
Explain xkcd: It's 'cause you're dumb.
Revision as of 09:12, 8 May 2015 by 17jiangz1 (talk | contribs)
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Contribution score 740
Pages edited 665
Changes made 2,074
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Last day (Top 10)

I have edited 665 articles. Which is not a lot compared to the 3,193 articles around here. I also have made 2,074 edits overall. But hey, I at least have a score of 740

I make up 1 / 136,454 of all users on this wiki, which is something like 0.000732847699591%. Or 1 / 119, which is the number of active users, so that's around 0.84033613445378%

Random Comic: 2497

Random Page: 4385

May 1st 2015 10th highest contribution score of all time
May 8th 2015 9th highest contribution score of all time