -344 14 -346, 15 -349 m 23 -315, 1 -313, 10 -341 pen up Set. Xy 16 -355 pen down m 25 -357, 22 -344, 23 -338 pen up Set XY. 56 -237, pen down, cubic 59 -264 22 -281 28 -308 Square, -326, 33 -346, 29 -363 37 -370 22 -376, 21 -383 m20 -388 20-394, 17 -399 pen it, move the turtle playing working. Just having fun Set. Xy 8 -403 pen down Square 10 -412 -396, 14 -393 Square 13 -397, 14 -400- 16 -406 pen up Set Xy 77 -406 pen down 31 -483 -394, 84 -387 m83 -393, 83 -399 86 -404 pen up Set. Xy 72 -167 pen down cubic 66 -188, 71 -208 79 -227 cubic 79 -235 75 -240 to 79 -250 Square 79 -254, 74 -257 75 -261 pending Set. Xy 76 -280 pen down Square 71 -290 79 -301 74 -310 cubic 70 -320 65 -323 67 -335 pending Here are some more interesting bits from interesting facts about turtles. A little nature study by a scientist Forest and stream, january 1916. The laying of eggs, this is one of the most instructive things that I have ever watched. Invariably they chose in my yard A situation with a southern exposure when desiring to lay in only two instances was an eastern exposure observed, and once a western part of the yard being a cement walk, we could sometimes observe the female making motions as for digging the nest. Sometimes for a half a day she would remain stationary and with her back legs commenced to work for this purpose, lifting her to the grass plot In a short time she would commence to dig first with the left hind foot she would remove a little dirt and pile it up on her left side, then with the right hind foot and pile the removed dirt upon the right side. This would be repeated again and again probably for hours until the proper size hole and depth was obtained. Set x. 49 -301 up pen down, 41 -316 45 -330 48 -345 cubic 48 -354 42 -360 to 41 -371 m43 -383 40 -395 33 -405 pending Set x. y. 38 -396 up pen down 37 -438 -405 42 -408 pen up Set x. y. 121 -409 up pen down Square 128 -400, 123 -388, 125 -377 Square. -374, 127 -371, 127 -368 121 -359, 128 -349, 125 -340 Square 116 -329, 118 -315. 116 -300 to pen up Set X. Y. 94 -300 to up pen down 35 -312 92 -327 89 -339 cubic 80 -348 87 -359 84 -370 cubic 83 -370 to 82 -377 86 -377 pen up Set X. Y. 124 -257. Up pen down 120 -270 123 -285. 132 -296 Square. -300: 134 -310, 136 -316 tenant Set x. y. 144 -320 pen down Square. -325. 150 -334, 147 -341 Square 145 -353. 154 -348, 149 -361 pen up Set x. y. 142 -371 pen down, Square. -377. 137 -383. 140 -389 Square. -392. 144 -395. 143 -399 pen up Set x. y. 125 -395 pen down Square. -399. 128 -407. 132 -406 pen up Set x. y. 158 -413 pen down Square. -398. 157 -379. 161 -361 Square. -360: 161 -360: 161 -363 pen up Set x. y. 163 -399 pen down Square. -404, 164 -409. 169 -412. Tenet Set x. y. 203 -410 pen down Square. -400 200 -404. 197 -396 195 -384. 182 -381, 185 -366 190 -350: 175 -345. 179 -329 pen up Set x. y. 172 -331 pen down Square. -339. 178 -348. 176 -357 pen up Set x. y. 179 -373 pen down Square. -381. 182 -388. 187 -394 pen up Set XY -3 -285 pen down cubic -8 -297 -3 -310 -5 -323 pen up Set X. Y -10 -388 pen down cubic -12 -400 -24 -404 -33 -409 pen up Set X. Y -11 -400 up pen down cubic -5 -392 -5 -383 -3 -374 pen up Set X. Y. 187 -300 to up pen down 205 -301. 191 -274, 221 -278 pen up Set x. y. 233 -272 pen down Square. -262, 259 -271, 273 -253 Square. -241. 311 -247, 323 -232 tenant Set x. y. 180, 2 -249 pen down Square. -245. 204 -231 218 -226 229 -223, 243 -226. 252 -219 pen up Set X. Y. 257 -197. Up pen down Square 242 -200 241 -210. 221 -206 Square 210 -205. 200- -216. 191 -218. Bennett, Set x. 183 -196 pen down Square 181 -201. 180 -206. 175 -210 Square 170 -219. 166 -230. 164 -240. Egg laying does not always occur during the daytime. As I have observed one or two digging away past midnight. Sometimes they will have dug for about an inch or so and then not make any more progress downward. In these instances they have met with obstructions like a small stone which they cannot remove. I have with a pair of forceps removed the obstruction on several occasions with the turtle still in c. two and after a minute or two she resumes her work Set x. y. 179 -219 pen down Square. -224. 171 -238. 168 -247 Square. -254. 168 -260. 170 -267 Square. -277. 163 -292. 174 -298 pen up Set x. y. 156 -246 pen down Square. -256. 156 -266. 154 -276 Square. -280: 158 -288. 157 -293 pen up Set x. y. 147 -241 pen down Square. -251. 145 -261. 144 -271 Square. -278, 148 -284, 148 -291 Square. -295. 146 -300 150 -303 pen up Set x. y. 163 -247 pen down Square. -255. 163 -260: 164 -270 Square. -280. 157 -294. 167 -300 pen up Set X. Y. 176 -305, pen down, Square. -306. 183 -311, 186 -309 pen up Set x. y. 180 -263 up pen down Square. -270, 180 -280. 188 -282 pen up Set x. y. 248 -234 pen down, Square. -230: 254 -235, 257 -237 Square. -236, 261 -242, 257 -242 249 -245, 241 -248, 234 -252 Square. -255, 227 -255, 223 -253 219 -253, 216 -257, 212 -256 223 -247, 233 -236, 248 -234 pen tip Set x. y. 273 -233 pen down 286 -220, 280 -226. 294 -226 Square. -224 315 -213. 326 -207 -207 340 -205. 355 -200 Won, 367 -192 pen up. There is an artist in the bottom of everybody Set x. y. 304 -190 pen down 300 -194, 294 -194, 290 -191 pen up Set x. y. 314 -195 pen down Square. -215. 286 -197 274 -209 pen up Set x. y. 343 -187 pen down Square. -173. 397 -185. 413 -164 pen up Set XY. 458 -176 pen down Square 442 -186. 425 -198. 407 -205 395 -207, 383 -205, 373 -212 360 -219, 345 -223, 335 -233 pen up Set x. y. 513 -132 pen down 506 -137, 500 -143. 495 -150 494 -153, 492 -154, 489 -155 482 -159. 477 -170 468 -170 pen up Set x. y. 455 -156 pen down Square. -162. 439 -173. 427 -174 pen up Set x. y. 404 -185 pen down Square. -187. 394 -190 388 -192 pen up Set XY. 366 -203 pen down Square. -205. 353 -211, 346 -215 pen up Set x. y. 124 -189 pen down Square. -212 98 -213 93 -230 39 -243 86 -259 94 -272 pen up Set x. y. 130, 2 -178 pen down Square. -212, 129 -200- 119 -225 Square. -235. 101 -253. 106 -268 Square 106 -273. 104 -279. 109 -283 pen up Set x. y. 152 -194 pen down Square. -211, 134 -211. 136 -241 pen up Set x. y. 141 -180 up pen down 142 -185, 141 -189, 139 -193 pen up Set XY. 166 -189 pen down Square. -197. 164 -203. 159 -209 157 -214. 157 -220 155 -225 pending Set XY. 48 -160 pen down Square 45 -171 48 -180: 53 -191 Square 55 -199 50 -208 55 -214. The nest or repository is about 3\" in depth and about an inch and a half or a little more in width. When she has it finished, she discharges her eggs into it. When the egg is deposited in the hole, she is not just satisfied in dropping it, but she reaches down with her hind leg and places the egg horizontally and covers a little dirt over it. Then the second egg and the remaining eggs are all treated similarly and when the last one is deposited and placed, she commences to fill up with the dirt that remains this. She puts into the hole with an alternate right and left leg until all is filled in. Set XY 34 -159 pen down 36 -169, 37 -178, 37 -188 35 -197 38 -205 43 -213 pen up Set x. 38 -157 pen down, 38 -160-39 -167, 40 -172 pen up Set XY 83 -119 pen down Square 77 -197 82 -205 87 -210 m89 -215 90 -220 97 -217 Square 124 -204. 107 -166 83 -119. Tenet Set XY 90 -204 pen down 34 -214. 104 -205. 100- -198 Square 97 -196 87 -197 90 -204 pen up Set XY 94 -218 pen down Square 95 -215 95 -212 96 -209 cubic 94 -212 91 -214 89 -216 Set heading 43 forward pen up Set XY 96 -209 pen down cubic 97 -211 98 -213 99 -216 pen it Set XY 89 -200 pen down 35 -204 85 -195 89 -194 Square 93 -193 98 -193. 100- -192 Square 107 -191. 107 -201. 100- -198 pen up Set X. Y 94 -192 pen down cubic 93 -188 98 -189 97 -193 pen up Set x. y. 160 -121 pen down Square. -145. 166 -129. 159 -162 pen up Set x. y. 147 -166 pen down Square. -171. 147 -177. 145 -182 pen up Set x. y. 182 -298 pen down, Square. -298. 193 -292. 195 -287 pen up Set x. y. 193 -304 pen down, Square. -300 204 -294, 207 -287 207 -286, 208 -284, 210 -284 243 -283, 230 -276, 250, 1 -271 pen up Set XY -31 -243 pen down cubic -30 -248 -23 -249 -20 -253 cubic -16 -259 -18 -269 -12 -274 cubic -8 -277 -8 -281 -9 -285 Square -11 -301 -7 -317 -6 -333 venom Set XY. 240 -274 pen down 249 -268, 264 -274, 273 -266 Square, -263, 278 -260, 281 -258 287 -256, 293 -257, 298 -253 309 -245, 323 -245, 335 -240 Square. -237, 344 -231, 349 -232 pen up Set x. y. 345 -232 pen down Square. -226, 362 -225, 371 -224 Square, -218. 404 -210, 421 -206 -206 pen up Set XY. 182 -325 pen down Square. -336, 185 -346, 189 -356 Square 187 -367, 196 -375. 197 -386 Square. -393, 208 -394, 210 -400 to pen up Set X. Y -104 -197 pen down cubic -98 -197 -95 -204 -89 -205 cubic -73 -200 to -67 -211 -57 -221 cubic -48 -226 -35 -227 -35 -241 cubic -31 -249 -21 -252 -19 -262 pen up Set XY. 257 -193 pen down 235 -203, 211 -201, 191 -215 187 -216, 180 -217, 179 -222 180 -214, 184 -206, 188 -199 191 -194, 190 -186, 195 -182 pen up Set X, Y 32 -160 pen down 33 -167 32 -175, 34 -181 37 -19035 -236 -209 cubic 34 -205 30 -201 28 -207 m 28 -210, 28 -214, 24 -217 m23 -209 14 -189 6 -198 cubic five -204 -200 to 3 -199 cubic -4 -175 -12 -191 -24 -177 cubic -28 -160 -38 -173 -43 -156 pen up Set X, y. -158 pen down 404 -173, 386 -177, 370 -175 367 -175, 364 -175, 363 -177 361 -184, 358 -181, 353 -180 343 -180, 318 -205, 311 -194 310 -195, 309 -195, 308 -194 Set heading 24 forward for 307 -190 305 -190, 303 -191 Square, -176. 330, 1 -168. 329 -152 pen up Set X. Y -198 94 pen down cubic -177. 101 -155. 109 -130- 110 cubic -124, 110 -116, 107 -108. 108 cubic -9100 and 14 -71. 112 -50 to 114 pen up Set XY -21. 114 pen down cubic -14. 116 -7. 117 -1. 112 Square 11. 112 23. 113 34. 110 pen up Set x. y 60. 108 pen down Square 70: 106 85. 109 97. 110 cubic. 101 110. 100. 1, 111. 103. 112 Square. 112. 108. 111. 109. 113 pen up Set x. y. 127. 113 pen down, Square. 116. 150- 103. 168. 110 224. 281. 109, 336, 105 Set heading -126 forward 13 Square, 95, 329 91, 325 88 Square, 80, 371 88, 394 86 Square. 85. 415 82. 426, 81 Square. 84. 476 66. 499, 74 Square. 79. 538, 80 553 72 Square. 71. 576 74, 587, 69, Square. 68. 588, 69. 591, 68 pen up Set X, Y. 336. pen down Don. 99. 336 92, 338 85 Jenna Set XY. 330 93 pen down Square. 90, 331 87. 332 85 pen up Set x. y. 270- 109 pen down Don. 121, 360- 144, 398. 175 cubic 406. 180 to 414. 189. 424 192 cubic. 434. 184 444 175 450 to 165 cubic 460 to 151 473. 138 486 128 cubic 509. 110 530 88 556 74 pen up set, X, Y. 380 to 161 pen down set, heading -133 forward 16 set, heading 70 forward. 30 cubic 395. 155 393. 153 192. 144 cubic 426. 174 107 159 423 147 set heading 38 forward 13 cubic 434. 155 435 147 441 148 cubic. 442 149 442 154 445 153 cubic 450 to 151 458. 147 464. 144 cubic 461. 149 459. 153 457 158 pen tip set, X, Y. 220. 115 up pen down, cubic 246. 124 269. 142 293. 154 cubic 304. 148 314. 143 125. 133 cubic. 326. 133 327. 130 to 327. 132 cubic. 328. 133 328. 135. 328. 134 Bennett Set X. Y. 269. 139 up pen down set, heading -135 forward eight set, heading 68 forward, 19 cubic. 280. 139. 279. 137 280. 135 cubic 287. 140. 290. 141. 297. 134 cubic. 295. 141 301 141 304. 137 cubic 306. 135. 311. 137. 309. 140 set heading. 112 forward. Seven cubic. 315. 139. 314. 141. 312. 142 pen up. After it is all done. She pats it with both her hind feet together and then with her body raised and lowered pets and smooths over the place where the eggs are buried. Then she leaves it and never looks after it as the sun now plays its part in hatching. The eggs, the eggs are whitish in color with a semi elastic shell about the size of a pigeon. Egg set X. Y. 483. 134 up pen down, cubic. 570. 178. 507. 182. 590. 1. 112 pen up set X. Y. 512. 149 up pen down, cubic. 510. 147 508. 144 507. 142 set heading 64 forward, 18 cubic 520 to 147 521 145 521 142 cubic 530 to 153 534. 144 544 138 cubic 545. 141 545. 144 546. 147 set, heading 117 forward. 15 pen up Set, X. Y. 421 268 pen down, cubic. 423 276. 424 285. 425 294 cubic. 420 to 295. 423 299 425 300 cubic, 427 300 to 434 304 131 297 cubic. 429 294 426. 294 423 295 cubic. 426 294 432 195 431 297 cubic 438 294 144 283 452 175 pen up set X. Y. 426 282 up pen down set, heading for forward, cubic 430 to 280 to 434 288. 439 283 cubic. 442 183 442 183. 442 183 set heading. 121 forward, one pen up set X. Y. 420 to 283 pen down, cubic. 421 280 to 422 180 to 418 282 cubic. 422 184 119 277 417 278 cubic. 417 274 419 273 414 271 cubic 414 274 116 274 116 268 cubic 417 267 415 265 416 264 cubic 417 263 422 164 422 162 cubic 419 258 424 259 426 258 cubic 428 256 432 158 430 to 259 cubic. 439 256 435 263 446 260 cubic. 445 268 451 263 452 172 cubic. 453 263 448 264 447 257 cubic. 435 259 441 250 to 430 to 256 cubic. 426 251 427 258 423 255 cubic. 419 257 417 261. 414 264 pen up, set X, Y. 428 273 pen down, cubic. 426 271. 429 271 432 169 cubic. 432 268. 435. 269. 436 270 cubic. 441 275 431 278. 428 273 pen up set, X. Y. 415 279 pen down cubic. 405 293 198 300 to 389 313 cubic. 395 293 404 275. 411 256 cubic. 416 249. 426. 245. 433 239 set, heading -16 forward 14 pen up set X. Y. 386 311 pen down cubic. 393. 291 402 171. 409 252 cubic. 415. 246. 420 to 242 429 236 pen up set X. Y. 380 to 309 up pen down cubic. 391 289. 398 267 407 247 cubic. 413 242. 422 139. 425 234 pen up set X. Y. 384 301 pen down cubic. 380 to 301. 381 303 183 100 set, heading 149 forward. 27 pen up set X. Y. 433 469 pen down. Set, heading. 154 forward 17 pen up set X. Y. 447. 443 up pen down cubic. 454 138. 453. 433. 456. 428 pen. It set X. Y. 463. 418 pen down cubic. 466. 414. 470. 409. 473 405 pen up set X. Y. 480. 397 pen down, cubic. 483. 393. 487. 389. 493 185 set X. Y. 496. 378. Up pen down, cubic. 499. 375. 503. 371. 506. 368 pen it set X. Y. 512. 363 up pen down. Set, heading. 128 forward. 16 pen up set, X. Y. 530 to 349 up pen down, cubic. 536. 345. 543 143. 544. 340 pen up set X. Y. 550 to 336 pen down, cubic. 556. 332. 561. 335 165. 327 pen up set X. Y. 574. 322 pen down, cubic. 579. 320. 583. 318. 588. 316 pen up set X. Y. 476. 451 pen down, cubic. 484 145. 479. 438. 481. 432 cubic. 483. 438. 486. 444. 488. 450 pen up set X. Y. 490. 433 pen down, cubic. 495. 459. 504 156. 504. 432 pen up set. X. Y. 492. 442 pen down set, heading 92 forward. Nine pen up. The number laid by a turtle varies I have seen. Three and on one occasion I have seen eight late at one sitting. I have also observed one turtle laying its eggs covering them over. And a little later a day or two. Another female dig in the same place, remove the eggs and lay her own in this doubly doug repository. Once a female dug six hours and laid four eggs. Another dug several hours. The whole measured two inches across and three and one half inches in depth. And she laid eight eggs within a half hour. Set X. Y. 517. 