1975: Right Click
Right Click |
![]() Title text: Right-click or long press (where supported) to save! |
To experience the interactivity of the game, visit the original comic.
![]() |
This explanation is incomplete: Need to add more explanations for the spells. If you can address this issue, please edit the page! |
This was the eighth April fools' comic released by Randall. The previous one was 1663: Garden, scheduled for released Friday, April 1st, 2016, but in the end released on Monday April 4th 2016, two years prior to the release of this comic. The next was 2131: Emojidome released on Monday, April 1st, 2019.
This comic was released on April 1 even though that was a Sunday (only the fourth comic to be released on a Sunday). But it was only due to the April Fool joke, as it did replace the comic that would have been scheduled for Monday, April 2nd. The next comic, 1976: Friendly Questions, was first released on Wednesday, April 4th.
At first, the comic seems like the most simplistic xkcd comic possible - Cueball standing and doing nothing. The "editor's note" tells you to save a copy of the image to "view the full comic".
To save an image from a browser most people would right-click on it (or long-click in mobile devices) which normally leads to a "context menu" allowing several actions related to the image, including saving/downloading. This is what you are encouraged to do by the editorial note as well as by the comic name and title text. However, the context menu opened is not the default context menu of the browser but an elaborate context menu containing many nonsensical options.
At first it also seems impossible to save the image using that menu. However, after exploring the context menu you can find an "easter egg" in one of two different places (see below) which unlocks the save option. This save option gives you a different image than the one you see, which can be thought of as "the full comic" although the meat of the comic is actually in the interactive context menu itself. Note that "cheating" by disabling JavaScript and other methods that allow you to directly save the image won't get you that "full comic" image.
This comic pokes fun at how hard it can be to save an image or to just navigate context menus in some computer programs. The "easter egg hunt" might be related to the fact the comic was released during Easter (which fell on April fool's in 2018). It might also be related to the movie "Ready Player One" which was recently released when the comic was released. In the movie, based on the book by Cline, finding an "easter egg" in a VR world was a central plot point.
The title is reminiscent of one of the first interactive comics 1110: Click and Drag, where the title explains what the user should do to experience it. However, that was not a fools' day comic.
The comic uses JavaScript and HTML5 to override the standard context menu. Since modern browsers use the same features to integrate Add-ons into that menu, the behavior may be different depending on the browser environment. Browsers with JavaScript disabled, either totally or by using NoScript, won't access the functionality of the comic, but of course can easily save the image (not "the full version" but the image that is seen initially).
The manipulated context menu is described below.
Main Context Menu[edit]
# | Menu Item | Explanation | Sub-Menu Items |
1 | Save | Only appears after getting one of the two easter eggs that can be found in the menu - in the games ADVENT.EXE and Mornington Crescent (see their explanations below). | Save image> Views the image the first time you click, then downloads this image on every visit after that. [1]. The image includes a spheroid object near the top right-hand corner which appears to exhibit red shift and green shift, suggesting that it is rotating rapidly. |
2 | File | Normal submenu | Close: Closes menu, does nothing.
Open: A:\, C:\, / (See more below) Find: Where, When, How, (grayed out) What, (grayed out) Why, Who. 'Where' leads to four options. The first, 'computer', has two options ('folder' and 'menus'), which link back to the 'find' and right-click menus, respectively. "Narnia" leads to a link to the comic 665: Prudence as well as to a grey comment about how it's weird that "they" have to die to go back to Narnia. "Canada" and "America" lead to the same set of bizarre menus (America leads into Canada's menu), which then give the options 'Upper' and 'Lower', ultimately leading to a drive-through and hockey, respectively. 'When' leads to a description of Siri entering someone's home, and the menu can be followed to reveal several further events from 'earlier' in the day. The last one ('a bottle of jack and a toothbrush') is likely a reference to the song 'Tik Tok' by Kesha. 'How' simply leads to an exclamation of 'How!?'. 'What' is grayed out. 'Why' links to [2], technically answering the question of "Why?" 'Who' leads to a menu version of the Abbot and Costello "Who's on First?" routine, which eventually links to a youtube video of the routine. As of April 4th, a second submenu has been added, which contains Slappy and Skippy's "Who's on Stage?" parody of the previous routine, which also eventually leads to its youtube video. Backup: Causes the area around the comic to flash red 9 times, with high-pitch sounds reminiscent of a truck backing up. Reminiscent of the Sinclair Spectrum SAVE to tape command, which would flash the border and modulate the speaker. Save: Only available after the save menu is unlocked after one of the two Easter Eggs is found, allows a download of a bonus comic, same as clicking the save option from the main menu. |
3 | Edit | Enables a mode allowing the user to draw on the webpage. You can draw multiple scribbles, however, they will automatically connect together. Pressing Esc asks "Aw, that looks nice though. Really delete?" and the page returns to normal if OK is clicked. | None |
4 | System | Normal submenu | Shut Down> Changes the only menu option to "Power on", then once that is used, the system returns to normal.
/ (See below) |
5 | View | Normal submenu | Cascade>Links to [3]
Tile> Links to 245: Floor Tiles Minimize> Changes pointer to a smaller pointer. Full Screen> Enters full screen. |
6 | Utilities | Normal submenu | Park drives> Nothing.
Check space usage> (cannot click) Space usage: -Dark matter -Hydrogen -Helium -Scattered clumps of heavier elements -Stars -Rocks -Some space probes -Earth Spell check> English (links to 1069: Alphabet) and Colors (links to [4]) Train AI> links to 1838: Machine Learning Identify song> opens a long word-by-word menu for song lyrics; it's actually a menu-ised version of 851: Na. Advanced> several Unix commands, all absurd (or dangerous) for some reason:
7 | Games | Normal submenu | Twenty Questions> A Twenty Questions interface that gets really confusing. There are links to Bing image searches for 'okapi', 'pronghorn', 'eland', 'baribusa', 'musk deer' and 'ibex'. The game also contains some extremely large cans of creamed corn (a reference to 1807: Listening).
Rock Paper Scissors> A Rock Paper Scissors game where the computer always matches your move. If you go long enough, the Defect option is added, a reference to the Prisoner's Dilemma. D&D> An interface that allows you to "cast" over 300 spells from D&D 5e. Several menus are used to filter the spells based on their traits: class which can learn the spell, the school of the spell, the spell level, and components required to perform it (somatic, vocal, material). The traits can be chosen in any order. After all six traits are chosen a submenu opens with all of the spells that match those exact traits (which might be no spells at all). Most spells link to various pages, including xkcd comics (e.g. 1331: Frequency), what-ifs (e.g. Saliva Pool) and other external sites (e.g. The Sun | NASA). Some spells create effects that change the comic page temporarily or permanently, and some open submenus from different parts of the context menu. See below for all links and effects. ADVENT.EXE> A text-based adventure game. If played correctly, you can win, unlocking 'Save'>'Save image' from the beginning menu, which links to [5]. The first scene allows you a choice between exploring a dark cave or a castle. If you explore the cave first you get the following description: "It's pitch black. You're likely to be eaten by a grue". This is a reference to a text adventure game called Zork, where Grues are monsters who dwell in the dark and eat human explorers, making it impossible to explore dark areas. The same description often appears when you enter a dark area without a light source in Zork and other related games. This has previously been mentionned in 91: Pwned. If you ignore the warning and go deeper, you are given one more warning ("You're deep in a cave. Something, possibly this very sentence, tells you it would be dangerous to go any further"). If you ignore that too and keep going, you fall into a pit. Several options are given to try and rescue yourself (or alternatively "resign to your fate" or deny you are in a pit [You also may try to cause a distraction by saying "Look behind you! A three-headed monkey!" This may be a reference to the Curse of Monkey Island, where Guybrush Threepwood distracts characters by saying the same line.]) but all lead to "you've been eaten by a grue". Being eaten by a grue seems to be an irreversible condition - if you exit the context menu and enter ADVENT.EXE again, you are given no options and are told again that "you've been eaten by a grue". Apparently only refreshing the page cancels that. Exploring the castle is a much safer option to begin with. The main castle scene has a door, a well, and stairs that go up to the tower. The door is locked, and trying to break it is futile. The well is a wishing well. Examining it allows for several options:
After you have the key, if you go back to the castle you can now use the key on the locked door and enter a dungeon. In the dungeon, there is a clamp on a table that you can take. Finally, in the tower, you can find a "strange machine" dubbed a "C-Remover". You can try to use the C-Remover on any item you got. It doesn't affect the key, but it does turn the clamp into a lamp! The C-remover is a reference to either the T-remover from Leather Goddess of Phobos or the multi-letter remover from Counterfeit Monkey, a text adventure by Emily Short inspired by it. After you have the lamp, entering the cave becomes safer. It now becomes "a maze of twisty passages, all alike" where each room allows going N, E, S, or W, normally leading to an identical room. Only by using the clue from the wish for "wisdom" in the well and going N, E, N, N, N, W, S, W you can navigate the maze successfully. When following that path, after the first "W" the options become N, S, and Dennis instead of the usual N, E, S, W; this is a reference to the text-based game Thy Dungeonman found in a Strong Bad email from homestarrunner.com. If you follow the full path you find the center of the maze where there is a nest with a "large multicolored egg" (an easter egg!). If you take the egg you are told "You feel a sense of potential, as if you may have more options now". This is because the "save" options are now unlocked in the main context menu and the file menu! Hoverboard> Links to 1608: Hoverboard browser game. Mornington Crescent> This is a simulation of the well-known game Mornington Crescent, which bears a surprising resemblance to London's Underground railway network. Players name a station, in turn, endeavoring to reach Mornington Crescent. The rules of play are very complicated and beyond the scope of this article; interested persons are referred to N. F. Stovold’s Mornington Crescent: Rules and Origins (sadly out of print). This variation only includes the sections of the London Underground in fare zone 1. There is a "station" only connected to Vauxhall called "Easter basket". The Easter basket leads you to "Take egg", also allowing you to save. The shortest path to the Easter basket is Euston > Warren Street > Oxford Circus > Green Park > Victoria > Pimlico > Vauxhall > Easter basket, simply following the Victoria Line the entire way. All playable stations are immediately adjacent on the London Underground network to the station last played. Despite the fact that this version of the game starts at Euston, which is adjacent to Mornington Crescent, as Mornington Crescent is in fare zone 2, the branch of the Northern line on which the eponymous station is situated does not appear in the game and Mornington Crescent is not an objective. |
8 | Help | Contains various submenus, all of which, barring Credits, loop back recursively to this menu: | Tutorial
Support Manual Troubleshooting FAQ Guide Q&A User forums Credits> 'Some people who helped with this comic: @chromakode Amber @fadinginterest Kat Kevin Stereo' |
9 | Do Crimes | Contains several "crimes" that can be committed. This option is unlocked by File > Open > C:\ (or /home/user) > Bookmarks/ > Secret > Enable Dark Web.
