Category:Strange powers of Beret Guy

Revision as of 18:39, 14 February 2016 by (talk) (List of abilities)
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Beret Guy is a very strange person. Sometimes he takes these strange tendencies into the supernatural. In the early comics he was more just a strange and naive guy. There is an early start to the strangeness, but that power could also be attributed to Cueball (at least it is a shared power) in 248.

After comic 1099, Beret Guy begins to appear frequently with these strange powers, typically not related to each other, except that he has some issues with electrical sockets and power cords as seen in 1293 and 1395. (See also 509: Induced Current and the title text of 614: Woodpecker, regarding power cords, but not these strange powers.)

Here is a list of the comics where Beret Guys displays strange powers, that are beyond the realm of possibility.

List of abilities

  1. 248: Manages to break outside of a hypothetical situation.
  2. 452: Able to eat lug nuts with no apparent damage to himself.
  3. 1088: Capable of waiting in he same place for five years, presumably without sustenance
  4. 1099: He has infinite wings.
  5. 1135: Makes spiders weave him a shirt.
  6. 1158: Creates rope to pull & release ball via his imagination.
  7. 1293: Pours soup from power socket.
  8. 1388: Subducts through the floor to form mountains in his room.
  9. 1395: Inflates a laptop through a power cord so that it floats like a helium balloon.
  10. 1422: Makes a phone with an old battery behave like a dying star.
  11. 1486: Uses the vacuum energy to fly and "gain unlimited power" with a vacuum cleaner.
  12. 1490: Sees the individual atoms, and can distinguish the different elements. But he cannot see what they are actually a part of, like a human or a dog.
  13. 1522: Can examine life on exoplanets around distant stars through a magnifying glass just by standing on a ladder.
  14. 1614: A little less clear what his powers are in this. But first he is walking a flying/floating dog, and then he returns flying on (or as) a kite, while the dog holds on to the line of the kite.
  15. 1617: Living by eating newspaper and without breathing oxygen for several years in a sealed and buried box.