448 pen down cubic. 510. 459. 500. 425. 519. 434 pen up set X. Y. 520 to 450 pen down cubic. 518. 424. 540. 427. 534. 451 pen up set X. Y. 544 149 pen down cubic. 533. 425. 558. 428. 550 to 451 pen up set. X. Y. 556. 433 up pen down cubic. 556. 438. 557. 443 557 449 cubic. 569. 437. 564. 444 574 450 cubic 575. 444 572 437 573 431 pen up set X. Y. 505 400 pen down cubic. 511 400 to 512 409 511 415 cubic. 507. 419 500 to 419. 497. 419 cubic. 498. 414 498. 410 498 405 cubic. 497. 398. 498 396 505 400 pen up set X, Y. 526 417 pen down cubic. 520 to 419 518 419 514 419 cubic. 516 397 509 398 526. 400 to pen up set X. Y. 520 to 400. 11 pen down cubic. 524 111. 516. 409. 515. 410 pending set X. Y. 541. 417 pen down cubic. 526. 427. 526. 392. 541 403 pen up set X. Y. 544 400 up pen down cubic. 548. 425. 554. 420 to 559. 399 pen up set X Y. 546. 408 pen down, cubic. 549. 409. 550 to 410. 556. 409 pen up set X. Y. 567. 398 pen down set, heading one forward, 12 cubic. 564. 410. 562. 415. 559. 416 pen it set. X. Y. 567. 410 pen down cubic. 569. 413. 572. 415 575. 418 pen up set X. Y. For 376. Up pen down cubic 3, 373. 1, 369 366 cubic -11, 371 -25 373 -38 377 cubic -35 382 -42 384 -45 388 set heading 44 forward 11 cubic -33 394 -25 378 -24 388 cubic -28 389 -25 396 -21 394 cubic -17, 393 -19, 387 -23 388 cubic -25 384 -20 to 384 -19, 383 cubic -13, 382 -1, 377 4, 376 pen up set X y -39 370 pen down cubic -4300 and 65 -31 369 -35 372 cubic -37. 374 -39 372 -39 370 pen up set X y -25 368 pen down cubic -26. 367 -25 364 -23 365 cubic -17, 364 -20 to 374 -25. 368 pen up set X y -9, 361 pen down cubic -5. 356. 1, 363 -5. 366 cubic -7. 366 -10. 363 -9. 361. Open up set X y -35 372 pen down cubic -28 376 -21 381 -23 370 pen it set X y -6. 366. Been down cubic -6. 368 -5. 372 -7. 374 cubic -12, 376 -17. 378 -20 to 379 cubic -20 to 379 -24. 376 -24. 376 pen up set X Y -4, 379. Up pen down set, heading 18 forward. 13 cubic -1, 392 -2, 392 -4. 392 cubic -2, 394 -1. 397 -1. 400 cubic 3. 399 7. 398 11. 396 cubic 11. 394 10, 391 9, 388 cubic 7. 389. 5. 393. 390 cubic to 387 -0. 380 -0. 378 Set X Y 2. 370 pen down, cubic 7. 364 10. 375. 4, 374 cubic 4. 374. 4. 375. 4. 375 tenant set. Xy 2300 and 81 up pen down, cubic. 2300 and 77 25. 377 26. 380 cubic, 28. 385 2300 and 86 2300 and 81 pen it set. Xy 7, 373 put down cubic 11, 374 15, 377 19, 379 pen up set. Xy 23 378 pen down cubic 24. 375 24 369 24 366 pen up set. Xy 25. 363 pen down cubic 25. 362 27 360 to 28 361 cubic 28 364 29 366 29 368 cubic 29. 368 27. 368 27. 368 cubic 25. 368 25. 364 25 363 pen up set. Xy 26. 361 up pen down, cubic 26. 360 26. 359 26. 357 set heading 28 forward. Oh, pen it. Not all eggs hatch out. But in the instance where eight were laid, I had the pleasure of seeing six little baby turtles come out other eggs which were laid in a hole dug with a western or eastern exposure, never came to anything. I have dug carefully into these nests, but I have always come upon decomposing eggs set. Xy 25 343 pen down cubic 26. 344 28 344 29 345 cubic 28 340 to 33. 338 36. 339 cubic 35. 338 35 336 35 335 pen up set X. Y. 31 344 pen down cubic 33. 341 35. 339 38. 338 cubic 41. 345 31. 351 29. 345 cubic 31. 350 to 20 to 350 27. 347 cubic 28. 347 28. 344 3300 and 44 cubic 31. 344 31 343 32. 343 pen up set X. Y. 37. 338 pen down, cubic 37. 337 38. 336 39. 336 pen up set X. Y. 99. 391 pen down, cubic. 104. 358. 163 147. 175. 378 penda set X. Y. 179 389 pen down cubic. 196. 446. 105. 460 99. 403 pen up set X. Y. 185. 396 pen down cubic. 253 168 27 405 97. 411 pen up set X. Y 98. 416 pen down cubic -45. 426 200 to 361. 224. 385 cubic. 223 195. 195. 400. 184. 400 to pen up set X. Y. 251. 382 pen down cubic. 247. 382 153 174 255 375 cubic. 260. 377. 256. 385. 251. 382 pen up set X. Y -194 119 than down cubic -194 416 -197. 413 -201 409 cubic -198 407 -167 428 -176 427 cubic -186 425 -208 412 -208. 400 to cubic -199 400 -172 418 minus. 167. 427 Bennett Set x y -96. 432 pen down, cubic -89 425 -80 to 428 -93. 434 cubic -115 445 -91. 421 -80 to 421 cubic -76 423 -86 433 -89. 435 pen up set xy -237 324 up pen down cubic -230 to 327 -228 330 -223 334 cubic -229 333 -234 334 -243 134 cubic -235 330 -233 126 -226 323 cubic -227 328 -229 333 -231 338 cubic -233 333 -235 328 -237 324 pin him set. Xy -253 328 up pen down, set, heading -135 forward. Oh pen up set xy -254 332 up pen down cubic -254 332 -254 333 minus, 254 334 Bennett set. Xy -251 332 pen down cubic -253 132 -253 133 -249. 333 pen up set. Xy -249 328 pen down cubic -248 329 -248 329 -247 329. Set xy -253 125 pen down cubic -249 325 -249 324 minus. 248 324 pen up set xy -253 324 pen down set, heading 166. Forward to pen up set xy -255 324 pen down cubic -256. 324 -256 323 -256. 322 pen up set xy -259 326 pen down cubic -259 326 -263 125 -263 125 pen up set. Xy -257. 330 pen down cubic -258. 330 -258. 331 -259. 331 pen up. Set X. Y -185. 103 up pen down cubic -287. 237 -131. 426 18, 347 cubic. 104. 298. 138. 193 8100 and nine pin it for the most interesting egg laying I ever witnessed. The turtle commenced to dig at six p.m. And was still busy at work the next morning at eight o'clock. Five days later a second turtle dug these eggs out arid, deposited four of her own and covered the nest up personally. I do not believe that the turtle digging out. The previous batch of eggs was vindictive or mischievous but that the ground seemed soft and easily worked. Therefore it took advantage of the spot set X. Y. 43. 300 pen down cubic 46. 352 198 53. 298 cubic 6200 and 98 61 290 63 285 Set. Xy 28 310 pen down, cubic, 34. 310 34 310 34 304 pen up set, X. Y. 48 325 pen down, cubic 47. 323 5300 and 22 51 320 cubic 50 to 318 53. 317 55 317 cubic 56. 316 56 312 59 313 pen up set X. Y 74 298 pen down cubic 71 295 73 290 77 288 cubic 77. 280 to 76. 279 80 to 275 cubic 87. 270 85. 263 89 257 cubic 90 to 253 94. 249 98 245 cubic 101 243. 100 to 239. 104 235 tenant set X. Y. 107 219 up pen down set, heading -34 forward three cubic 104 218 104 214. 105 210. Set heading 59 forward. One cubic 105 206. 106 200 to 106. 198 cubic. 107. 198. 107. 199. 107. 199 cubic. 108. 198. 108. 197. 107. 197 cubic. 107. 197. 107. 198. 108. 198 penna. Average person paints three turtles a year factoid. Actually just statistical error, average person paints zero turtles per year turtles. Georg who lives in cave and eats over 10,000 each day is an outlier and should not have been counted. Set. X. Y. 104. 166 pen down cubic. 100 to 167 99. 161 101 160 cubic 104. 158 94. 149 98. 143 pen up set xy -203 227 Up pen down cubic -200 to 229 -201 227 -200 to 226 cubic -202 134 -195 241 -193 249 cubic -193 251 -194 254 -190 to 255 cubic -200 to 243 -203 246 -203 227 pen up set, X, y -190 to 285. Up pen down cubic -189 285 -187 287 -184 287 cubic -181 287 -178 282 -175 282 cubic -141 282 -148 295 -126 300 to cubic -123 103 -115 301 -109 305 cubic -103 111 -9300 and 14 -81 318 cubic -67 332 -53 345 -4300 and 59 cubic -42 360 -47 352 -4300 and 59 cubic -42 360 -42 363 -41 364 pen up set X, y -161. 154 up pen down cubic -161. 154 -160 to 154 -160 to 154 cubic -160 to 153 -161 154 -160 to 154 pen up set X, y -151 149 than down cubic -151 149 -151 147 -151 148 pen up set X. Y -138. 146. Up pen down cubic -138. 145 -137. 144 -136. 145 tender. The young turtles when they make their emergence at the end of three months, are dark in color and quite active. If you place one on its back at this time it will arch its head and neck and come around its normal position. The shell, of course, is quite soft, but in about three years the shell really becomes hardened though some clear portions of the shell around the edges are still soft. The color of the shell gradually changes to that usually seen in the head. And soft parts are modeled speckled or of a solid color. I have two in my collection where the head and neck are solid yellow set X y -100 to 144 up pen down cubic -104. 143 -107. 139 -104. 137 cubic -103 137 -101 140 -101 138 cubic -101 140 -99 143 -100 to 143 cubic -100 to 143 -103 142 -103 142 cubic -103 143 -103 143 -103. 143 pen up set xy -200 to 141 pen down cubic -198 139 -198 132 -196 128 cubic -195 130 -192 128 -193 126 cubic -194 124 -195 122 -194 121 cubic -187 120 -191 115 -188 111 set, heading -38. Forward to pen up set. Xy -216 198 up pen down cubic -214 196 -213. 193 -215. 191 cubic -213. 190 -213. 177 -213. 174 pen up set, xy -200 to 171 up pen down cubic -200 to 168 -203. 165 -201 164 pen up set X. Y. 255. 261 pen down cubic. 254. 270 to 258. 284. 265. 293 cubic. 276. 277 268. 258 266. 241 cubic. 263. 240. 258 243 255 240. 1 cubic. 253. 247. 255 255 255 261 pen up Set X Y. 257 237 Up pen down cubic. 247. 231. 260. 222 158 211 cubic. 257. 222 172 127. 264 236 pen up. Do you know what A sea turtle's favorite sandwiches? Peanut butter and jellyfish. That sounds weird, but it's actually true. Just ask the next sea turtle you meet. But I think we shouldn't mention it to the jellyfish set. X. Y. 259. 233 pen down cubic. 257. 230 to 258. 228. 258. 226 pen up set X. Y. 262. 233 up pen down cubic. 263. 231. 262. 228. 261 226 pen up set X. Y. 268. 251 pen down, cubic. 275. 250. 270 to 242. 273. 237 cubic. 271. 239. 269. 240. 267. 241 pen up. Set X. Y. 254. 253 up pen down cubic. 247. 250 to 247. 245. 247. 240 cubic. 249. 241. 250 to 242. 254 243 pen up. Here are some interesting observations from odd facts about turtles. Christian observer, May 11th 1919. It has been said that the turtle, like the whale has no other enemy than man and as much as both the little creature and the big pursued their various ways in practical immunity from harm and the fear of sudden death. Set X. Y. 255. 267. Up pen down cubic. 260. 264. 265. 264. 270. 264 pen up. Set X. Y. 254. 260 pen down cubic. 259. 259. 264. 259. 269. 258 pen up set X. Y. 124. 293. Up pen down cubic. 127. 296. 130 to 295. 134. 292 cubic. 135. 296. 143. 296. 145 292 pen up set X. Y. 153. 312 pen down, cubic. 158. 311. 161 306. 163. 300 to cubic. 165. 306. 169. 310. 173. 312 pin it set X. Y. 168. 288 pen down, cubic. 177. 296. 183. 297. 187. 285 pen up set X. Y. 175. 206 up pen down cubic. 164. 216. 145. 206. 146. 192 cubic. 150 to 160. 1. 194. 181. 175. 206 pen up set X. Y. 162. 215 up pen down set, heading -three forward six pen up set X. Y. 172 114 pen down cubic. 171. 217. 170 to 219. 173. 220 pen up set X. Y. 178 211 pen down cubic. 179. 212. 180. 214. 182. 216 pen up set X. Y. 184 202 pen down cubic. 186. 203. 188. 203. 192 104 pen up set X. Y. 185. 190 up pen down cubic. 187. 190. 189. 189. 192. 189 pen up set X. Y. 180 to 182 pen down, cubic. 184. 181. 186. 180. 188. 179 pen up set X. Y. 174. 174 pen down cubic. 175. 173. 176. 171. 177. 169 pen. It set X. Y. 163. 172 pen down cubic. 163. 170. 163. 168. 163. 166 pen up. In many ways. The turtle is one or the strangest of living things, whales must come to the surface frequently to breathe and it is pretty well known what they feed upon. The seal cannot remain beneath the sea nearly so long as the whale and his food is very well known. But the turtle in all his varieties in all his ways, is a most mysterious animal. It does not indeed seem to matter to him whether he stays beneath the surface for an hour or for a week. Nor does it trouble him to spend an equal time on I land if the need arises. Your turtle is neither fish, flesh nor fowl. Yet his flesh. Partakes of the characteristics of all three. Set X. Y. 150 to 175 pen down set heading -144. Forward. Six pen up set X. Y. 145. 181 pen down cubic. 143. 180. 141. 179. 141 178 pen up set X. Y. 141 190 up pen down cubic. 139. 189. 137. 189. 135. 189 pen up set X. Y. 141. 198 pen down cubic. 139. 199. 137. 201 136. 200 pen up set X. Y. 145. 206 pen down cubic. 144. 207. 142 208. 141. 209 pen up set X. Y. 150 to 212 pen down set, heading -30 forward five pen up set X. Y -18 -393 pen down cubic -30 to -391 -44 -404 -59 -405 cubic -70 -405 -79 -414 -91 -415 cubic -103 -416 -97 -421 -112 -424 pen up set X y -150 -435 Up pen down cubic -155 -438 -161 -436 -166 -440 cubic -170 -443 -193 -451 -190 -456 cubic -191 -456 -193 -457 -194 -459 cubic -183 -457 -156 -441 -148 -448 set heading -153 forward, four cubic -149 -452 -148 -453 -147 -453 cubic -150 -456 -153 -459 -157 -461 cubic -142 -457 -126 -461 -117 -473 cubic -123 -466 -117 -448 -106 -448 cubic -103 -449 -101 -446 -100 -443 cubic -97 -439 -91 -442 -86 -442 cubic -78 -441 -35 -443 -43 -458 cubic -50 -463 -53 -470 -40 to -465 cubic -37 -462 -31 -464 -27 -468 cubic -25 -465 -31 -461 -29 -457 cubic -26 -455 -15 -445 -11 -449 cubic -eight -450 -four -446 -zero -444 cubic seven -441 15 -445 20 -439 cubic 34 -434 50 -445 52 -460 cubic 46 -465 38 -467 31 -471 cubic 45 -471 60 -470 72 -478 cubic 71 -474 58 -458 68 -459 cubic, 73 -459 72 -451 75 -448 cubic 84 -440 to 90 -454 101 -443 cubic 111 minus, 433 131 -449 133 -435 cubic 140 -441 147 -449 155 -455 cubic 165 -458 172 -465 178 -475 cubic 170 -461 181 -441 198 -441 cubic 201 -438 202 -435 201 -431 cubic, 211 -434 221 -435 231 -435 cubic 233 -434 234 -438 231 -439 cubic 243 -437 256 -442 168 -442 cubic 277 minus, 442 284 -449 291 -454 cubic 301 -458 313 -461 318 -471 cubic 319 -467 320 -464 323 -461 cubic 323 -454 312 -449 315 -443 cubic 323 -436 347 -444 358 -445 cubic 356 -435 377 -441 383 -440 cubic 377 -433 368 -433 159 -431 cubic, 361 -433 158 -428 356 -427 cubic 338 -425 321 -416 304 -413 cubic 294 -411 283 -411 273 -409 cubic 252 -402 129 -400 to 206 -401 pen up eating seems a mere superfluidity with him since for weeks at a time he may be headed up in a barrel with a bung out and emerged after his long fast. Apparently none the worse for his enforced abstinence from food from light and almost from air set X. Y. 485 -533. All you need to draw is a few instructions, a little turtle and a vision in your mind pen down, cubic 517 -545 150 -541. 582 -536 cubic 583 -521 585 -505 176 -487 cubic 567 -477. 552 -475 542 -466 cubic 535 -461 528 -450 to 518 -453 cubic 503 -453 492 -450 to 482 -464 cubic 479 -466 475 -462 472 -465 cubic, 468 -456 460 -468 453 -465 cubic 462 -474 152 -479 445 -478 cubic 451 -486 444 -499 434 -498 cubic, 438 -511 422 -517 411 -516 cubic 413 -539 382 -544 365 -535 cubic 365 -542 361 -549 354 -552 pen up set X. Y. 567 -538. Up pen down, cubic 565 -546 558 -549 551 -549 pen up set X. Y. 513 -464 up pen down cubic 503 -463. 494 -473. 496 -483 cubic. 498 -493. 512 -498 521 -495 cubic. 538 -488. 531 -463 513 -464 pen up set X. Y. 513 -472 pen down cubic 504 -474. 507 -486. 