This is a joke about how the dark web is perceived in popular culture - a place that exists solely to do crimes, mainly bitcoin and hacking related. |
Steal Bitcoins > Grayed out.
Say swears > Several clean swears that all link to 771: Period Speech. Hack > Three sub-options that link to various related comics. (Gibson: Nothing. Election: 1019: First Post. Planet: 1337: Hack.) Forge a Scrabble Tile > Several sub-options that don't do anything. (U, Z, <this menu option intentionally left blank>, and two special characters, one being a Russian 'Э', as low-pitched [eh], and the second being a crossed swords emoji (⚔) |
Filesystems Menu[edit]
Drive | Menu Item | Explanation | Sub-Menu Items |
A:\ | Insert | Only appears before inserting a floppy disk. | Floppy disk> Unlocks other options for drive A:\, which are identical to drive C:\
Chip card> A long sequence of being told 'Please wait. Authorizing...' ending in 'Chip error! REMOVE CARD NOW!' |
C:\ | Documents/ | Nothing. | None. |
C:\ | Music/ | Leads to a long string of prompts for song lyrics. 'Hey now / Hey now na now / Sing "This Corrosion" to me' inverts the webpage's color before Easter egg mode is enabled, and plays the referenced song in the browser with inverted color and flashing if the Easter egg mode is enabled. It's actually the same menu that is shown under Utilities>Identify song (which itself is a menu-ised version of 851: Na). | 'Hey now / Hey now / Don't dream it's over' links to 240: Dream Girl. 'This / is / a / story all about how / my life got flipped, turned upside down' links to 464: RBA. 'This / is / the / story of a girl / who cried a river and drowned the whole world' links to a Youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_FVAEYRM5I |
C:\ | Bookmarks/ | Similar to Music/, Bookmarks/> Comics leads to a chain from which all comics prior to this comic except 1974: Conversational Dynamics are titled and linked. For instance, he thus here recognizes his first April Fools' comic 404: Not Found, which cannot be found, as a real comic by linking to it. Bookmarks/> Secret> Enable Dark Web adds the 'Dark Web' option to the initial menu. | |
C:\ | Games/ | Same as 'Games' from the initial menu. | |
C:\ | Sequences/ | The options are the lines from a Tim and Eric sketch Celery Man; the final option links to a YouTube video of the sketch. | After several single-option menus, it links to this Youtube video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHWBEK8w_YY |
/ | home/ | Nothing. | guest> links to http://uni.xkcd.com/ - a command-line Unix-style interface for viewing xkcd comics (and other commands to discover) that was used as the April Fool's joke in 2010. See also UniXKCD.
user> Same files as C:\ root> Displays 'You are not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.' Which is what the sudo command will print if unauthorized users try to use it. |
/ | opt/ | Does nothing. | None. |
/ | sbin/ | Does nothing. | None. |
/ | usr/ | Opens an infinite sequence of options, each similar to the last, but replacing the previous selection with another folder; probably a reference to the fact that the /usr hierarchy does contain a list of subdirectories pretty much identical to those of the root directory. /usr/local, too is a duplicate of /usr for files not originating with the distro, and of late /var and /opt have also started expanding. | |
/ | dev/ | Nothing. | random/> links to a random xkcd comic. In unix systems reading from the /dev/random file generates pseudorandom bytes, so it fits here that /dev/random gives a random comic.
urandom/> links to 221: Random Number. In unix systems, /dev/urandom is the same as /dev/random, except in /dev/random you don't get anything if you don't have sufficient "randomness" in the system, and in /dev/urandom you get whatever you have. The linked comic describes a botched attempt to create a function that would return a truly random number but actually, it returns a fixed number (and thus isn't useful at all). This alludes to /dev/urandom providing bad results sometimes. |
D&D spells[edit]
Here all the spells from the D&D game are detailed, including the traits you need to enter to get to them and the link they lead to/effect they create.
To get to a specific spell using this table you need to go to games->d&d->cast and then enter the traits - level, class, school, and components - in any order. Note that many spells list more than one class in the table (in d&d it means multiple classes can cast that spell), which means you need to choose one of those classes in the menu. Components are listed in the table as V for Verbal Components, S for Somatic Components and M for Material Components - choose "yes" or "no" for these based on whether the matching letter is there or not.
Link Spells[edit]
The vast majority of spells (285 of them apparently) are actually links to xkcd comics, what ifs, or external pages that somehow demonstrate or relate to the spell.
Name | Level | Classes | School | Components | Link | Explanation |
Acid Arrow | 2 | Wizard | Evocation | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/790/ | The comic is about giving LSD (commonly known as "acid") to test subjects |
Aid | 2 | Cleric, Paladin | Abjuration | V, S, M | http://donorschoose.org | A site dedicated to donations - aiding various subjects |
Alarm | 1 | Ranger, Wizard | Abjuration | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/1359/ | Comic about phone alarm |
Alter Self | 2 | Sorcerer, Wizard | Transmutation | V, S | https://xkcd.com/1099/ | In this comic beret guy is "altered" in a weird way |
Animal Friendship | 1 | Bard, Druid, Ranger | Enchantment | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/1746/ | Comic about making friends in a way that might attract some animals better than humans |
Animal Messenger | 2 | Bard, Druid, Ranger | Enchantment | V, S, M | https://twitter.com/dog_rates | A humorous Twitter page about "rating dogs" - in a way "messaging about" animals |
Animal Shapes | 8 | Druid | Transmutation | V, S | https://xkcd.com/1278/ | Comic about using genetic engineering to change an animal (in this case a giraffe) shape |
Animate Dead | 3 | Cleric, Wizard | Necromancy | V, S, M | http://www.asofterworld.com/index.php?id=62 | They were once dead. |
Arcane Eye | 4 | Wizard | Divination | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/993/ | The comic is related to creating a brand by having products that "stand out" and are therefore "more visible" |
Astral Projection | 9 | Cleric, Warlock, Wizard | Necromancy | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/977/ | Comic about map projections |
Augury | 2 | Cleric | Divination | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/1334/ | The comic is about checking the second page of google results for answers, which might be parallelized to reading omens in the spell. |
Awaken | 5 | Bard, Druid | Transmutation | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/1518/ | Comic about awakening... badly to an alarm sound |
Bane | 1 | Bard, Cleric | Enchantment | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/972/ | The comic details a simple exploit by blackhat, the bane of everyone's existence |
Barkskin | 2 | Druid, Ranger | Transmutation | V, S, M | https://youtu.be/qFI4BQlBbig | A video by "My Brother, My Brother and Me" where a person creates a "shitty iron man armor", parallel to the armor created by barkskin |
Beacon of Hope | 3 | Cleric | Abjuration | V, S | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Svalbard_Global_Seed_Vault | Link to the wikipedia page about the global seed vault, which is meant to function as "a beacon of hope" in case of global disaster. |
Bestow Curse | 3 | Bard, Cleric, Wizard | Necromancy | V, S | https://xkcd.com/214/ | The comic talks about "the problem of wikipedia" which can be time-waster to curious people. This can also be rephrased as "the curse of wikipedia" |
Black Tentacles | 4 | Wizard | Conjuration | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/1926/ | The comic is about an "ugly mess of code" which can be compared to a tentacle mess |
Blade Barrier | 6 | Cleric | Evocation | V, S | https://xkcd.com/1406/ | The comic is about a "universal converted" which can be thought of as a kind of barrier |
Bless | 1 | Cleric, Paladin | Enchantment | V, S, M | https://what-if.xkcd.com/55/ | A what if article about saying "bless you" to random people on the phone, hoping they just sneezed |
Blight | 4 | Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard | Necromancy | V, S | https://xkcd.com/1807/ | Another exploit by black hat |
Blindness/Deafness | 2 | Bard, Cleric, Sorcerer, Wizard | Necromancy | V | https://xkcd.com/467/ | Comic related to "two girls one cup", a well-known shock video which might make people wish they were blind after seeing it |
Branding Smite | 2 | Paladin | Evocation | V | https://xkcd.com/384/ | (Can thunder make intelligent?) |
Burning Hands | 1 | Sorcerer, Wizard | Evocation | V, S | https://xkcd.com/1296/ | Git messages become increasingly similar to a person on fire typing them and also relate to haaaannds |
Call Lightning | 3 | Druid | Conjuration | V, S | https://what-if.xkcd.com/16/ | A what if with several lightning-related questions |
Calm Emotions | 2 | Bard, Cleric | Enchantment | V, S | https://twitter.com/CuteEmergency | Twitter page about cute dogs that might indeed calm your emotions |
Chain Lightning | 6 | Sorcerer, Wizard | Evocation | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/898/ | Comic about the chain of command |
Charm Person | 1 | Bard, Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard | Enchantment | V, S | https://xkcd.com/1777/ | Comic about the Nigerian Scan, which can be thought of as a way to "charm" people into doing what you want (like other scams) |
