Category:First day on
Revision as of 10:23, 15 May 2017 by (talk)
- These 43 comics were all released on Sunday January 1st, 2006 on the first day of xkcd.
- Two of these were not previously released on LiveJournal.
- 5: Blown apart
- 12: Poisson.
- They were probably released for the first time to the public on this day. But as this is not clear they have been given dates based on web archives.
- Finally comic 36 was originally by mistake a double post. So comic 36 showed the same comic as comic 10: 10: Pi Equals.
- This was first corrected much later to 36: Scientists. See more about this in the trivia section for that comic.
- For this reason comic 36 is not listed here below!
- It also explains why these 43 comics have numbers from 1-44.
- Two of these were not previously released on LiveJournal.
Pages in category "First day on"
The following 43 pages are in this category, out of 43 total.
- 1: Barrel - Part 1
- 2: Petit Trees (sketch)
- 3: Island (sketch)
- 4: Landscape (sketch)
- 5: Blown apart
- 6: Irony
- 7: Girl sleeping (Sketch -- 11th grade Spanish class)
- 8: Red spiders
- 9: Serenity is coming out tomorrow
- 10: Pi Equals
- 11: Barrel - Part 2
- 12: Poisson
- 13: Canyon
- 14: Copyright
- 15: Just Alerting You
- 16: Monty Python -- Enough
- 17: What If
- 18: Snapple
- 19: George Clinton
- 20: Ferret
- 21: Kepler
- 22: Barrel - Part 3
- 23: T-shirts
- 24: Godel, Escher, Kurt Halsey
- 25: Barrel - Part 4
- 26: Fourier
- 27: Meat Cereals
- 28: Elefino
- 29: Hitler
- 30: Donner
- 31: Barrel - Part 5
- 32: Pillar
- 33: Self-reference
- 34: Flowers
- 35: Sheep
- 37: Hyphen
- 38: Apple Jacks
- 39: Bowl
- 40: Light
- 41: Old Drawing
- 42: Geico
- 43: Red Spiders 2
- 44: Love