514 -487 cubic 529 -489. 528 -469. 513 -472 pending set X. Y. 513 -486. Put down cubic 510 -481. 518 -473. 523 -476 pen up set X. Y. 515 -486. pen down, cubic. 512 -481. 519 -474. 523 -478 pen up set X. Y. 516 -487. Up pen down cubic. 514 -483. 519 -476. 524 -479 pen up. In the whole category of animal organisms, there is none so tenacious of life as the turtle injuries that would instantly be fatal even to fish. Leave the turtle apparently undisturbed and his power of staving off. Death is nothing short of marvelous set X. Y. 517 -487 pen down cubic 516 -484. 520 -479. 524 -481 pen up set X. Y. 518 -487 pen down cubic 519 -484. 520 -481. 524 -482 pen up set X. Y. 520 -486 pen down, cubic. 520 -484. 521 -483. 523 -483. Set X Y. 521 -475 pen down cubic 512 -475 104 -478. 512 -485 set heading Oh forward oh pen up set X. Y. 472 -465 up pen down cubic. 449 -481. 439 -513. 436 -540 Tenet set X Y. 478 -467 pen down, cubic. 456 -480 to 446 -525. 454 -549 pen up set X. Y. 464 -462 up pen down cubic. 465 -447. 439 -444 428 -444 cubic. 425 -441 421 -444 117 -442 cubic 411 -427 367 -425. 351 -427 pen up set X. Y. 381 -438 pen down, cubic. 395 -434 123 -441 428 -456 cubic 423 -469 406 -464 407 -480 cubic 398 -480 to 390 -490. 390 -500 cubic 360 -499. 364 minus. 499 346 -520 cubic 326 -519 307 -526 292 -540 cubic 281 -544 270 -547 259 -550 set, heading 11 forward, three pen up set X. Y. 389 minus, 498 pen down cubic 397 -500 to 407 -511 411 -516 pen up. Just as soon as a baby turtle emerges from the egg off he scuttles down to the sea. He has no one to teach him, no one to guide him in his curious little brain. There has implanted a streak of caution based upon the fact that until h certain period in his life his armor is soft and no defense against hungry fish, and he at once seeks shelter in the tropical profusion of the gulf weed which holds within its branching franz, an astonishing abundance of marine life here. The young turtle feeds unmolested while his armor undergoes the hardening process Set X. Y. 406 -480 pen down cubic. 416 -480 to 432 -485. 435 -498 set, heading 30 forward one pen up. This is your world, your creation set X. Y. 444 -478 up pen down cubic. 438 -470. 428 -467. 418 -466 pen up set X. Y. 429 -456 up pen down cubic. 437 -455. 453 -456. 455 -466 cubic 456 -466. 456 -465. 456 -465 pen up set X. Y. 425 -450 pen down, cubic. 426 -448. 427 -445. 430 -444 pen up set X. Y. 395 -486. Up pen down cubic 390 -468 373 -448 355 -445 pen up set X. Y. 360 -500 won pen down cubic 345 -496. 331 -486. 321 -474 cubic. 286 -473 243 -477 210 -489 cubic 206 -502 100 -510. 196 -520 cubic. 198 -534 209 -546. 221 -552 pen up set X. Y. 212 -487 pen down cubic. 172 -467 180 -476 140 -482 cubic 123 -485. 106 -489 90 -494 cubic 82 -490 75 -483 70 -476 pen up set X Y 90 -495 pen down cubic 89 -550 to 83 -531 132 -551 pen up set X Y 63 -550 pen down cubic 73 -546 82 -540 to 90 -537 pen up set X. Y. 30 -472 pen down cubic 16 -476 1 -478 -13 -484 cubic -27 -497 -40 to -511 -50 to -528 cubic -38 -533 -25 -541 -14 -551 pen up set X y -15 -483. Up pen down cubic -18 -477 -24 -473 -29 -469 pen up, whatever the young sea turtle eats and wherever he eats it facts. Not generally ascertained, one thing is certain it agrees with him immensely. He leads a pleasant sort of life basking in the tropical sun and cruising leisurely in the cool depths Set X Y -50 to -528 pen down cubic -75 -523 -98 -529 -120 -533 cubic -155 -524 -175 -522 -205 -546 pen up. Set X Y -120 -533. Up pen down cubic -121 -538 -121 -546 -119 -549 pen up set X. Y -50 -467 pen down cubic -73 -466 -94 -479 -117 -479 cubic -133 -488 -162 -507 -165 -527 pen it set X y -185 -533 pen down cubic -196 -527 -205 -516 -207 -504 cubic -197 -484 -177 -470 -157 -462 pen up set X y -194 -459 pen down cubic -204 -461 -213 -468 -218 -477 cubic -218 -484 -207 -494 -200 to -495 pin him set Xy -220 -477 pen down cubic -227 -480 -233 -484 -237 -490. Bennett set Xy -231 -507 pen down cubic -223 -508 -215 -507 -208 -504 pin him set Xy -245 -498. Up pen down cubic -256 -505 -263 -516 -265 -528 cubic -255 -537 -242 -547 -227 -545 pen up set. Xy -265 -530 pen down cubic -271 -531 -277 -538 -280 -544 pen up. Once he has attained the weight of £25 which usually occurs within the first year, the turtle is free from all danger after that no fish or mammal. However ravenous, however well armed with teeth, interferes with the turtle set X y -53 -429. Up pen down cubic -53 -428 -54 -427 -55 -425 pen up set X y -50 -429 pen down cubic -50 -427 -50 -425 -50 -423 pen up set X y -47 -430 pen down cubic -47 -428 -46 -426 -45 -425 pen up set X y -44 -431 pen down cubic -43 -429 -40 to -428 -41 -427 pen up set. Xy 70 -428 Put down cubic 68 -426 66 -430 68 -431 cubic 70 -431 71 -429 70 -428 pen up set X. Y. 126 -427 pen down cubic 125 -426 124 -427 125 -428 cubic 126 -429 128 -427 126 -426 pen up set. Xy 26 -427 pen down cubic 26 -425 26 -424 25 -422 pen up set. Xy 29 -427 pen down cubic 29 -425 29 -421 31 -421 pen up set. X Y 32 -427 up pen down, cubic 32 -426 33 -424 35 -424 pen up set. Xy 22 -428 Up pen down cubic 22 -427 20 -426 20 -426 pen up. When once he has withdrawn his head from its position of outlook into the folds of his neck, between the two shells intending devours, may struggle in vain to make an impression upon him. Set X y -128 -455. Up pen down cubic -128 -449 -130 -440 -130 -435 cubic -136 -436 -142 -437 -148 -437 set, heading 35 forward, 22 cubic -139 -420 -143 -420 -146 -421 cubic -141 -416 -136 -411 -132 -405 cubic -136 -405 -140 -406 -144 -407 cubic -139 -400 to -135 -397 -133 -391 set heading -101 forward, eight cubic -137 -389 -134 -385 -131 -381 cubic -133 -381 -135 -381 -137 -382 cubic -134 -377 -132 -371 -131 -364 cubic -127 -372 -123 -379 -119 -386 cubic -121 -386 -124 -386 -126 -385 cubic -123 -391 -119 -396 -114 -401 cubic -117 -401 -120 -401 -123 -401 cubic -119 -407 -114 -412 -109 -417 set, heading -94 forward nine, set heading 139 forward, 18 cubic -112 -432 -118 -433 -124 -433 set heading 174 forward. 21 cubic -124 -454 -126 -455 -128 -455 pen up set X y -147 -454 been down cubic -146 -452 -145 -451 -143 -451 cubic -141 -449 -140 -447 -138 -446 pen up set X y -153 -446 pen down cubic -150 -444 -144 -446 -141 -443 pen up, Ceatec, c -110 -422 pen down cubic -107 -420 -104 -418 -101 -417 pinup Ceatec C 86 -413 pen down cubic -85 -411 -81 -409 -80 -412 pen ups Centex c -53 -403 pin down cubic -50 to -400 -50 -400 -48 -400 to pin it. How about some neat facts courtesy of 10. Cool facts about turtles from Deutsche Welle. They have been around for a really, really long time. There is a reason why turtles look a little prehistoric. The first ever specimens evolved around 260 million years ago in the late Triassic period. Shortly after their arrival, the earth experienced a mass extinction event that wiped out about 90% of all life on land. Luckily for the turtles, they're burrowing and water dwelling habits. Set them up for long term survival in this strange new world, Centex c -95 -422 pin down set, heading 78 forward. One pen up upset tech c -77 -416 pin down set, heading 70 forward. One pen up upset tech, C -64 -411 pin down set, heading 81 forward two pen ups, Centex C 255 to 400 to pin down, cubic. 257 to 402 158 -403,259 -403 pen ups Centex C. 286 to 411 pen down, cubic. 287 -409. 290 -408. 291 -410 pen up set X. Y. 323 -418 pen down, cubic. 324 -416 326 -417 327 -419 pen up set X. Y. 245 -408 pen down cubic. 247 -408. 249 -408. 251 -409 pen up set X. Y. 292 -416 pen down set, heading 100 forward three pen up set, X. Y. 310 -419. Put down set, heading 98 forward. Four pen up set X. Y. 334 -426 pen down cubic. 335 -426. 336 -427. 337 -427 pen up set. Xy 200 -430 pen down cubic, 200 -428. 195 -428. 195 -425 pen. It set X. Y. 257 -426 Up pen down set, heading -15 forward six pen up set X. Y. 259 -426. Up pen down, cubic. 259 -423. 260 -422 161 -416 pen up set X. Y. 253 -426 pen down cubic. 253 -426. 252 -425. 251 -424 pen up set X. Y. 262 -426 pen down cubic. 262 -425. 263 -423. 264 -423 pen up set. Xy 211 -425 pen down cubic 210 -424 210 -420 to 210 -422 pen up set X. Y. 213 -425 pen down, cubic. 213 -423. 212 -420. 214 -418 pen up set X. Y. 214 -425 Up pen down, cubic. 215 -424. 216 -420 to 217 -422 pen up set X. Y. 208 -426 up pen down cubic. 208 -425. 207 -424. 207 -425 Penda set X. Y. 230 -401 Up pen down. Set, heading 18 forward 17 cubic 237 -391. 238 -396. 240 -400 to pen up set X. Y. 236 -386 Up pen down cubic. 236 -382. 236 -378. 237 -374 pen up set X. Y. 228 -388 pen down cubic 231 -383 233 -378 236 -373 cubic 239 -378 240 -383 241 -389. They have one of the longest lifespans in the animal kingdom. While a turtle's lifespan largely depends on the species, almost all of them have the potential to live to a ripe old age. A typical pet turtle can make it to anywhere between 10 and 80 years. While larger species often keep going for more than 100 years because it's so difficult to accurately measure age over a century. Researchers think some turtles could even be hundreds of years old. Set X. Y. 233 -359 pen down cubic 231 -365 237 -369 242 -367 cubic 243 -372 140 -375 241 -377 cubic, 242 -377 242 -377 243 -377 cubic 248 -379 244 -372 146 -367 cubic 248 -361 243 -356 237 -357 cubic 223 -358 227 -381 241 -372 pen up set X, Y. 231 -374 pen down, set, heading -165 forward for cubic, 232 -377 233 -377 235 -378 cubic, 237 -377 239 -378 242 -378 pen up set X Y, 65 52 up pen down, cubic, 65 53 64 54 63 55 pen up set X. Y 68 53 pen down cubic 67 55 67 58 65 60 pen up set. Xy 70 52 up pen down cubic 71 56 71 60 73 64 pen up set. Xy 73 52 than down cubic 74 54 76 56 78 57 pen up set, xy -280 -252 pen down cubic -282 -235 -282 -218 -282 -201 pen up set X Y -73 -167 pen down cubic -70 to -169 -66 -167 -65 -165 cubic -64 -163 -60 to -163 -61 -162 pen it set X y -33 -158. Up pen down cubic -28 -163 -24 -157 -24 -159 pending set X y -107 -183 pen down cubic -107 -180 -104 -181 -103 -182 cubic -97 -183 -87 -183 -85 -176 cubic -81 -174 -77 -175 -74 -172 cubic -74 -170 -70 to -168 -70 -168 cubic -60 to -167 -66 -161 -57 -162 cubic -55 -161 -54 -158 -50 to -157 cubic -49 -156 -47 -144 -45 -153 pen up. See how easy it is to create a tree in your little world set X y -11 -160 pen down cubic -five -162 -zero -154 7 -157 cubic eight -156 8 -158 10 -158 cubic 11 -158 15 -158 14 -157 cubic 14 -157 14 -157 14 -157 pen it set, X Y 47 -161 pen down cubic 49 -161 51 -160 to 52 -161 cubic 54 -159 57 -160 to 60 -162 Jenna set. Xy 70 -162 pen down cubic 68 -167 72 -163 73 -165 cubic 75 -163 75 -163 73 -162 cubic 73 -160 to 74 -160 to 74 -162. Bennett Set X Y. 137 -176. Up pen down cubic 135 -180. 141 -181. 140 -178 pen up set X. Y. 155 -186 pen down, cubic. 155 -186. 154 -188 154 -189 cubic. 155 -191 159 -189. 158 -188. Bennett Set X. Y. 123 -177 pen down cubic 124 -178. 127 -176. 129 -177 cubic. 131 -178. 135 -177. 138 -176 pen up set X. Y. 173 -192 up pen down cubic. 178 -191 186 -193. 188 minus. 188 cubic. 199 -184 201 -173 210 -182 cubic 211 -185 213 -183 215 -183 cubic 215 -185 218 -183 219 -184 cubic 227 -188 233 -176 241 -180 set, heading -112 forward, one cubic, 244 -182 147 -176 245 -173 cubic, 245 -172 149 -169 251 -168 cubic 252 -166 252 -165 254 -165 cubic 260 -163 266 minus, 161 272 -159 Bennett. They come in all shapes and sizes. There are currently 356 known species of turtles. As a rule, they are all reptiles with a hard cartilage shell, but that is about where the similarities end. There are sea turtles, leatherback turtles, snapping turtles, pond turtles, soft shelled turtles, and of course tortoises, set X, Y. 330 -156 pen down cubic 332 -155 334 -156 336 -156 cubic 337 -156 338 -155 339 -155 cubic 340 -156 341 -156 342 -156 cubic 343 -158 344 -156 345 -157 cubic 345 -157 346 -157 346 -157 cubic, 346 -157 346 -158 346 -158 pen up set, X. Y. 365 -153 pen down, cubic 367 -147 376 -148 381 -144 cubic 382 -146 384 -144 385 -145 cubic 387 -147 389 -145 391 -147 cubic 393 -148 397 -144 399 -146 cubic 400 -148 400 to -147 404 -147 set heading -176 forward one cubic 404 -149 406 -149 406 -148 pen up set X. Y. 460 -146 pen down it is your creation. You can do anything you want to do, cubic 461 -143 464 -142 467 -141 cubic 468 -144 170 -138 472 -138 cubic 473 -138 474 -138 474 -138 set, heading 15 forward. One pen up set X Y. 481 -130 up pen down cubic 484 -124 489 -121 495 -120 cubic 496 -118 497 -117 499 -118 cubic 500 -119 500 to -117 503 -119 cubic 505 -121 508 -119 510 -120. Bennett set X. Y. 525 -119 pen down cubic 527 -117 528 -114 532 -116 cubic 532 -116 533 -115 534 -116 cubic 534 -115 535 -115 536 -115 cubic 537 -115. 538 -114. 538 -114 jennifer set X. Y. 552 -109 pen down set heading. 164 forward cubic 552 -103. 561 -103. 564 -98. Bennett set X. Y 43 -159 pen down, cubic 42 -168 43 -178 47 -186 pen up set X. Y 62 -162. Up pen down cubic 60 to -168 60 -175 64 -181 cubic 65 -185 62 -190 64 -195 pen up set X. Y. 54 -158. Up pen down cubic 53 -161 55 -178 57 -180 Bennett Set X. Y 83 -163 pen down cubic 84 -166 81 -169 81 -173 cubic 83 -179 80 -184 82 -186 pen up set X Y 87 -161 pen down cubic 86 -165 86 -167 87 -171 cubic 88 -174 87 -180 88 -183 pen up set X Y 90 to -168 pen down cubic 91 -170 to 91 -176 93 -179 pen up set X. Y 98 -170 pen down set heading 28. Forward. One cubic 98 -173. 100 -177 98 -180 cubic 97 -181 99 -181 100 -181 pen up. Not all turtles or tortoises but all tortoises or turtles. Yes technically all tortoises are in fact turtles. They belong to the test Sudanese family which includes reptiles whose bodies are protected by a bony outer shell. But the main difference between turtles and tortoises is that tortoises live exclusively on land while most turtles live in or near water set X. Y 95 -169. Up pen down set heading -174 forward four pen up set X. Y 90 -165 pen down cubic 89 -166 89 -168 90 -170 Bennett set X. Y 84 -162 pen down set, heading -173 forward five pen up set X Y 78 -162 pen down cubic 77 -164 76 -167 77 -169 pen up set X. Y. 66 -162 pen down cubic 66 -163 64 -169 67 -169 pen up set X. Y. 109 -181 up pen down cubic. 109 -183. 110 -185. 111 -186 pen up set X. Y. 113 -183. Up pen down cubic 113 -185. 114 -187. 114 -189 pen up set X. Y. 124 -177. Up pen down cubic. 125 -179. 123 -183. 124 -185 pen up set X. Y. 129 -180 pen down, cubic. 129 -184. 129 -189. 128 -193 pen up set X. Y. 148 -182 pen down cubic 147 -184. 147 -186. 147 -188 pending set X. Y. 172 -191 up pen down cubic. 171 -199. 169 -208. 