Chill Touch | 0 | Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard | Necromancy | V, S | https://xkcd.com/1108/ | Comic about a cautionary ghost, similar to the ghostly hand the spell creates |
Circle of Death | 6 | Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard | Necromancy | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/1674/ | Comic about doing "adult stuff" including writing a will |
Clairvoyance | 3 | Bard, Cleric, Sorcerer, Wizard | Divination | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/1421/ | Comic about discovering a creepily clairvoyant comment from your "past self" in your code |
Clone | 8 | Wizard | Necromancy | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/1597/ | Comic about git - "clone" is a common git command. |
Cloudkill | 5 | Sorcerer, Wizard | Conjuration | V, S | https://what-if.xkcd.com/8/ | Human crowd |
Color Spray | 1 | Sorcerer, Wizard | Illusion | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/1882/ | Comic about color |
Command | 1 | Cleric, Paladin | Enchantment | V | https://xkcd.com/857/ | Comic about a man making a famous phrase by Archimedes into a command with an ultimatum |
Commune | 5 | Cleric | Divination | V, S, M | https://youtu.be/7yxaKeRRypo?t=44s | Tried to snipe but turned into laughs |
Commune with Nature | 5 | Druid, Ranger | Divination | V, S | https://youtu.be/BOxRFMiSDZU?t=9m47s | Suddenly, Dino-Lansbury. |
Comprehend Languages | 1 | Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard | Divination | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/1816/ | Comic about language weirdness and puns |
Compulsion | 4 | Bard | Enchantment | V, S | https://xkcd.com/609/ | Comic about TVTropes, which might create a compulsion to follow links and stay there for a long time |
Cone of Cold | 5 | Sorcerer, Wizard | Evocation | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/1714/ | Comic about volcanoes, which are actually cones of heat usually (the "waffle cone" volcano in the comic is probably cold) |
Confusion | 4 | Bard, Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard | Enchantment | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/1969/ | Comic presents a way to confuse people by setting to "not found" page of your site to a "not available in your country" page |
Conjure Woodland Beings | 4 | Druid, Ranger | Conjuration | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/1903/ | Comic about "buns" (rabbits) which are woodland beings |
Contact Other Plane | 5 | Warlock, Wizard | Divination | V | https://xkcd.com/1889/ | Comic from the "xkcd Phone" series. With all their features, surely xkcd phones can contact other planes... |
Contagion | 5 | Cleric, Druid | Necromancy | V, S | https://xkcd.com/1161/ | Comic about hand sanitizer, which is meant to prevent contagion, but maybe not as effectively as Cueball would like. |
Contingency | 6 | Wizard | Evocation | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/140/ | Comic about how one gets cheese when they have chips and chips when they have cheese, a situation in which one condition triggers a contingency and vice versa. |
Continual Flame | 2 | Cleric, Wizard | Evocation | V, S, M | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_F._Kennedy_Eternal_Flame | Wikipedia about eternal (continual) flame |
Control Water | 4 | Cleric, Druid, Wizard | Transmutation | V,S,M | https://what-if.xkcd.com/103/ | What if article about water disappearing |
Control Weather | 8 | Cleric, Druid, Wizard | Transmutation | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/1126/ | Comic about the weirdness of the weather in 2005 |
Create Food and Water | 3 | Cleric, Paladin | Conjuration | V, S | https://xkcd.com/1774/ | Comic about food in supermarkets |
Create or Destroy Water | 1 | Cleric, Druid | Transmutation | V, S, M | https://what-if.xkcd.com/103/ | What if article about water disappearing (Same as in "control water" - actually more fitting here) |
Create Undead | 6 | Cleric, Warlock, Wizard | Necromancy | V, S, M | https://what-if.xkcd.com/69/ | What if about the dead users in Facebook who are compared to "undead" in a comic image at the start of the article |
Creation | 5 | Sorcerer, Wizard | Illusion | V, S, M | https://youtu.be/_hH7vZF15SY | "Monster Factory" episode which is a gameplay video of the game spore which is about the creation of a species and a civilization. "Creating" is also in the video title. |
Cure Wounds | 1 | Bard, Cleric, Druid, Paladin, Ranger | Evocation | V, S | https://xkcd.com/1618/ | Comic about trying to cure a pretty bad cold |
Dancing Lights | 0 | Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard | Evocation | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/1331/ | Comic that shows frequencies of different events in the form of blinking ("dancing") gifs ("lights") |
Daylight | 3 | Cleric, Druid, Paladin, Ranger, Sorcerer | Evocation | V, S | https://xkcd.com/673/ | Comic about "daylight saving time" |
Death Ward | 4 | Cleric, Paladin | Abjuration | V, S | https://xkcd.com/865/ | In the comic IPv6 functions as a sort of "death ward" against nanobots, buying us some time before the total annihilation of life on earth. |
Demiplane | 8 | Warlock, Wizard | Conjuration | S | https://xkcd.com/1703/ | |
Detect Evil and Good | 1 | Cleric, Paladin | Divination | V, S | https://xkcd.com/256/ | A map of internet communities, with the good and bad parts. |
Detect Magic | 1 | Bard, Cleric, Druid, Paladin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Wizard | Divination | V, S | https://xkcd.com/808/ | An economic argument that "detects" what crazy "magic" phenomenon actually works and what doesn't. |
Detect Poison and Disease | 1 | Cleric, Druid, Paladin, Ranger | Divination | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/802/ | Updated version of "map of online communities" which was linked to from "detect good and evil", again suggesting that online communities are full of "poison and disease". |
Detect Thoughts | 2 | Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard | Divination | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/1448/ | A note asking someone about their thoughts (or feelings) |
Disguise Self | 1 | Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard | Illusion | V, S | https://xkcd.com/451/ | Comic about being an impostor and "disguising" yourself as an expert in a field. |
Disintegrate | 6 | Sorcerer, Wizard | Transmutation | V, S, M | https://what-if.xkcd.com/1/ | The very first what if, where a baseball is pitched at 90% of the speed of light and begins to disintegrate... In a nuclear explosion |
Dispel Evil and Good | 5 | Cleric, Paladin | Abjuration | V, S, M | https://what-if.xkcd.com/5/ | What-if about a contemporary robot apocalypse ("evil") and how to "dispel" it. |
Dispel Magic | 3 | Bard, Cleric, Druid, Paladin, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard | Abjuration | V, S | https://xkcd.com/109/ | Comic about spoilers who "dispel the magic" of watching some movies. |
Divination | 4 | Cleric | Divination | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/1525/ | xkcd's version of the magic 8 ball, a toy/tool for divination |
Divine Favor | 1 | Paladin | Evocation | V, S | https://xkcd.com/1575/ | Comic parodying the Christian poem "footprints" which is about divine favor |
Divine Word | 7 | Cleric | Evocation | V | https://xkcd.com/741/ | Comic about content producing, some of which may be divine words |
Dominate Beast | 4 | Druid, Sorcerer | Enchantment | V, S | https://xkcd.com/1934/ | Comic about excessive phone security settings that "dominate" the thief in a way |
Dominate Monster | 8 | Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard | Enchantment | V, S | https://youtu.be/JgChfrBsEaI | "Monster factory" episode about "creating the Shrek franchise" - which is about a monster - in spore. |
Dominate Person | 5 | Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard | Enchantment | V, S | https://xkcd.com/1116/ | Comic about confusing traffic light which can "dominate" a person. |
Dream | 5 | Bard, Warlock, Wizard | Illusion | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/557/ | Comic about the common "not ready for school" dream |
Druidcraft | 0 | Druid | Transmutation | V, S | https://xkcd.com/867/ | Comic about branches of zoology - zoology can be thought of as "druidcraft" |
Earthquake | 8 | Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer | Evocation | V, S, M | https://blog.xkcd.com/2011/08/24/earthquakes/ | Blog post about earthquakes |
Eldritch Blast | 0 | Warlock | Evocation | V, S | https://xkcd.com/356/ | Comic about "nerd sniping", an unconventional sort of "blast" for "hitting" nerds |
Enhance Ability | 2 | Bard, Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer | Transmutation | V, S, M | https://youtu.be/YLg_aIlhe6I?t=23m33s | "Monster factory" episode about the stars recreating themselves in a WWE videogame, in a way "enhancing their abilities" |
Entangle | 1 | Druid | Conjuration | V, S | https://xkcd.com/257/ | Comic about code encryption, which adds complexity similar to an entanglement |
Enthrall | 2 | Bard, Warlock | Enchantment | V, S | https://xkcd.com/1286/ | Comic about improperly encrypted passwords, similar to the "distracting string of words" in the spell description |
Etherealness | 7 | Bard, Cleric, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard | Transmutation | V, S | https://xkcd.com/644/ | |
Expeditious Retreat | 1 | Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard | Transmutation | V, S | https://what-if.xkcd.com/61/ | What-if about speed bumps |