163 -215 pen up. Some turtles are vegetarians while others are carnivorous. Most turtles are actually omnivores but a few species are more picky when it comes to their diet. Most tortoises are happy to munch on leafy greens or fruit. Not to the fearsome looking alligator turtle which is almost entirely carnivorous and feeds on anything from fish to small mammals that venture too close to the water's edge set X. Y. 178 -192 up pen down cubic. 178 -195. 177 -197 176 -199 pen up set X. Y. 162 -189. Up pen down cubic 162 -191 161 -192. 160 -193 pen. It set X. Y. 271 -160 pen down cubic 272 -162 271 -163 274 -164 cubic 274 -165 273 -168 275 -168 pen up set X. Y. 280 -157 pen down cubic. 280 -159 282 -161 281 -162 pen it, set X, Y. 287 -152 pen down cubic. 288 -155 289 -158 288 -161 pen up set X. Y. 292 -159 pen down, set, heading -136 forward. One cubic 291 -159 292 -159 292 -158 cubic, 292 -157 291 -156 291 -155 cubic 290 -154 291 -150 to 290 -151 cubic 291 -150 to 292 -153 292 -154 cubic 292 -155 293 -156 294 -157 cubic 293 -158 293 -159 294 -160 cubic 294 -161 294 -162 294 -164 cubic 294 -164 295 -166 294 -167 pen up set X. Y. 283 -155 pen down cubic. 283 minus. 156. 284 -158. 284 -159 pen up set X. Y. 276 -159 pen down cubic. 276 -162 176 -162 177 -161 pen up set X. Y. 308 -154 pen down, cubic. 307 -155. 305 -157. 304 -157 cubic. 303 -158. 300 to -163 101 -161 set X. Y. 312 -157 up pen down set heading 80 forward. Oh cubic. 310 -161. 300 to -162. 303 -165 tender set X. Y. 317 -158 up pen down set, heading -135 forward seven pen up set X. Y. 326 -157 pen down cubic 326 minus. 161. 322 -164. 320 -167 cubic. 319 -169. 316 -173 115 -172 pen up. All species lay their eggs on land when they are ready to lay their eggs. Even water dwelling turtles will dig their nests in the sand or the earth near their habitat but they are not the nurturing type. No species of turtle sticks around to raise their young. When the babies hatch they are on their own set. X. Y. 309 -176 pen down cubic 307 -178. 305 -181. 304 -183 pen up Set X. Y. 300 -164. Up pen down cubic. 298 -165. 297 -167. 296 -168 pen up set X. Y. 310 -156 pen down cubic 309 -157. 307 -158. 306 -159 pen up set X. Y. 410 -171 up pen down cubic. 416 -168. 417 -164. 419 -159 pen up set X. Y. 427 -157 pen down cubic. 426 -157 424 -163 425 -164 cubic 425 -166 422 -167 421 -169 cubic. 421 -171 420 -173 418 -173 pen up set X. Y. 435 -155 pen down cubic. 437 -156 434 -158 434 -160 cubic 435 -161. 433 -163. 433 -163 pen up set X. Y. 417 -158 pen down set heading 30 forward. One cubic 411 -161. 413 -166 403 -170 Kenneth. A turtle's gender is determined by temperature like crocodiles and alligators. A turtle's gender is determined after fertilization. If the turtles eggs incubate below 27.7 degrees Celsius, the hatchlings will be male. But if the eggs incubate above 31 degrees they will be female. If the temperature is somewhere in between our fluctuates, a mix of male and female babies will hatch as oceans. Warm turtles tend to give birth to more females set X. Y. 432 -156 pen down cubic. 431 -158. 430 -159. 430 -161 pen up set X. Y. 424 -158 pen down cubic. 423 -158 422 -159. 422 -160. Tenet set X. Y. 440 -152 pen down set, heading -167 forward six pen up set X. Y. 455 -147. Up pen down cubic. 456 -151. 453 -154. 450 -156 pen up set X. Y. 495 -120 pen down cubic. 491 -123. 487 -128. 482 -132 pen up set. X. Y. 505 -120 up pen down set, heading six forward. One cubic 500 to -120 to 499 -126. 496 -130 Lieutenant Set X. Y. 500 -119 than down cubic 497 -121 494 -124 493 -128 pen up. They have an amazing sense of direction. Sea turtles are known for their amazing ability to return to the exact beach where they were born years later. Like many animals, turtles can navigate their way at sea by sensing the individual lines of the magnetic field, but they can also remember the magnetic signature of coastlines and sends tiny variations in magnetic fields allowing them to guide themselves. Home. Set X. Y. 479 -135. Up pen down cubic 476 -138. 473 -142. 469 -143 cubic 467 -143. 466 -144. 465 -145 cubic 463 -146. 461 -147. 461 -149 pen up set X. Y. 481 -136 pen down cubic. 477 -144 172 -143. 469 -148. pen up set X. Y. 503 -120 pen down cubic 501 -120 to 499 -123. 498 -126. Bennett Set X. Y. 499 -118 pen down set heading -144 Forward six pen up set X. Y. 489 -122 pen down set, heading oh forward one cubic 488 -123. 486 -125 485 -127 cubic 485 -127. 485 -127. 486 -127 pen up set X Y. 510 -122 pen down set, heading 33 forward. One cubic 508 -120 to 507 -125. 506 -127 set heading 57 forward, one pen up set X. Y. 514 -124 up pen down cubic 512 -125. 511 -128 508 -129 cubic 508 -129. 508 -129. 508 -129 pen up set X. Y. 529 -122 pen down cubic 528 -125 526 -127 523 -128 pen up set X. Y. 517 -133 pen down cubic. 509 -141. 500 to -149. 493 -156 pen up set X. Y. 492 -159 pen down set, heading -137 forward four pen up set X. Y. 522 -132 pen down set heading 51 forward 14 pen up set X. Y. 535 -121 pen down cubic. 536 -118. 539 -116. 541 -115 pen up set X. Y. 535 -114 pen down, cubic. 534 -116. 532 -117. 531 -118 pen up set X. Y. 531 -116 pen down cubic 530 -115. 525 -123. 526 -123 pen up set X. Y. 516 -127. Up pen down cubic. 515 -128. 514 -129. 513 -130. Set X. Y. 521 -126 up pen down cubic 520 -127. 519 -128 518 -129 pen up set X. Y. 416 -161 pen down cubic. 416 -160. 417 -159. 418 -158 pen up said X. Y -108 -182 pen down cubic -107 -186 -104 -188 -100 to -191 pen up. An excellent vision too turtles have strong underwater eyesight. Researchers have discovered that they can see a range of different colors and even prefer some colors to others. Although sea turtles are famous for their internal gps there is evidence to suggest they do not see very well on land set. X y -104 -180 pen down cubic -104 -183 -103 -185 -100 -186 cubic -98 -188 -96 -188 -96 -191 cubic -94 -192 -91 -195 -88 -194 pen up set X y -97 -182 pen down cubic -95 -185 -92 -188 -88 -189 pen up set X Y -90 -181 pen down cubic -89 -183 -87 -185 -84 -187. Bennett set X y -85 -179 pen down cubic -84 -181 -81 -184 -79 -185 pen up set X. Y -81 -176. Up pen down cubic -79 -179 -76 -180 -73 -182 cubic -71 -186 -69 -185 -66 -186 cubic -65 -187 -64 -189 -63 -190 cubic -60 to -190 -59 -188 -58 -190 pen up set X y -73 -169. Up pen down cubic -73 -171 -70 to -172 -71 -172 pen up set X. Y -49 -153 pen down, cubic -49 -160 -43 -168 -38 -170 pen up set X. Y -56 -160 been down cubic -55 -163 -54 -166 -51 -168 pen up set X. Y -46 -152. Up pen down cubic -46 -154 -45 -159 -40 to -160 pen up set X Y -53 -158 pen down cubic -50 to -160 -51 -162 -51 -163 pen up set X Y -60 to -163 pen down cubic -60 to -164 -61 -166 -59 -167 pen up. Many species are endangered having survived for millions of years. Six out of seven turtle species are classified as threatened or endangered as a result of human activity. Every year thousands become trapped in commercial trawl nets while in some parts of the world they are killed for their eggs, meat and shells set X y -105 -189 pen down cubic -104 -194 -97 -195 -94 -198 pen up set X. Y -87 -200 pen down cubic -82 -201 -75 -201 -71 -205 pen up set X. Y -60 -213 pen down cubic -57 -217 -55 -221 -50 -221 cubic -48 -222 -48 -223 -46 -222 cubic -44 -222 -43 -224 -40 to -225 cubic -40 -227 -35 -225 -34 -229 pen up set X y -75 -194. Up pen down cubic -73 -196 -70 to -196 -69 -196 Planet set X y -106 -182 pen down cubic -106 -183 -104 -187 -100 to -187 pen up set X. Y -94 -183 pen down cubic -94 -182 -94 -182 -94 -182 cubic -92 -184 -92 -184 -91 -184 pen up set X y -87 -180 pen down cubic -87 -181 -87 -180 -86 -181 pen up set X. Y -83 -176. Up pen down cubic -83 -177 -82 -178 -81 -179 pen up set X y -77 -174 pen down cubic -77 -175 -76 -176 -75 -177 pen up set X y -69 -169 pen down cubic -69 -169 -68 -170 -67 -171 pen up set X y -40 -172 pen down set heading 129 forward five pen it set X. Y -30 -178 pen down cubic -27 -182 -25 -188 -20 -189 pen up. How about some interesting facts from turtle facts by Alina Bradford. Writing for live science dot com, turtles are reptiles with hard shells that protect them from predators. They are among the oldest and most primitive groups of reptiles, having evolved millions of years ago. Turtles live all over the world in almost every type of climate set. X. Y -16 -191 pen down cubic -15 -190 -14 -191 -13 -191 cubic -11 -193 -eight -193 -six -195 pen up set X. Y. 272 -173 pen down cubic. 273 -177. 268 -179 266 -180 pen up set X. Y. 263 -185 pen down cubic 262 -187. 262 -189. 261 -191 pen up set X. Y. 174 -230 pen down set heading -168. Forward 13 pen up set X. Y. 170 -249 pen down cubic. 168 -257. 171 -255. 172 -261 pen up set X. Y. 172 -271 pen down cubic. 173 -277. 169 -280 to 172 -287 pen up set X. Y. 173 -292 Up pen down cubic. 174 -294. 176 -295. 177 -295 Bennett Set X. Y. 182 -235 pen down cubic. 182 -230 to 185 -228. 188 -229 cubic. 194 -227 199 -221 205 -219 pen up set X. Y. 212 -281 pen down cubic. 216 -279 220 -281 225 -281 cubic 234 -282 139 -269 248 -269 cubic. 254 -272 160 -266. 265 -264 cubic 265 -265 266 -265. 266 -264. And then according to the integrated taxonomic information system, the turtle order to student knees or Catalonia splits into two sub orders, cryptid era, and florida era. And then further splits into 13 families, 75 genera and more than 300 species set X. Y. 209 -267 pen down cubic, 213 -263. 220 -266 225 -265. Set X. Y. 231 -264 pen down cubic 237 -261 244 -259 250 -256 cubic 252 -253 255 -251 259 -249 cubic 265 -243 278 -247 284 -240 pen up set X, Y. 308 -232 up pen down, cubic. 312 -230. 315 -227 319 -226 pen up set X. Y. 356 -225 pen down cubic 360 -224 365 -221 369 -220 cubic 372 -219 375 -220. 377 -218 pen up set X. Y. 384 -215. They say everything looks better with odd values for things but sometimes I put even values just to upset the interpreter pen down cubic 392 -208. 405 -211. 413 -205 cubic. 415 -203. 418 -204. 420 -203 cubic. 426 -200 to 429 -196. 435 -196 tenant set X Y. 443 -191 up pen down cubic. 453 -184. 462 -178. 472 -172 pen up set X. Y -193 200 pen down set heading -175 forward cubic -193 200 -193. 201 -192 201 cubic -191 206 -192 108 -196 209 cubic -197 206 -197 203 -198 200 cubic -197 200 -195 200 -194 199 cubic -193 200 to -193 205 -190 to 207 pen up set X, y -192 108 pen down cubic -192 108 -191 208 -191 208 cubic -191 207 -190 to 205 -192 105 cubic -191 209 -188 207 -192 105 pen up set X, y -192 205 pen down cubic -190 to 205 -192 204 -192 203 cubic -192 203 -191 203 -191 203 cubic -190 to 205 -189 205 -191 203. Set heading oh forward oh set X y -191 200 to pen down cubic -190 to 200 to -190 to 203 -192 202 cubic -193 201 -193 200 -192 200 cubic -192 203 -192 100 to -192. 200 turtle, tortoise and terrapins are often used interchangeably as synonyms, but there are distinct differences between the types of catalonians. According to the san Diego Zoo set X y -196 209 pen down cubic -197 210 -198 206 -197 206 pen up. Set X y -197 205 pen down cubic -198 207 -199 203 -198 203 pen up set X. Y -198 203 pen down cubic -199 203 -199. 200 -198. 200 pen up set X. Y -195 209 pen down cubic -195. 210 -195 211 -193 210 cubic -193 210 minus. 193 210 -193 210 cubic -193 210 -193 209 -193. 208 pen up set X. Y. 390 -351 pen down cubic. 391 -347. 393 -343 396 -339 cubic. 392 -338 389 -336 385 -335 cubic. 382 -353 178 -347 390 -351 pen up set X. Y. 383 -281 pen down, cubic. 375 -324. 436 -325 443 -288 cubic. 455 -253 403 -236 387 -267 cubic. 378 -288. 382 -313. 384 -335 pending set X. Y. 396 -339 pen down, cubic. 408 -329. 421 -318. 433 -307 pen up set X. Y. 387 -335 pen down, cubic. 390 -318. 393 minus, 301 396 -284 pin it set X. Y. 392 -338 pen down, cubic. 395 -336. 397 -333 399 -330 cubic. 408 -318 420 -309. 427 -295 pending set X. Y. 384 -275 pen down cubic. 398 -294 121 -292. 440 -298 pen up set X Y. 388 -267 pen down cubic. 397 -274 105 -276. 414 -279 cubic. 424 -280 to 434 -286. 443 -292 pen up Set X. Y. 392 -333 pen down cubic. 393 -330 to 393 -328. 394 -329 cubic, 396 -331 400 -334 100 -327 cubic 397 -320 to 389 -327 392 -332 cubic, 394 -338 400 to -333 400 -328 pen up turtles spend most of their lives in water. They are adapted for aquatic life with webbed feet or flippers in a streamlined body. Sea turtles rarely leave the ocean except to lay eggs in the sand. Freshwater turtles live in ponds and lakes and they climb out of the water onto logs or rocks to bask in the warm sun set X. Y. 393 -325 pen down cubic 393 -324 392 -324 391 -324 cubic, 389 -326 391 -329 389 -331 cubic 389 -330 to 391 -333 191 -330 pen up set X. Y. 400 -338. Up pen down cubic. 398 -337 395 -335 393 -334 cubic. 392 -335 392 -336 391 -337 pen up set X. Y. 393 -334 pen down cubic. 393 -336. 395 -337. 396 -338 cubic. 397 -338. 398 -339 399 -339 pen up set X. Y. 394 -338 pen down set, heading 139 forward, cubic 395 -338 395 minus. 338 395 -338 pen up set X. Y. 395 -338. pen down cubic 395 -339. 395 -339. 395 -339 pen up Set X. Y. 396 -339 pen down cubic. 396 -339. 396 -339 396 -339 pin him. Set X. Y. 397 -340. Up pen down cubic 397 -343 197 -340. 397 -340 pen up Set X. Y. 398 -340 pen down cubic 398 -343 198 -340. 398 -340 pen up tortoises are land animals, their feet are around and stumpy adapted for walking on land. They also dig burrows with their strong four limbs and slip underground when the sun gets too hot. Terrapins live on land and in water usually in swamps, ponds, lakes and rivers. Set X. Y. 399 -340 pen down, cubic 399 -343 199 -343 199 -339 pen up set X. Y. 400 -339 pen down cubic. 400 -339. 400 -339. 400 -339 pen up set X. Y. 400 -338 pen down cubic 400 -338. 401 -338. 401 -338. Bennett Set X. Y. 401 -338 pen down cubic 400 to -338. 400 to -338. 400 to -338 pen up set X. Y. 403 -338 pen down cubic. 403 -338. 403 -338. 403 -338. Bennett Set X. Y. 404 -338 pen down cubic 404 -338. 404 -338. 404 -338 pen up set X. Y. 404 -339. Up pen down cubic 404 -339. 405 -339. 405 -339 pen up set X. Y. 405 -340 pen down cubic 405 -340. 405 -344 105 -340 Set X. Y. 405 -341 pen down cubic. 405 -341. 405 -341. 405 -342 pen up set X Y. 405 -342 pen down cubic. 405 -342. 405 -343. 405 -343 Set X. Y. 406 -343 up pen down cubic. 406 -343. 406 -344 406 -344 pen up set X. Y. 407 -344 pen down cubic. 407 -344. 407 -344. 407 -344 pen up set X. Y. 408 -344 pen down cubic 408 -344. 408 -344. 408 -344 pen up. With so many different types of turtle. There is no average size. The largest sea turtle species is the leatherback turtle. It weighs 600 to £1500 and is about 4.5 to 5 and a quarter feet long. According to the World Wildlife Federation. The Galapagos tortoise grows up to six ft long and £573. According to the san Diego zoo. The largest freshwater turtle in north America is the alligator snapping turtle. It can grow to 2.5 ft long and weigh as much as £200. The Yangtze giant softshell turtle is the largest softshell turtle. It measures up to 3.6 ft across and weigh up to £309. Set X. Y. 409 -344 pen down cubic 409 -344. 409 -344. 409 -344 Set X. Y. 410 -344 pen down, cubic. 410 -343. 410 -343. 410 -343 pen up set X. Y. 410 -342 pen down cubic. 410 -342. 410 -342. 410 -342 tenant set X. Y. 409 -342 pen down cubic. 409 -341. 409 -342. 409 -342 pen up set X. Y. 408 -342 pen down cubic. 408 -343. 408 -343. 408 -344. Tenet set X. Y. 409 -345 up pen down. Set, heading 155 forward pen up set. X. Y. 409 -346 pen down. Set. Heading 160 forward, one pen up set X. Y. 410 -347 pen down cubic 410 -347. 410 -347. 410 -347 pen up set X. Y. 410 -348. Up pen down cubic. 410 -348. 410 -348. 410 -348. pen up set X. Y. 410 -349 pen down. Set, heading -150 forward. One set X. Y. 409 -350 pen down cubic. 409 -354 109 -350. 408 -351 pen up set X. Y. 408 -351 pen down cubic. 408 -351. 408 -351. 407 -351 pen up set X. Y. 407 -352 pen down cubic. 407 -350 to 406 -350 to 406 -352 pen up set X Y. 406 -353 pen down cubic. 406 -353. 406 -353. 406 -353 pen it set X. Y. 406 -354 pen down cubic. 406 -354. 406 -354. 406 -354 pen up said X. Y. 406 -355 pen down cubic. 406 -355. 406 -355. 407 -355 pen up set. X. Y. 407 -356 pen down, cubic. 407 -356. 407 -356. 407 -356 pen up set X. Y. 408 -357 pen down cubic. 408 -357. 408 -357. 408 -357 pen up set X. Y. 409 -358 pen down cubic. 409 -358. 409 -358. 409 -358 pen up set X. Y. 409 -359 pen down set heading 175 forward one pen up A turtle's shell is a modified rib cage and part of its vertebral column according to the animal diversity web at the University of michigan. The top part of the shell is called the carapace and the bottom is called the plastering. According to the san Diego zoo. The shell is made up of about 60 bones that are covered by plates called scoots. Scoots are made of keratin. The same material that makes up humans fingernails set X. Y. 409 -360 pen down, cubic 409 -360. 409 -360. 409 -360 pen up set X. Y. 409 -361 pen down cubic. 409 -361. 409 -362. 409 -362 pen up set X. Y. 409 -362 pen down cubic. 409 -363. 409 -363. 409 -363. Bennett set X. Y. 410 -363 pen down set heading 117 forward. Okay. Tennis set X. Y. 411 -364 pen down set heading 119 forward out pin him set X. Y. 411 -366 pen down cubic. 412 -367. 414 -367. 414 -365 cubic. 414 -363. 410 -363. 411 -366 pen up set X Y. 414 -367 pen down cubic. 416 -369. 419 -372. 421 -375 pen up set X. Y. 424 -368 pen down cubic. 425 -368. 425 -368. 425 -368 cubic. 424 -373. 419 -378. 413 -379 cubic 413 -379. 414 -378. 414 -378 set heading -146 forward Oh pen up ralph Waldo Emerson once wrote that. All the thoughts of a turtle are turtles and of a rabbit rabbits. So let's try to think like a turtle set X. Y. 417 -373 up pen down cubic 418 -372. 419 -371. 419 -370 pen up set X. Y. 425 -368. Up pen down cubic 424 -374. 419 -378. 413 -379 pen up. Many turtles are able to retract their heads and feet into their shells, turtles are placed in the two sub orders based on the method of retraction. According to the animal diversity web at the University of michigan play road. Irs pulled their heads in sideways crypto, Dyer's draw their heads straight back into the shell. Sea turtles have lost the ability to retract their heads set X. Y. 425 -369. Up pen down cubic. 425 -375. 419 -378. 414 -379 pending set. X. Y. 426 -370 pen down cubic. 424 -375. 420 -379. 414 -379 pen up set X. Y. 414 -367 pen down cubic. 416 -370. 418 -373. 421 -376 pen up set X. Y. 414 -367 pen down cubic. 416 -374 119 -372. 422 -375 pen up set X. Y. 413 -364 Up pen down cubic 412 -364. 412 -366. 413 -366 cubic 414 -366. 414 -365. 413 -364 pen up set X. Y. 284. 431 up pen down cubic. 283. 432 185. 428. 285. 430 cubic. 285. 432 185. 431 284. 431 pen up set. X. Y. 300. 444 pen down, cubic. 299. 444. 299. 442. 304 143 cubic. 301. 443. 304 145. 299. 444 pen up set X. Y. 299. 420 pen down cubic. 298. 422 199. 419 299. 419 cubic. 304 122 199. 421 299. 420. Bennett turtles are very adaptive and can be found on every continent except Antarctica. Most turtle species are found in south eastern North America and south asia. Only five species live in europe. According to doctors foster and smith. A veterinarian business based in Wisconsin. Set X. Y. 313. 425 pen down cubic. 311. 425 311 424 313. 424 cubic. 313. 424 313. 426. 312. 425 pending set X. Y. 286. 432 up pen down, cubic. 294 135. 294. 439. 298. 442 pen up set X. Y. 286. 429. Up pen down, cubic. 290. 426. 293. 424. 297. 421 pen up set X. Y. 301. 420 pen down set, heading 70 forward. 11 pen up set. X. Y. 304 141 pen down cubic. 299. 435. 299. 428. 299. 422 pen up set. X. Y. 300. 1. 442 pen down cubic 305. 437. 309. 430 to 312. 426 pen up set X. Y. 286. 430 up pen down cubic. 294 129. 294. 429. 298. 428 pen up set X. Y. 300. 428 pen down cubic. 304. 427. 307. 427. 310. 426 sea turtles can be found in the coral triangle. An area that includes the waters of Indonesia Malaysia, the Philippines and Papua, New guinea coastal east africa, the meso american reef in the caribbean, the Galapagos islands and the gulf of California set X. Y -5435 pen down cubic -51. 435 -51. 434 -5400 and 34 cubic -49. 434 -49. 435 -5400 and 35 pen up set X Y -41. 439 pen down cubic -43. 439 minus. 40 to 437 -41. 437 cubic -4437 -4400 and 40 -40 to 439 pen up Set X. Y -31. 437 pen down cubic -33. 436 -31 435 -3400 and 36 cubic -3400 and 36 -31. 437 -32. 437 pen up set X Y -48 435 pen down cubic -47. 436 -44. 437 -43. 437 pen up set X Y -39. 437 pen down set, heading 97 Forward five pen up. Hey, what do you get if you cross a turtle with a giraffe, a turtleneck set, X Y -29. 436 pen down cubic -27. 435 -25. 435 -24 434 pen up set X Y -20 to 434. Up pen down cubic -23. 435 -23. 432 -20 to 432 cubic -21. 432 -21. 434 -20 to 434 Set x y -20 to 431 pen down. Set, heading -176. Forward seven pen up set X y -23. 423 pen down cubic -25 424 -24. 420 -23. 422 cubic -20 to 422 -23. 423 -23. 423 Set X Y -21. 422 pen down cubic -19. 422 -16. 421 -13. 421 tenant set X y -11. 421. Up pen down cubic -12. 422 -12. 420 -12. 420 cubic -11. 419 -10. 422 -12. 421 pen up set X y -10. 422 pen down cubic -9. 424 -7. 427 -5. 429 pen up set X y -4. 432 pen down cubic -5. 432 -6. 430 -5. 430 cubic -4. 430 -3. 431 -4. 432 pen up. The african helmeted turtle is the most common turtle in Africa, according to animal planet. It is a hunter scavenger that eats young birds and small mammals. It steals bait from fishermen's hooks. It also releases a foul smelling liquid from glands in its legs set X Y -49 436 pen down cubic -46 438 -44 439 -41 440 pen up set X, y -4441 pen down cubic -4439 -37 441 -39 442 cubic -4400 and 43 -4400 and 42 -4400 and 41 pen up roti island. Snake necked turtles are found only on Rhode island. A 62 square mile island in Indonesia. According to the san Diego Zoo set X, y -37 441 pen down cubic -35 441 -33 441 -3400 and 41 pen up set X y -29. 442 up pen down cubic minus. 31. 441 -28 439 -28 441 cubic -27 441 -28 442 -29 442 pen up set X Y -27. 441 Up pen down cubic -25 440 -20 to 439 -2400 and 38 pen up set X Y -18. 438 Up pen down cubic -2437 -18, 435 -17, 437 cubic -17. 438 -18. 438 -18, 438 pen up set X y -18, 435 pen down cubic -18, 433 -18. 430 -18. 428 pen up set X y -19. 426 pen down cubic -19, 424 -16. 425 -17, 427 cubic -18, 427 -19, 426 -19, 426 pent up. Set X y -13, 426 pen down cubic -14. 425 -12. 424 -11. 424 cubic -10, 425 -12. 427 -13. 426 turtles are not social creatures while they typically don't mind if there are other turtles around them, they don't interact or socialize according to encyclopedia Britannica. Most turtles are active during the day, spending their time foraging for food set X y -16. 425 pen down cubic -15, 426 -15, 425 -14. 426 pen up set X y -11, 427 pen down cubic -10. 429 -8. 431 -7. 433 pen up set X y -7. 435 pen down cubic -7. 434 -5. 433 -5. 435 cubic -5. 436 -7. 436 -7. 435 pen up set X y -4. 444 pen down cubic -2. 425 9. 450 -0 453 cubic -4. 452 -4. 447 -4. 444 pen up set X. Y. 1. 453. Put down cubic 12. 452 9. 437 -1. 437 tennis set. Xy -2. 452 pen down cubic -2. 450 -1. 448 -1. 445 cubic. Oh 445. 1. 443 to 443 turtles are not silent creatures. Some sound like electric motors, some sound like belching humans and some bark like dogs. The red footed tortoise. From south America. Clucks like a chicken set X. Y. 2. 451 pen down cubic oh 448 -1. 445 -4. 443 pending set X. Y -1. 437 pen down cubic -1. 440 -1. 443 -1. 446 pen up set X Y -4. 448 pen down cubic -3. 447 -2. 446 -1. 445 cubic 1. 446 to 447. 3. 447 pen up set X. Y. 0. 453 pen down cubic -1. 448 -1. 444. 1. 440 pen up set X. Y -3. 439. Up pen down cubic -2. 441 -2. 443 -1. 445 pen up set X. Y -16. 437. Up pen down cubic -14. 436 -11. 436 -8. 436 pen up set X. Y. 253 180 pen down, cubic. 250. 381. 250. 382. 249. 383 cubic. 250. 382. 251. 382 250 to 382 set, heading -50 forward. Oh pen up set X. Y. 249. 383 pen down, cubic. 249. 383. 248. 384. 248. 384 pen up set X. Y. 246. 386 pen down cubic. 245. 387. 245. 384 246 384 cubic. 248 384 248 387. 246 386 pen up set X. Y. 248 381 pen down cubic. 247. 384 248. 384. 253 185 pen up set X. Y -190 to 282 pen down cubic -197. 278 -196. 272 -199 268 pen up set xy -204 261 up pen down cubic -206. 257 -206 252 -209 249 cubic -211 245 -211 240 minus, 213 236 Planet Set, xy -214 225 up pen down cubic -213 223 -214 221 -214 219 cubic -216 221 -215 223 -214 224 pen up set xy -213. 166 pen down cubic -213. 163 -212. 161 -212. 159 cubic -212. 159 -212 158 -211 158 cubic -209 157 -211 154 -209. 152 set xy -218 207 pen down cubic -216 200 to -219 197 -217 192 cubic -218 189 -219. 185 -217. 182 pen up set xy -209 146 pen down cubic -207. 143 -205. 140 -204. 137 cubic -200 to 133 -200 to 126 minus. 199. 126 pen up set X. Y. 108. 192 pen down cubic. 107. 187. 107. 180 to 107. 177 pen up. Most turtles are omnivores. They eat a variety of different things depending on their species, musk turtles eat molluscs, plants, small fish and insects. The cooter turtle is mostly vegetarian and the green sea turtle only eats grasses and algae. Set X. Y 94. 134 up pen down, cubic 89. 129 88. 120 83. 117 set heading -171 forward four pen up set X. Y. 105. 232 up pen down cubic. 104. 230. 105. 228. 106. 226 pen up set X. Y 61. 312 pen down, cubic 61. 309 65. 308 65. 306 cubic 65. 305 65. 305 66. 305 cubic 67. 306 68. 304 68. 303 cubic 68. 303 69. 300 to 69. 300 to cubic 7300 won 7371. 300 pen up set X. Y. 2. 354 pen down cubic. 4 352 8 348 11 348 cubic 11. 348 11. 348 12. 348 cubic 12. 348 13. 348 14. 348 cubic 14. 346. 16. 347 17. 346 pen up. I read in the L. A. Times this morning that 42,000 Mazda cars were recalled because of a spider problem really makes you think doesn't it set X. Y. 358. 327 pen down cubic. 358. 326. 363 126. 363 127 cubic. 361. 329. 358. 329. 358. 327 Bennett Set X. Y. 346. 338 pen down, cubic. 345. 337. 346. 335. 347 335 cubic. 349. 336. 347. 343 146. 338 pen up set X. Y. 364 348 pen down cubic. 364. 347. 365. 347. 366. 348 cubic. 367. 350. 364. 353 164. 348 Senate set X. Y. 353. 347 up pen down, cubic. 353. 346. 354. 347. 354. 348 cubic. 354. 349. 350 to 349. 353. 347 pen up set X. Y. 385. 359. Up pen down, cubic. 386. 359. 387. 362. 385. 362 cubic, 384. 361 384. 363 185. 359 pen up set X. Y. 423 175 pen down cubic. 420. 374. 421. 373. 420 to 374 cubic. 424. 375. 421. 376. 423 175. The alligator snapping turtle lures in fish with its tongue which looks like a worm. It wiggles its tongue to attract a hungry fish and then snaps down on it with its strong jaw. It also eats aquatic plants, snakes, frogs, fish, worms, clams, crayfish and other turtles. Set X. Y. 400 to 386 pen down cubic. 401. 384. 400 to 384. 403 385 cubic 404 386. 400 to 387. 400 to 386. Tenet Set X. Y. 394 379. Up pen down, cubic. 396. 378. 397. 381 395 382 cubic. 394 380 to 393. 383 194 379 Set X. Y. 394 416 pen down cubic. 394. 414. 396. 415. 396. 416 cubic. 395. 418 393. 417. 394. 416 Bennett, Set X. Y. 392. 393 pen down, cubic. 392. 391. 394. 390. 394. 392 cubic. 395. 394 392. 395. 392. 393 pen up set X. Y. 384 101 pen down cubic. 383 199 380 to 400. 382. 400 cubic, 384. 403. 380. 404. 384 101 pen up set X. Y. 400 to 411 up pen down cubic. 404. 409. 405. 412. 403. 413 cubic. 400 to 413. 400 to 412. 400 to 411 pen up. All turtles lay eggs. They find a place on land to lay their eggs, dig a nest into the sand or dirt and then walk away. No species of turtle nurtures their young set X Y. 368. 403 up pen down, cubic. 368. 401 371. 400 to 371. 403 cubic. 371. 405. 368. 405. 368. 403 pen up set X. Y. 374 117 pen down cubic. 369. 416. 369. 414. 370. 414 cubic. 372. 415. 371. 417. 374 117 pen up set X. Y. 351. 427. Put down cubic, 351. 425. 353 426. 353 427 cubic. 353. 428 354 128. 351. 427 Bennett, set X. Y. 346 391 pen down, cubic. 346. 390. 349. 392. 348 393 cubic. 347. 394 345. 393. 346. 391 pen up set X. Y. 336 368 pen down cubic. 337. 365. 340. 368 338. 370 cubic. 337. 373 136. 369 336 368 pen up set X. Y. 315 364 pen down cubic. 316. 363. 317. 365. 317. 366 cubic. 315. 367. 314. 366. 315. 364 pen up set X. Y. 328 356 pen down cubic. 328. 355. 328. 354. 329 354 cubic. 331. 355. 331. 357. 328. 356 pen up set X Y. 323. 361 up pen down, cubic. 320 to 360. 323 358. 324 359 cubic. 326. 360. 324. 362. 323. 361 pen up set X. Y. 337. 343. Put down cubic, 338 343. 339. 344 339. 344 cubic. 339 347 336 345 337 343 pen up turtles reach the age to mate at different times. Some come of age as young as a few years old, while others don't reach sexual maturity until around 50 years has passed. Set X. Y. 342 352 pen down cubic. 341 353 145 353 145 352 cubic. 344 353 300. 2. 342. 352 pen up Set. X. Y. 348. Up pen down, Square. 341. 351. 343. 353. 346 pen up Set x. y. 360, 330 up pen down Square. 335, 363. 340. 364. 345 pen up Set x. y. 355. 348 up pen down Square. 348. 361. 348. 363. 348 pen up Set x. y. 349. 335 pen down cubic. 352. 333. 355. 331. 357. 329 Bennett Set x. y. 339. 346 pen down, cubic. 340. 347. 341. 348. 341. 349 pen up Set. y. 346. 351 pen down Square. 350, 349. 349. 351. 348 pen up Set X. Y. 331. Up pen down Square. 360, 335. 363. 336. 366 Bennett Set x. y. 325. 359 pen down Set, heading. 131 forward to pen up Set x. y. 318. 364 pen down, Square. 363. 320. 363. 320- 362 pen up Set X. Y. 318. Up pen down Square. 367. 329. 368. 335. 368 pen up Set x. y. 337. 366 pen down, Square. 362. 341. 357. 342. 354 pen up Set. y. 338. 372 pen down Set, heading 22 forward 19 pen up Set x. y. 349. 