Eyebite | 6 | Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard | Necromancy | V, S | https://xkcd.com/1015/ | Comic about bad kerning, which is a "bite" to the eyes |
Fabricate | 4 | Wizard | Transmutation | V, S | Another Monster Factory video, fabricating a character in Mass Effect | |
Faerie Fire | 1 | Bard, Druid | Evocation | V | https://what-if.xkcd.com/151/ | What-If about fireflies |
Faithful Hound | 4 | Wizard | Conjuration | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/1193/ | Comic that ends with a very large dog |
False Life | 1 | Sorcerer, Wizard | Necromancy | V, S, M | https://youtu.be/8-3jDVTLdaQ | Monster Factory video involving the game Second Life. |
Fear | 3 | Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard | Illusion | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/1242/ | A chart comparing how scary things are |
Feather Fall | 1 | Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard | Transmutation | V, M | https://youtu.be/bWvyJ05TdC8?t=13m34s | In this clip, the floor is removed, causing a lot of people to fall. |
Feeblemind | 8 | Bard, Druid, Warlock, Wizard | Enchantment | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/574/ | A comic about misinformed people, who could be described as acting feeble-minded. |
Find Familiar | 1 | Wizard | Conjuration | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/413/ | Comic talking about a new pet (that is actually a computer). A familiar is an animal, similar to a pet, that serves a master, usually the magic user that summoned it. |
Find Steed | 2 | Paladin | Conjuration | V, S | https://xkcd.com/1651/ | After the events of the comic, you would have to sort through the pile of cars to find your own; Your car here being the "steed" of the spell. |
Find the Path | 6 | Bard, Cleric, Druid | Divination | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/887/ | |
Find Traps | 2 | Cleric, Druid, Ranger | Divination | V, S | https://xkcd.com/1195/ | This comic itself is a trap! |
Finger of Death | 7 | Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard | Necromancy | V, S | https://what-if.xkcd.com/117/ | A What-If about death. |
Fire Bolt | 0 | Sorcerer, Wizard | Evocation | V, S | https://xkcd.com/639/ | |
Fire Shield | 4 | Wizard | Evocation | V, S, M | https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/video/details.php?id=1090 | |
Fire Storm | 7 | Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer | Evocation | V, S | https://youtu.be/ujADg0nWqCw?t=15m51s | A discusion of Curiosity's landing gear, including its heat shield. |
Flame Blade | 2 | Druid | Evocation | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/961/ | Strangely, not used for Continual Flame, despite the title. |
Flame Strike | 5 | Cleric | Evocation | V, S, M | https://youtu.be/J9hMe1R8eYw | |
Flaming Sphere | 2 | Druid, Wizard | Conjuration | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/673/ | This is a comic about the sun, which can be described as a flaming sphere. |
Flesh to Stone | 6 | Warlock, Wizard | Transmutation | V,S,M | https://xkcd.com/1409/ | Might be a penis joke on the "hours since watching porn" query. |
Floating Disk | 1 | Wizard | Conjuration | V, S, M | https://what-if.xkcd.com/50/ | What-If on boating. A boat can - generously - be described as a floating disk. |
Fly | 3 | Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard | Transmutation | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/353/ | A comic where a Python user gains the power of flight. |
Fog Cloud | 1 | Druid, Ranger, Sorcerer, Wizard | Conjuration | V, S | http://twitter.com/karlthefog | The twitter account for a fog cloud. |
Forbiddance | 6 | Cleric | Abjuration | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/782/ | A comic about breaking forbidden taboos and paying the consequences. |
Forcecage | 7 | Bard, Warlock, Wizard | Evocation | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/1142/ | A Faraday cage could be described as a force-cage. |
Foresight | 9 | Bard, Druid, Warlock, Wizard | Divination | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/1876/ | A comic about using one's foresight to extrapolate trends. |
Freedom of Movement | 4 | Bard, Cleric, Druid, Ranger | Abjuration | V, S, M | https://youtu.be/sCOwRahm0so?t=1m8s | Jet boots and forging your own path both enable freedom of movement |
Freezing Sphere | 6 | Wizard | Evocation | V, S, M | https://what-if.xkcd.com/121/ | A What-If about freezing a lot of things at once. |
Gaseous Form | 3 | Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard | Transmutation | V, S, M | https://what-if.xkcd.com/146/ | This What-If is about Jupiter, a gas giant. |
Geas | 5 | Bard, Cleric, Druid, Paladin, Wizard | Enchantment | V | https://xkcd.com/1559/ | Geas gives the target a magical command that they must follow, a somewhat-common use of which is instructing someone to walk across a continent to get them out of the way. |
Gentle Repose | 2 | Cleric, Wizard | Necromancy | V, S, M | https://youtu.be/1Wl_yf86n78?t=20m | |
Giant Insect | 4 | Druid | Transmutation | V, S | https://youtu.be/_1jGnFt78H8?t=25m32s | Roachie is a radroach, a giant insect much like the kind that this spell creates. |
Glibness | 8 | Bard, Warlock | Transmutation | V | https://xkcd.com/707/ | Glibness is both a spell that makes you more charismatic and the quality of being funny and insincere. |
Globe of Invulnerability | 6 | Sorcerer, Wizard | Abjuration | V, S, M | https://what-if.xkcd.com/153/ | |
Glyph of Warding | 3 | Bard, Cleric, Wizard | Abjuration | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/1247/ | The warning message in this comic functions as a way of warding off viruses, warning the user of possibile attacks. |
Goodberry | 1 | Druid, Ranger | Transmutation | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/1035/ | Goodberry summons a magical berry with as much nutritional value as a full day's food, much in the way that a soda has as much sugar as two or three Cadbury eggs. |
Grease | 1 | Wizard | Conjuration | V, S, M | https://what-if.xkcd.com/4/ | |
Greater Invisibility | 4 | Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard | Illusion | V, S | https://what-if.xkcd.com/72/ | The loneliest human had no connection to anyone else at the time, making them functionally invisible to the world. |
Greater Restoration | 5 | Bard, Cleric, Druid | Abjuration | V, S, M | http://www.maximumfun.org/shows/my-brother-my-brother-and-me | |
Guardian of Faith | 4 | Cleric | Conjuration | V | https://xkcd.com/1934/ | The same comic as Dominate Beass. The security settings guard against thieves. |
Guards and Wards | 6 | Bard, Wizard | Abjuration | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/1890/ | A guide to self-defense in specific situations. |
Guidance | 0 | Cleric, Druid | Divination | V, S | https://xkcd.com/1028/ | A comic on communication and guiding others. |
Guiding Bolt | 1 | Cleric | Evocation | V, S | https://xkcd.com/1160/ | Both a poster guiding people to join the trebuchet club, and the actual mechanism of aiming the trebuchet. |
Gust of Wind | 2 | Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard | Evocation | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/1378/ | In this comic, a wind turbine is asked to create a Gust of Wind, but is unable to. |
Hallow | 5 | Cleric | Evocation | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/1677/ | PF2e tips: "Hallow-led" Background has Dubious knowledge skill feat, fail pulls a correct information and a misinformation. |
Hallucinatory Terrain | 4 | Bard, Druid, Warlock, Wizard | Illusion | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/1472/ | |
Harm | 6 | Cleric | Necromancy | V, S | https://xkcd.com/218/ | A comic where harm is caused to the patient by suggesting the heart is taken out and the ventricles are blown in |
Haste | 3 | Sorcerer, Wizard | Transmutation | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/1701/ | |
Heal | 6 | Cleric, Druid | Evocation | V, S | https://xkcd.com/218/ | |
Healing Word | 1 | Bard, Cleric, Druid | Evocation | V | https://youtu.be/NYnldxUpYQQ | |
Heat Metal | 2 | Bard, Druid | Transmutation | V, S, M | https://what-if.xkcd.com/35/ | |
Hellish Rebuke | 1 | Warlock | Evocation | V, S | https://xkcd.com/327/ | |
Heroes' Feast | 6 | Cleric, Druid | Conjuration | V, S, M | https://youtu.be/_v1v0t8Q5xg?t=7m48s | |
Heroism | 1 | Bard, Paladin | Enchantment | V, S | https://xkcd.com/326/ | |
Hideous Laughter | 1 | Bard, Wizard | Enchantment | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/1974/ | |
Hold Monster | 5 | Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard | Enchantment | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/1604/ | |
Hold Person | 2 | Bard, Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard | Enchantment | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/540/ | |
Holy Aura | 8 | Cleric | Abjuration | V, S, M | https://what-if.xkcd.com/145/ | |
Hunter's Mark | 1 | Ranger | Divination | V | https://what-if.xkcd.com/11/ | |
Hypnotic Pattern | 3 | Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard | Illusion | S, M | https://xkcd.com/722/ | |
Ice Storm | 4 | Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard | Evocation | V, S, M | https://what-if.xkcd.com/104/ | |
Identify | 1 | Bard, Wizard | Divination | V, S, M | https://what-if.xkcd.com/9/ | |
Illusory Script | 1 | Bard, Warlock, Wizard | Illusion | S, M | https://xkcd.com/1288/ | |
Imprisonment | 9 | Warlock, Wizard | Abjuration | V, S, M | https://youtu.be/U4rwlvMEoj0 | |
Incendiary Cloud | 8 | Sorcerer, Wizard | Conjuration | V, S | https://what-if.xkcd.com/139/ | |
Inflict Wounds | 1 | Cleric | Necromancy | V, S | https://youtu.be/Kcd44VfN-Ro?t=3m24s | |
Insect Plague | 5 | Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer | Conjuration | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/1127/ | |
Instant Summons | 6 | Wizard | Conjuration | V, S, M | https://what-if.xkcd.com/123/ | What if about fairy demographics which are "summoned" to the first laugh of a child |
Invisibility | 2 | Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard | Illusion | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/1080/ | |
Irresistible Dance | 6 | Bard, Wizard | Enchantment | V | https://xkcd.com/878/ | |
Jump | 1 | Druid, Ranger, Sorcerer, Wizard | Transmutation | V, S, M | https://youtu.be/kT2Y6ftxilM?t=17m37s | |
Knock | 2 | Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard | Transmutation | V | https://xkcd.com/530/ | |
Legend Lore | 5 | Bard, Cleric, Wizard | Divination | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/1350/ | |
Lesser Restoration | 2 | Bard, Cleric, Druid, Paladin, Ranger | Abjuration | V, S | https://xkcd.com/567/ | |
Levitate | 2 | Sorcerer, Wizard | Transmutation | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/520/ | |
Light | 0 | Bard, Cleric, Sorcerer, Wizard | Evocation | V, M | https://what-if.xkcd.com/13/ | |
Lightning Bolt | 3 | Sorcerer, Wizard | Evocation | V, S, M | https://what-if.xkcd.com/109/ | |
Locate Animals or Plants | 2 | Bard, Druid, Ranger | Divination | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/1826/ | |
Locate Creature | 4 | Bard, Cleric, Druid, Paladin, Ranger, Wizard | Divination | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/1747/ | |
Locate Object | 2 | Bard, Cleric, Druid, Paladin, Ranger, Wizard | Divination | V, S, M | http://bfy.tw/Dh | |
Longstrider | 1 | Bard, Druid, Ranger, Wizard | Transmutation | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/1065/ | |
Mage Armor | 1 | Sorcerer, Wizard | Abjuration | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/1636/ | |
Mage Hand | 0 | Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard | Conjuration | V, S | https://xkcd.com/1812/ | |
Magic Circle | 3 | Cleric, Paladin, Warlock, Wizard | Abjuration | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/112/ | |
Magic Jar | 6 | Wizard | Necromancy | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/1021/ | |
Magic Missile | 1 | Sorcerer, Wizard | Evocation | V, S | https://xkcd.com/1356/ | |
Magic Mouth | 2 | Bard, Wizard | Illusion | V, S, M | https://what-if.xkcd.com/37/ | |
Magic Weapon | 2 | Paladin, Wizard | Transmutation | V, S | https://what-if.xkcd.com/81/ | |
Magnificent Mansion | 7 | Bard, Wizard | Conjuration | V, S, M | https://youtu.be/TamwFUUd9Yk?t=10m29s | |
Major Image | 3 | Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard | Illusion | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/980/ | |
Mass Cure Wounds | 5 | Bard, Cleric, Druid | Evocation | V, S | https://xkcd.com/1793/ | |
Mass Heal | 9 | Cleric | Evocation | V, S | https://youtu.be/1Cj8d6EcFp0 | |
Mass Healing Word | 3 | Cleric | Evocation | V | https://xkcd.com/1520/ | |
Mass Suggestion | 6 | Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard | Enchantment | V, M | https://xkcd.com/1264/ | |
Maze | 8 | Wizard | Conjuration | V, S | https://xkcd.com/246/ | |
Meld into Stone | 3 | Cleric, Druid | Transmutation | V, S | https://youtu.be/V5PlKZRQVgQ | |
Mending | 0 | Bard, Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard | Transmutation | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/1780 | |
Message | 0 | Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard | Transmutation | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/1782/ | |
Meteor Swarm | 9 | Sorcerer, Wizard | Evocation | V, S | https://xkcd.com/1249/ | |
Mind Blank | 8 | Bard, Wizard | Abjuration | V, S | https://xkcd.com/1145/ | |
Minor Illusion | 0 | Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard | Illusion | S, M | https://xkcd.com/1492/ | |
Mirage Arcane | 7 | Bard, Druid, Wizard | Illusion | V, S | https://xkcd.com/806/ | |
Mislead | 5 | Bard, Wizard | Illusion | S | https://xkcd.com/1488/ | |
Misty Step | 2 | Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard | Conjuration | V | https://what-if.xkcd.com/126/ | |
Modify Memory | 5 | Bard, Wizard | Enchantment | V, S | https://xkcd.com/1156/ | |
Moonbeam | 2 | Druid | Evocation | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/1738/ | |
Move Earth | 6 | Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard | Transmutation | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/723/ | |
Nondetection | 3 | Bard, Ranger, Wizard | Abjuration | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/937/ | |
Pass Without Trace | 2 | Druid, Ranger | Abjuration | V, S, M | https://youtu.be/LHBzVTCO3nM?t=4m32s | |
Passwall | 5 | Wizard | Transmutation | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/1608/ | |
Phantasmal Killer | 4 | Wizard | Illusion | V, S | https://what-if.xkcd.com/12/ | |
Phantom Steed | 3 | Wizard | Illusion | V, S | https://youtu.be/U3JnZEzoL6M | |
Planar Ally | 6 | Cleric | Conjuration | V, S | https://xkcd.com/112/ | |
Planar Binding | 5 | Bard, Cleric, Druid, Wizard | Abjuration | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/1956/ | |
Plane Shift | 7 | Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard | Conjuration | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/803/ | |
Plant Growth | 3 | Bard, Druid, Ranger | Transmutation | V, S | https://youtu.be/yV9wy9ucXgc | |
Poison Spray | 0 | Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard | Conjuration | V, S | https://what-if.xkcd.com/144/ | |
Polymorph | 4 | Bard, Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard | Transmutation | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/1094/ | |
Power Word Kill | 9 | Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard | Enchantment | V | https://youtu.be/VHR0EfYACAI?t=13m51s | |
Power Word Stun | 8 | Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard | Enchantment | V | https://what-if.xkcd.com/ | |
Prayer of Healing | 2 | Cleric | Evocation | V | https://xkcd.com/418/ | |
Prestidigitation | 0 | Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard | Transmutation | V, S | https://xkcd.com/942/ | |
Prismatic Spray | 7 | Sorcerer, Wizard | Evocation | V, S | https://xkcd.com/657/ | |
Prismatic Wall | 9 | Wizard | Abjuration | V, S | https://xkcd.com/1271/ | |
Private Sanctum | 4 | Wizard | Abjuration | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/1663/#74b2196a-34fa-11e8-8001-42010a8e0006 | |
Produce Flame | 0 | Druid | Conjuration | V, S | https://xkcd.com/386/ | |
Programmed Illusion | 6 | Bard, Wizard | Illusion | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/303/ | |
Project Image | 7 | Bard, Wizard | Illusion | V, S, M | https://youtu.be/bR0Ubck0IRA | |
Protection from Energy | 3 | Cleric, Druid, Ranger, Sorcerer, Wizard | Abjuration | V, S | https://xkcd.com/556/ | |
Protection from Evil and Good | 1 | Cleric, Paladin, Warlock, Wizard | Abjuration | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/1303/ | |
Protection from Poison | 2 | Cleric, Druid, Paladin, Ranger | Abjuration | V, S | https://xkcd.com/1305/ | |
Purify Food and Drink | 1 | Cleric, Druid, Paladin | Transmutation | V, S | https://youtu.be/ONSWw4aBBLg | |
Raise Dead | 5 | Bard, Cleric, Paladin | Necromancy | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/599/ | |
Ray of Enfeeblement | 2 | Warlock, Wizard | Necromancy | V, S | https://xkcd.com/526/ | |
Ray of Frost | 0 | Sorcerer, Wizard | Evocation | V, S | https://xkcd.com/312/ | |
Regenerate | 7 | Bard, Cleric, Druid | Transmutation | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/1024/ | |
Reincarnate | 5 | Druid | Transmutation | V, S, M | https://youtu.be/WbKrlJgwI4A?t=17m33s | |
Remove Curse | 3 | Cleric, Paladin, Warlock, Wizard | Abjuration | V, S | https://xkcd.com/391/ | |
Resilient Sphere | 4 | Wizard | Evocation | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/1248/ | |
Resistance | 0 | Cleric, Druid | Abjuration | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/730/ | |
Resurrection | 7 | Bard, Cleric | Necromancy | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com | |
Reverse Gravity | 7 | Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard | Transmutation | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/1115/ | |
Revivify | 3 | Cleric, Paladin | Necromancy | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/346/ | |
Rope Trick | 2 | Wizard | Transmutation | V, S, M | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ | |
Sacred Flame | 0 | Cleric | Evocation | V, S | https://www.nasa.gov/sun | |
Sanctuary | 1 | Cleric | Abjuration | V, S, M | https://youtu.be/qQVlGrwG9yo?t=11m49s | |
Scorching Ray | 2 | Sorcerer, Wizard | Evocation | V, S | https://xkcd.com/729 | |
Scrying | 5 | Bard, Cleric, Druid, Warlock, Wizard | Divination | V, S, M | https://archive.org/donate/ | |
Secret Chest | 4 | Wizard | Conjuration | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/1762/ | |
See invisibility | 2 | Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard | Divination | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/401/ | |
Seeming | 5 | Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard | Illusion | V, S | https://xkcd.com/451/ | |
Sending | 3 | Bard, Cleric, Wizard | Evocation | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/352/ | |
Sequester | 7 | Wizard | Transmutation | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/646/ | |