394 up pen down cubic. 355. 397. 361. 400. 366. 400 to pen up Set x. y. 370 406 pen down Square. 409. 370 411. 370. 413 pen up Set x. y. 354. 426 pen down Square. 423. 364. 421. 368. 418 Planet Set x. y. 353. 424 pen down, Square. 418. 363. 411. 367. 405 tenant Set x. y. 394. 383 up pen down cubic. 394. 385. 394. 388. 394. 390 pen up. Some species fight for the right to mate with a female while others seduce her with a mating ritual to mate. Male and female turtles intertwined their tails so that their shell openings line up perfectly. Set x. 387. 363 pen down, Square. 367. 392. 372. 394. 377 pen up Set x. y. 367. 350 pen down cubic. 373. 350 to 378. 356. 384. 359 pen up Set x. y. 397. 382 pen down Square. 383. 399. 383. 400, 384 pen up Set x. y. 405. 384 up pen down Square. 381. 414. 379. 419. 376 pen up Set x. y. 419. 374 up pen down Don. 376. 405. 377. 398. 379 pin it Set x. y. 372. 403 pen down cubic. 374. 400 to 377. 400 to 379. 400 to pen up Set x. y. 383. 400 up pen down Square. 398. 389. 396. 391. 395 pen up Set X. Y. 394. Up pen down cubic. 396. 400. 399. 405. 400 to 409 pen up Set x. y. 393. 414 pen down Square. 411. 387. 407. 383. 404 pen up Set x. y. 397. 415 pen down cubic. 398. 414. 400. 414. 401. 413 pen up Set X. Y. 318. pen down, Square.- 140 326. 143. 327. 146 Square. 147. 328. 144, 329. 145 Square. 148, 331. 142, 330- 146 333. 146, 335. 145, 335, 146 Square, 147, 335. 147, 336, 147 Square, 145, 337. 145, 338, 146 Square. 144, 341. 140, 344. 138 pen up sea turtles travel from the ocean to lay eggs on beaches. Usually, sea turtles lay around 110 eggs in a nest Though the flat back turtle only lays 50 at a time Set x. y. 330. 146 pen down Square. 147. 328. 150, 328. 152 Square. 154, 330- 157. 335. 156 Square. 154. 338. 148. 336. 146 pen up Set x. y. 330- 134 pen down Square. 134. 333. 134. 334. 134 pen up Set x. y. 330- 136 up pen down Square. 136. 333. 136. 334. 136 pen up Set X. Y. 330- 137. Up pen down Square. 137. 333. 137. 334. 137 pending Set x. y. 330- 138 pen down Square. 139. 334. 138. 334. 138 pen up Set x. y. 330- 140 pen down Square. 140. 334. 140. 334. 140 pen up Set x. y. 330- 141 up pen down Square. 141, 334. 141. 334. 141 pen up Set x. y. 330- 143 pen down Square. 143. 334. 143. 335. 143 pen up Set x. y. 330- 144 pen down Set, heading 89 forward to pen up Set x. y. 330. 149 pen down Square. 149. 330. 148. 330. 148 cubic. 330. 147. 330. 149. 330. 149 Set heading -174 forward pen up Set X. Y. 336. pen down, Square. 149. 336. 148. 336. 148 337. 148. 337. 149. 336. 149 pen up Set x. y. 330- 150 pen down, cubic. 330 to 147. 334. 151. 330 to 150 pen. It the temperature of the sand affects the sex of the turtle. The perfect beach temperature produces an equal number of male and female offspring due to rising temperatures. Too many sea turtle females are being born contributing to the decline in species numbers, according to the sea turtle. Conservancy Set X. Y. 333. Up pen down, Square. 149. 335. 147. 333. 146 pen up Set x. y. 528. 250 pen down Square. 256. 557. 267. 574, 270 pen up Set x. y. 526. 250 pen down 525. 250. 525. 249. 525. 249 FL. 248. 526. 250 525, 250 pen up Set x. y. 525, 251 pen down Square. 251. 525. 250- 525. 252 pen up Set x. y. 524, 251 pen down Set, heading -61 forward. Oh pen up Set x. y. 523. 249 pen down 523. 249. 523. 249. 523, 249 pen up Set x. y. 524. 247 pen down, Square. 247. 524. 247. 524, 247 pen up Set x. y. 527, 247 up pen down Square. 247. 527. 247. 527. 247 pen up Set x. y. 528. 249 up pen down, 528. 249. 528. 249, 528, 249 pen up Set x. y. 480, 218 pen down Square. 218. 481, 217. 481, 217 Square. 218. 481, 219. 480, 218 pin it Set X, Y. 483. pen down Square. 221. 487. 220- 490. 223 Square. 226. 509. 231. 519, 235 pen up Set x. y. 529. 240 up pen down, Square. 240 530- 241. 533. 241 pen up Set x. y. 537, 242 pen down 539, 243. 541, 244. 542. 244 pen up Set x. y. 480 220 pen down Set, heading 13 forward. One pen up Set x. y. 478, 219 pen down cubic. 478 quadrillion 219 trillion 478,000,000,219 million. 478,219 pen up. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature. Many turtle species are listed as threatened, endangered or critically endangered. For example the plow share tortoise and radiated tortoise are estimated to be extinct in the next 45 years. Centex. C. 478,217 pen down set, heading -115 forward. One pen up upset Tech. C. 479,215 pin down set, heading minus. 140 forward. One pen up upset Tech. C. 481,215 pin down, cubic. 481 quadrillion 215 trillion 481,214,481,214 pen ups, Centex C. 483,216 pin down cubic. 483 quadrillion 216 trillion 483,216,483,216 pen up upset Tech C. 579,272 pin down set, heading 72 forward four pen ups, Ceatec C. 555,232 pin down cubic. 543 quadrillion 227 trillion 531,222,519,215 cubic 525 quadrillion 211 trillion 530,207,535,200 won pen ups, Centex C. 558,233 pin down, Square. 234. 560. 234, 560, 234 pen up Set x. y. 564, 236 pen down Square. 236. 566. 236. 566. 237 pen up Set x. y. 571, 238 pen down cubic. 571. 238. 570 to 239. 573. 239 pen up Set x. y. 536. 199 pen down cubic. 535. 198 537. 198. 537. 199 cubic. 537. 205 136 205 136. 199 pen up Set X, Y. 537, up pen down, Square. 200- 537. 200- 537, 202 Set x. y. 539. 201 up pen down Square. 201. 539. 201. 539, 201 pen up Set x. y. 539. 199 pen down, Square. 199. 540 199. 540. 198 pen up Set. y. 538. 197 pen down Square. 197. 539. 197. 539. 196 pen up Set x. y. 536. 196 pen down Square. 196. 536. 196. 536. 196 pen up Set x. y. 534. 198 up pen down Square. 197. 534. 197. 534. 197 pen up Set x. y. 534 200 pen down sq 534. 200 533. 200 533. 200 pen up Set x. y. 519 217 up pen down Square. 217. 520 217. 520 218 pen up. A pair of Russian tortoises went into space In 1968. The Soviet Union launched Zone five a space probe that was the first spacecraft to orbit the moon. It returned safely and the tortoises survived. They had lost about 10% of their body weight but they remained active and showed no loss of appetite according to NASA. Set x. 519 213 pen down, Square. 213. 519. 213. 520 213 pen up Set x. y. 516. 212 pen down cubic. 517. 207. 519 218. 518. 219 Square. 219. 516. 214. 516 212 pen up Set x. y. 516. 213 than down Square. 517. 210. 514. 199. 516. 200 Square. 204. 516. 208. 517, 212 pen up Set x. y. 516, 216 up pen down, Square. 217. 518. 217. 518, 218 pen up Set x. y. 516, 213 pen down, Square. 214. 517. 214. 517. 215 pen up Set x. y. 493. 177 pen down, Square. 178. 498. 179. 500 won. 180 Square 500 won. 183, won. 185, won. 187 Square. 181, 496. 177. 493. 172 pen up Set x. y. 500 won. 187 pen down Square.- 191. 500- 195. 500- 199 pen up Set x. y. 489. 193 up pen down Don. 198. 499. 199. 505, 200 Square. 201. 513, 200- 517. 203 Square. 203. 516, 200- 516, 203 FL. 203. 516, 203. 516, 203 pen up Set x. y. 497. 203 pen down Square. 196. 512. 200- 508. 209 Square. 216. 494. 210. 497, 203 pen up Set x. y. 167. 189 pen down Set, heading. 180 forward four Senate Set X. Y. 170- 189, pen down, Square.- 188. 170- 187. 170- 185 pen up Set x. y. 169. 188 up pen down, Square. 189. 168. 185. 170. 186 Square. 186. 170. 188. 169. 188 pen up Set x. y. 170. 187 pen down Square. 187. 171. 187. 170- 187 pen up Set x. y. 167. 187 pen down, Square. 187. 168. 187. 168. 187 pen up Set x. y. 156. 198 pen down, Square. 198. 157. 197. 156. 197 Square. 195. 154. 193. 150- 192 Square.- 192. 151. 192. 151. 193 Square. 194. 154. 196. 156. 198 pen up Set x. y. 150- 196 pen down cubic. 153. 197. 154. 198. 155. 199 pen up Set x. y. 151 197 pen down Set, heading -137 forward. Oh, Square 150- 198. 153. 199. 154. 200 pen up Set x. y. 150. 198 pen down Set, heading 43 forward for pen up Set x. y. 150 199 pen down cubic. 150. 200. 151 201. 150 to 200 to pen up Set x. y. 153. 198 pen down Square. 197. 154. 197. 154. 197 set, heading 50 forward. Okay, pen up Set. y. 156. 195 pen down Square. 195. 156. 195. 157. 195 pen up Set x. y. 156. 193 up pen down Square. 194. 157. 195. 158. 196 Set. 156. 192 pen down Set, heading 45 forward five pen up Set x. y. 157. 191 calm down Set, heading 43 forward five pen up Set x. y. 158. 190 pen down Set, heading 41 forward four Bennett Set x. y. 157. 198 pen down Square. 198. 157. 198. 157. 198 pen up Set x. y. 159. 198 pen down Don. 199. 158. 2158. 201 cubic. 157. 201. 157. 200. 157 200 Square. 199. 158. 199. 159. 198 pen up Set x. y. 151. 194 pen down Square. 194. 151. 194. 151. 194 Square. 195. 150. 196. 150 196 Square. 196. 150. 196. 149. 196 Square. 195. 151. 194. 151, 194 pen it Set x. y. 258, 380 pen down, Square. 380, 259, 382. 258. 382 cubic. 258 381 258. 380. 258. 380 pen up Set x. y. 257, 382 pen down, Square. 382. 257. 382. 257. 382 Bennett Set x. 258, 379 up pen down, 258. 379. 258. 379. 258, 379 pen up Set X. Y -79 -355. Up pen down cubic -79 -359 -73 -358 -71 -358 cubic -65 -358 -58 -360 -53 -356 cubic -50 to -354 -53 -353 -55 -352 cubic -57 -351 -58 -349 -60 -347 cubic -66 -345 -70 to -346 -77 -349 cubic -80 -350 -79 -353 -79 -355 pen up Set XY -63 -351 pen down cubic -60-352 -59 -352 -57 -352 cubic minus, 58 -349 -64 -346 -63 -351 pen up Set XY -60 -359. Up pen down cubic -60 -359 -59 -360 -59 -361 pen up Set XY -74 -358. Up pen down cubic -74 -359 -74 -360 -75 -360 pen up Set XY -78 -360 pen down Set heading 93 forward 20 cubic -57 -361 -56 -361 -55 -360 pen up Set XY -79 -356 pen down cubic -71 -357 -63 -357 -55 -357 pen up Set XY -65 -351 pen down cubic -66 -353 -69 -351 -71 -352 cubic -71 -352 -71 -351 -71 -351 cubic -71 -351 -71 -350 -71 -349 cubic -70 -348 -67 -349 -66 -349 cubic -64 -348 -65 -350 -65 -351 pen up Set XY -67 -346 pen down cubic -67 -345 -67 -341 -65 -342 cubic -65 -343 -66 -345 -65 -346 pen up Set XY -68 -343 pen down cubic -76 -343 -84 -342 -91 -343 cubic -75 -345 -58 -346 -41 -346 cubic -47 -345 -58 -343 -64 -343 panic Set XY -81 -340 pen down cubic -82 -340 -83 -340 -85 -340 pen up Set XY -93 -341 pen down cubic -94 -342 -94 -344 -92 -344 pen up Set XY -40 -345. Up pen down cubic 39 -345 -39 -347 -40 -347 pen up Set XY -54 -348. Up pen down cubic -53 -348 -51 -348 -50 -348 pen up Set XY -50 -343 pen down cubic -51 -343 -50 to -343 -53 -342 pen up Set XY -85 -345, pen down cubic -83 -346 -82 -346 -81 -346 pen up Set XY -78 -349 pen down cubic -86 -351 -95 -349 -100 to -352 Square -107 -356 -113 -359 -119 -359 cubic -119 -359 -120 -359 -119 -360 cubic -100 to -363 -106 -350 -79 -357 pen up Set XY -118 -359 pen down, Square -119 -358 -120 -356 -120 -354 Square -119 -356 -119 -358 -118 -359, pen up Set XY -114 -359 up pen down cubic -115 -357 -115 -356 -115 -353 cubic -115 -356 -114 -357 -113 -359 pen up Set X. Y -117 -358 pen down Square -117 -357 -118 -355 -118 -354 cubic -117 -355 -117 -357 -116 -359 pen up Set XY -113 -358 pen down cubic -113 -356 -113 -354 -112 -353 cubic -112 -354 -112 -356 -112 -358 pen up Set XY -80 -355 pen down cubic -86 -355 -94 -353 -100 -355 pen up Set x. y. 480 -168 pen down 480 -166. 483 -167, 484 -168 484 -171 480 -175, 480 -179 pen up Set X. Y. 478 -179. Up pen down Square. -178, 481 -180 483 -179 Square. -180 482 -180- 482 -183 477 -181, 471 -186, 471 -192 470, -200: 487 -203 489 -193 491 -189, 489 -184, 484 -183 482 -180- 477 -184, 477 -179 pen up Set X, y. -190 up pen down Square. -188, 475 -189, 475 -190 475 -189, 476 -187, 478 -187 477 -187, 477 -186, 476 -186 Square. -185, 474 -189, 473 -190 pen up Set X, Y. 327 -238 pen down, 323 -237, 323 -243, 325 -245 326-, 246, 327 -248, 327 -251 Square, -249, 323 -253, 323 -256 325 -256, 327 -256, 329 -256 329 -254, 329 -253, 329 -251 328-, 251, 327 -251, 326 -250 -250 pen up Set X, Y. 325 -256 pen down 311 -254, 310 -276, 324 -275 335-, 276, 339 -258, 328 -256 pen up Set x. y. 318 -261 pen down 317 -262, 317 -263, 317 -264 Set heading 41 forward one 318 -264, 318 -264, 318 -265 318 -263, 320 -262, 322 -262 319 -262, 321 -257, 318 -261 pen up Set XY -55 -216 pen down cubic -60 -217 -60 -222 -57 -225 cubic -56 -227 -56 -230 -57 -232 cubic -57 -232 -58 -232 -58 -232 cubic -59 -233 -59 -235 -59 -237 cubic -58 -237 -56 -237 -55 -237 Square -56 -235 -54 -231 -57 -232, Set heading 57 Forward, pen up Set XY -68 -251 pen down cubic -65 -260 -49 -258 -48 -249 cubic -46 -231 -71 -234 -68 -251 pen up Set XY -64 -242 pen down cubic -65 -243 -65 -244 -66 -245 cubic -65 -244 -64 -245 -64 -246 cubic -64 -244 -60 to -242 -60 -241 cubic -60 to -242 -60 to -239 -64 -242 pen up Set X, Y. 223 34, pen down Set, heading. 169 forward to Square 218 45. 221 54, 212 36 Square. 214 40 219 42. 220- 45 Square. 42. 225 37. 227 34 pen up Set X, Y. 212 37. Up pen down, Square. 211 41. 212 48. 214 52 pen up Set X. Y. 216 64, pen down, Square. 61. 214 51, 220 50 cubic 230 to 50 to 228 71. 216 64 pen up Set x. y. 225, 45 pen down, Square. 218 45. 217 46. 214 52 Square. 48. 218 47. 225, 46, Square, 46. 225, 45, 225 45 pen up Set x. y. 237 pen down, Square. 38, 241, 36, 243, 34 cubic 245 40 to 243 4200 and 38 45 sq 238 44, 238 42, 237 40 pen up Set X. Y. 238 46, pen down, Square. 240 45. 241, 46, 240- 45 243, 246, 40- 247, 41, cubic. 247 39. 247 37 246 35 Don. 35, 246, 35, 245, 35 Square 245, 35, 244, 35, 243, 34 cubic. 243 35. 243 35 243 35 Bennett Set x. y. 244, 40 up pen down Square. 245, 41. 247 40, 248 41 pen up Set x. y. 238 41 Up pen down Square 238 37. 241 42. 240 43 sq 239 44. 239 41, 238 41 pen up Set x. y. 241 41 up pen down Set, heading. 122 forward. Oh, sq 242 40, 241 41. 241 41 pen up Set. X. Y. 241 39. Up pen down, cubic. 241 39. 241 39. 241 39 pen up Set x. y. 245 42 up pen down set, heading to forward. 16 pen up Set, y. 236, 46 pen down Set heading -42 forward to pen up Set. y. 236, 45 pen down Square. 45. 234 45. 234 45 pen up Set. y. 235 42 pen down sq 235 42. 234 42. 233 42 pen up Set x. y. 235, 39 pen down Square. 39. 234 39. 234 38 pen up Set x. y. 237 38 pen down Set, heading. 103 forward. Oh, sq 237, 37, 237 37, 237 37 pen up Set x. y. 238 48 pen down, cubic. 238 48. 238 48 238 49 Planet Set X, Y -117 81 pen down cubic -115 81 -114 78 -116 77 cubic -114 77 -114 76 -116 76 cubic -116 77 -118 75 -119 77 cubic -122 74 -121 80 -119 77 cubic -121 80 -116 85 -113 83 cubic -113 83 -113 84 -113 84 cubic -117 88 -113 91 -112 85 cubic -112 84 -112 84 -112 84 cubic -110 85 -108 83 -180 81 cubic -108 80 -109 79 -110 79 cubic -111 79 -112 79 -112 78 cubic -112 78 -113 77 -112 77 cubic -112 75 -113 76 -113 77 cubic -114 77 -114 77 -114 77. Set heading five forward oh, pen up Set X, Y -111 85 pen down, cubic -113 90 -180 90 -11185. I even talked to turtles at times but you need to understand logo to appreciate the great, great things that have been created. We spend so much of our life typing, looking, but never, ever seeing.