Shapechange | 9 | Druid, Wizard | Transmutation | V, S, M | https://youtu.be/-aWH3-46slI?t=6m4s | |
Shatter | 2 | Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard | Evocation | V, S, M | https://what-if.xkcd.com/137/ | |
Shield | 1 | Sorcerer, Wizard | Abjuration | V, S | https://xkcd.com/916/ | |
Shield of Faith | 1 | Cleric, Paladin | Abjuration | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/129/ | |
Shillelagh | 0 | Druid | Transmutation | V, S, M | https://youtu.be/LXxdC9X3hxg?t=8m6s | |
Shocking Grasp | 0 | Sorcerer, Wizard | Evocation | V, S | https://xkcd.com/242/ | |
Silence | 2 | Bard, Cleric, Ranger | Illusion | V, S | https://xkcd.com/525/ | |
Silent Image | 1 | Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard | Illusion | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/1416/ | |
Simulacrum | 7 | Wizard | Illusion | V, S, M | https://youtu.be/1Qo1Aj_leEo | |
Sleep | 1 | Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard | Enchantment | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/320/ | |
Sleet Storm | 3 | Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard | Conjuration | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/511/ | |
Slow | 3 | Sorcerer, Wizard | Transmutation | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/162/ | |
Speak with Animals | 1 | Bard, Druid, Ranger | Divination | V, S | https://xkcd.com/1879/ | |
Speak with Plants | 3 | Bard, Druid, Ranger | Transmutation | V, S | https://what-if.xkcd.com/70/ | |
Spider Climb | 2 | Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard | Transmutation | V, S, M | https://what-if.xkcd.com/136/ | |
Spike Growth | 2 | Druid, Ranger | Transmutation | V, S, M | https://what-if.xkcd.com/67/ | |
Spirit Guardians | 3 | Cleric | Conjuration | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/695/ | |
Spiritual Weapon | 2 | Cleric | Evocation | V, S | https://youtu.be/A1gTbnB-Gps?t=17m2s | |
Stinking Cloud | 3 | Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard | Conjuration | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/1066/ | |
Stone Shape | 4 | Cleric, Druid, Wizard | Transmutation | V, S, M | https://what-if.xkcd.com/135/ | |
Stoneskin | 4 | Druid, Ranger, Sorcerer, Wizard | Abjuration | V, S, M | https://youtu.be/LlKnEgPEGmA | |
Storm of Vengeance | 9 | Druid | Conjuration | V, S | https://what-if.xkcd.com/93/ | |
Suggestion | 2 | Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard | Enchantment | V, M | https://xkcd.com/672 | |
Sunbeam | 6 | Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard | Evocation | V, S, M | https://what-if.xkcd.com/141/ | |
Sunburst | 8 | Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard | Evocation | V, S, M | https://what-if.xkcd.com/115/ | |
Telekinesis | 5 | Sorcerer, Wizard | Transmutation | V, S | https://what-if.xkcd.com/3/ | |
Telepathic Bond | 5 | Wizard | Divination | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/1504/ | |
Thaumaturgy | 0 | Cleric | Transmutation | V | https://xkcd.com/1131/ | |
Thunderwave | 1 | Bard, Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard | Evocation | V, S | https://what-if.xkcd.com/140/ | |
Tiny Hut | 3 | Bard, Wizard | Evocation | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/905/ | |
Tongues | 3 | Bard, Cleric, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard | Divination | V, M | https://xkcd.com/1137 | |
Tree Stride | 5 | Druid, Ranger | Conjuration | V, S | https://youtu.be/IDBcGgjtFRs?t=1m3s | |
True Polymorph | 9 | Bard, Warlock, Wizard | Transmutation | V, S, M | (no link?) | |
True Resurrection | 9 | Cleric, Druid | Necromancy | V, S, M | https://youtu.be/7-n8TZqm9Ic?t=12m36 | |
True Seeing | 6 | Bard, Cleric, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard | Divination | V, S, M | http://geekwagon.net/projects/xkcd1190/ | |
True Strike | 0 | Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard | Divination | S | https://youtu.be/wWOVS0XQmPM?t=12m11s | |
Unseen Servant | 1 | Bard, Warlock, Wizard | Conjuration | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/958/ | |
Vampiric Touch | 3 | Warlock, Wizard | Necromancy | V, S | https://what-if.xkcd.com/98/ | |
Vicious Mockery | 0 | Bard | Enchantment | V | https://xkcd.com/732/ | |
Wall of Fire | 4 | Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard | Evocation | V, S, M | https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/fires/main/usa/index.html | |
Wall of Force | 5 | Wizard | Evocation | V, S, M | https://what-if.xkcd.com/147/ | |
Wall of Ice | 6 | Wizard | Evocation | V, S, M | https://what-if.xkcd.com/104/ | |
Wall of Stone | 5 | Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard | Evocation | V, S, M | https://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2003/of03-001/htmldocs/images/chart.pdf | |
Wall of Thorns | 6 | Druid | Conjuration | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/1970/ | |
Warding Bond | 2 | Cleric | Abjuration | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/1188/ | |
Water Breathing | 3 | Druid, Ranger, Sorcerer, Wizard | Transmutation | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/969/ | |
Water Walk | 3 | Cleric, Druid, Ranger, Sorcerer | Transmutation | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/1599/ | |
Web | 2 | Sorcerer, Wizard | Conjuration | V, S, M | https://xkcd.com/195/ | |
Weird | 9 | Wizard | Illusion | V, S | https://xkcd.com/1501/ | |
Wind Walk | 6 | Druid | Transmutation | V, S, M | https://youtu.be/zpahjcaRt6w?t=12m27s | |
Wind Wall | 3 | Druid, Ranger | Evocation | V, S, M | https://what-if.xkcd.com/66/ | |
Wish | 9 | Sorcerer, Wizard | Conjuration | V | https://xkcd.com/1086/ | |
Zone of Truth | 2 | Bard, Cleric, Paladin | Enchantment | V, S | http://www.maximumfun.org/shows/adventure-zone | A reference to the Adventure Zone podcast by the McElroy family, specifically the character Merle Highchurch, who is well known for using this spell in possibly unhelpful situations. |
These 9 spells all appear with an arrow and open submenus when hovered on. The submenus are all actually from different parts of the context menu. Several of the spells are "teleportation/transportation" related which might explain why they lead you to a different place in the menu.
Name | Level | Classes | School | Components | Submenu | Explanation |
Antimagic Field | 8 | Cleric, Wizard | Abjuration | V, S M | Utilities menu | |
Banishment | 4 | Cleric, Paladin, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard | Abjuration | V, S, M | Do Crimes menu (even without unlocking it via Enable Dark Web) | |
Blink | 3 | Sorcerer, Wizard | Transmutation | V, S | Utilities menu | |
Counterspell | 3 | Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard | Abjuration | S | Utilities menu | |
Delayed Blast Fireball | 7 | Sorcerer, Wizard | Evocation | V, S, M | Help menu | |
Dimension Door | 4 | Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard | Conjuration | V | File - Open - C:\ - Bookmarks submenu | |
Teleportation Circle | 5 | Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard | Conjuration | V, M | Games menu | |
Transport via Plants | 6 | Druid | Conjuration | V, S | Games menu | |
Word of Recall | 6 | Cleric | Conjuration | V | Utilities menu |
Effect Spells[edit]
These 10 spells activate different JavaScript functions that affect the page in various ways, permanent or temporary, that are suggestive of the spell that was cast.
Name | Level | Classes | School | Components | Effect | Explanation |
Acid Splash | 0 | Sorcerer, Wizard | Conjuration | V, S | Causes the background to change color between red, yellow, chartreuse, blue, fuchsia, and blue-violet randomly every 300ms. | Using LSD ('acid') often causes vibrant colors to 'splash' and swivel around one's visual field. |
Animate Objects | 5 | Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard | Transmutation | V, S | Causes most parts of the page to begin shifting in place randomly every 100ms. | The parts, or "objects" on the page are being "animated". |
Blur | 2 | Sorcerer, Wizard | Illusion | V | Causes the comic and most text to blur. | Largely self-explanatory. In D&D, the Blur spell blurs one's body to make it harder to hit. This one blurs the elements on the page. |
Conjure Animals | 3 | Druid, Ranger | Conjuration | V, S | Adds a rabbit image of a random size next to the comic. | Conjures an image of an animal. |
Darkness | 2 | Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard | Evocation | V, M | Causes the comic to disappear and the background to turn black. | In D&D, the Darkness spell conjures darkness. This does largely the same thing. |
Darkvision | 2 | Sorcerer, Wizard, Druid, Ranger | Transmutation | V, S, M | Causes the background to turn gray and the comic to fade. However, it does not appear to work. | |
Fireball | 3 | Sorcerer, Wizard | Evocation | V, S, M | Causes the page background to turn red then slowly turn white. | Fireballs caused by nuclear weapons generally appear reddish-white. |
Mirror Image | 2 | Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard | Illusion | V, S | Causes the entire page to be mirrored on the vertical axis. | Here, Mirror Image "mirrors" the image, instead of conjuring "mirror images" of yourself. |
Symbol | 7 | Bard, Cleric, Wizard | Abjuration | V, S, M | Changes all text on the page to use Wingdings, Webdings, Symbol, or Zapf Dingbats. | These are all dingbat fonts which replace text with symbols. |
Time Stop | 9 | Sorcerer, Wizard | Transmutation | V | Pauses any currently ongoing effects. (But does not cancel them) | Time Stop is a spell that stops time. This would make sense to stop ongoing effects. |
- [Empty frame with Cueball standing slightly right of center.]
- [Caption below the frame:]
- Editor's Note: Today's comic is optimized for local viewing. To see the full version, just save a copy of the image!
- On Monday, April 1st, 2019 2131: Emojidome, an April Fools' comic was released, making it look like the missing April Fools' Day comic in 2017 was an outlier.
- Here is an example of how the game looks when entered:
- This is broken on iPadOS.
- The source code for the comic was released on GitHub.

Hi, I found a way to download the picture. First, you click "edit", then when you are in the edit screen, you right click, and then you can save the image. 01:24, 14 March 2022 (UTC)
- No more JS Source
It is working on address https://xkcd.com/1975/ and not working on https://www.xkcd.com/1975/. Urls to comics should be updated to exclude www part. 09:28, 26 March 2020 (UTC) tadej
I think there is no more JS source for it. I can only find it at archive.org. Biran4454 (talk) 14:29, 21 September 2019 (UTC)
Has this stopped working for anyone else? I just went to the comic today and the right click menu that showed up was the normal one, rather than the altered one. Is this happening with anyone else? DanTheTransManWithoutAPlan (talk) 15:44, 26 September 2019 (UTC)
- Yeah. I noticed this a while back, but accidentally put it at the bottom of the talk. When I go to the source, it says it can't find it. The last known code is the code I placed above. Biran4454 (talk) 16:58, 26 September 2019 (UTC)
Can somebody explain why almost all of the April Fools Day comics stopped working, when 1110: Click and Drag and 1608: Hoverboard Still work as usual? 16:09, 31 October 2019 (UTC)
- I have no idea. Maybe Randall has just stopped them - but that would be really annoying because they are still really cool. Biran4454 17:57, 4 November 2019 (UTC)
- ...but why though? What reason would he have for shutting them down? 20:00, 27 November 2019 (UTC)
- It seems to work fine now. I don't know when it started working again. Biran4454 11:51, 7 December 2019 (UTC)
Sorry if this has been found already, but I'm going to post it since I haven't seen it anywhere in here. If you input the konami code into https://uni.xkcd.com/ weird stuff happens. First time around, it puts all the letters in caps. Second time, it doesn't seem to do anything? Next, text gets highlighted in red. Another and the screen starts shaking. Another; the screen sort of flashes and a character with a beard holding two katanas/machetes with XK CD surrounding it appears faintly in the background. I've done the code maybe 20 more times and nothing else seems to happen. Tidepool (talk) 21:47, 24 May 2018 (UTC)Tidepool
- That's probably Richard Stallman. 22:46, 30 May 2018 (UTC)
I created this page manually. DgbrtBOT fail?
Also, notably, while the comic at xkcd.com works as intended (even from Chrome on Android, to a certain degree), the mobile site, m.xkcd.com, does not. It shows the standard system/browser-specific context menu. --Videblu (talk) 00:28, 2 April 2018 (UTC)
- The BOT didn't fail, the comic just wasn't released on Mon, Wen, or Fri. And in the past there was no comic on 1. April when it didn't fit into that rule. And the release was LATE; it was already the 2. April in Europe.--Dgbrt (talk) 09:45, 2 April 2018 (UTC)
- The mobile version at m.xkcd.com works fine in Android. --Dgbrt (talk) 10:56, 2 April 2018 (UTC)
- Untrue; going to m.xkcd.com on my Android devices brings up a non-interactive version of the comic, whereas going to xkcd.com (without setting the browser to present a Desktop client type) works fine. Viewing https://xkcd.com/1975 on mobile works fine for me; viewing https://m.xkcd.com/1975 does not work properly. I'm on Kit-Kat & Marshmallow, using the standard browsers; you? ProphetZarquon (talk) 16:04, 2 April 2018 (UTC)
- You are right. I don't remember what I've tested before. It cannot work because the embedded JavaScript file doesn't exist. Maybe this will be fixed in the future. --Dgbrt (talk) 17:46, 2 April 2018 (UTC)
- Untrue; going to m.xkcd.com on my Android devices brings up a non-interactive version of the comic, whereas going to xkcd.com (without setting the browser to present a Desktop client type) works fine. Viewing https://xkcd.com/1975 on mobile works fine for me; viewing https://m.xkcd.com/1975 does not work properly. I'm on Kit-Kat & Marshmallow, using the standard browsers; you? ProphetZarquon (talk) 16:04, 2 April 2018 (UTC)
How are we going to handle submenus submenus and subitems etc? (Also Captcha outdated! Update immediately!) 01:46, 2 April 2018 (UTC)
- Um, I don't see a reCapatcha. Just saying...Fmccarthy (talk) 04:17, 2 April 2018 (UTC)
- There is one when saving edits. I'm assuming this is the one they mean. Also, aside from a table with way too many columns I don't really know. 04:21, 2 April 2018 (UTC)
Oh my gosh this is incredible. The Games section, especially, is mind boggling. Entropy! Hameltion (talk) 00:30, 2 April 2018 (UTC)
Whoever owns this site update ReCaptcha! Sizzilingbird (talk) 00:40, 2 April 2018 (UTC)
WOO!!! Unicode XKCD!!! Phoenix Up (talk) 00:44, 2 April 2018 (UTC)
2 hours later I'm done, and the save picture button wouldn't work... ripLinker (talk) 11:38, 2 April 2018 (UTC)
This (uni.xkcd.com) is not new, I remember using this months (perhaps years) ago :P PotatoGod (talk) 02:44, 2 April 2018 (UTC)
Is there a second for easter eggs in there? Fork bombs ( :(){ :|: &};: ) work, I'm not sure what else. Waterlubber (talk) 02:52, 2 April 2018 (UTC)
Sorry if this is already well known, but there are a couple unlisted commands, e.g. you can delete things individually using rm -rf. It looks like auto-completion and * don't work. Power Factor (talk) 03:27, 2 April 2018 (UTC)
Could be known already, but sending "hi" or "hello" (case indifferent) to uni.xkcd.com elicits a response of "Hi." and "Hello" respectively. Sending "xkcd" gives "Yes?" back. All of these are in all caps if the Konami/Contra code easter egg has been activated.
Reluctant to call it an Easter Egg, but Utilities / Identify Song / Hey Now / Hey now na now / Sing "This Corrosion" to me inverts the colours on the comic/background Maslink (talk) 02:02, 2 April 2018 (UTC)
- He missed a chance for a Rick Roll there (For all we know there may be a Rick Roll in here) Phoenix Up (talk) 02:36, 2 April 2018 (UTC)
I managed to save the image by playing ADVENT.exe, has anyone else found other ways? 00:54, 2 April 2018 (UTC)
COMIC MAY BE UNDER CONSTRUCTION I think one of the menu options change since the comic was first posted. Randall may still be changing things. --Videblu (talk) 01:15, 2 April 2018 (UTC)
- I agree. It's not just that menu items unlock. On a fresh refresh of the comic, items are there that weren't there before, such as file > find > who what etc., some that had been greyed out are no longer grey.
- Actually it's that once you do some things others "unlock". For instance, accessing File > Open > A:\ > Insert > Floppy disk, and then File > Open > A:\ you get the Games, Music, and the really cool Bookmarks catalog of comics. Also, as said above, completing the game ADVENT.exe lets you go to save:
Egg spoiler: Text adventure route |
Now you can save the image! :) |
- I made it hidden so that anyone who wants to explore on their own may still... Hameltion (talk) 02:01, 2 April 2018 (UTC)
- How did you solve the maze? Is there a clue anywhere or just brute force? (talk) (please sign your comments with ~~~~)
- When at the Well, maybe try wishing for wisdomSteampunkery (talk) 19:44, 2 April 2018 (UTC)
- The Help menu changed after I refreshed the page (that is what I see at first glance), other things may have changed as well. Phoenix Up (talk) 02:29, 2 April 2018 (UTC)
- Ah - I don't recall it being different, but I may have missed an earlier version. Anyway here is another way to make the image available:
- C-remover is a reference to the interactive fiction "Counterfeit Monkey". (Adding it for future restructure) 08:00, 2 April 2018 (UTC)
- I claimed earlier that it was a Counterfeit Monkey reference on the Reddit thread, but someone who worked on the comic pointed out on Twitter that it is actually a reference to "Leather Goddesses of Phobos", though Counterfeit Monkey also uses that mechanic. 16:23, 2 April 2018 (UTC)
Egg spoiler: London Underground route |
Though in reality it may be faster to bike? |
I followed the "Land of 1000 dances" "na-na"s over 1000 times and didn't hit an end. It may be infinite. Jedi.jesse (talk) 02:45, 2 April 2018 (UTC)
Doing System > / > home/ > guest (click) takes you to uni.xkcd.com which it pretty neat. Hameltion (talk) 02:53, 2 April 2018 (UTC)
List of D&D spells can be ported into explanation from here. And here is a path through Mornington Crescent to an easter egg. 07:52, 2 April 2018 (UTC)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mornington_Crescent_(game) Mornington Crescent is a joke nonsensical game from an old British radio show. (talk) (please sign your comments with ~~~~)
You actually can install apt with brew. It can't actually install anything because it needs to create a package record during the initial operating system install, but you can do it if you want to. Not sure why you would though. EDIT: I can't find the package anymore, but I am pretty sure I was able to do this at one point. Might have been removed due to uselessness. 00:08, 3 April 2018 (UTC)
- Land of 1,000 Dances
This goes on forever. Or at least well over 1000 levels: [Media:https://i.imgur.com/iiHDE3e.png number of popups checked with jQuery]--MikeOShay (talk) 04:21, 2 April 2018 (UTC)
- Transscript
Is the transscript really unfinished? It transcribes the entirety of the comic image itself, and the menu part is in explanations. 05:36, 2 April 2018 (UTC)
- Release date
This comic was probably released on April 2, 00:00 UTC. But of course it was still April 1 in the US. I don't really care, but the release date here is probably wrong.--Dgbrt (talk) 11:31, 2 April 2018 (UTC)
- More discussions
No effect for iOS. -- 05:37, 2 April 2018 (UTC)
If you quickly right click on the comic after refreshing the page, it is possible to save the comic. Unfortunately there is no easter egg for doing so. Baquea (talk) 12:26, 2 April 2018 (UTC)
Added it to the page. ~~~~ 02:49, 3 April 2018 (UTC)
Katamari in the music bit is a reference to this song -- 13:31, 2 April 2018 (UTC)
spell list (half of it, i didnt test spells with material components): --norill
Spellbook | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| (talk) (please sign your comments with ~~~~)
Recursive package managers are perfectly sane if the two package managers use different repositories, for example apt install python3-pip. The true hilarity arrives if you install a package manager for the sole purpose of installing another, or if they use the same repositories. But that's not unheard of either: apt install npm && npm install yarn - but your site thinks I'm 16:42, 2 April 2018 (UTC)
- Bing image search
Surprisingly, when you are playing 20 questions and get into the section with the animals, all of the image requests go to Bing.