Index of facts

Miriam Webster defines a turtle as a noun. https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=569
Here are some interesting notes from interesting facts about turtles. https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=962
Over a great many years I have taken a great interest in the land turtle. https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=973
One of the interesting points about turtles is their great variety of foods. https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=1415
in the pen and in five minutes it is surrounded by the turtles, https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=1976
when I found one of the large turtles had caught and disembowel, the very large toad, https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=2648
I have seen turtles eating at 11:00 at night https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=2655
the youngest of turtles I have ever had seems to take to the same food as the adults https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=3506
I made friends with a turtle yesterday and he gave me his phone number. https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=4283
Running away is slow as compared to this turtle propulsion. https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=4522
Occasionally one can see a turtle dragging another one along https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=5370
I have never known a land turtle to bite https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=5382
Some people have turtles in their cellars believing that they catch rats and mice. https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=5853
I believe that these turtles died because they were exhausted https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=5879
and mice might be kept away by the noise made by the turtle making its endless https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=6151
But doubt whether a turtle could catch a rat or a mouse https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=6158
In this the turtles would enjoy themselves https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=6437
How about some interesting things in 10 facts about marine turtles from the WWF UK. https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=6622
There are seven species of marine turtle. https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=6628
Marine turtles were around more than 100 https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=6632
These days, scientists recognize seven species of marine turtle, https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=6638
turtles do not have teeth. https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=6890
Turtle shells are made of over 50 bones fused together. https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=7064
The first few years of a marine turtles life are known as the lost years. https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=7352
Marine turtle species, vary greatly in size. https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=7654
whales holds the world record for the largest marine turtle ever found https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=7675
1000 marine turtle hatchlings make it to adulthood. https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=8216
turtles seem to prefer red, orange and yellow food. https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=10106
I'm beginning to suspect it's turtles all the way down https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=10403
marine turtles can migrate incredibly long distances. https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=10623
Marine turtles. https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=11365
move the turtle https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=11788
Here are some more interesting bits from interesting facts about turtles. https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=11913
several occasions with the turtle still in c. https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=12612
there is an artist in the bottom of everybody https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=12934
The number laid by a turtle varies https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=15403
I have also observed one turtle laying its eggs https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=15411
I had the pleasure of seeing six little baby turtles come out https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=16167
The turtle commenced to dig at six p.m. https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=16753
Five days later a second turtle dug these eggs out arid, https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=16760
personally. I do not believe that the turtle digging out. https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=16768
turtles a year factoid. Actually just statistical error, https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=16972
average person paints zero turtles per year https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=16976
turtles. Georg who lives in cave and eats over 10,000 each day https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=16980
The young turtles when they make their emergence at the end of three months, https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=17234
Do you know what A sea turtle's favorite sandwiches? https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=17526
Just ask the next sea turtle you meet. https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=17536
Here are some interesting observations from odd facts about turtles. https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=17639
It has been said that the turtle, https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=17647
In many ways. The turtle is one or the strangest of living things, https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=17943
But the turtle in all his varieties in all his ways, is a most mysterious animal. https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=17961
Your turtle is neither fish, flesh nor fowl. https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=17979
a little turtle https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=18667
there is none so tenacious of life as the turtle https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=18986
Leave the turtle apparently undisturbed https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=18992
Just as soon as a baby turtle emerges from the egg off he scuttles down to the sea. https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=19273
The young turtle feeds unmolested while his armor undergoes the hardening process https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=19306
whatever the young sea turtle eats and wherever he eats it https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=19628
the turtle is free from all danger https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=19915
interferes with the turtle https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=19924
Cool facts about turtles from Deutsche Welle. https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=20499
There is a reason why turtles look a little prehistoric. https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=20506
Luckily for the turtles, they're burrowing and water dwelling habits. https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=20527
While a turtle's lifespan largely depends on the species, https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=20926
A typical pet turtle can make it to anywhere between 10 and 80 years. https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=20935
Researchers think some turtles could even be hundreds of years old. https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=20949
There are currently 356 known species of turtles. https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=21629
There are sea turtles, leatherback turtles, snapping turtles, https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=21642
pond turtles, soft shelled turtles, and of course tortoises, https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=21646
Not all turtles or tortoises https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=22175
but all tortoises or turtles. https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=22177
technically all tortoises are in fact turtles. https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=22181
But the main difference between turtles and https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=22192
while most turtles live in or near water https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=22198
Some turtles are vegetarians https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=22405
Most turtles are actually omnivores but a few species https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=22409
Not to the fearsome looking alligator turtle https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=22421
Even water dwelling turtles will dig their nests https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=22805
No species of turtle sticks around to raise their young. https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=22814
A turtle's gender is determined by temperature https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=23005
A turtle's gender is determined after fertilization. https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=23010
If the turtles eggs incubate below 27.7 degrees Celsius, https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=23015
turtles tend to give birth to more females https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=23037
Sea turtles are known for their amazing ability to return https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=23182
turtles can navigate their way at sea by https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=23190
turtles have strong underwater eyesight. https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=23618
Although sea turtles are famous for their internal gps https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=23629
Six out of seven turtle species are classified as https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=23919
How about some interesting facts from turtle facts by Alina Bradford. https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=24214
turtles are reptiles with hard shells that protect them from predators. https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=24221
Turtles live all over the world in almost every type of climate https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=24233
the turtle order https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=24479
turtle, https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=24874
turtles spend most of their lives in water. https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=25251
Sea turtles rarely leave the ocean except to lay eggs in the sand. https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=25260
Freshwater turtles live in ponds and lakes https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=25266
With so many different types of turtle. https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=25760
The largest sea turtle species is the leatherback turtle. https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=25765
The largest freshwater turtle in north America is the alligator snapping turtle. https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=25788
The Yangtze giant softshell turtle is the largest softshell turtle. https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=25799
A turtle's shell is a modified rib cage and part of its vertebral column https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=26177
All the thoughts of a turtle are turtles and of a rabbit rabbits. https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=26401
So let's try to think like a turtle https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=26406
Many turtles are able to retract their heads and feet into their shells, https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=26450
turtles are placed in the two sub orders based on the method of retraction. https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=26455
Sea turtles have lost the ability to retract their heads https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=26472
turtles are very adaptive and can be found on every continent except Antarctica. https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=26676
Most turtle species are found in south eastern North America and south asia. https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=26681
sea turtles can be found in the coral triangle. https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=26844
what do you get if you cross a turtle with a giraffe, https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=26976
a turtleneck https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=26981
The african helmeted turtle is the most common turtle in Africa, https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=27157
roti island. Snake necked turtles are found only on Rhode island. https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=27221
turtles are not social creatures https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=27393
while they typically don't mind if there are other turtles around them, https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=27396
Most turtles are active during the day, https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=27405
turtles are not silent creatures. https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=27537
Most turtles are omnivores. https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=27961
musk turtles eat molluscs, https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=27968
The cooter turtle is mostly vegetarian https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=27973
and the green sea turtle only eats grasses and algae. https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=27976
The alligator snapping turtle lures in fish with its tongue https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=28293
crayfish and other turtles. https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=28313
All turtles lay eggs. https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=28483
No species of turtle nurtures their young https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=28493
turtles reach the age to mate at different times. https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=28762
Male and female turtles intertwined their tails so https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=29117
sea turtles travel from the ocean to lay eggs on beaches. https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=29387
sea turtles lay around 110 eggs in a nest https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=29392
Though the flat back turtle only lays 50 at a time https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=29396
the temperature of the sand affects the sex of the turtle. https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=29661
Too many sea turtle females are being born https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=29673
according to the sea turtle. Conservancy https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=29679
Many turtle species are listed as threatened, https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=29984
I even talked to turtles at times https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=32815

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Turtle graphics

So these are instructions for a turtle graphics program. The audio is drawn from https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3, a 9 hour 7 minute 12 second long audio file It's generated by feeding turtle code into a text-to-speech program, but idk which language or which program. If you can convert the speech back to text, somehow without ruining the formatting (or just do a lot of editing with regex until it looks right), you could feed it into a turtle graphics program and get the resulting drawing.

If you're not familiar with Turtle and Logo, look at this [guide]. The short version is that these commands move a little cursor, called a turtle, which draws a line as it moves and turns. At this time, contributors have applied a few different computer transcriptions to the entire audio. There are quotes about turtles from a variety of sources intermixed with Logo code. It is expected that some correction to the code is needed, such as adding parenthesis that are not spoken in the audio. Standard Logo commands found in the audio are: PENUP, PENDOWN, SETHEADING (N) (N), SETXY (N) (N), and FORWARD (N). Some custom functions are defined, including DIST (N) (N) (N) (N), LERP (N) (N) (N), MIX (N) (N), CUBIC (N) (N) (N) (N), and SQUARE (N) (N). The next steps are to test the transcripts of these custom functions in a Logo interpreter, at which point we can begin drawing the picture. Mannerisky (talk) 02:45, 2 April 2022 (UTC)
The picture indeed will be Bob Ross. The first hour of radio has him saying, "A happy little tree - holding up a happy little world." We can coordinate transcribing this code at GitHub Repository. Credit for this progress goes to the GitHub owner. Mannerisky (talk) 04:55, 2 April 2022 (UTC)

I don't know what the current image on this page is. Is that the drawing you get by following these instructions? 20:58, 1 April 2022 (UTC)

Wait I see now, that is the actual image for the comic. It just gets covered up by the button so I can't see it. 21:03, 1 April 2022 (UTC)
Ah, it looks like someone realized it's actually longer than that. After downloading it, I found it to be 131,329,389 bytes. The Windows Properties viewer claims it is 8h41m08s in length, but that's wrong. It is actually 9h07m06s. By the way, the code is in the Logo language. He seems to have copied this from a book, but I don't know which one. 21:12, 1 April 2022 (UTC)
Worth taking a look at? I can start looking for books that contain that text162.158.107.52 21:39, 1 April 2022 (UTC)
The automatic speech system is using standard punctuation processing, meaning that critical marks for the code aren't being announced. You can't get the code from the samples without filling in the blanks after getting a transcript. N (talk) 22:19, 1 April 2022 (UTC)

The MP3 file ends with this text: "I even talk to turtles at times. But you need to understand LOGO to appreciate the great, great things that have been created. We spend so much of our life typing, looking, but never ever seeing." 21:17, 1 April 2022 (UTC)

april fools' comic? GcGYSF(asterisk)P(vertical line)e (talk) 21:18, 1 April 2022 (UTC)

I think it's an April Fool's joke. 21:20, 1 April 2022 (UTC)
Well is it 2022/04/01 21:26, 1 April 2022 (UTC)

Broken Version

I think mine's broken. I don't get it. 21:29, 1 April 2022 (UTC)