I'm curious if anyone will look at the traffic of Bing and compare the normal traffic with the traffic from this comic. I want to see just how much of a spike Bing image search gets from this.
And by the way, "Bing" is actually a red underlined misspelling according to Firefox. Keybounce (talk) 19:48, 2 April 2018 (UTC)
Is there a reason why UniXKCD is under comic 721? Also, there are significant things missing from it, especially the special ctrl- functions! ChunyangD (talk) 02:56, 3 April 2018 (UTC)
I read the comic, tried to save, it saved. Check what saved, was the same comic. How boring. LOL! Guess Randall doesn't think people read XKCD on iPads (or maybe just that he doesn't think anybody is reading on an iPad 1 with iOS 5.1.1). :) NiceGuy1 (talk) 04:44, 3 April 2018 (UTC)
- Not your iOS 5.1.1's problem, basically all the interactive comics are like that with iPads, even if using iOS 10. (On my iPad, 1608: Hoverboard works but lags and controls are awful, 1663: Garden can't run, 1037: Umwelt refuses to appear, you can't do anything in 1193: Externalities, and as for this comic... *flips table* ) The only comic that works perfectly on my iPad is 1350: Lorenz. Herobrine (talk) 11:25, 3 April 2018 (UTC)
- Yeah, that's been my experience. I remember for Umwelt I got what looked like a black hole, which I think might have been the titular Umwelt. I seem to recall the description identified that as being some obscure set up I've never heard of, LOL! I also remember Garden didnt even do anything on my computer! I could change the lights, but that was it. I can't remember Externalities and Lorenz by name. But since my iPad CAN save images I hoped this would be different. Like saving it would, as promised, save a different comic (like Umwelt showed a different comic depending on your set up and connection). *sigh* NiceGuy1 (talk) 04:28, 6 April 2018 (UTC)
- EDIT: Checking now, can't remember seeing Externalities, I've certainly never tried it on a computer (I think I just dismissed it as "Oh well" and moved on). Lorenz I did indeed try it a bit on a computer. Hoverboard I went literally everywhere reachable, LOL! NiceGuy1 (talk) 04:34, 6 April 2018 (UTC)
- Graph
This is what the whole network of menus looks like, minus the massive Comics tree. The big cluster near the center is the DnD game, and the single-file trail on the left is Who's on First. Blue circles are menus, red are links, purple are client-side JS calls, pinks are null (they just collapse the menu), and yellows are "tags" - client-side state variables that are set or unset by some menu options. The orphaned pair of grey dots at the top are the Save menu, which is only visible when a tag is set by the ADVENT.EXE or Mornington Crescent games. I'll try to make this some kind of interactive graph that people can explore - the actual DB I made contains more data than is visible in the image. Okofish (talk) 15:27, 3 April 2018 (UTC)
I made a scraper that downloads all the jsons, and also makes a graphviz graph. Code: https://github.com/ad1217/xkcd1975scraper, Graph: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ad1217/xkcd1975scraper/master/out.svg (save the graph and open it in Inkscape or something, it is rather large). Ad1217 (talk) 19:58, 3 April 2018 (UTC)
- Where is the javascript source?
Where is the source file for this comic? I had trouble figuring out what was happening from opening my browser console. I can usually figure out things like e.g. kittens game, etc. Which file has the source for the right click menu in this comic? 17:41, 3 April 2018 (UTC)
- It's here, but the interesting stuff happens server-side. You'll get more info by looking at the network tab in your browser's developer tools. Okofish (talk) 19:03, 3 April 2018 (UTC)
None of the "links to ___" things actually link to anything here. I guess they use window.open or something similarly silly that does not work in real browsers. 08:43, 4 April 2018 (UTC)
When you play the "Backup" noise, the audio quality isn't that great, it seems to be recorded from a device. Also, you can hear what seems to be a bird chirping and a mouse click. Can anyone else verify this? 625571b7-aa66-4f98-ac5c-92464cfb4ed8 (talk) 22:39, 4 April 2018 (UTC)
This morning I tried to follow the path in the cave again (in ADVENT.EXE) but found that it's changed, the cave leads me to a "grue" which ate me, now ADVENT.EXE just returns "you've been eaten by a grue" and doesn't let me go anywhere. 13:06, 5 April 2018 (UTC) Sam
Sooooo just FYI, any similarities to Ready Player One are 100% unintentional. (I can't speak for Randall but I worked on that bit and I haven't read/seen it.) It was just an Easter egg unlock because it was... literally Easter. And we put it there and in Mornington Crescent as the longest/most complicated paths. Apparently if you throw enough 80s/90s nerd references at the wall now, you get Ready Player One. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 18:46, 5 April 2018 (UTC)
Why is this still incomplete? Nitpicking (talk) 16:47, 27 February 2023 (UTC)
- Because nobody is yet convinced enough (rightly or wrongly) that it is complete? And, given that there were fairly recent revisions (in January and February, with different tweaks that may be considered hovering around/near substantive), perhaps we comunally think there's room for improvement?
- But if you think it is complete (and I'm not even saying that you should thoroughly rule out there being any more undocumented features to it, though I'd say that'd help - easier for a single-panel static comic than this, naturally) then you could take the plunge. Explanations can still change after being 'complete'.
- Or leave it, because there's no harm in (official) Incompletedness even if it is factually complete. The mechanism of highlighting articles (originally those with no Explanation, that needed creation, before the one supposed to "fill in the details") is now much of a curiosity and a boilerplate thing that gives the community here a place to express our own single guaranteed spot of humour (the thing the BOT might get changed to).
- That's the beauty of the wiki, you can do what you like and (so long as it isn't grossly against the group's expectations, and get bounceback) perhaps shift the centre of the common attitude to how these things should be conducted. And you're a good (nitpicking) editor, where I've rarely seen you edit with anything that I'd consider outright wrong (not claiming to be an authority on this; I'm clearly not, just my observation!) so I'm perfectly happy to let you think about this. And I couldn't ever stop you thinking/doing, anyway. ;) 22:40, 27 February 2023 (UTC)
How do you post screenshots here lol Psychoticpotato (talk) 16:02, 9 May 2024 (UTC)
Unable to touch most options[edit]
On an iPad (Safari) I can't manage to touch any options apart from File, Edit, Close and Backup. Therefore I cannot experience the interactivity of the comic. Has this happened to you? 19:19, 5 November 2021 (UTC)
Mornington Crescent[edit]
There is a programming language under the same name. ColorfulGalaxy (talk) 20:20, 11 December 2022 (UTC)
- Indeed, and it looks good fun, though I'm only presently running its potentialities through my own head (slightly distracted by having a copy of a very similar map currently up on my wall). Certainly the same source of inspiration, perhaps with a proper nod to the formalised rules as eventually brought together by Stovold, though no reference there to laterals, being in Nidd, etc... 20:50, 12 December 2022 (UTC)
I tried clicking on the arrow and it does nothing… (I’m on google) -- Nino jin (talk) 11:38-11:43, 4 January 2025 (please sign your comments with ~~~~)
- It works for me on Android, using eithr Chrome or Firefox browsers, by a very short long-press/hold. Slightly longer to hold in Firefox, it seems, but still only a fraction of a second.
- This is the first time I've even tried this comic's features on something such as my tablet, and that's not the latest Android OS, so not sure if it completely matches your 'Google phone', but seemed logical and worked for me, so... 18:29, 4 January 2025 (UTC)
- All comics
- Comics from 2018
- Comics from April
- Sunday comics
- Links to xkcd.com
- Incomplete explanations
- Pages using the "citation needed" template
- Interactive comics
- April fools' comics
- Comics featuring Cueball
- Animals
- Buns
- Comics featuring Beret Guy
- Multiple Cueballs
- Comics featuring Black Hat
- Comics featuring Ponytail
- Comics featuring Hairbun
- Comics with audio
- Chronicles of Narnia
- Dynamic comics