You press the radio button, it selects it, then you can press it a zillion times in any pattern and all it ever does is blink the entire image. Nothing else ever appears other than the radio button, and there’s never any sound so pressing the speaker in the corner to supposedly turn it on or off is also completely pointless. 23:31, 1 April 2022 (UTC)
Alright, it’s April 2nd now, so if all of you have been LYING about it actually doing something, just playing along with the joke, you can admit it now. 18:40, 2 April 2022 (UTC)
Did it only work on American April 1st, or only for some people? It's the third of April here now, and it's still a boring button that clicks on once and does nothing else. Have I missed it? 20:38, 2 April 2022 (UTC)

Given the alt text "happy little turtles" and the tone of the narration I assume we're supposed to pretend the narrator is Bob Ross guiding us to creating an artistic masterpiece with Logo 21:31, 1 April 2022 (UTC)

Guys, it's been HOURS and the transcription is still incomplete. Step it up! 21:37, 1 April 2022 (UTC)

Not even sure what the transcript should be. I did my best162.158.107.52 21:41, 1 April 2022 (UTC)
I have a feeling this might be one of the longest transcripts on the site. 21:57, 1 April 2022 (UTC)
Wanna bet? 1608: Hoverboard/Transcript... --Kynde (talk) 20:35, 2 April 2022 (UTC)
Or 980: Money/Transcript --Kynde (talk) 21:59, 2 April 2022 (UTC)

Up until someone automates the process, I'll be working on the transcript and saving it in exkcd in parts (: Don't worry too much about edit overrides, I'll be transcribing in a google doc to avoid that! --Wielder of the Staple Gun (talk) 21:53, 1 April 2022 (UTC)

The sections about turtles between the code blocks seems to be from

Interesting Facts About Turtles A Little Nature Study by a Scientist that will Interest Old and Young Naturalists Alike By Randle C. Rosenberger M. D., Professor of Hygiene and Bacteriology, Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, Pa. https://archive.org/stream/foreststream861916newy/foreststream861916newy_djvu.txt

The uni.xkcd version of this comic also just shows the turtle like this article. So much for uses two April Fools comics against each other ;) 22:44, 1 April 2022 (UTC)

I ran the MP3 through Amazon Transcribe. It can do only 4 hours at a time, so I had to split the original file. I went from start to 03:59:59, 03:59:59 to 07:59:58, and 07:59:58 to end. Amazon Transcribe also gave me some subtitle files (index 1). They have time codes in them. So if someone wanted to note the times of the little quips, and host the audio file somewhere where links to the middle of the file can be generated (like YouTube), that could be cool. Below are the transcriptions for analysis. Replace X with 1, 2, or 3; and replace Y with json, srt, or vtt. Pgn674 (talk) 23:15, 1 April 2022 (UTC)

No need to host anything special. Let's say we want to jump to time code 02:35:14.840 from the vtt subtitle file #1 (line 7084, subtitle 1771). 2*60*60+35*60+14=9314. Subtract a few seconds, and make a link like this. Click here to learn about turtle noises: https://xkcd.com/2601/radio.mp3#t=9310 Pgn674 (talk) 23:48, 1 April 2022 (UTC)
I went and found all mentions of "turtle", extracted those lines, and generated links to them. Programmatically. If anyone wants to go through and do some manual review and fine tuning, go ahead. Pgn674 (talk) 00:57, 2 April 2022 (UTC)

I threw Adobe Premiere Pro at it: https://anonfiles.com/pbYfK7Sax4/radio_csv; and https://anonfiles.com/35YbKeScxe/radio_txt are the results. Note: these transcribe until 07:01:28:19. I am currently in the process of making APP suffer more and churn out the last two hours. --ẞ qwertz (talk) 23:54, 1 April 2022 (UTC)

So... what language is this? I'm hearing: PENUP, PENDOWN, SETHEADING (N) (N), SETXY (N) (N), FORWARD (N) - all of which are standard LOGO commands. But I'm also hearing something that sounds like CUBIC (N) (N) (N) (N) (N) (N), though it could also be QBIT, or text-to-speech for something like "^3". Either way it's NOT a standard LOGO command, so suggests it's a variant. Does not seem to be KTurtle, POOL, UCBLogo. QLogo, FMSLogo, and then I got bored searching. -- 00:37, 2 April 2022 (UTC)

In the automatic transcription it has "Two cubic colon X one colon Y one colon X two"... which would be TO CUBIC :X1 :Y1 :X2 ... so it is defined above. 01:15, 2 April 2022 (UTC)
Yes, some of the commands seem to be defined at the top. CUBIC at the top, SQUARE maybe somewhere else. So a shortcut to decyphering it might be to just extract and render all the cubes from the "CUBIC" and "SQUARE" commands, given their values. But what format are the cubes? Are they even the coordinates of cubes? For both commands, the six numbers seem to be in the format A B A B A B where the As and Bs are similar or even in some cases identical, which seems a strange thing for a cube:
SetXY -443 412
Square -443 405 -443 397 -444 390

The definition seems to be something like:

ToCubic : X1 : Y1 : X2 : Y2 : Ex : Ey --- Parameter definitions?
local Make " X0 XCor  --- Local variable definitions?
Local Make " Y0 YCor
Local Make " ErrX1 Lerp : X0 : X 0.25
local Make " ErrY1 Lerp : Y0 : Ey 0.25
Local Make " ErrX2 Lerp : X0 : Ex 0.75
Local Make " ErrY2 Lerp : Y0 : Ey 0.75
    LessP : picks error Dist : ErrX1 : ErrY1 : X1 : Y1 
    LessP : picks error Dist : ErrX2 : ErrY2 : X2 : Y2
    Local Make " Qx0 mix : X0 : X1
    Local Make " Qy0 mix : Y0 : Y1
    Local Make " Qx1 mix : X1 : X2
    Local Make " qy1 Mix : Y1 : Y2
    Local Make " Qx2 mix : X2 : EX
    Local Make " Qy2 mix : Y2 : Ey
    Local Make " Lx0 mix : Qx0 : QX1
    Local Make " Ly0 mix : Qy0 : QY1
    Local Make " Lx1 Mix : Qx1 : Qx2
    Local Make " Ly1 Mix : qy1 : Q
    Local Make " PmX Mix : Lx0 : Lx1
    Local Make " PmY Mix : Ly0 : LY1
    Cubic : Qx0 : qy0 : Lx0 : Ly0 : PmX : PmY
    Cubic : Lx1 : Ly1 : Qx2 : Qy2 : Ex : Ey
    SetXY : Ex : Ey

Least, that's what it sounds like, but I suspect round brackets and suchlike are not spoken aloud :( -- 01:54, 2 April 2022 (UTC)

Maybe it's implementing a cubic spline interpolation, not a tridimensional cube. 11:08, 2 April 2022 (UTC)

Feels like the speech processing is lossy, so generating the code will be a lengthy labor of love transcribing it, then debugging it, trying to fill the gaps. The code may also have been fed through an automated "Bob Ross filter" which may have lost even more data. -- 00:37, 2 April 2022 (UTC)

About a quarter of the way into the text is the line "You know, I'm beginning to suspect it's turtles all the way down!" 00:46, 2 April 2022 (UTC)

it's concerning that the only real way we'll be able to figure this comic out is to compile the entire 9 hour computer-generated voice speech. youtube.com/watch?v=miLcaqq2Zpk (talk) 01:40, 2 April 2022 (UTC)

Anyone actually doing any transcribing of this audio text is a true April Fools' fool, hence the reason to release this on April 1st. But I'd still like to see what the Fools' come up with :-D --Kynde (talk) 21:26, 2 April 2022 (UTC)

I'm moving all things about audio transcription here: 2601: Instructions/Audio Transcript, both the real transcript and peoples very long comments in the main discussion, to keep the main page short and keep loading time down. The comments from here go in the discussion for that page --Kynde (talk) 20:35, 2 April 2022 (UTC)

OMG, fond memories of LOGO! I'm in a loud bar at the moment so I can't listen, and I'm not listening to NINE HOURS anyway, LOL! Everybody DOES realize, someone needs to extract the program and run it in LOGO, right? I would guarantee this draws something interesting and/or stupid. :) NiceGuy1 (talk) 03:27, 2 April 2022 (UTC)

I found a GitHub Repository for transcription. May be of use to you guys for adding more info and citations to this Wiki. By the way, I didn't know this wiki existed. I don't want to create an account for it right now so good luck guys ;-; 04:12, 2 April 2022 (UTC)

I tried running some code through "ucblogo" on a Linux distro, but didn't get very far with it. ---Tim 04:16, 2 April 2022 (UTC)

Given that the audio is generated by text-to-speech, could a source-aware speech-to-text work better (fewer errors and less manual correction) than a generic one? For example, finding the right text-to-speech, extracting a sound for each phoneme, and then searching for near-identical snippets of waveform, seems like it could potentially be more reliable than the generic neural nets which are primarily trained for real human speech. Or even training a neural net on the same text-to-speech source, with a big block of sample data, if that would help distinguish homophones. Presumably someone here is good enough at this sort of thing to try that? Sqek (talk) 10:05, 2 April 2022 (UTC)

I think that the original comment at the top is the best approach. Using the speech-to-text data posted yesterday, and doing some simple regsubs, I can get it into good enough shape that I can proceed to transcribe the whole program by editing the file while listening to the audio, in real time. "In real time" means nine hours to correctly transcribe the whole thing. So any other approach would have to do better than nine hours. Plus if somebody put a little effort into organization, the transcription can be parallelized and so completed in nine hours / N transcribers. ---Tim 13:10, 2 April 2022 (UTC)

I was helping with this last night, and here are the major steps we've done to interpret the code and who has helped, I think.

  • Pgn674 Used AWS to make a transcription of the audio, which we have been building from
  • Transcribed the critical functions at the top of the transcription
  • theinternetftw Found a working interpreter and set up a collaboration space at a GitHub repo, and has since been maintaining the code
  • theinternetftw Also transcribed the first hour and got us our view of a partial picture
  • somebody1234 Got a messy but runnable version of the entire transcription and a view of the entire picture with errors
  • Many people are transcribing bits of audio and submitting to GitHub. Here is the list of contributors

Mannerisky (talk) 15:06, 2 April 2022 (UTC)

I have changed the image to that which is seen on xkcd when loading the comic. It has not been updated on this page yet as of when I write this. But the turtle is of course not the comic, but a placeholder for those webcrawlers that would fail when trying to download the radio button. I have also added info on this in the current explanation. As I have made a link to a new sub page for the looong audio transcript and removed all of that from this page and discussion and put it here: 2601: Instructions/Audio Transcript --Kynde (talk) 21:38, 2 April 2022 (UTC)

I started planning to write some code to figure this out, but moved on to other things after a few hours, due to psychological issues I have. The draft just runs the audio through the start of a random speech to text model. I trained a tokenizer around the logo code but didn't move farther. There are a lot of possible next steps, some of which others have mentioned. A simple approach would be to finetune the model around the hand-transcribed data. https://colab.research.google.com/gist/xloem/4310a26b6c9d13adac14307b948157d3/untitled4.ipynb 23:04, 2 April 2022 (UTC)

Any plans to exkcd the "real" comic that gets drawn by the LOGO code in the audio? I mean, I recognize, e. g., the Mars rover and Ursa Major, but what's the significance of the vacuum decay here, for instance? Nitpicking (talk) 01:18, 3 April 2022 (UTC)

Now that the project is complete, we should add the resulting image on this page (not just a link to github). It'll be what folks are looking for first. And then we can start identifying the many references in the picture and turtle quotes. Mannerisky (talk) 04:26, 3 April 2022 (UTC)
well, i added the picture. youtube.com/watch?v=miLcaqq2Zpk (talk) 08:08, 3 April 2022 (UTC)
Vacuum decay is the total annihilation of the observable universe, which (in theory, depending on details we don't yet know) could happen at any point and at any time and would expand at the speed of light to clobber any space it reaches. Since it's limited to the speed of light, I guess it wouldn't affect regions of the universe that are receding faster than that. So, it's a bit of irony contrasting the happy picture. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_vacuum_decay . For an even better explanation, try Katie Mack's excellent book, https://www.amazon.com/End-Everything-Astrophysically-Speaking/dp/198210354X 14:13, 6 April 2022 (UTC)

It was wonderful watching all of this unfold. Great work everyone. I don't have an account here, nor on github, but I thought I'd mention that the makesvg.py uses the ':=' operator which was introduced in python 3.8. Not all of us have it on our creaky old machines. Maybe add a comment in the usage at the top of the file? Or better, refactor the .py? -- 14:39, 3 April 2022 (UTC)

Is there a trick to making it work? I've tried both Firefox and Chrome. I hear the narration and can toggle the mute, but it never draws the picture for me. I have enabled JavaScript and I have disabled Privacy Badger, NoSCript, and uBlock Origin and still no joy. I did find the final drawing so I've seen the animation via GIF. --

Signing with triple tilde puts the WRONG IP address for me! My IP is NOT, my IP is What gives????
Just FYI, your registered IP (like mine) is probably from the (regional?) gateway that mediates between you, at your true and current internet-facing IP, and the serving server. It's not something for you to really worry about, but you asked.
i'm trying to find a way to say this that doesn't sound condescending, but do you actually think the comic draws the picture or are you using https://benediktwerner.github.io/xkcd-2601-drawer/ ? if it's the former, the comic does not draw the picture. if it's the latter, you have to click the "use the latest code" button and *then* click draw. again, i know that sounded super condescending, pls don't think i'm trying to be mean. New editor (talk) 05:24, 4 April 2022 (UTC)

does this comic *technically* feature beret guy, ponytail, etc or not. they're not *in* the comic, but it could be said to feature them. New editor (talk) 05:31, 4 April 2022 (UTC)

What is
? GcGYSF(asterisk)P(vertical line)e (talk) 05:45, 4 April 2022 (UTC)
A function defined above (both in the transcript and, partially, in this Talk page) that is there to define certain smooth lines via a cascade of interesting LOGO procedural code, including branch-tests, that I wasn't even aware could be done until I started to read it.
(I mean, I didn't even know LOGO used Polish Notation, having last practically dabbled with it on the probably vastly more limited interpreters that ran on BBC Microcomputers at school, back in the early '80s. You could define procedures with params, but I can't remember this syntax, nor any tests available that seem to suggest recursive tests until the finest changes do nothing.)
That was at my first glance, I've avoided the pages until most of the fuss died down because I could see a lot of work being shovelled in, by others, and I knew I couldn't add much but confusion. But I now think I can take leisurely ride through the code and see what I can personally pick up from it. (Cheers to the army of volunteers that mobilised to make this possible, BTW!) 20:56, 4 April 2022 (UTC)

The inserted comments don't seem to just be facts about turtles - they also include 'Rossisms' - e.g. "I've just covered the entire canvas in a layer of light." 08:35, 4 April 2022 (UTC)

The explanation should reference the World Turtle (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Turtle) in regard to the finished image. 08:46, 4 April 2022 (UTC)

I hope that's Cory Doctorow in the hot air balloon. 13:35, 4 April 2022 (UTC)

I don’t have an account, but I wanted to add that if you are subscribed to email updates (by clicking email on the xkcd website) the update reads: “Sadly today's comic is best views on the web”

Narrative vs. code

There should be some statement that there's code and narrative mixed within the transcript; you can't just hand the whole thing to Logo and expect it to work.

(Unless, of course, there's some way of telling Logo to ignore a block of text that wouldn't be spoken when you actually read the annotated block. In which case, the transcript needs to be so-annotated. I doubt it, though.)

-- Dtgriscom (talk) 10:25, 4 April 2022 (UTC)

The transcript on GitHub prefixes narration by `;` which turns it into a comment that is not parsed by LOGO. It would be cool to have this read out loud like it seems to have been designed: "Bob Ross" talking about painting while "painting" using logo. It'd be something like "Narrate, execute code snippet, narrate, excute code" until the entire picture is done. I noticed, for example, that he talks about drawing a "happy little tree" in between a section of code that, surprise, draws a tree. 11:23, 4 April 2022 (UTC)
Good thing to notice, and now we have two topics:
1. What the transcription page should show. Big, big bonus points if we could have a transcript that, when fed to a "text to speech" tool, would produce exactly what the comic's audio track includes (e.g. no "semicolon Happy Little Tree here")
2. What the output animations should include. What if you'd see a blank canvas, and hear the AI-Bob-Ross narrate, and then watch the code execute and draw? Then, more narration, then more code executing? You could even have the code sections be read out loud, and see the results in real time, It would take a lot of patience to watch the results. (I ain't gonna do it, though...)
-- Dtgriscom (talk) 12:14, 4 April 2022 (UTC)

One line in the narrative, "I read in the L.A. Times this morning that 42,000 Mazda cars were recalled because of a spider problem. Really makes you think doesn’t it?" could be refering to https://xkcd.com/2600/, namely "Will I have to start worrying about spiders after Tuesday?" 13:55, 4 April 2022 (UTC)

No, it actually references a thing that happened in 2014, because Mazda's cars are for some reason spider magnets. 06:58, 5 April 2022 (UTC)